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Q: Generate a regular graph

caird coinheringaahingInspired by this Mathematica.SE post Given two positive integers \$n, k\$ with \$n > k \ge 1\$, output a binary \$n\times n\$ matrix such that every row and column contains exactly \$k\$ 1s, and the leading diagonal is all zero. This is the adjacency matrix of a regular graph. You may output any ...

@NewPosts I may be very sleep deprived, but I genuinely couldn't get a Jelly answer to this, so no target to aim for to get brownie points
Guess I'm very sleep deprived :P
i don't like my solution
@hyper-neutrino yeah okay I think I see what you mean
Any solution with ¤ and superscripts feels bleh
tbh idk why my solution works
oh wait it's cuz of the special-case 220
wait that's a special case
are you sure it's not just a 2,20
yeah 2,2,[LCC] is a special case
well like
it's a standard 2,2,0 but 2,2,0 itself is a bit of a minor exception
I kept trying to construct an nxn matrix then work from there
Had some horribly cursed half-solutions
is Ḷ<UṙⱮ⁸ valid
not going to actually think about that because the chaining still feels bad
wait of course it's not valid
Looks like it might be valid
well uh
I only tested it on 5,3 but idk
@cairdcoinheringaahing diagonal
second element of the diagonal is 1 for 5,3
Right yes
That is also a requirement
Ḷ<UṙⱮ⁸U ties hyper's with the same output ofc
Slightly less cursed than HN's
only slightly
i really wish we had a rotate right
How is it that all Jelly falls under either "elegant" or "cursed"?
Limiting to non-trivial programs, basically all Jelly code is either super elegant and clever, or very cursed and hacked together
Ḷ<¥ṙN€{ is another dubious 7-byter with the same output
anyway i'm just waiting for lynn to beat us all with a 4-byte pure linalg or base conversion solution
or bubbler
this really does feel like it should have a 4 byte solution
Turns out there's a super obscure Jelly builtin that does this as Œ<something> :P
(There isn't, btw)
reversed arguments, <Ɱ¬UṙⱮU
still 7
unfortunately i don't think ŒṬ quite helps here
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosMirror an integer... in NDos' way NDos' Numeral System NDos' numeral system is a numeral system invented by me. It represents every nonnegative integer by a binary tree. Given a nonnegative integer \$n\$: If \$n=0\$, it is represented as the empty tree. Otherwise, the tree has a root. With the ...

i... really could not have thought of using ` the way jonathan allan just suggested for you
wow that is very clever
-1 as well cuz the Mhook is redundant
3 hours later…
tfw you're bored of spanish and try russian
Too many ants.
I do not like that many ants
I do not like that there are too many ants on the wall
Indeed. You should be in seek of a more positive number of ants.
Less ants are desirable
Less ants are obtained with water
Apparently ants can't swim on vertical water
And that deters other ants
You should crush the ants in a lip sync battle
It's Tuesday
Can't be funking until Friday night
Ah frick, you are correct.
I suppose you should collect the ants and deposit them in a freezer.
But then they might eat the bread in the freezer
I don't want ants in the bread
It's bad enough that they're already existing
Then replace the bread with cabbage
Don't got cabbage
Of course, because of the ants
No because I just don't have cabbage
Never did have
No, it is the ants. Everyone has cabbage until something causes them not to.
Not everyone
I'm that one exception
I find that surprising, but I am willing to accept it
Cabbage is on the short list of vegetals I don't like
Or at least I think it is
It's too hard to tell
Ants are very similar to tanks
So I should get some anti-ant landmines?
That leaves only one explanation.
Lyxal is an ant and so he has never had cabbage.
Lyxal, how could you have lied to us for all of this time
I swear I didn't mean to
I've seen right through your ant-ics.
I'm only learning this now
Hyper, get the water. Ants cannot swim vertically.
I never would've ant-icipated this outcome.
Wait, we've done a pun-chain with ant before :p
@RedwolfPrograms I can barely swim horizontally on a good day
Same, I just dog-paddle lol
I just walk
For backyard pools, I'm tall enough that it doesn't matter about swimming
Well the last time I was in a pool was when I was young enough I couldn't touch the bottom of most of a pool
i haven't swum in like three years but... how incapable of swimming horizontally are we talking
I just don't see what people like about being half submerged in other people's diluted sweat for an hour or two
@UnrelatedString kind of
Like don't expect me to be able to do the whole 50m lol
oh like by that standard
@RedwolfPrograms haha you're short.
i always forget swimming as a sport even exists
No, I just haven't been in a pool like like 7 years lol
@UnrelatedString I could probably make it from one end of a large pool to the other once or twice, that's it
@RedwolfPrograms would you like to?
Okay then
Glad you told me before I committed to bringing a swimming pool to you
Oh that makes more sense
I was going to comment on how ingenious it is to replace the water with brine so swimming is easier
Just add salt to the pool and make a sweat-urine soup
i think those do exist
@UnrelatedString it's called the ocean I think
We should make a pool of maple syrup so you feel all sticky and gross for months after
That's just what pools in Canada are filled with
@hyper-neutrino how accurate is ^
Let's make a clock whose hands only move when you look at them
It'd always be midnight
And a fridge that keeps things consistently lukewarm
Then it's not a fridge
It's a blidge
A fridge is simply a social construct
it is in texas
consider who you're talking to
Because the fr in fridge stands for "Frick it's cold in here"
The bl in blidge stands for "bleh it's lukewarm"
@RedwolfPrograms you're a social construct.
I am also a clock and a fridge
So you're a Samsung fridge?
If so can I tweet from you?
I feel like I'm asleep in a dream but I'm awake and not in a dream
I should probably sleep and be in a real dream
So I will goodbye
Goodbye o/
@RedwolfPrograms Ooh I've always wanted to be the construct of someone's subconscious
Y'all sleep and rest well
Dumbass it's 4pm here
Not sleep time yet
i am kept up by repeatedly looking at the second image from my new steganography cop zoomed in at like 500%
it's beautiful
i am sleep /o/
@UnrelatedString Get it out of my head Get it out of my head Get it out of my head Get it out of my head Get it out of my head Get it out of my head Get it out of my head Get it out of my head Get it out of my head
It's too sus
that's the third one
I can count.
Why would you even question my counting ability
See I'll prove I can count
1 3 2 5 5 3 8 6 4 9 6
That is how you count right?
Good job
Thank you
1 hour later…
@GingerIndustries z with 2-indexing
Q: Play the Fruit Box Game

