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@exedraj how lol
@user bold of you to assume i know how
2 hours later…
> In the soap opera General Hospital, Colonel Sanders of KFC makes a guest appearance because someone is trying to kill him to obtain the secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices. He knows Malbolge and is able to disarm the destruct sequence
source. Having never seen General Hospital, what in the hell happens on that show? :P
i'd heard of some show mentioning malbolge but what the fuck
> In the television series Elementary, during the episode "The Leviathan" (season 1, episode 10), a clue written on a coffee order is described as having been written in Malbolge. It appears to be a small modification of the more verbose "Hello World" example shown above.[1][13]
Can confirm
You don't know how funny it was seeing an esolang mentioned in a show where I was least expecting it
@Dudecoinheringaahing booo they don't have it on prime, so I can't tell you
2 hours later…
@Razetime happy independence day for you!
thanks lyxal
@exedraj It's also Independence day for North & South Korea, and apparently the same for Bahrain (though the years all differ)
Is it ccgc? Code challenges, golf challenges?
i wish
Why is TNB so incative?
Still no more questioms
this is the usual TNB weekend.
also i don't have a ton of question ideas
and it seems like caird posted a ton of their sandboxes this week
I have one sandboxed - Final feedback?
ay, neat
might want an answer checker
I write all my testcases by hand :p
worth having a programmatic answer checker
oh yeah lol
They're all correct, although several of the implementations are not...

The site acronym has too many letter c's

Jan 6 at 5:52, 4 hours 5 minutes total – 10 messages, 7 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked Jan 6 at 11:45 by exedraj

We went over this last time
carrots, garages, cones and catamarans!
Exactly :p
@emanresuA ^
@Razetime So good to post?
yeah, sure
or are you already thinking about how to do in APL...
I have not thought of answering it yet
Coding and code golf challenges!
Have fun!
Q: Reverse cadaddadadaddddaddddddr

emanresu AThe Lisp language has a family of functions car, cdr, cadr, etc for accessing arrays. For each one, an a defines taking the first item of an array, and a d defines taking the rest. For example, running cadr on [[1,3,4],5,7] will return [3,4] as the a gets the first item ([1,3,4]) and the d remove...

@exedraj thanks!
1 hour later…
Thinking of posing a restricted-complexity question for Levenshtein distance 3.
There is already one for distance 2 I see
My main problem is that I only have an iPad with me. Is there a sensible way to interact with ccgc from an iPad? I can't even see what I am typing
chat, or main?
@Anush I've drafted a sandbox challenge on an ipad before
Make sure to use the desktop version of the site though
Fun fact: it was an ipad keyboard that I was mashing that gave me Lyxal as a username
@exedraj that's a good call. I'll try the desktop version. Thanks
finally i havefinished my studies
Which studies??
i was studying chemistry
@PyGamer0 1mol?
yes moles
ok so my name is now pVC aecidiospore`adduced
or Try it online!: headages finers acutely
or Try it online!: semipeds HIAfterbody
or - DonneA{IRBM"
CMQ: Languages with Jelly like compressed strings?
@PyGamer0 avocad numbr
Avocado number 🥑
avodado number
oh wow
there should be a 🍪 emoji (reaction) on github
@emanresuA is it golunar?
okay good
I'm not that silly
Although I don't know why I posted an answer in splinter of all things...
is the interpreter available on TIO?
No but it has an esolangs page
With a interpreter
i was working on and off on my malbolgelisp interpreter recently
i added a bunch of stuff and i wanted to ask someone what builtins should i add to it
currently i support the following:
% .F
' + - < > = ! & | * / ^ define defun lambda
cond print atom cons car cdr if let defmacro
iota size nth map filter eval append append'
>= <= max min /= rev
out of boredom i implemented a bunch of APL functions:
% (rev 2 (iota 6))
(2 3 4 5 0 1)
(2⌽⍳6 with ⎕io←0)
i already have size; i think that special handling of nested lists is redundant.
do you have loops?
@KamilaSzewczyk while loops?
while loops are the imperative way of thinking about programs
they don't fit into functional mindset and i personally don't want them in
you can already use recursion
For comprehensions?
You mean maps?
(Map is already on the list)
I also added any and every now
@KamilaSzewczyk You could probably benefit from a concatmap / >>=.
@WheatWizard so like outer product?
Uh, I don't think so? Maybe under some abstraction, but I'm just talking about a simple concatmap.
i don't know what concatmap does, i've only seen it in Angular code in which it behaved like outer product
It takes a function from a -> List b and a List a and maps it across the list to make a single flat list.
concatMap ( \ x -> [1 .. x]) [1 .. 4] = [1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4]
The outer product is quite different since it produces a matrix from two vectors. They type is just very different.
Dear coding gurus. If am interested in the number of strings within Levenshtein distance 2 of a string, do you think the string with all characters distinct has the largest such number?
@WheatWizard so something like {↑,/⍺⍺{⍵,⍺⍺ ⍵}¨⍵} then
No idea. I can't read whatever that is.
it's APL :P
@KamilaSzewczyk more like {∊⍺⍺¨⍵} I'd think
The clojure version is mapcat, That's the only lisp I know. And scala it's flatmap.
{⍳⍵}{↑,/⍺⍺{⍵,⍺⍺ ⍵}¨⍵}⍳4
1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
the output seems to differ
oh wait
so it's a flatmap
you could have said flatmap, i'd know what it is :P
the thing i don't like about the term flatmap is it sort of implies a deep flattening
as opposed to a shallow concatenation
I associate it so strongly with >>= and concatmap that I didn't think about it having other names until I wanted to implement it in clojure.
@KamilaSzewczyk Ctrl+K instead of ```
yeah i forgot
too late now
(WW can fix…)
too used to Matrix and Discord
posted on August 15, 2021 by Mark Giraffe

