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@agent86 Yeah. I set it to install this morning before work and I'm reading up on it while I wait to go home. I haven't played in a few years, so a lot is different.
@StrixVaria could you upgrade dispensers and teleporters when you last played?
@agent86 Yes.
I don't remember exactly how long it's been, really.
@NiQAlasT You just have to redefine "middle class" as "top of upper middle class" and interpret "massive" as "a percent or so", which I suspect is easy to do when you believe in Mitt Romney magic. RAZZLE DAZZLE!
the other thing that always gets me is the number of spy tools there are that violate the rules I used to know about spies
@agent86 I'm definitely going to be paying very close attention to that section when I get there.
I hate playing as a spy, but it's imperative I know all the ways they can ruin me.
@StrixVaria there's like... infinite cloak watch if you stand still, the one that makes it look like you died when you didn't, knives that instantly and silently disguise you as the person you stabbed, etc
@agent86 if you want to post your email for a split secnd I can just forward you the emails w/ amazon
@agent86 I've played with all those effects.
There may be new ones, though, on top of that.
@StrixVaria I seem to remember one where you could backstab an engineer and his stuff wouldn't target you
does mom remain in depths 2?
but I can't remember if that was a suggestion or an actual item
@QAdp Yeah
@QAdp yeah, if you've beaten her you have to beat her again
on every run down to the "next boss"
I have the sun again so...
@QAdp I could have sworn you were the one who had already beaten Binding of Isaac a bunch of times
nope, very first today
@agent86 email sent; I also don't know if it was all one order (e.g. we'd have the same order number); but when I punched in the number it just pulled up the one item, quantity one.
@NiQAlasT did you end up getting an order number out of Lauren then?
hmm, okay
She just responded with (entire email here): "all the headsets were ordered ahead of time and shipped from our office, so there is no order number. Sorry about that!"
which is apparently wrong
mom, have at you. again!
fuck! I can't go back to the rest of the level once I beat mom?
am I really leaving behind a full health pill?
@GnomeSlicE I usually just ignore them, but I like you solution better!
I love the Quick-Fix, but it just depends on your team mates ability to understand the concept of team work.
@Wipqozn I'm trying to figure out when this would be preferable to overhealing.
@StrixVaria badp wrote a post about it awhile back. When you're trying to push a point it lets you be a lot more aggressive since you can keep the entire team healed. Whereas with the normal medigun you tend to fewer, slower pushes where you just keep one person alive.
There's also the fact that you can't be knocked back during an uber, so it's really useful for taking out sentries.
Yeah that sounds good.
How long can you tank a sentry with the 300% healing rate but no invincibility?
@StrixVaria Long enough to destroy it.
That's what's important, really.
I think the qucik-fix is able to fully heal 3 heavies from 50-full helth (with a few seconds remaining) during the uber time.
@NiQAlasT your label is different than mine - mine got shipped from stack exchange, and doesn't have an "amazon" return label.
If you're going against a pocket of three sentries you're better off with the medigun uber though.
I'll see if they're willing to deal with me though...
Since I'm pretty sure you could get one-shotted.
@agent86 hrm; dunno then...you could still probably give them Abby's name/SE address and the item
but like I said, it heavily depends on your teams ability to work together. If your team is just derping around you'll never be able to take advantage of it's increased healing anyways.
@Wipqozn This is true of the other medic healing guns too, though.
@NiQAlasT yeah, worth a shot. I appreciate the details, this should at least make it feasible.
Playing on a team where no one is willing to work together is the worst, and it's only worse when you try to be the medic.
@StrixVaria It is, but the other mediguns tend to do better when you just focus on one person, compared to the quick fix.
I should really cash out my earbuds at some point
@agent86 their website just says "If you don't have the packing slip, you can contact customer service for the order number. Please provide the sender's name and e-mail address, and the phone number of the address where the gift was shipped."
The whole idea of the quick fix is keeping the entire team healed, instead of just having one person constantly overhealed.
I think they're worth crazy cash
@Wipqozn I used to keep multiple people overhealed with the standard medigun...
Q: Can I go back to the rest of the level once I beat Mom?

QAdpAm I really leaving behind everything on the Depths 2 after I enter the boss room? I had left behind a blood donation machine and a full health pill and everything else!

Q: What's this sound when Shepard arrives at the Citadel?

