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Q: Apostrophe after Proper Noun ending with s

EssenToday's Newyorker News Desk says Texas's insurgent establishment. Is Texas's correct usage? Doesn't seem elegant in any case.

Q: What is the correct possessive for nouns ending in s?

kiamlalunoWhat is the possessive of a noun ending in s? The boys' books. ? The boss' car.

@KitFox You may save time by not pasting the second question here as it is clear when you close as duplicate.
Oh I don't need much time, so I don't mind spending it.
That sounds very professional!
I see I missed Evan just now while taking a nap.
@EvanCarroll I like freedom too and I think there is too much injustice in this sick world, but I really don't think you are serious about the election. I might be wrong though, because maybe you are just highly eccentric like me.
@kit Your removing the sex part and putting back the mother part in your statement is a great election move in my opinion.
I didn't remove any sex part.
Everyone knows sex sells.
Well, you removed the part about "sexual relations".
Did I? Oh.
JLO never lies.
@Daniel δ (I tried to ask you this before but it probably failed without your... end character) I noticed that you are supporting the Art of Writing and Fine Writing Instruments proposal and it made me wonder whether you lettered your Gravatar.
@cornbreadninja I think the history of his avatar is buried too deeply in this chat, so you may have to ask again like you are now doing...
giggles at setting a default value to 9001
So what happens when you do that?
It's OVER 9000!!!
@JasperLoy if he answered the first time, it didn't alert me. The first time, though, I didn't have his special thing at the end.
So he prolly didn't get a notification.
@cornbreadninja I know, I was thinking he might have mentioned it 9000 years ago, before you came.
@JasperLoy OIC.
@cornbreadninja I kind of hate calligraphy.
@JasperLoy omg why?
@cornbreadninja Well, I just mean that there is nothing special about it to me. That's all.
@JasperLoy fair enough.
How come nobody told me about ⁊?
That is so much cooler than &.
@Robusto Come see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
@MetaEd I really wish I could see that!
it's a '2048' box
Tironian notes (') is a system of shorthand said to have been invented by Cicero's scribe Marcus Tullius Tiro. Tiro's system consisted of about 4,000 signs, somewhat extended in classical times to 5,000 signs. In the European Medieval period, Tironian notes were taught in monasteries and the system was extended to about 13,000 signs (see scribal abbreviations). The use of Tironian notes declined after 1100 but some use can still be seen through the 17th century. Note on sign counts Notae can be themselves composites (ligatures) of simpler notae, the resulting compound still bei...
oh thank you
my sevens look roughly like that
A: Apostrophe after Proper Noun ending with s

NoahWhen I was in high school, my English teacher taught me to use an appostrophe after most verbs ending in 's'. The only exception was when indicating posession with ancient and important people. For example: Jesus's or Odysseus's. I do not know why this distinction was important, but thats what...

It's a symbol shaped like a numeral 7 which was used in a form of shorthand. It stood (stands, if you're Irish) for "and" or "et".
Appostrophe after most verbs. Right.
The word "noun" is right there in the title, for Jesus'aes sake.
@RegDwightАΑA That is a very naughty remark.
Thank you for that.
I was extremely annoyed that two high rep users answered a very, very dupe question.
@JasperLoy it's a direct quote.
@KitFox Maybe they did not know. This possibility certainly exists.
Q: Lept, Leapt, Leaped

Dave JarvisQuestion What example sentences distinguish the meaning of the words lept, leapt, and leaped from each other? Related http://www.dailywritingtips.com/forum/showthread.php?98-Leapt-Lept-Leaped

@JasperLoy It was after I voted to close it and the link was in the comments.
@KitFox I see. Well, it might be that they did not refresh the page after your automatic comment.
Let's just settle for we don't know for sure.
Oh damn Kit's tweened me.
Q: Word that means to ascertain whether someone is alive or dead

Matthew PiziakDiagnose comes close to this meaning, but the result of a diagnosis is not usually a binary classification. I'd like a word that means to determine whether someone is alive or dead, or analogously, a word that means to determine whether a device is functioning or broken.