In this simple challenge, create a short program that takes 2 ints as input, output them, swap their places, then output them again. Those 2 integers can't be the same number. The p...

@Anush You can try computer science.SE for that question
(also we're far from coding gurus, rather closer to coding hobbyists)
@Bubbler yes I guess so. I am constantly impressed by what people can do here. I was think this could just be tested by code for strings of length 5 say
If it's true for all string lengths up to 5 I am willing to believe it is always true
I am sadly on my iPad only for two weeks so I don't think I can test it myself
If anyone here has a language with a levenshtein distance library (eg python) it should be easy to test
Looks like codidact has low throughput
Q: Assembly language 8086 emulator

VbbvvWrite and execute assembly program that perform the following: Read your student number Read your full name Read your email address Read your phone number Display your information in the form below Student number student name student email student phone Applied in emulator 8086

@NewPosts VTC please
WIBNI blog authors used 1 minute to look into the subject they're writing about?
> Jelly is a tactic programming language – also called a point free style language.
[my emphasis]
> the code-golf stack exchange
I mean, yes a dedicated golfing language is kind of "tactic", but that sure should say "tacit".
Maybe it got auto-corrected and they didn't bother/didn't see it?
and they just took a screenshot of Jonathan Allen's code instead of copying it properly lol
"tacit" is a perfectly normal English word. I doubt any auto-correction would change it.
@pxeger So too with all the code samples.
And there's separate code blocks for every line
> This means that any program that doesn’t depend on white space for validity (like python)
Hey guys, it turns out Python doesn't need whitespace. Time for if__name__=='__main__':print('Hello')print('Helloagain')!
Yeah, yeah, the author is clearly unqualified for writing this particular post. Question is of course: why did he write it?
Submitted a comment asking for changes, let's hope they fix it
> The Queen's Awards for Enterprise: International Trade 2021
@Adám clicks
if i had 1 лв. every time someone unqualified blogs about programming or starts implementing a new language..
Unqualified blogs about anything
@ngn i'd have given you at least 4лв
at least malbolgelisp took off
@KamilaSzewczyk did you use a tool to generate the code or did you write it yourself?
i told the computer "make me a lisp interpreter, pretty please" /s
in reality, i wrote it and currently it's ~11000 lines of assembly code
oh wow
@KamilaSzewczyk i wish it could do that :P
@PyGamer0 You can do that by typing in a lisp interpreter :P
Make me a programming language with can beat all other languages in code golf
well of course i didn't write the malbolge code by hand; i use an assembler that finds instruction cycles, lays out the code in memory, etc... which is targetted by a custom relatively-high level assembler
i think that the fact that i managed to tape together this entire toolchain to generate efficient malbolge code is much more impressive than the fact that i used it to make malbolgelisp.
Wait, it's efficient too?
factorial of 6 takes only 35 seconds
this lisp is fairly usable
a quicksort on a 8-element vector takes around 4 minutes
Is that good for Malbolge?
before it used to take 35 minutes for the quicksort
and ~2 gigabytes of RAM per instance
now it's only ~500-600MB
Oh wow
echo "(+ 2 2)" | ./fast20 lisp.mb takes 4 seconds
including startup and shutdown time
and me being me i made the shutdown somewhat slow, because the interpreter prints song lyrics on CTRL+D
@KamilaSzewczyk "malbolgelisp took off" - i don't suppose you mean commercially? :)
oh, no - of course not
A performant alternative to Java
i think that it's competetive with emacslisp when we include the startup time, though
by took off i mean "i managed to implement a lot of cool stuff" and a bunch of people liked it
i got retweeted by charlie stross about it, and he has like 47K followers