Christian IvicevicWhen you start the Mission Citadel: The Return in the Extended Cut of Mass Effect 3 than Shepard appears on the Citadel via the Conduit which was protected by Marauder Health (R.I.P. Marauder Shields). If you watch (here is a video of the scene on YouTube) and hear the environment closely you can...

@StrixVaria Oh you can do it, but it's not just as effective as healing large groups as the quick-fix.
@StrixVaria 'tis fairly standard to do so I thought
Keeping everyone over healed is great, but once everyones health gets down low trying to cap a point you won't have time to get them all fully overhealed again and maintain it if you want to keep the pressure on.
I should play some tf2
Rats. I think I've gotten far enough in Megabyte punch that it's not been developed yet.
Buh, Helena the 3rd is hard.
do I want to look for treasure rooms in the womb?
@QAdp the locked room with the gold door treasure room? nope
not sure if you actually mean looking for the "secret room"
@GnomeSlicE, re: meta comments, the point is that it doesn't matter if you're right or not. in these edit wars, usually both people are sure they're right. But they're both doing the wrong thing.
@agent86 Alright, I understand.
ok, just didn't want to drag out the meta comments if we needed a longer talk :P
I now have a 9" x 9" square of thermal paste/phase change material
what fun
Q: How does Magic Find affect iLvl 61+ drops with 5NV?

TheyCallMeRobotJune 28 - Blizzard posted an update to iLvl 61+ drop rates, prompting this question of how magic find affects end-game drops. Blizzard has stated that with 5 stacks of NV a boss will drop "at least 2 rare items" and Inferno act III & IV drop rates are as follows: | iLvl 61 | 27.1%| | ...

@agent86 But how do we know who WINS
@tiddy sigh - gamers. Winning isn't everything.
We could all adapt the tiddy method and just stay under 2k rep
During edit wars I'm in the back playing the war flute
Bad ideas for Government; America's greatest export since 2001.
@StrixVaria It really is astounding how much a shield helps
Wow, went to buy LA Noire and realized I had bought it months ago
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, since it's the last thing to mitigate damage, with enough resists, blocks can block all remaining damage.
@tiddy yeah, didn't I like tell you to buy that and play it a while back? slacker.
@GnomeSlicE right... managed to work out it wasnt a steam key.... played the game, its a good one!
@GarethJones Yeah, sorry about that, Steam keys are hard to get right now.
@GnomeSlicE also, had an idea about filling the blank space on the logo..... place the arqade.com logo in the conor! ( <---- Joke)
@GnomeSlicE thats ok
@GnomeSlicE that's going to make it hard to fart out a parachute.
and ah, just cause 2. I <3'ed that game.
@agent86 I got out by pulling the pin on a grenade and blowing myself up. I kind of fell out the bottom and stumbled away into a boat.
@GnomeSlicE blowing yourself halfway to hell and stumbling away onto a boat is no way to go through life, son
@agent86 He does seem to have an infinite supply, doesn't he.
@GnomeSlicE it's so silly and ridiculous, but man is it fun!
I hated taking cars in that game, because silly parachute farting is such a superior mode of travel
@agent86 Are you a fan of sandbox style games?
@agent86 Did you ever find the hot air balloon?
I'm mostly a fan of well polished games.
There's tons of shit you can do with that.
@GnomeSlicE nope, although I played the Xbox version, which I don't think contained that vehicle. I had the "drive all the vehicles" achievement, and never encountered that.
