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How's tricks?
Tricky, but under control :) How are yours?
I am trying not to get worked up before my meeting today.
And it's led me to trying to think of a damn expression about looking for trouble.
Deep breaths help me. Who are you meeting?
Which is getting me all worked up.
I'm meeting the project lead and the big boss, same as usual. But I am feeling very confrontational.
The project lead is pressuring me into doing a "training" session that he can't make it to at the end of next week.
Look at yourself smiling in a mirror?
it might cheer you up
looks sceptical
looking at pictures of other happy people tends to improve one's mood
My boys will cheer me up if they wake up before I go to work.
We had a loooonnnnngggg weekend.
Jolly good :)
@KitFox was it fun?
Yes, very fun.
what did y'all get up to?
We visited my brother and his family. I don't see them often enough.
They live about five hours from me.
@KitFox that's a long way
Especially with two small people.
Ten hours of driving in three days.
And the little one decided this was a good time to start working on a new molar.
Poor kiddo.
that must've been uncomfortable
Oh. I invoked him. He stirs.
@KitFox Wow, ten hours of driving! I can't even watch a movie for ten hours!
I finally reached 50 helpful flags despite my horrendous flagging skills.
your flagging skills are flagging?
Yeah, I am still not sure how to flag and what to flag after reading all the descriptions, lol.
Now that I have reached 50 flags, I may retire from flagging.
maybe, or try for 500!
In the past 50 earns the deputy badge but now one needs 80.
I'm at 149 by now?
@JasperLoy yes, I noticed that some time ago. luckily I got in there when the deputy badge was cheap
@JasperLoy It was 40 flags actually.
100 given + 400 from helpful flags = 500 flag weight; and that gives you deputy badge.
trods away.
Hey did we do anything for EL&U's birthday?
When was that?
Wasn't it yesterday?
oh no!
Yes, it looks like it was
We should do something over the week to make up for it
Aug 5 '11 at 11:51, by KitΘδς
Happy Birthday, EL&U!
@MattЭллен How about elect you as mod?
We'll see.
What about electing you too, @Kit? That would certainly be special.
It's a bit quiet here this afternoon
@MattЭллен Maybe I can help stir things up a bit: I think homosexuals are supernatural and don't really exist, but I do wonder how many could dance on the head of a pin. Bear in mind that dancing would be extremely lewd and suggestive.
thet depends on how you define on
We should ask on EL&U.
or how thinly you spread the head
@Robusto well, that would be off topic! Maybe ask on physics
@MattЭллен Metaphysics, you mean.
Or physics meta? Is that the same as metaphysics?
it should be...
Maybe metaphysics is also lewd and suggestive. Those pesky metaphysicists!
Their talk about the fundamental nature of things! They ought to wash their mouths out.
Yes. And what is all this talk about "root" causes?
Leave my root alone!
no accessing root in this chat
There. :P
I guess that metaphysicists don't run ubuntu
True. They have debiant personalities.
@Robusto so belligerent
@Robusto I guess they're just waiting for their coming-out parties
Nah. Just bellicose.
mmmm bellicophagery. I haven't heard any of that in a while
Eating a war? Hmm, might be good. Hot and spicy.
She talks about your debiant ways in this song.
"This voice cannot be stifled by your debiant ways"
Well! I'll be sure no to come around her
See that you don't. She will only break your heart.
I wouldn't have expected more
Q: rising and falling intonation

kikioI'm new in English speaking... In these 3 sentences, I should fall or rise intonation? (Here’s your bill...) What´s the $20 for? (Oh! You’re from Russia!) It’s so far from here, isn’t it? May I have your passport, please? I think: rise rise first rise, then fall Am I right? Edit: I added...

This is categorically unanswerable. Any question or statement may be made with a rising or falling intonation at any point.
"Did you eat the cookies?" would normally be spoken with a rising intonation, but could easily be spoken with a falling one (say, if you had asked the question before and were merely reiterating). Moreover, what if the asker were concerned with something else that might have been done with the cookies? "Did you eat the cookies?" (As opposed to hoarding them or throwing them away, etc.) In that case "eat" would be the highest intonation in that sentence.
And even then it wouldn't have to be. Geezis.
that explanation sounds familiar. I wonder if we've had that question before
I think we have.
I think I even answered a question like that once upon a time.
DID you eat the cookies?
Did YOU eat the cookies?
Did you EAT the cookies?
Did you eat THE cookies?
Did you eat the COOKIES?
Did YOU eat the COOKIES?
DID you eat the COOKIES?
But damn me if I can find it now.
Q: Rules for rising and falling intonation in similar questions - what are they?