@PyGamer0 mine is not too far off being published, and it totally will beat Jelly. Probably.
also my hackernews post about it was on the frontpage for more than a day, got around 280 upvotes IIRC
@KamilaSzewczyk lmfao
@pxeger which language?
% (sort '(1 9 5 8 2 3 6))
(1 2 3 5 6 8 9)
i've implemented a sort
now i think i'm going to generalise it
@PyGamer0 currently top secret
@KamilaSzewczyk add modules to malbolge lisp (or whatever they are called)?
@pxeger That's an odd name for a language :P
good one
you're utterly hilarious
No I'm not, I'm user
gottem lmfao
@ngn Hey, my 23 programming languages feel offended :P
Only like 15 of them are boring/bad :P
CMC: Make 100 programming languages and host all of them on github on separate repos
@PyGamer0 I think so, I've sort of lost count
22, I was close :P
Well of course, Count must've been your 23rd, and if you lost it, you only have 22 left emoticon of putting sunglasses on
@Dudecoinheringaahing how can you even remember their names
@ngn By forgetting the names of people I interact with, Jeff :P
caird even forgot their own name and goes by "Dude" because that's what someone called him once :P
jelly decompressing my username gives weird outputs
pVC aecidiospore`adduced
@Dudecoinheringaahing i only ever published two implementations (languages designed by more competent people), both nameless (referred to as ngn/apl and ngn/k), and i deleted one because it felt like they were too many :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat Wizard The goal of this challenge is to fill a niche that is mostly lacking on this site. In my observations there most parsing verification challenges fall into two categories: Super easy parsing. This parsing can usually be done with a regex, and regex based answers usually do well. Super complex...

I'm reviving this sandboxed post. It would be nice to have some people look at the new version of it.
what are the rules about whitespace?
Oh yeah. I guess I should mention that in more than one place.
Oh no it's already mentioned twice.
no spaces next to the parens, right?
are var abs or app valid variable names?
Well sometimes. For example (abs x (var x)) has a space next to a parenthesis.
@pxeger Doesn't say they are not so yes.
@WheatWizard yeah, I meant inside
Yeah, and for that question my initial answer is correct.
will input contain characters other than space, parens, and letters?
Hm yeah. I will probably go with no. I'll add that.
I reckon there's a minimal esoteric lisp dialect in which "(eval), 6 bytes" is a valid answer lol
1 hour later…
Obviously made by a fan of Rust :P
@WheatWizard you could explicitly state that C is the context
Hm yeah good idea.
maybe the definition is a bit too golfy, at least it took me a while to figure it out. like S(x∊C), which could be split, mayble like S(C) where x∊C ...
also you could mention C starts off empty
@user41805 Is the new version better?
I don't care much about it being golfy.
the grammar section is better, yes
also, nice challenge
interesting to see if some regex engine would still be able to solve it
The context stuff would complicate that
seems very unlikely that it could
It would have to be pretty expressive since this is not even context free.
Retina probably could, but it's hardly regular
Is Retina TC?
Pretty sure it is
maybe we'll see a homebrewn regex engine
homebrewed? homegrown?
homebrewed ∪ homegrown = homebrewn
er, i mean self-made
like someone creating a more expressive regex just for this challenge
It wouldn't be a regular expression, though, would it?
looks like ddg gives hits for 'homebrewn'
CMC: Write a regex that gets all of the test cases correct.
@user what programming languages call regex aren't strictly textbook-cs regular expressions either
@WheatWizard '|'.join(re.escape(s)for s in test_cases)?
You can probably do better than that.
All of them at least start with (a and end with ))
And in fact any valid lambda has to start with (a and end with )). It's not just a quirk of the test cases.
@user41805 Fair enough
I implemented flatmap
in malbolge lisp?
Q: Show me the trajectory