It feels like something they added in like a week before the game came out.
@agent86 It does have it, but it doesn't count as a vehicle.
I did encounter the ultra rare super-luxury-bus thing that was apparently glitched.
You don't 'drive' it.
You jump in it and activate the burner and walk against the side of the basket to move it around.
that's... odd.
I 100%'ed that game, so I'm surprised I never saw it.
Yeah, and you can tie it to a jumbo jet and tow it around behind your plane.
I need to record some videos of this game, because I've done a ton of stuff lots of other people haven't even tried, I expect...
I'm hard on games like this.
Did you ever find the happy bubble blaster gun? Or the motorized shark fin? The smoke monster from Lost?
have you played Saint's Row 2 or 3? if you like sandbox games, they're probably a couple of my favorites.
I don't recall what I managed to find, it's been a long, long time since I played.
@agent86 I've played '2' at a friend's a while back, really liked it. I loved both of the Crackdown games.
I wanted to play Just Cause 2 for ages but never had it. Bought it on gamersgate last year for like $3, and finally started playing it about a month ago when I got my new PC.
@GnomeSlicE well, put them both on a list for when they go on sale or what have you. 2's quite solid, but 3 is so over the top and crazy awesome. It's easily my GOTY 2011
@OrigamiRobot I hate playing as a Demon Hunter.
I don't know why I sent that to you.
But it's my current Diablo-3-related thought.
I'm so fragile, it's awful.
@agent86 If you've still got the game, you should go back and check out the balloon.
@GnomeSlicE I sold my copy a while back, so I'm out of luck :(
I'm like two vehicles away from the 'drive all vehicles' achievement.
@agent86 WHY
What game is this?
@StrixVaria Just Cause 2.
@GnomeSlicE Never heard of it.
@StrixVaria If you're a fan of sandbox-style games, stop everything and go play it.
It's on sale on Gamersgate right now.
@GnomeSlicE The reason I can't play Minecraft is because there's nothing driving me forward.
@GnomeSlicE I'd fairly thoroughly beaten it, and had no intention of returning. Still have my save, but the disc got mailed to someone else some time ago.
@StrixVaria Minecraft is different, there's a storyline with missions in Just Cause 2.
@GnomeSlicE So like a GTA-style sandbox then?
@StrixVaria Yeah, fairly.
I'm not really a fan of solo Minecraft either.
Just Cause 2 Complete Edition Bundle on sale at Gamersgate for $12.50 (50% off). Comes with a Steam key and all of the DLC.
How long is it on sale?
I just bought all of the DLC a few weeks ago, and most of it you might not use because you still have to 'buy' stuff in the game, which is easily the thing I like the least about it. In crackdown you can call for whatever you've impounded for free at various points.
@StrixVaria Erm, let me check.
For the rest of the week, I think.
It's the 'Square Enix Week' sale or something.
@StrixVaria yeah, it's like GTA if you had a grappling hook and infinite parachutes and there was more focus on blowing the ever loving crap out of things with attack choppers.
@agent86 Grappling hook?
@StrixVaria Oh yes, it's how you get around mostly.
Those words just at least tripled the possibility that I get this game.
You can 'fly' by opening your chute and pulling yourself along the ground, buildings, anything in the environment to get speed.
@GnomeSlicE mmmm, yeah. once you get the rhythm down, you can pretty much glide forever. much faster than driving, although you can tether yourself to cars.
Q: Can I escape from this room in Gateways?

