> As Trump’s condition deteriorated during the day Friday, the president and his team ultimately made the decision to send him to Walter Reed preemptively — and, from a public relations perspective, when he was still able to walk to Marine One on his own, according to one outside adviser in frequent contact with White House officials. They feared the possibility of a further decline, and what that might mean, both for the president’s health and his political optics
> Remarkably enough, the Supreme Court recently addressed this very issue — state laws that bind electors to vote for a candidate who has become incapacitated — without resolving it. In the recent Chaifalo decision,
> in which the court held that states do have the power to bind their electors to support their state’s popular vote winner, Justice Elena Kagan’s majority opinion noted that the court was not addressing the legality of a state binding a candidate to vote for an incapacitated candidate.
Biden is pulling all negative ads as well, which is probably a good call, especially if Trump dies. Trump wouldn't and certainly hasn't shown the same respect for the sick and dead... But it's just rye good ol' double standard.
The Guardian: 'It’s a hoax. There's no pandemic': Trump's base stays loyal as president fights Covid. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/03/donald-trump-base-stays-loyal-president-fights-covid-19
> “It’s a hoax. There’s no pandemic. As Trump said, how many millions die of flu?” said the 56-year-old truck driver outside the early voting station in St Joseph, Missouri – a stronghold for the president
> "If he’s sick, then they planted it when they tested him. It’s what they did to me when I went to hospital for my heart beating too fast. Two weeks later I got a cold,” he said. “It’s political. I don’t trust the US government at all. Who are they to mandate personal safety? I listen to Trump.”
I have words, but they're not fit for the network.
> [The Trump] family openly defied regulations requiring masks at the debate.
@Nzall eh, somewhat. These people exist with or without Trump, but there's certainly more because of Trump. He calls it a hoax, and so his supporters believe it.
@Wipqozn They would believe it's a hoax even without Trump. Trump attracts a particular kind of people that ordinarily wouldn't believe the Government anyway and thinks the government is trying to harm them. Because Trump appeals to these people, they feel strengthened in their beliefs
1 Corinthians 15:52
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the
trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we
shall be changed.
For there to be a last trumpet, there had to be preceding trumpets.
What is this "Last trumpet" that Paul i...
> The WH TV pool just received this quote from “a source familiar with the President's health...” - “The President's vitals over last 24 hours were very concerning and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care. We are still not on a clear path to a full recovery."
@MadScientist General consensus is that this was Mark Meadows who is captured on feed asking poolers to go off the record, in advance of the inevitable "aNoNyMoUs SoUrCeS" shit from Trumpworld
For, uh, entertainment? sardonic pleasure? listen to the debate translated live by three Japanese interpreters each speaking over each other and the original English audio feed twitter.com/ciaolivia/status/1311151062267473921
To someone who doesn't speak Japanese the Japanese translation makes about as much sense as the English one
I can hear at one point for a split second when nobody was speaking one of the interpreters clearly taking a deep breath, and I'm trying to imagine her expression
I just realized that on election night a bunch of blue voters are going to be thrown in jail, due to getting in "conflict" with the Trumps personal army of right wingers showing up with assault rifles and shit.
Note: the right ringers wit the weapons will not be tossed in jail