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> This message has been edited 6 times
@cairdcoinheringaahing Are you not glad we have version control?
Yeah, I like having version control. I just prefer to code locally then just publish all my code at the end
you know you can
use a local repo
That seems like overkill :P
which is what you're doing anyways if you're pushing stuff to github
you can just choose not to push very frequently
Yeah I like VCS
using git just to have a linear revision history is honestly a) not that hard b) not really all that useful either
Surely the V is for Vyxal?
IMO the main strength of git is branches
otherwise you may as well just copy-paste your file into "file.txt.backup" lol
Yea, if I'm the only one working on my code, I can remember what changes I've made
@cairdcoinheringaahing no, V(vim)
Kind of. I may need to reread the code to remember them :P
but not vlang
vlang is garbage
No, you're N3buchadnezzar
ah yeah there was a really smooth version going around
@Razetime you saw the hackernews thread too?
@pxeger nah i just root around the esolangs discord where they talk about the creator's questionable practices
and how the thing is just a string substitution into C
@cairdcoinheringaahing But git is really nice when, say, I don't know, working on some hypothetical golfing-related project whose name is related to that of someone who likes showing people some guy who sang some song that went viral.
and so on
honestly the only times i go on ycombinator are when an apl thread pops up
@AaronMiller Yeah, I suppose so. Given that Jelly isn't exactly in active dev, I'd have more things to be interested in than the differences between my code and any potential update :P
Apparently the domain λ.com costs a crapton
I use git becaues it is so gosh darn fast pushing changes to GitHub. git add ... git commit -c "..." git push
@N3buchadnezzar it's kind of uncanny when you see little bits of motion blur that wouldn't be there in something that was actually filmed at that resolution and framerate
@AaronMiller https://λ.land is owned by a fellow codegolfer
@N3buchadnezzar You can golf git add . git commit -c "..." down to git commit -ac "..."
i usually have push "..." aliased to git add --all && git commit -m "..." && git push lol
@AaronMiller Git add . you are a brave man, I guess you have aliased rm into rm -rf too? :p
But yeah, git is totally different when you are alone or part of some group
yesterday, by lyxal
I like to live life on the edge
yesterday, by lyxal
the edge of propinquity
lol sorry
I suddenly realised [[ ]] would be ambiguous if [] were used for lists, so I can't use it that way round and my answer has been decided already
and actually, tbh, I can't use (( )) or {{ }}, so maybe it would be better for consistency if I used [| |] {| |} (| |)
Yeah, I think so too
with the idea being that then I can have special syntax for tuples and dicts and stuff
ivim keybinds are muscle memory by this point:wq
@pxeger Ive got so much to learn youtube.com/watch?v=CN8p9iL7PPI
i@pxeger Imagine using :wq instead of ZQ smhZQ
@AaronMiller aZQ doesn't save your changes, you need to use ZZZZ
lol that's the joke
don't you need to press <esc> to enter the :wq
in which case your entire message would just be ":wq"
Chat.SE is the best text editor
that wouldn't make a very good joke though
also, i prefer :q! - the ! means it's very important that vim saves your data
@hyper-neutrino This assumes you are in insert mode, which you never should be xD
@N3buchadnezzar well pxeger's message starts with i so... :p
also how tf do you type if not in insert mode
oh wait you don't type when programming, you just ctrl-c ctrl-v or whatever those are in vim
y and something
@hyper-neutrino :nnoremap ii <esc>r
> Ɠ and ɠ now return [] when the input is empty, and #, (, ¡ and С will use 0 if empty input is read
bold of you to assume i know what on earth that means lmao
@hyper-neutrino From my fork :P
@hyper-neutrino Coding is basically just copy paste, no need to enter insert mode
@cairdcoinheringaahing wouldn't 1 be more useful for #?
@hyper-neutrino I only use Replace mode to type in vim
@hyper-neutrino inioiwi iyioiui ijiuisiti ihiaiviei itioi ipirieisisi iiiii ibieifioirie ieivieiriyi icihiairiaicitieir
@pxeger I thought peopple prefered jj or jk or kj?