ripper234So far, I've found Gateways very forgiving - every mistake I've made, there was always a way to undo it and try exploring other rooms. But, then I found myself in this situation: I have all the guns, I am minified, and my orientation can be deduced from the map ... and I can't figure out a wa...

Sent myself an e-mail to check this out when I get home from work.
@agent86 You can't parasail behind vehicles, no. Well, you can if you set the throttle on a boat to max and bail out and grab it.
@StrixVaria not only a grappling hook, but a grappling hook you can use to attach any two things together. Bus + Jumbo Jet, for instance.
or enemy soldier + ceiling
@agent86 Your description of what happens in this case will play a large part in getting me to buy this game.
The jumbo jets can carry any vehicles like it weighs nothing, it's hilarious.
@StrixVaria See the above video.
@StrixVaria hilarity ensues.
@StrixVaria It's a hilarious game if you like third person open world sandbox games with exaggerated physics
How difficult is the game?
@StrixVaria not terribly on the default settings.
I cleared it on "hard" and it was somewhat challenging, but not frustrating.
One thing I didn't like about GTA4 was how unforgiving it started to get.
I mostly like a casual story experience.
I never play games on harder than the default settings.
on normal it's not so bad. you can also go explore and find things that upgrade your health and so forth
@StrixVaria You'd want to play it on easy, probably. It's not too bad.
Why are you always making me buy things, @agent86?
@StrixVaria hey, I am simply informing you of excellent gaming opportunities :P
There's a ton of stuff to find too, that you could very easily miss entirely even with hundreds of hours of gameplay time.
what happens afterwards is between you and your wallet
I might as well make use of this new video card I got for free.
@StrixVaria I'm touched you thought of me.
@agent86 I suggested it. =[
@GnomeSlicE it was a team effort. GO TEAM BRIDGE
But yeah, I should really do some videos of this game.
I have no idea what to record though, there's just too many things to do.
@agent86 Also, what's this about a rare luxury bus?
I only have two complaints with the game, really. The first is that it lacks LAN play, and the second is that you have to pay for stuff from the black market with in-game money, which runs out pretty fast if you buy a ton of cool stuff.
@GnomeSlicE there was some black bus that was "gliched" in certain versions of the game, and it kept people from getting the "drive all the cars" cheev.
@agent86 What did it look like?
been too long, I'm afraid.
oh, it's the Vanderbildt Leisure Liner
bbl, meeting
@agent86 Definitely driven that one tons of times.
Mechanical Shark Easter Egg
LOST island easter eggs (hatch, plane, smoke monster).
@FAE Do you still own the game?
@GnomeSlicE JC2? I have it on PS3.
@FAE Did you ever find the hot air balloon?
@GnomeSlicE I haven't played very much of the game, so no
@FAE Ah, you should. The game is amazing.
@GnomeSlicE I mess about it in it when I'm in a sandboxy mood. I have so many games to play though.
@StrixVaria Tim Berners-Lee just shed a single tear.
@GnomeSlicE Who?
@StrixVaria Inventor of the web.
Seems like I should have known that.
...Buh, I just saw a mod that supposedly allows you to complete the game 100% correctly, something about replacing missing items that were left out by mistake.
@JasonBerkan Al Gore?
I will never understand why my computer can run Metro 2033, but it can't run an indie game with Torchlight quality graphics...
@RESPAWN No, he invented the Internet.
@JasonBerkan I should learn how to troll better. : (
@Fluttershy i have that all the time with other games. Fallout 3 can run just about max graphics, but it will randomly crash like 5min playing, no matter what your doingin it
@GarethJones It just bugs me that a game like Metro runs just fine on my computer, but an indie game like Krater is utterly unplayable.
Q: Can I politely stop an AI's Great Prophet from getting to my cities?

DMA57361The strongest player in the game is a close ally of mine and each have one of the strongest two religions in the game. I've just spotted that he has a Great Prophet approaching my territory. According to the Civopedia they are powerful at spreading religion, and I'd rather not have a huge hit to...

Q: PSP game not saving - requires memory stick

JFWI'm playing Assassin's Creed for PSP right now and it says that it cannot save because it requires a memory stick (for PSP). How can I fix this? (I have the memory card (32GB) for the PS Vita) Thanks in advance.

@Fluttershy I know the feeling... Fallout 3 runs on my old Desktop, which has a nivida 6200, and so it crashes if i use like half of the doors in the world.....
@Fluttershy however Krater gave me some trouble as well.... i think its a tad buggy graphics wise
Mind you i was playing the beta of it
... And why is it surprising that an indie game is not as robust as a professional game?
For the record, it's ridiculous that one person can veto tag cleanups even after numerous discussions about that tag have already taken place.
going to create an answer on the tag cleanup question to protect DON'T REMOVE IT IT'S CLEARLY IN DISPUTE CUZ I SAID SO
Welcome to democracy, where atleast 49% of the people are unhappy :)
It's a good thing SE isn't a democracy and is ostensibly run by community consensus
Hmm Community Consensus vs Democracy... I smell semantics :P
run by delegation ??
Design by SCRUM (That was horrid)
... let me see what other saying I can come up with...
Democracy decides things by vote. Consensus is decided by discussing the issue until all reasonable objections have been addressed, and sticking with a decision unless someone brings a new argument to the table.
@MarkTrapp Yeah.. Semantics.. HOw you determine what the people want to do does not change the basics that both go with a majority rules approach
@James It has nothing to do with "majority rules". If you can't provide a reasonable objection to a decision after every argument has had a chance to be heard and addressed, it doesn't matter if you're in the minority or the majority. Saying it's "semantics" is like saying the difference between an airplane and a chinchilla is "semantics". Of course it's semantics, they mean different things.
@MarkTrapp How do you determine what is reasonable? Cause your current argument is not one I would consider reasonable, yet you seem to. Should we get a third person to 'weigh in on' (not vote) which argument is reasonable?
Q: What does "Rakanishu" mean?

