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Wait...OISB working?
Time to add logging
Plumber actually worked the first time I tried
I'm learning
(adding to DSO)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani At this point, I'm feeling SE is being cyber-attacked by people ... through SE's own network.
anywhat o/
@cairdcoinheringaahing I believe it's my fourth-most-used language (behind Pip, QBasic, and Python).
@mathcat There was a time when this actually was happening - it got so bad that I believe some staff members received death threats
o.O why would anyone do that? (and did they figure out who was behind it?)
@user I have no idea, and I have no idea
I believe this was round the time that staff withdraw a lot from meta, and Monica got fired, so Autumn 2019
Do Stuff Online is actually usable now! Add feature requests and/or bugs to the github repo.
Also @taRadvylfsriksushilani I managed to do something in ultrarisky
I wrote an addition program in In Floop that can handle unused inputs
Time to try multiplication
I was trying to do that
This is gonna be harder than I thought
I've managed to get rid of s without any additional byte count cost by using the array
I think n, o, and s should be all that's required for multiplication
It's pretty much repeated addition
I'll actually need to use s to keep track of the current state I think
You can always just use s as the tape pointer if you need more
The problem is there's no easy way to clone variables
LYaL soon, what is it?
So our current methods of addition don't work very easily
looks like it's Scala
Hey guys!!
@user Lyal is scala
Oh, quick question about OISB: If the user submits invalid inputjson, should it be ignored, or should the connection be closed?
(I'd ask this in the discord but it's blocked in school lol)
Looks like Haskell and Scala are tied for LYAL
Who's gonna break the tie!
Scala was posted first
so it's Scala
someday, I will get APOL to be in LYAL
aw, I was gonna vote for Scala, but it turns out I already did
unless the votes change I guess, but we haven't really decided when they should be considered frozen
@taRadvylfsriksushilani @cairdcoinheringaahing Hey Red! Hey Caird! Hi hi!
all the people
@taRadvylfsriksushilani If someone tries to ACE you ban their IP adress
@GingerIndustries I see you're account's just 2 months old, which would mean we haven't met yet. Unless you're someone in disguise... Hi, hello, welcome!
The nominations for LYAL aren't fully decided by votes and times - the votes are indicators of langs people would like to be LYAL, and we decide around the time what lang it should be
@AviFS o/
Hey DLosc!!
@AviFS that is correct. I am a relative newcomer to TNB
@emanresuA Well, invalid input is overwhelmingly more likely to be me making a mistake while debugging, or someone making a mistake with the API
Hi avifs. are you a file system :P
@GingerIndustries Well hello there, relative newcomer.
@Wezl-yizl good question.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani what does the name OISB stand for?
Online Interpreter Shared Back-end
in The APL Orchard, Jul 30 '20 at 15:30, by Wezl
@AviFS does "programming linguaphile" == (programming) linguaphile or (programming language)phile ?
@pxeger Over-engIneered Seagull Bagels
@Wezl-yizl Do file systems say hi to everyone?
Ooh, I discovered I can nest my if/else construct in In Floop without requiring more than one variable!
Oxygen-Included Seedy Bread
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Hm, cool
I think I've got multiplication almost working if nothing goes horribly wrong
@Wezl-yizl That's some neat ambiguity. I meant the second one. But the first isn't terrible, either!
@AviFS maybe file systems that are avid about greeting people :P
@taRadvylfsriksushilani That's r+<condition>[r-<if>]r[r-<else>] right?
Reminds me of a (Phillip Wadler = Haskell guy) talk name.
@emanresuA Roughly, yeah
You can save a byte: r[r- -> r[-
That was actually the name of the whole talk, haha
Since in both blocks you know what r is and what it should return, you can do whatever you want with it as long as you set it back to the right thing at the end
@Wezl-yizl I'm biased, but I approve this message.
Oh no, we're going to have 4 pinned messages for LYAL
@cairdcoinheringaahing good thing we've got all these spare thumbtacks
I think it's ok to unpin the sock one later, seems like it's gotten through to people
I don't think we need the Proof Assistants one anymore
@Wezl-yizl I, for one, am both ^_^
I'm a phileaphile: someone who enjoys learning about things to learn about
I think the "phil-" root has to do with enjoyment, not with learning
Hmm, I'm still getting used to "Score" instead of "Votes" in the sorting thing - it still feels slightly too new :P
@DLosc ¯\_(ಠ_ಠ)_/¯
@GingerIndustries This would be someone who enjoys enjoyment
@DLosc phil means love pretty much
@AviFS Looks like Scala's now two ahead, and Haskell's dropped behind Desmos
@cairdcoinheringaahing well, I am also a tautologist
@GingerIndustries Are you a tautological tautologist?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I am someone who is a person
really now
@GingerIndustries Is TNB actually just a super elaborate Turing Test?
@cairdcoinheringaahing You know too much.
half of all users here are bots, but no one knows who is what
I am a normal pe7rson typing normally with my normal person hands
i'm sorry, how did you manage to get a 7 in that?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't know what you mean. I have the normal and requisite amount of legs.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't like sevens. They're coarse, and rough, and irritating, and they get everywhere.