Jonathan AllanGiven a list of integers find the "trajectory" that results from indefinitely moving the instructed steps to the right (left if negative), wrapping if necessary, starting at the first element. A "trajectory", here, is defined as a list containing the elements that are visited only one time, in th...

@user hilarious :)
@ngn I don't see what so hilarious about it, all I see is well written, safe, production-level Rust code
I see now why Rust is loved so much
fn solarsystem_level_enterprise_test() {
    assert_eq!(1, 1);
my favourite is: "Even when I disagree with another rust(🚀) programmer, there is a certain level of respect that comes from knowing that they thought about the problem deeply enough to pass the borrow checker."
> rust(🚀)’s product is not a programming language or a compiler. rust(🚀)’s product is the experience of being a rust(🚀) developer🚀
The main function is beautiful:
fn main() {
    unsafe {

        let config: I18nConfig = I18nConfig{locales: &["en", "bg", "de", "es", "fr", "gr", "ie", "jp", "pl", "pt", "ru", "la"], directory: "translations"};
Anyone else notice that mınxomaτ deleted their account somewhat recently? :(
It's been over a year
I've seen that post, but they hadn't deleted their account until more recently than that
Linked it because I know it was one of their posts, and you can't link deleted profiles (or, it's not worth doing so)
user202729 is also in the process of deleting their account I believe: codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/69850/delete-me
As a young individual myself, I think your advice is sound. It's sad to see a community I've gradually grown to love and respect falling apart, due to SE corporate's lack of respect for their own users. I think I might soon head out, too. — Redwolf Programs Jan 20 '20 at 3:13
Glad to see Redwolf, caird, and all the other old-timers stayed :)
Interesting that you consider Redwolf to be "old-timer" :P For some reason, I always think he's much younger of a user than he is, and that he's only been around for a year and some
Anyone who came before me = "old-timer"
Then again, time has been very weird for the past year/two :P
Anyone who came after me = "noob"
Jul 6 at 15:15, by user
May 25 at 17:56, by Redwolf Programs
May 19 at 14:21, by user
Feb 28 at 1:17, by caird coinheringaahing
idk the physics behind it, but time has been on some hardcore drugs for the past 18 months
It's been a while since that one was last quoted :P
Anyone who came at exactly the same time as me = "sus"
It's been 6 months since that, and it still rings true for me :P
Yeah, time's having a hard time with the rehab program :P
I wonder if there is any pair of users such that |user_a_id - user_b_id| = 1 and both users have more than 200 rep
SQL time
Both of my "neighbours" (66832 and 66834) have 1 rep :(
@user i is old :}
Mine too :( (one has 131 rep though)
In hindsight, it makes sense that several of the first 100 members would have high rep.
@Dudecoinheringaahing Surprisingly few such neighbors
Sort of reminds me of the twin prime conjecture.
2 hours later…
@Catija If you don't mind my asking, what's Grace Note's role in SE? Between her profiles, she's listed as a member of the CM team (which I know she isn't), a Support Team Specialist and a Product Support Specialist (I'm guessing the last two are the same/similar)? If its either of the last 2, what does that entail?
Grace Note isn't on the CM team any more. The last two are essentially synonymous and it means he's working on customer support for paid products. She and animuson work together.

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