It's insane, this guy's taint.
Well according to the best joke in the world, the word he is looking for is "shoot".
What if you ping someone to death?
It's a variable naming request.
@Robusto I noticed the ping now works even if flash is not installed. It happened recently.
Ahh, randomness. breathes in deeply
There's another "and" sign I'm familiar with, it's written a lot like a plus but has a loop. I wonder if it's just a "cursive plus" or maybe it has a different history
@MetaEd Maybe it's a recursive plus.
@MetaEd I used that one at first, and then I made curvy E with vertical line like my mother. Now I make real ampersands.
hugs ampersands
@RegDwightАΑA I only recognize the last two.
"Writing the ampersand

In everyday handwriting, the ampersand is sometimes simplified as an ε superimposed by a vertical line.
Alternatively, it is sometimes written as a t or a + sign with an added loop, resembling the phonetic symbol for a voiceless alveolar lateral fricative [ɬ]. This type of ampersand may actually be a rendering of the + sign or of the Tironian "et"."
@JasperLoy no worries, the other four don't recognize you, either.
@RegDwightАΑA I've had sexual relations with at least four of those.
@RegDwightАΑA I doubt the last two recognize me.
I make ampersands but mine are a little ... odd. I learned to make typographical ampersands like Reg's #6 above, but then I started writing them more like "et".
@JasperLoy I never said they did.
@KitFox Not many who don't make the cut with you.
It's true.
Because they are et, dammit.
@MetaEd well and A is a cow.
@KitFox I have had relations with the 6 numbers there.
@RegDwightАΑA Mu.
@MetaEd are supporting the Typography proposal?
Do you drcoww cow cow ecowch time?
@cornbreadninja If I ask "what Typography proposal" is the answer going to hurt?
@MetaEd this won't hurt a bit.
I'd like to propose to typography.
@RegDwightАΑA Of course not. I use the cow symbol.
@cornbreadninja She will only break your heart.
I could use a real cow, of course.
@cornbreadninja Good luck. I hope it agrees.
If it'll m∀ke you h∀ppy I could use ∀ symbol which is more consistent with the origin∀l.
@MetaEd I once saw a cow ramming into a schoolmate of mine who was then in hospital for a month for a broken hip.
@cornbreadninja Interesting.
I don't see any sample questions there about Unicode.
@MetaEd No universal quantification in chat.
Wouldn't Unicode be a good topic for a typography SE?
@Robusto Also, no existential questions in chat.
@JasperLoy That ship has sailed.
@Robusto So … sort of a MetaPlus?
I think I'm in love.
@MetaEd You clearly haven't considered the minuses.
One only needs to consider the sinuses.
It's true, I hyphen't.
And you thought a 7-way Venn diagram couldn't be done.
@Robusto Geezis, where did that come from? Is it a picture of your neurons?
@JasperLoy Close. It's a map of my neurosis.
This is really fascinating. I have never seen this stuff before.
My ampersand is the "et ligature in Insular script" shown in the Wikipedia article except that I do the strokes differently. I do them in the order 2, 1, 3, 4, without lifting the pen. It makes a cute little cursive et.
@Robusto Eight. Now do eight.
Also do seven equal area.
@MetaEd I now wonder if there is a program to generate such pics for all n.
@Robusto hawt
@JasperLoy It's probably a problem at Project Euler.
Hey, has anyone here developed their own font?
Nope, Ubuntu has its own font though.
Wondering what software I should be using.
I'd like to design a font based on my own idiosyncratic handwriting.
Maybe use it on my blog.
@MetaEd Don't call your font MetaFont though, because that already exists.
alors les gens, que se passe ici?
Sorry, knee jerk reaction.
@Jez Nous nourrissons un troll.
So really the term for a male homemaker could be housewere or housevir.
@MetaEd no, silly, it's a werehouse
"Welcome to the best little werehouse in Texas."
Firewere. Werehole cover.
I like it.
I'm trying to decide if I need more coffee before I head home.
@KitFox How can I help.
Does anybody use a chrome browser?
How about this. You know there is a study which proves coffee makes you smarter.
@skullpatrol I use Google Chrome, if that's what you mean.
@MetaEd Yes, that is what I mean.
Nice ounce, by the way.
thanks :)
I'm in Chrome right now.
Q: 2012 Community Moderator Town Hall Chat

Grace NoteIn connection with the moderator elections, we will be holding a Town Hall Chat session with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the candidates on the topic of moderation. Participation is completely voluntary. I will be working with can...