TheoPlay the Fruit Box Game Intro Fruit Box is a game consisting of a 10x17 grid of numbers, each between 1 and 9, where the goal is to clear as many numbers as possible in a two-minute time window. In order to clear numbers, one selects a rectangle aligned with the grid, and if the numbers inside of...

Q: Indices of square numbers that are also pentagonal

DialFrostFirst 15 numbers of the A046173: 1, 99, 9701, 950599, 93149001, 9127651499, 894416697901, 87643708742799, 8588189040096401, 841554882220704499, 82463790268588944501, 8080609891439495856599, 791817305570802005002201, 77590015336047156994359099, 7603029685627050583442189501 Your task is simple, ou...

@NewPosts lol dlosc's (jestful) suggestion to add symbolic algebra to Vyxal came in handy here
How do you flag comments on mobile?
Can you?
CMQ: ‘a f’ or ‘an f’?
CMQ: ‘a SQL statement’ or ‘an SQL statement’?
An feels more natural
@Adám an, an ess queue ell
@NewPosts it got closed, again
Q: Slater-Velez permutation

Wheat WizardLet's build a sequence of positive integers. The rule will be that the next number will be the smallest number which: Hasn't already appeared in the sequence It's absolute difference from the number preceding it wouldn't be equal to any previous absolute difference between consecutive elements....

using javascript?
Doesn't really matter. I have 1217 such URLs, and would like to find out which ones fail.
curl -I https://help.dyalog.com/latest/Content/MiscPages/HelpWelcome2.htm
It loads the content page in an iframe
@Adám Recruit an intern to do it manually
@pxeger Ah, so you're saying I should modify my URLs to point directly to what would be the iframe's content. Smart.
Yeah, it seems to turn the /latest/#... from the base URL into /latest/Content/...
Perfect. (Why didn't I think of this‽) Thank you so much.
TNB really is the better SO alternative. Instant to-the-point solutions, without the rudeness.
@Adám I can be rude if you want me to, you moron!
pxeger is the linux genius
@pxeger Wow, that's a very honourable title, I don't think I deserve that.
ooh I'm almost a 19k user
I say almost because I'm literally 1 updoot away
and I know there's a message of mine with five stars that states that mentioning rep count usually magically makes it increase
so yeah
You robbed me of an early upvote on your last answer before I saw that it didn’t work :p
@lyxal are you?
i think i am
but you have 19007 rep
it's close enough
How horrible is an “Index Assignment” operator in a language. For instance, l.=concat(b) would call l.concat(b) and store the result in l
Raku has that
@ATaco Not horrible at all. This is just an extension of the common += etc. However with concat() being an f()-style function, it looks a bit odd. Consider making concatenation an infix operator like +, so you can write l+=b
Concat was an example I used because that’s how JavaScript does it
JavaScript of course being a well known good example of language design /s
Maybe you can come up with a better general syntax for x.f(y)-style functions. I think the function name needs to be together with its container.
Maybe x.f()=b meaning x=x.f(b)
Like x += b meaning x=x+b
Or maybe x.f(=b) meaning x=x.f(b)
I think it would make more sense to have x=+b->x=x+b and x=.f(b)->x=x.f(b) where the LHS is basically implicitly inserted between the = and the next operator
But then you lose compatibility with existing C-family languages, of course, if that's important to you
and x=-b could be either x = (-b) or x = x - b, so you'd need to disambiguate that
Yeah, too much ambiguity there. It'd hurt for every operator that can be both infix and prefix.
In sane languages, there is only one
What I’ve learned is to reconsider my assignment operator
Tbf, my CTO keeps insisting that our adding "modified assignment" (x f←y works for all infix functions f; even anonymous functions can be placed inline there instead of a name) was a mistake.
Sometimes I find myself writing x{some very long function body here}←y
I think the issue is that indexing is more a postfix than an infix operator, as the right hand side isn’t an expression, just an identifier. So it doesn’t as easily translate as other operators do
I don't know what kind of indexing you have in mind, but in APLs indexing exists as a perfectly normal infix operator.
ni kat nogolfy
In many languages, indexing is done via expression.identifier or expression[expression], which is notably distinct from something like add’s expression+expression
I suppose the main reason to consider this is that I don’t want to have to repeat the left hand side of the assignment over and over, especially if it’s a particularly long chain of indexes or something. Maybe it’s be better to have a symbol that just refers to: “The left hand side of the current assignment”
@ATaco Right, and in APL too, but there's also a separate syntax: expr⌷expr — note how looks like [ and ] were squished together.
Now that is an infix function
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