Wait my multiplication program is definitely not multiplying things
@DLosc Then you are truly lost!
It adds the nth triangular number to the second input
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ಠ_ಠ
Okay, this is hard
@taRadvylfsriksushilani CMC:
@taRadvylfsriksushilani how to make a multiplication program: make a multiplication program
I think I have 2 different 3 byters in Jelly for that :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well, untested In Floop: r+s[r-]r[-n?o?s+]r+s-[@[-r-n+]r[s-n[r-]r[-o;]]]r[n[r-o+s@+]r[s+]r-]s+
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Nope, just input#2 + 1
@cairdcoinheringaahing Try it online!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Don't make me kick you...
@DLosc You underestimate my RO power!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Don't try it!
@DLosc *tries it*
You were supposed to bring balance to the forums, not destroy them!
Fun fact, I'm actually listening to star wars music atm :P
@GingerIndustries *incoherent screaming*
Okay, time to try my multiplication program
And I found a bug in the interpreter lol
Fingers crossed
Well, a fixed one
I have an old copy
The DSO version is whatever's on github
@cairdcoinheringaahing Caird Vader... can you hear me?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ^ should do this after SE Nitro
Okay, let's try this again. Had a bug that made the condition negative for something.
Okay, forgot to decrement a counter. Let's try again again.
Looking good so far, n got decremented to 0 successfully
Okay, and now o's been decremented and n's been incremented back to the original. Looking good so far still!
Wait, nope
Config went negative again
@emanresuA \o/
Are we doing Scala or Haskell then?
Okay, looking good so far but it just keeps adding instead of stopping lol
I was trying yesterday night, then discovered two bugs
(And later patched those)
Okay...found the bug, I think it should work now
Wish me luck again
Break a leg!
Even better, get hit by a bus!
Even Even better better, get crushed by a 200ft lead sphere!
Okay, it returned 0n
Ah, found the issue
I was returning the wrong variable
Okay I'm going to pretend everyone wants Scala, so here we go
But it works
CMS(cala): Find the first vowel in a string (e.g. "yabcd" -> 'a' or "a")
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Hello world in In Floop when?
70 bytes
Uses all four registers and two indices in the array
@user just a reminder that LYAL doesn't technically start for another 2 hours :P
Oh lol
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Cool!
@user It can only output numbers, and only one of them at that
Feel free to act like it has tho, I just won't be doing the annoncement/pin until midnight :P
A program that takes a string as input, one char at a time, and determines if it's "Hello, World!" would be possible though
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Hello world encoded as ginormous number when? :P
Output 7210110810811144328711111410810033 :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing 7210110810811144328711111410810033, vyxal
CMC: Shortest brainfuck program that prints a number not smaller than its length
@taRadvylfsriksushilani What if you made a way to output the entire contents of the array?
(With an infinite cell size variant of bf so -. isn't a trivial solution)
@AaroneousMiller Hmm, maybe, but it'd kind of go against the language philosophy.
I could add something like ? but for output, I guess
@taRadvylfsriksushilani You gonna answer with that?
Yep, was trying to find the question
Why nors for the variables? Is it because they look nice, or do they mean something?
Both, sort of
They look nice, but it's also four letters with useful mnemonic meanings
n for number, o for output, r for register, and s for state
A: Multiply two numbers

ta Radvylf srik su shilaniIn Floop, 70 bytes, pos. only r+s[r-]r[-n?o?s+]r+s-[@[-r-n+]r[s-o-[r-]r[-@;]]]r[n[-r@+r-@+]r[-s+]]s+ I wrote this in three parts: Outer part: r+s[r-]r[-n?o?s+]r+s-[A]r[B]s+ (based off of my ass-two-numbers program) A: @[-r-n+]r[s-o-[r-]r[-@;]] (copies @1 to n, 1 at a time) B: n[-r@+r-@+]r[-s+] ...

> ass-two-numbers
@emanresuA ಠ_ಠ
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Are you going to add a TIO link?
@emanresuA Have you never heard of a half-asser before? :P
@taRadvylfsriksushilani im not sure if this can be further golfed, but here is my attempt: Try It Online!
i added the footer to it because the initial "blank" output bothered me
@cairdcoinheringaahing Pip, 8 bytes (no triangular-number builtin): a*Ua/2+b
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ruby, 18 bytes: ->{(0.._1).sum+_2}
@Wezl-yizl 16 bytes: ->{_1*-~_1/2+_2}
Instead of "Try It Online" links, DSO should use "Dry St. Online" links
I've realised it's not a particularly good name lol
Also turns out I forgot to test my BF interpreter
That's fixed now
I think I get the record for smallest online interpreter
It's 37kB
I still think RIO is the obvious choice: Run It Online
rio.surge.sh is taken though
So is rio.run
Why surge.sh?
@emanresuA Ah yes.