Oh, never mind I figured it out, pardon the interruption.
frantically refreshes inbox
realizes she is checking the wrong email
Instantly disqualified as not Internet-savvy!
logs in and rapidly clicks refresh continually
Damn it!
Well, there are other fine candidates.
@RegDwightАΑA Oh, hell.
@MetaEd a most very apt description. Concise, too.
Ugh, the scheduling interface has gotten worse. I think, since I can't actually remember.
I remember the last time around Rebecca joked that we'd be grilled, except she then went on to actually grill us.
Can't remember any details or anything at all, but I was a nervous wreck.
It was like three a.m. at my place, too.
How many days ago is March?
Feb 24 '11 at 0:28, by Rebecca Chernoff
@RegDwight Yes. Prepare to be grilled. I expect 500 word essays written in about 2 minutes. This will continue for an hour.
@KitFox 4*30
That is exactly what actually happened.
@waiwai933 17*7
142 days @KitFox
@RegDwightАΑA So how do we safeguard this event from the fighters against the establishment whom we wish to suppress?
@RegDwightАΑA Doesn't read like a joke.
@RegDwightАΑA Upside this time is that you get to be on the grilling end, rather than the grilled end.
@RegDwightАΑA Does this work like other town hall meetings: people come up with questions in advance? Or is it just a free for all at the time?
@MetaEd You can prepare questions, but it is free for all.
How much rep does a person need to vote for a mod?
@MetaEd Rebecca, or I guess Grace this time, will have a set of standard questions ready in case nobody from inside the community has any questions at all.
@Robusto 300, methinks?
Mudslinging will be absolutely prohibited mandatory against trolls.
I think we should raise the bar to 50K.
Roubles. You forgot the unit.
You misspelled troubles.
That bar is in no need of raising.
@KitFox which end of March? Also, which year? NARQ!
At least somebody is asking pertinent questions.
Yes, your questions are very prettynent. rolls eyes
"How many days ago is March?" is not a real question?
Ambiguous, vague.
but real
Also off-topic, too localized, and general reference. Maybe we could even get in exact duplicate and not constructive.
@skullpatrol no, it might as well be asking for an imaginary number.
@RegDwightАΑA I see no square roots of negative numbers being asked for.
You have to squint. A lot.
And that's precisely the point. You should be able to see everything clearly from the get-go.
When's the Grand Opening? Sixteen minutes?
Count 142 days from midnight March 31 up till today and that is the answer to "How many days ago is March?"
But it's not midnight now.
Your watch must be awfully imprecise.
Of course it does depend on the time zone :)
That, too.
13 minutes, actually.
God that logo is awful.
@skullpatrol What? I don't think so.
Q: London Olympics 2012 Live stream free sopcast tv network

user24132London Olympics 2012 Live stream free sopcast tv network.London Olympics 2012 Live stream free sopcast tv network.London Olympics 2012 Live stream free sopcast tv network. click here to watch now click here to watch now The Security is tight enough the London authroties call the Army to contro...

I wish I hadn't asked.
@KitFox You don't think 142 days is right?
You're off by 17 or so days.
Well you haven't specified Gregorian or not.
Again. NARQ.
Unless you are in a time warp somewhere.
With Riff-Raff and Meat Loaf.
Hot Patootie, I mean.
It's just a jump to the left.
Q: I have a question

bitshoe Source "On June 2, Justice C. Ian McLachlan turned 70 and retired as required by law from the Connecticut Supreme Court. Justice Lubbie Harper Jr. and Senior Associate Justice Flemming L. Norcott Jr. will retire in the next 16 months. The last time so many vacancies happened in such short or...