@hyper-neutrino Ooh, actually that could be OP and lead to some weird chains
@pxeger lol wtf
("now you just have to press i before every character")
((that took way too long to type out))
also why are 5 of the last 6 messages not sent by me pinging me (ignoring messages ninja'ing me)
Plus it would remove the need for ( (which is just 1#)
Oh, what about ( being ) but that allows chaining?
oh you have ( do 1#?
although, # takes last input right? or does last input have to be argument 5 or later
@hyper-neutrino # takes the last input, which is the last CLA if there are CLAs, otherwise it reads a line from STDIN
ah, so if your program isn't a nilad, it still needs to manually specify an argument for #?
So if # defaults to 1, then Ɠ...# as a nilad chain would work
@cairdcoinheringaahing Contributor Licence Agreement? the FSF now officially disapproves of Jelly
And, it would allow you to do ...µ# with no inputs to find the first integer such that chain is true
Q: A "cheating" quine

TheInitializerLong-time lurker, first-time poster. So here goes. In the Wikipedia page for quine, it says that "a quine is considered to be 'cheating' if it looks at its own source code." Your task is to make one of these "cheating quines" that reads its own source code. This is code-golf, so the shortest co...

I was wondering about how ATO does the inputs and whether languages supports arguments and not. I think it would be cleaner if this was specified in the header instead of having a long line of /ATO/yargs % /ATO/arguments /usr/local/bin/jelly fun /ATO/code % < /ATO/input this
@N3buchadnezzar whether it supports arguments and stuff is not specified at all; it needs to be in the header when I implement it. What you read above is just a more robust way of writing /usr/local/bin/jelly fun $@ /ATO/code < /ATO/input where $@ have been somehow magically read from /ATO/arguments
Good to see that Jelly on ATO is fun :P
@pxeger Cant it be specified in languages?
yes it will be
Sorry my English is bad :p That is what I meant, good you are thinking the same
wait, do you mean github.com/attempt-this-online/languages ?
well sort of, I want to merge the ideas of runners and the stuff in that repo eventually
# options = false, # flag = fun ... Or something
that's not flexible enough
consider a compiled language, where the options and arguments go to separate commands; one to the compiler and one to the binary itself
or Java, where the file needs to be named the same as the class inside: how do you do that step?
@pxeger You can run java Foo.java to make it compile and run on its own (without first running javac Foo.java and then java Foo)
the proper solution is to not corrupt ATO with java
Same with scala Foo.scala
I can't get to ATO while I'm at work since it gets blocked by our firewall. It gets blocked by geolocation because it's in Finland.
@user but if Foo.java contains class Bar {...}, that won't work will it?
@pxeger It should iirc
@AaronMiller I can move it easily to Germany, would that solve your problem?
As long as Bar contains a main method, of course
@pxeger Probably not
wait how fast can you travel /s
@AaronMiller Is it because Finland's imaginary?
well it's complicated to move it anywhere else unfortunately
the provider, Hetzner, is the best option for my use case but they only have Finland and Germany
@user Yeah, our firewall only allows real countries
g, to go forward and g; to go backwards in the changelist is really useful
@user We talked about navigation using fzf, maybe this helps =) youtube.com/watch?v=-I1b8BINyEw
The substantial edit option looks awesome
I know :D If they're adding it for this, they might expand it to including bumping
wow, very nice
i was just gonna bring ^^ up too :P
Leave closed reasons look good too
@cairdcoinheringaahing I love how their example is about how to close vim
Plus, close reasons can now be modified if the question should stay closed but for a different reason :D
> If a significant edit fails to reopen a question, users will now have an opportunity to continue to rework and edit their question and have it reviewed multiple times. Reviewers will not be able to see the same question twice in the Reopen votes queue.
hm, not sure how I feel about the last part of that
Damn, that could've been a way to get more RO reviews :/
I think it makes sense, especially on larger sites
to be fair, if a reviewer rejects a reopen and wants to monitor it because they think someone/OP can fix it but just missed the mark a bit, they can just follow it
and this prevents getting an inflated number of reviews in terms of queue stats/progress, i guess
That's true. Maybe adding a button to the "leave closed" option to make following easier would be good.
Yeah. It's not like it prevents users from keeping an eye on a repeatedly edited closed question, but it also allows for fresh eyes on a question
actually drafting an FR for that rn :p
How to get easy MM rep: follow the and tags, then post FRs relating to new posts on them :P
How to get easy MM rep: Bribe someone at SE to give you a job, threaten the devs into implementing something with lots of community support, announce it as soon as it happens
If someone tries to steal your thunder, burn their laptop
How to get easy MM rep: be a mod and post questions/answers to things that only mods can really know about / answer
How to get easy MM rep: bribe someone
How to easy MM rep: Be a well-respected user and post quality content over the years, then announce that you're leaving
Too real
@N3buchadnezzar Who, Joel Spolsky?
