@cairdcoinheringaahing But git is really nice when, say, I don't know, working on some hypothetical golfing-related project whose name is related to that of someone who likes showing people some guy who sang some song that went viral.
@AaronMiller Yeah, I suppose so. Given that Jelly isn't exactly in active dev, I'd have more things to be interested in than the differences between my code and any potential update :P
@N3buchadnezzar it's kind of uncanny when you see little bits of motion blur that wouldn't be there in something that was actually filmed at that resolution and framerate
Long-time lurker, first-time poster. So here goes.
In the Wikipedia page for quine, it says that "a quine is considered to be 'cheating' if it looks at its own source code." Your task is to make one of these "cheating quines" that reads its own source code.
This is code-golf, so the shortest co...
I was wondering about how ATO does the inputs and whether languages supports arguments and not. I think it would be cleaner if this was specified in the header instead of having a long line of /ATO/yargs % /ATO/arguments /usr/local/bin/jelly fun /ATO/code % < /ATO/input this
@N3buchadnezzar whether it supports arguments and stuff is not specified at all; it needs to be in the header when I implement it. What you read above is just a more robust way of writing /usr/local/bin/jelly fun $@ /ATO/code < /ATO/input where $@ have been somehow magically read from /ATO/arguments
Plus, close reasons can now be modified if the question should stay closed but for a different reason :D
> If a significant edit fails to reopen a question, users will now have an opportunity to continue to rework and edit their question and have it reviewed multiple times. Reviewers will not be able to see the same question twice in the Reopen votes queue.
to be fair, if a reviewer rejects a reopen and wants to monitor it because they think someone/OP can fix it but just missed the mark a bit, they can just follow it
and this prevents getting an inflated number of reviews in terms of queue stats/progress, i guess
How to get easy MM rep: Bribe someone at SE to give you a job, threaten the devs into implementing something with lots of community support, announce it as soon as it happens
If someone tries to steal your thunder, burn their laptop
How to get easy MM rep: Make a botnet to downvote all of your posts (and maybe a few other users). Lose 1000 rep just before UTC 0000, gain it all back the next day :P
If somebody were to see your posts with lots of votes, the first thing they'd think of wouldn't be "oh, xyz bribed SE to get this rep". Just delete any mod flags or meta posts mentioning it and nothing will ever happen.
Why is YT giving me the "which of these brands do you have a positive opinion of" poll...for children's hospitals? What kind of person has a negative opinion on those lol
also I mean, I guess one could have a negative opinion on a children's hopsital that abuses children / exploits funds / whatever other evil things you can do
@RedwolfPrograms I have a negative opinion of the hospital where I was born because they didn't accidentally swap me and the child of some uber-rich people /s