Edd TurnerConsider these two questions: Would you mind saying a little bit more about that? and What do you mean by that? When they perform the same function, and I expect an answer to both, why does the first have a falling intonation and the second one which rises? My group of learners are a...

I think even that is a dupe of an earlier question.
Q: Punctuating question tags: A question mark is always required, isn't it?

RobustoConsider the sentence: You didn't leave the dog in the car, did you? In oral English, this statement may be spoken with a rising intonation or a falling one. If the former, it suggests that leaving the dog in the car is a bad thing, and might even suggest incredulity and consternation on th...

not a dupe, but has the explanation in it
No, not a dupe. And even if the answer is the same, that doesn't make the "Rules" question a dupe.
But the current question under consideration is a dupe based on what you found.
the day it was born
How old is it?
@MattЭллен That was a Jasperish expalantion.
@Gigili Thanks!
@Gigili 2 years old? I think that's right
Please edit your answer into proper English. Use correct capitalization and organize it into separate coherent paragraphs. It is unreadable as written. — tchrist 3 mins ago
@tchrist I tried. It still is.
silk purses, sow’s ears
Come to think of it.
Q: What does this quote from the Great Gatsby mean?

paradox2 “When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever; I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart” Does "at a sort of moral attention" mean the same moral level or something ...

Why is this question even open?
Why am I putting any effort into it at all?
I thought we were not here to interpret literature.
It's really what does "moral attention" mean? and What does "riotous excursions" mean?
Yeah. I looked at it last night, but I didn't close it because "at a moral attention" isn't literature interpretation. However it does seem Jenny Ref. "At a moral attention" means "at a moral attention"
Which the second I'd say is gen ref.
Where is the chocolate cake anyway?
you'll have to ask GLaDOS
@MattЭллен I'm not sure that "at a sort of moral attention" is obvious if you don't connect it to the military aspect. In other words, I don't think you could piece it together from a dictionary.
maybe not
The EL&U birthday cake is a lie.
Gotta enter the Commuting Portal now. Hope the cake is not a lie.
And anyway, I have a suspicion that there is something up with that question.
@Robusto c u on the other side!
@KitFox up like NS?
It is a bit strange to me that two brand new users would be so excited about the Great Gatsby.
Where's the other?
One of the answerers.
On a side note:
Q: Are all of these sentences grammatical?

Fuji He was charged with killing 13 people. He was charged with having killed 13 people. He was charged with the crime he killed 13 people. I suppose the phrase no. 1 is correct but the others also make sense or are they grammatically wrong?

This needs a better title.
I can't think of what it should be, which makes me think it ought to be closed and moved to ELL.
NS read GG?
@KitFox I suspect NS
Is the daily rate of rep=1 questions constant?
I don't know what you're trying to ask
@simchona Why?
@RegDwightАΑA Because I'm feeling twitchy.
Q: "You're not" vs. "you ain't"

ZarWhat's the difference between "you're not" and "you ain't" (.. coming home ..)? I do realize that ain't is a contraction for are not - but still. Wich one of the two should be used when? What's most formal/informal?