simonalexander2005Wordle# The game Wordle is quickly becoming popular. The way the game works is as follows: Players are trying to guess a 5 letter word Players have six attempts to guess the word After each attempt, the player is told: a. which letters are in the right place (index) b. which letters are in the w...

wrong room lol
2 hours later…
anyone know of a good Python markdown parser? (for editing, not converting)
@GingerIndustries I know an extension
@GingerIndustries mistletoe
@pxeger this is for conversion, I want something that lets me edit markdown
@GingerIndustries which code editor do you use?
@mathcat why do you ask?
misunerstood you
I want to be able to put in a markdown string and get Python objects, which I can manipulate and then convert back to markdown
9 messages moved from TNB Conlang (katlani)
(@TNB ROs: hopefully a small message move like that is ok; I wanted to keep TNB-conlang discussion on-topic)
@pxeger do you have any suggestions?
> Renderers for the following "core" output formats exist within the mistletoe module itself:
> AST (Abstract Syntax Tree; handy for debugging the parsing process)
for xml, use xml.etree.ElementTree
@DLosc regex?
@GingerIndustries Regex that should match an entire WR and put the katlani word, the part of speech, and the definition in three different capture groups:
^WR: ([\w ]+) \(([\w.]+)\): (.*)$
@DLosc That doesn't handle formatting though
You might need to just strip out backticks, underscores, and asterisks
@pxeger Ginger told me there wasn't any formatting in the string they're matching
oh, ok
@pxeger No markdown is ever sent to bots/the users, so you don't even need to do that. Just strip out tags.
@RedwolfPrograms oh, it's sent as rendered HTML already? That's quite useful tbh
The Wiktionary entry for "laugh" has a silent video of a man laughing which is kinda creeping me out :P
@DLosc The audio clip is creepier!
@pxeger It just keeps going! o_0
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

thejonymysterString multiplication table Given two strings, output every pairing of a character from the first string and a character from the second string, formatted into a rectangle Example: input: hello world output: hw ew lw lw ow ho eo lo lo oo hr er lr lr or hl el ll ll ol hd ed ld ld od You make han...

@DLosc it's silent because he isnt really laughing. the actual audio is too horrid for even wikipedia
src: i was the cameraman and my uncle works for nintendo
Wow, Russian SO chat is apparently having a flame war today :P
(IDK what they're saying, tho)
I think it's just one person saying the same thing over and over
... and then I look over at our starboard and see:
6 hours ago, by pxeger
@Adám I can be rude if you want me to, you moron!
Great timing =P
6 hours ago, by Adám
@pxeger Wow, that's a very honourable title, I don't think I deserve that.
Btw, WP's spelling is biased. The way I'd say it is almost identical to English "moron". Another fun one is a word for rain, "matar" which I'd say as "motor".
I suspect that has more to do with the funny ways English pronounces "o" than anything.
1 hour later…
@RedwolfPrograms help me I'm lazy and I can't use the this regex code "/a*/" but "/a*?/". Help me.
Wait, what are you asking?
This is a joke
2 hours later…
@Adám done
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Jonathan AllanNumber of arrangements of half a Rubik's cube From a corner-on view of a Rubik's cube calculate the number of arrangements of tiles that are out of view. Your input will provide the state of a Rubik's cube when viewed like the below image: This input will be an array, in any defined order†, grou...

How is it that I'd gotten +190 today at 3pm, but am still at +190 now, at 10:30 pm? ಠ_ಠ
Rep gain is so weird, I stg

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