C-dizzleWhen I'm going through fighting off enemies in Diablo 2, and I hear the little monsters utter a saying, does the saying "Rakanishu" have any meaning in the Diablo games? So far I have only heard it said in #2, is it said in any others?

Q: Need help with some of the Hero Academy Challenges

Jace Brett KyzerHow do you do complete the following challenges: Council Cluster Bomb Dark Elves Let's Be Bad Dwarves Shotgun Fun Tribe Options Galore Think Carefully Warrior Time

Q: Is it possible to send a chat message without a recipient?

AlderathBefore patch 1.03 it used to be possible to send a chat message with no recipient by doing: /p And then i type my message here In other words, it was possible to send a message to your party, even when there was no one else in your party. As of 1.03 this is no longer possible. It yields the er...

Q: Diablo 2 Mercenary

C-dizzleWhat is the little multi-colored icon above the mercenaries head in Diablo 2? I have noticed it appear during the middle of combat and it makes a weird noise when it happens to. What exactly is happening with my mercenary at that time?

Q: Any useful strategies for finding a Nether Fortress?

P.T.Anyone have useful strategies for finding a Nether Fortress in Minecraft's Nether? I got into the nether and wandered around for quite a while, but didn't find anything. I'm not sure if there are giveaways (I was looking for large building-like things in the distance). I've got a map, and have...

Q: Prophet Quest - Dragon Bridge (Dawnguard)

SpaceBisonAs part of the "Prophet" quest: There are 2 or 3 guards in Dragon Bridge (Stormcloak soldiers in my case) - but one is dead, having died in a battle with members of the Dawnguard. If I walk past this dead guard, away from the town - the "target" marker appears on my display at the top - indica...

Q: Can I build anything on an Oasis in Civ 5?

Chris James ChampeauCan I build anything on an Oasis or do anything with it in Civ 5?

Wow @Lazers thats a big update!
@James Counter argument to what? I'm explaining to you what consensus means. You can confirm that by looking it up. It's not necessary to be obtuse about the definitions of words.
@MarkTrapp I don't know what you are arguing about, but talking about consensus in this community is making me laugh.
@James I just got a tool-tip about the Fireworks Dragon... It gave no mention of when it goes away. =\
@MarkTrapp If I look up the definition, it seems to indicate agreement of all participants which I don't see in this case; do you have a different defn?
@JasonBerkan There are very few things Arqade forms consensus over, but when it does, it shouldn't be able to be derailed by one or two people repeating the same thing over and over and unilaterally rolling changes back because they don't like the outcome.
And for the record, I don't really care you can nuke every single tag if you want - I'm just trying to vote for my preference so people atleast know about it; and don't assume a single person is pro or con some issue
@MarkTrapp Totally agree. When consensus occurs around here, we should all be breaking out the champagne.
If you continue to state the same arguments despite piles of rebuttals to those very arguments, then your opinion on that topic is irrelevant.
If all tags are removed; I'll just edit my questions to include the game name in title or body and still have no complaints (unless that is removed, which means there is no way to find info)
Ok, I have a simple question: I want to view Diablo 3 lore related questions to help answer them. I also want to browse thru WoW questions because I may be interested in playing it; but want to ignore lore stuff in that case (since I don't know it)
How do I search in these cases?
@Alok The tag engine is not that robust. Just put Diablo 3 and WoW on your favorite list and scan the blue questions.
@Alok We agreed on using tags on games that have a large number of questions like Diablo III and WoW. You would add [*-lore] to your ignored tags if we were able to implement that without interference.
@JasonBerkan: That means I have to go through the lore Qs for WoW as well (don't know enough to figure it out from the title). Conversely, I end up reading non-lore Diablo Qs. which are getting really repetitive or dups at this stage (though tbh I do read those still)
@MarkTrapp That would have been a nice idea :)
Q: Should we start putting Diablo 3 lore questions into a tag?

Tater596With Diablo 3 firing on all cylinders, players are progressing at vastly different rates. There are starting to be more and more questions about the lore from people who have finished the game. The problem is, a lot of these questions could be considered spoilers for those who have not finished. ...

A: Have we not been clear enough that meta-tags are a Bad Thingâ„¢?