@Adám Cause I'm poor and can't be bothered getting an actual domain
yco.run: Your Code Online - Run
aco.run: Any Code Online - Run
@Wezl-yizl scala's similar: (a,b)=>(0to a).sum+b (20 bytes). I'm not sure whether type signatures need to be included
ryc.run: Run Your Code
rtc.run: Run This/That Code
also I'm not sure how to translate the second solution
But then you don't want .run
RTO has .run
I don't see why "Run" can't be in both the title and the TLD
RTO (Run This Online) is way better, imo, than ATO (Attempt This Online)
The funny thing is that pxeger came up with both
I like ATO though, it's a good name
But when I post something serious (on SO etc.) I wouldn't want to include an "Attempt this online!" link. That sounds silly, as if it might not work.
eto.run exists, and is better: Eval/Exec This Online.
That's true, but I thought people still just wrote "Try It Online" when linking to ATO/RTO/DSO/...
What is DSO?
Do Stuff Online
My one
(see starboard)
There's also Bubbler's and I think another one but I keep forgetting their acronyms
dio.run is also available. (Do It Online)
@emanresuA Looks nice, but that's only for things written in JS, right?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Glad to see I'm getting the most out of Duolingo :p
@Adám Yep
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Learning Swedish?
Just a little bit for fun yeah
Let me know if you need anything.
I don't have a server, don't want to buy one, and don't trust myself to make an actually secure sandbox
It is a good idea to have a place where JS-based interpreters can be run, since it'd have more performance and flexibility than the more traditional model.
@emanresuA Should be able to add ngn-apl and BQN too, then.
And oK
And I think J can now be compiled using emscripten.
@Adám eso.run (Eval Stuff Online) would be perfect, but unfortunately it’s already registered
It's theoretically possible to write programs in In Floop that add or multiply signed integers, since it can handle them perfectly fine, but I don't want to even attempt that lol
How about Do Stuff Online?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani That exists
I know I just realized that's literally what it's called already
How would Yoda say "Run It Online"? "Online, Run It"?
I'm very smart lol
@AaroneousMiller eio.run is available (Evaluate/Execute It Online)
Old MacDonald had an online interpreter, E-I-E-I-O
I can't think of any coherent phrase that ends in "Run" and means something similar to "Try it Online"
WCSR: Where Code Should Run
@user compile and run
@Adám I thought eso.run would be perfect because it would probably be mainly used for esolangs
Hmm, maybe focus on the fact that it's JS/Browser-based?
@Adám That's not bad, although it doesn't suit interpreted languages
@Wezl-yizl make that (?,b)=>(0to?).sum+b
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Doesn't "eso" capture the fact that it's in JS? :P
@Wezl-yizl Wait, 0to works?
How have I never found out about this before?
omg my life has been a lie
scala has been the lie
and also a whole lot of other languages
@Wezl-yizl (0.to(_).sum+_ should also work (DLosc came up with it earlier))
I don't know how to feel about this
On the one hand, it's good for golfing. On the other hand, there's no need to have it in practical code
@user Not on Scastie, apparently.
Using 1 and -1 instead of 1 and 0 in the data string for a BCT program wouldn’t affect the TC-ness, correct? I feel like it is extremely obvious that it wouldn’t, but I just want to confirm
@AaroneousMiller As long as -1 in your variant behaves exactly like 0 in standard BCT, then no. It's the same thing just written differently.
Yeah, you can trivially convert between the two
Cool, just making sure
I’m gonna try something really painful and i dont know if I’ll be successful
DSO is smaller than ngn/apl lol
congratulations on launching DSO though ;)
It's existed for a whiile, it was just mostly unusable
Does DSO lazily load interpreters as needed or are all of them loaded at once? (apologies if that's not the right terminology or whatever, idk JS)
lazy load
(Aka fetch and eval because I can't find a good github CDN that loads the latest commit and isn't a sussy baka)
> He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. - Benjaman Franklin
fetch+eval is essentially the same as loading it with <script> and a CDN
> I can't find a good github CDN that loads the latest commit and isn't a sussy baka
eval only introduces security issues if you use it somewhere where you're not already running arbitrary code
@lyxal gitcdn.link is such a sussy baka if that's what you were going to say
@emanresuA no, I was making it clear why you're using fetch + eval
I know it is because we use github pages as a CDN
@emanresuA The About link does not inspire confidence in their ability to fetch files from GitHub.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani 13 bytes
Heh, none of the nav links work.
that's right! wonderful, isn't it?
Nov 30 '21 at 3:05, by lyxal
But it works and it's free
twas a lie. For some reason, it didn't work
It wasn't actually delivering files in some browsers from the looks of things
plus, it cached stuff, which wasn't helpful
There are a shocking number of Caramelldansen medieval/bardcore remixes
it is a popular meme song but there's also not that much bardcore so wow yeah that is weird
I have no idea what you're talking about and I'm not sure I want to know
you've never heard of either caramelldansen or bardcore?

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