@MattЭллен Moi?
@simchona And I am starting to feel twitchy about "this could be Nortonn" becoming the default flag on all questions ever.
@RegDwightАΑA I'm mostly right.
@tchrist yeah. what is they daily rate of rep?
This one doesn't seem like him to me.
@Reg I know what you mean.
It doesn't fit the pattern.
@KitFox Neither did his Wikipedia question last week.
@tchrist you really don't. People flag within seconds now. It's become a sports of sorts.
@MattЭллен Ok, is the number of questions posed by users whose rep=1 daily the same from day to day?
It used to be that it took three questions and some strange formatting for people to ring a bell. Now it's just "OMG a user with 1 rep flag him quick".
@RegDwightАΑA Oh gosh. Well, I’ve never done so, so I had no idea.
@simchona How did you know it was him then?
@KitFox Prepositions. Formulation of question.
I get the notion that it comes in bursts.
@KitFox Also, comment style/tone.
@tchrist O I C! thanks. I don't know
@simchona But this one doesn't fit that pattern.
There is a burst after the Europeans go to bed, too.
maybe that's when ELLers awaken
Maybe so.
@KitFox I could always be wrong.
I would hate to always be wrong.
@simchona You may be right. I may be crazy.
I have meeting prep, so afk.
There. Five paragraphs with five different pronoun sets, all referencing the same reader. That should keep ’em busy. :)
away from shower? stinky!
Or is that Air Force shower? I imagine that would be standing naked atop a jet as it flew through a cloud.
A Free Shower.
there was one of those last night, outside. so much rain
I’m in the daily dead-zone vis-à-vis upvote reputation. All I can aim for is style points.
style's worth a lot
Hence my previous answer.
I am trying to find info about the pre-K program that we are not sending my son to. I click all over the place and finally find a website that one of the teachers made in FirstClass. The whole site is covered in riotous colors and ...
Comic Sans.
I am so glad we are sending him to a different school.
a school that teaches that there is never a good excuse for comic sans
A school that turns its content over to a parent who actually does that stuff.
@KitFox Isn’t there an xkcd on that?
Good enough
No xkcd in chat!
@MattЭллен It's obviously a wordpress site or something, but I'm not going to complain. At least it is managed content and not this sort of barfed out thing.
@MattЭллен s/a good/any/
Oh, it doesn't one box it. Reg may be pleased.
@tchrist not even if you're being threatened with having Rebecca Black's Friday forced into your ears forever more
@KitFox that's because it's not xkcd, it's xkcdsw
There is at least one good excuse for using Comis Sans: when you are PZ Myers and want to quote one of the emails you get.
Every font has its uses. And every font has its misuses. If you don't notice people misuse Arial and Courier, that's your fault, not Comic Sans's.
just because other fonts get misused doesn't prove that comic sans has a use
OK but where is the chocolate cake?
@Vitaly Oh. I have done that very thing, as a secret, subversive, subliminal, and sub rosa means of belittling the quoted message via cR@ppY typ0gRaphY.
@MattЭллен I'm just saying, for far too many people, "Comic Sans sucks" is just a euphemism for "hey, at last a font I can recognize!"
@MattЭллен Yes, I know. That's why I thought maybe Reg would like it.
@RegDwightАΑA Arial is its own punishment.
@KitFox OIC
@MattЭллен ... blockquote.creationist { font-family:"Comic Sans MS"; background:url("http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/files/2011/08/tiny_gumby_‌​trans.gif") 0px 0px no-repeat transparent; }
@KitFox > Your organization's policy is set to warn on websites categorized as Tasteless & Offensive.
@tchrist my point exactly. Yet people will say just that about Comic Sans and not Arial. You are probably the first person ever to say that about Arial.
@MattЭллен For reals?
@KitFox apparently, but I can click through to the site
Hilarious, no?
reminds me of you!
You are trying to tell me something, I can feel it.
Me and @Cerb.
@RegDwightАΑA Not even close. Here is but one out of many. Arial is grotesque.
I should edit more questions?
Shit. I am supposed to be preparing for a meeting.
You are triumphant and you will kick my ass once you become moderator?
@Cerberus you should. and flag and ask and answer and vote, while you're there
I see.
@tchrist that should be every Reddit post ever. Instead, well you know.
“Arial owes its very existence to that success but is little more than a parasite—and it looks like it’s the kind that eventually destroys the host.”
I agree.
Or: Despite its pervasiveness, a professional designer would rarely—at least for the moment—specify Arial. To professional designers, Arial is looked down on as a not-very-faithful imitation of a typeface that is no longer fashionable. It has what you might call a “low-end stigma.”
I have always disliked it, from day one.
@Cerberus oh I pitched your Fowler scan earlier today.
Well, I don't have time to frig with the fonts on my website.
Perhaps you want to answer the question proper.
Q: Using both “one’s” and “their” to refer to the same entity

DavidConsider this example: Sustainability management in large organisations is an important activity that helps to achieve one’s business goals while at the same time reducing their environmental impact and improving benefits to wider society." Does it make sense to use both one’s and their to ...

@RegDwightАΑA Doesn't their refer to business goals?
Principle of charity, everyone.
@RegDwightАΑA ”In this instance, you cannot help but wonder whether using two different pronouns necessarily implies two different referents ... A careful writer might well want to make both their pronoun references the same”

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