"I am mod, let me nuke users i dislike" - ♦ (+20)
"good point, we should be able to do that" - ♦ (+15)
"wait, that sounds unfair" - non♦ (-10)
alternatively, have no life, realize chat is broken within like 3 seconds of it going down, and FGITW the bug report
How to get easy MM rep: Make a botnet to downvote all of your posts (and maybe a few other users). Lose 1000 rep just before UTC 0000, gain it all back the next day :P
> easy
> get ... rep
@hyper-neutrino I mean, none of the last four suggestions (other than maybe fgitwing the bug report) were easy
lol, fair
@RedwolfPrograms You get rep, it just happens to be rep that you previously owned
Perhaps bribing someone would be easy if you were rich enough
I don't see how bribing someone would really work though... ?
Just have them add some code that makes old unused accounts upvote your posts ten or so times a day.
@hyper-neutrino Apply for a job, bribe the interviewer, get hired, announce features as an employee
@RedwolfPrograms That works too, although ten times sounds a bit sus
yeah, still not easy even if you are rich
@user ten or so times, make it vary between 8 and 18 or something like that
I doubt people would notice
Alternatively, you could bribe lobby Congressmen to pass a wacky law to let users change their reputation/score/points on sites such as SE
@RedwolfPrograms Even that sounds sus, unless you post very consistently
If somebody were to see your posts with lots of votes, the first thing they'd think of wouldn't be "oh, xyz bribed SE to get this rep". Just delete any mod flags or meta posts mentioning it and nothing will ever happen.
No, but tey'd think "Oh, xyz did voter farud'"
deleting mod flags would still eventually get you noticed even if you did it before site mods saw the flags
eventually a mod would stumble across the post and maybe click the flag icon cuz they're bored or smth
I still don't see how that'd let them notice
well they might think something's wrong
and then they'd check the voting tool and not see anything suspicious as long as you scatter it across a bunch of accounts
Just make the posts feature requests for mostly useless quality of life stuff, so it sort of makes sense why they're getting votes
A few people might notice the odd voting, but they'd be unable to communicate it to anyone
with this much power, i don't think SE rep would be what one would care about anymore :p
dear C people, what is the difference between -pthread and -lpthread in gcc?
I accidentally just dequeued an answer from the review queue that isn't a serious competitive but that I didn't want to delete so soon :/
Why is YT giving me the "which of these brands do you have a positive opinion of" poll...for children's hospitals? What kind of person has a negative opinion on those lol
* laughs nervously *
@RedwolfPrograms tbf I have a negative opinion on the hospital I went to as a child, because I associated it with being hurt
Fair enough I guess
I also don't have a positive opinion on any hospital, because I don't have opinions on hospitals tbh
@AaronMiller :concerned:
^^^ That's another reason it's a stupid poll
also I mean, I guess one could have a negative opinion on a children's hopsital that abuses children / exploits funds / whatever other evil things you can do
yeah some of the listed children's hospitals could do some charity fraud stuff
I just spent like 2 hours reading through all the SO drama, jeesh glad I was not around for that.
I suppose that thinking there should be more hospitals counts as a positive opinion on hospitals in general, but not on any specific ones
@N3buchadnezzar All the drama?
2 No need to discuss the drama here, but hopefully things will improve moving forwards =)
That'll take days
@N3buchadnezzar What is it with that guy and coconut oil?
> As a direct result of unexpected supply constraints, we now expect your order to ship on a revised date of  8/4/2021.
Well I guess no language golfiness rankings any time soon
Or hunter-gather koth
@user No oil, no nut.
@RedwolfPrograms I have a negative opinion of the hospital where I was born because they didn't accidentally swap me and the child of some uber-rich people /s
Just watch it = )
I saw multiple images of coconut oil last time
Who does not love coconut oil?
People who hate coconut oil
@N3buchadnezzar Coconuts
do babies hate baby oil?
if not, coconuts hating coconut oil is not necessarily a fact. unless you've asked a coconut
@hyper-neutrino idk, does anyone remember being a baby?