Title of the Day.
@KitFox Oh, you're right. Pardon me.
@RegDwightАΑA Ruined it for you.
Stop betweening me. I'll override you anyway.
@KitFox I took your 17*7 and added 6 instead of subtracting 1.
@RegDwightАΑA That was amazing.
Here I was thinking he was too quiet
@simchona Don't look at me.
Anyway. Only five minutes left.
Ima watch me some Olympic's.
@RegDwightАΑA I canna help it.
It'll probably be boring anyway. But wevs.
Let the Games Begin!!!
Oh FFS, I can't even read my own if statements.
Haha, I'm incredibly silly. I asked an ED question.
I didn't even look at the list of similar questions while asking. Unbelievable.
Ohai @Gigili. I hope you don't mind that I closevoted you.
I will blow you kisses blows kisses @Gigili but I am on my way home now.
kisses @Kit back
Umm, still 10 candidates? So boring.
@RegDwightАΑA and... did you give him a link? link to that link?
@KitFox don’t dream it … be it
@KitFox stop ruining things. in other news, thank you for 17*7. one of the better prime-looking-non-primes.
@Robusto 150
@RegDwightАΑA 300 is to run.
@RegDwightАΑA I was wondering why it was deleted when I saw ... NS.
@skullpatrol Yay! The Opening Ceremony is on TV but I ain't watching.
You can just walk to it, no?
I'm sure they'll do just fine
@JasperLoy no, I'd have to have a ticket, and be in London
@MattЭллен Ah, I suppose one cannot walk from Oxford to London.
Well, it'd take a long time...
the ceremony would be long over by then!
How long is the drive?
I once walked 5 hours home for fun.
@skullpatrol with good traffic about 1hour 30
@MattЭллен Oh, I guess that means it might take a few days to walk.
@skullpatrol Are you watching it now?
@JasperLoy No, I prefer professional sports.
@JasperLoy probably, depending on how far you walk each day. it would probably be possible to do in 1 day, but that would be quite exhausting
@MattЭллен Then the traffic must be really bad in your previous statement.
@JasperLoy the M25 is notorious
@MattЭллен I didn't know you were a Balliol College man. How come you didn't go into politics?
but walking 60 miles in one day is not impossible
@Robusto Politics is unworthy for a great man.
@JasperLoy Not according to Aristotle.
@Robusto oh, well, secretly I'm Cameron's puppet master
@Robusto That is when the world still could be salvaged. It's too messed up today.
which technically means Reg runs the UK
@skullpatrol I only like to watch table tennis and tennis.
@JasperLoy Wah, wah, wah, the world is dying. Suck it up and suffer.
@JasperLoy Do you play?
@skullpatrol I play.
@MattЭллен Good. Tell him to make Big Ben ring seven times at six o'clock tomorrow evening and then we can take it from there.
I play chicken invaders everyday.
@skullpatrol No, I used to play a bit of the former for fun, but not anymore.
@Gigili What is that?
Ennyhow, gotta motor. Bai.
@Robusto Bye.
@skullpatrol It's a computer game I guess.
@JasperLoy Good guess :)
@skullpatrol Thanks. Have a cookie.
I have been thinking hard about who to vote for. I have changed my choice again, shh...
@JasperLoy Why thank you don't mind if I do.
Ech. Need something to wash the SQL out of my mouth.
Something? A, umm, glass of, umm, water?
And the ODBC. And the CSV.
@Gigili Maybe something stronger.
A: What is an 'Iron Ring Event'

CameronIt probably refers to the collapse of the Quebec Bridge: In 1922, Canadian Herbert Haultain created a ceremony for new engineers. New engineers are asked to recite an Obligation to their profession. They also are given an iron ring to wear on their little finger. The ring is a symbol to...