I think if baby oil was made from babies it'd be hated more
Unless coconut oil is intended for oiling coconuts and is not actually made from them
@user I mean. I think you remember yesterday?
@RedwolfPrograms Oops
wait, is that not what y'all use your coconut oil for?
I've been making baby oil wrong all this time :P
@N3buchadnezzar ಠ_ಠ
Why would anyone oil babies? Does that not make them incredibly slippery and hard to handle?
probably for skin dryness or similar
@N3buchadnezzar Of course, then it's easier to play ice hockey using them
Here take this precious ming vase to handle. Oh, we also used slippery ming vase oil on it. Take care
Serious question, though: Why would anyone oil a coconut?
@N3buchadnezzar Is the ming vase oil made out of ming vases?
I've been trying for years but I can't get any trombone oil out of my trombone
@RedwolfPrograms You might need to see a proctologist for that
Step 1: Feed the trombone coconut oil
Step 2: Turn trombone upside down
Step 3: Wiggle the trombone
Step 4:???
Step 5: Profit!
"Wiggle the trombone" is the best sentence in english
CMC: Best sentence in English
Best sentence
What is the best sentence in English?
I've been seeing a lot of unbolded "CMC"s lately and I am not a fan
> This one is because it's not a real CMC
All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life.
@RedwolfPrograms nO, yOu'Re ReDwOlF
Yeah but I don't think anyone would be able read that
Four hads is the max I can understand
1 had is the max I can understand, after that, I get nauseous
also, it relies on not quoting or using punctuation, so is arguably incorrect
like, the "had"s aren't being used for their grammatical purpose but are quoted terms, so I'd hardly consider that a real garden path sentence
@AviFS Letting them announce it is probably better
indeed. I just started it last night and it has pretty much nothing in it, so that's why i'm not starring/pinning it here or JHT
@RedwolfPrograms I unbolded my last one because otherwise it would've been "too long"
@RedwolfPrograms You yourself have an unbolded "CMC" there
CMC: annoy redwolf
Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
Let me just write a bot to ping them every 30 seconds :P
CMC: actually isn't that bad
^ A very smol pangram
@cairdcoinheringaahing You mean an ordinary conversation?
I have pings on for all messages :p
Oh right, I forgot you're a monster :P
I have no life and must be able to immediately read messages completely irrelevant to me :p
now just join like 30 different rooms and suffer
@RedwolfPrograms Ah, didn't realize that was GH etiquette, but that makes sense!
Unrelated, anyone here play SMM2?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Says the one who neither uses git nor vim :p
@AviFS it isn't particularly anything etiquette it's just that it's not really ready for advertising :P
@RedwolfPrograms I watch it on Twitch and YT
@N3buchadnezzar That's called being sensible :P
i mean, if anyone wants, they can start up an instance and take a look at it, but it's just one webpage, i'm still working out details
@N3buchadnezzar Caird doesn't use git either?!
@pxeger Which YTers?
Jul 3 at 11:02, by pxeger
a fellow CarlSagan42 viewer?
+ PangeaPanga + FreakAndGeek
@cairdcoinheringaahing Are these allegations true?
I mostly watch Panga, used to watch DGR and Rays
Do you use a different version control system?
Version control software is for people who make mistakes when coding :P
@pxeger I grew a bit tired of all the Trolled videos. I occacionaly watch Dave just for something very uplifting
me too
they seemed a bit saturating on the attention span
Panga's doing a 1000 expert level no-skip challenges right now
yes, that too gets a little tiring
It's pretty good, although it gets a bit boring after 800 or so :p
@RedwolfPrograms This sentence makes absolutely no sense to anyone not familiar with MM2, I love it!
@RedwolfPrograms and others: Does someone mind sending a TIO link with settings? Not 'arguments' or 'command-line options.' The mythical settings!
100 expert level, no coconut nut challenge
@N3buchadnezzar I mean "1000 expert level no-skip" isn't that hard to parse, as long as you're familiar with what SMM2 is :p
I want to test the TIO-API link parser
@AviFS Just a second, I'll go try to generate one
@AviFS I think settings is an internal option, not something languages can use
Not sure if it'll have the compat setting or not
Hmm, I don't see the settings anywhere? Where would it come up?
Will it run differently, maybe?

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