> The Quebec Bridge collapsed in 1907, killing 75 workers. The cause was an engineering error. In 1917, the rebuilt bridge collapsed. This time, 11 people were killed.
I think I have some uisce beatha at home.
@MetaEd please, sir, may I have galore?
@Mitch With a good will.
@Mitch Nice edit.
I have posted a bad answer.
Was it a bad question?
"To err is human, but if you really want to f*** things up, use a computer." — Robusto 10 secs ago
@Robusto Computers err too. Sometimes I on it and it just hangs.
Well, don't on it then.
> Borenstein received a B.A. in Mathematics and Religious Studies from Grinnell College in 1980
@Robusto 10 secs ago? Magic
@Mitch Yes. I knew Nate from my time at Grinnell.
@Mitch Ah, Grinnell College ... one of the many Harvards of the Midwest.
@Robusto Duke is the Princeton of the South
@Robusto what? there are others?
Walking down Mass. Ave. in Cambridge one day I saw a Harvard student wearing a sweatshirt that read "Harvard: Michigan State of the East"
Harvey Mudd is the Bard college of California?
@Mitch Hey, my niece went to Mudd.
@Robusto hmm.. the M-bomb
@Robusto it's a great school.
A good friend of mine went to Bard.
(I know nothing about Grinnell)
Pop Quiz: How many schools in the ivy league? (no google please)
@Mitch Many style themselves that way. Doesn't mean they're accurate.
ooh .. ooh..I know...
no I don't.
maybe eight
that's how many sisters there are.
@MattЭллен BINGO
Reg wins again
'maybe' is part of the answer?
Olympic overflow.
@skullpatrol My answer is ... 9000. But I think they are over-rated.
I thought it just started.
ooohhh...it's negative?
It's minus one days, obviously.
oh...-1 day plus 22 hrs
Well yes and no.
It's still counting backwards.
or - 1:33 hrs
It will be at 00-1 21 17 in an hour.
@Mitch Yes, that.
Actually that screenshot is missing another crucial thing.
Well, at least it's GMT. We don't have to add or subtract.
they never taught clock math like -that- in school
Omega: The final word in time.
@RegDwightАΑA daylight savings time?
oh...the ad.
So now you know what to make of all the records to come.
The Omega Greenwich Meridian™.
I cannot find teh clock
Usain Bolt isn't really that fast, they just count his times backwards.
@Robusto You should tell them to use that for their ads.
The games have been going on for 5 days
@skullpatrol The preliminary rounds I guess.
Yeah they already set some records.
Because again, OMEGA.
competition none the less
I thought of an interesting equation.
@skullpatrol It's not who wins it's how...hold on, it is all about who wins.
God = OMG = Omega = Alpha and Omega = God. QED.
@RegDwightАΑA See, all this emphasis on doing things faster leads to shoddy workmanship. It takes me 15 or 20 seconds to run 100 meters, but I do a careful, craftsmanlike job. No slip-ups, no shortcuts. Just pure, honest coverage of distance.
@Robusto Same goes for answers here. Some shit answers are posted seconds after the question is asked.
@Mitch It's all about $$$
As the saying goes, "Measure twice, run once." What's true in carpentry is true in Olympic running competitions.
@skullpatrol Well, maybe not to all the sportsmen.
I can walk a 100 yds no problem. well, with shoes tied. no distractions. by myself. calm day. oh forget it. naptime.
@Mitch Even a baby can do that.
@JasperLoy exactly. Usain Bolt is just a big baby.
@RegDwightАΑA WTF!
@RegDwightАΑA That guy in the middle lane made a great "come" back :)
It's a good movie. Give it a try.
@RegDwightАΑA Excellent. Yoko-no kangaeta CM. I guess CM means "commercial message"?
What are they selling?
@Robusto yes. You don't know that film?
Wow, 7.7 even.
Interesting. I'll have to check it out.
So yes. I think she works as a freelance, um, advertising inventor.
There are more CMs in the movie, too. But that's not the point.
@RegDwightАΑA Libido-for-hire?
I liked the first scene the most, IIRC. There is not a single word spoken for the first twenty minutes or so.
And the visual style is stunning.
HD is a must.
@Mitch Ignorance is what they are selling, and we all just bought 1:59 worth of it.
HD is all I watch these days. Even with up-sampling, much of the early part of my DVD library is unwatchable on the new equipment.
Everyone else who doesn't care for HD or watching entire movies, just search YouTube for "Survive Style 5+!!!!COOLEST EPISODE 1!". Someone seems to share my excitement.
Actually it doesn't spoil anything in terms of plot. In fact it only raises questions.

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