Jeff AtwoodAs a (very) rough guideline, I would say to vigilantly avoid extra tags at all beyond the game itself -- even in most case avoiding even two tags if possible -- until the game in question has on the order of 150+ tags at a minimum. Once a game has hundreds of questions, it can possibly support s...

@Alok Yes you do. Tags are a very bad system for fine levels of detail - in the end, if you are interested in answering questions about a game, you have to look at all the questions for that game.
@MarkTrapp: Re. Jeff's answer you linked to in an earlier comment as well; but I read it as talking about generalized gameplay concepts (strategy,magic etc.) no stuff outside gameplay meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/a/4993/25150
Anyway, I will shut up now; as I said just wanted to state my view that it is a useful tag - and I do see the problems too, since we don't have any tag hierarchy :(
@Alok If you think Jeff's answer is specifically about the tag and not addressing at all the issue of non-game specific tags, I'm not really sure what I can say.
@Fluttershy Drat was going to say the popups and the tweets are usually where that info comes from so I was waiting for it
Usually says like "Last chance to get a Whatever Dragon on Date!"
@MarkTrapp Cory Doctorow, Ralph Nader and other proponents of deliberative democracy or judicial-like methods view the explicit dissent as a symbol of strength. Lawrence Lessig considers it a major strength of working projects like public wikis[3]. Schutt[4], Starhawk[5] and other practitioners of direct action focus on the hazards of apparent agreement followed by action in which group splits become dangerously obvious.
Guess that just puts me in that second group as opposed to the first eh? :)
Hell at the end of the day I do not even know what tag you guys are talking about.. I gave up a long time ago on being voice on meta ;)
@MarkTrapp Re-read my comment, didn't specifically mention the strategy tag but a distinction on in-game vs out of game questions. Just answering to clear up misunderstanding, as said earlier I won't bother about retagging any more.
> And the only justification I see for that is 'Jeff said so', when he hasn't directly addressed at all to my knowledge, only which is a subset of game mechanics (and hence would be covered by the general case tag.
@Alok Out of game questions are completely off topic. Killing or keeping isn't related to that discussion.
Q: Game canon questions which extend beyond the context of the story and its material

Grace NoteThis is a Meta discussion being opened for the following question, as it does classify a general sort of question. Why didn't Aperture Science invent perpetual motion? Now, we have very firmly established that video game backstories and plot questions are on-topic for this site. If it's abo...

Q: How do I breed an Evergreen Dragon?

Ben BrockaI see a new dragon, the Evergreen dragon has been created. How do I breed this dragon? How do I know when I'm going to get one? Are there any special requirements?

@Lazers Protect!
@Alok Er, I put too fine a point on it: questions about out of game lore elements are off-topic. If the question is about a lore element as it relates to the plot of a video game, it's on-topic. Whether stays or goes doesn't change that scope, as it encapsulates the lore questions that are already on-topic and will continue to be on-topic.
Any question, even a deleted question, can be protected and unprotected, subject to the following restrictions:

The question must be at least a day old
@StrixVaria @agent86 likes to protect the dragonvale questions ASAP.
I know mods can do it, but I can't :(
@StrixVaria Simple. Go forward in time and then protect it.
@JasonBerkan I should just change my system clock!
@StrixVaria That would totally work!
If time travel exists, the question will be protected in 5 seconds.
Nope, time travel does not exist. QED.
@fbueckert yeah, I've been trying to avoid doing this. I'm giving the internet a chance to not crap all over the dragonvale questions today. I expect this plan to fail.
if I have to delete a couple of worthless answers though, I'll protect them.
If you delete three, it gets auto protected anyway
yeah, those dragonvale questions tend to attract quite a few terrible answers each.
I might do it early, just because I know it's likely to happen once they become popular.
apparently we're the #1 site on the internet for dragonvale \o/
the fireworks one is 6 hours old and is quickly approaching 1k views
@fbueckert Yeah they do tend to be a bit.. over zealous with their posts, despite how few of them there are
Does TF2 not support fullscreen windowed?
Oh you have to manually set it to windowed and specify the launch option.
Of course; couldn't be easier.
This is a useful UI.
haha, is anyone watching the TSL qualifiers?
All my stuff is "Vintage". What's that mean?
in TF2?
I just loaded it up for the first time in a long time.
it dont mean much, just thats the "rare" version of that item. However there is no change to the item
More valuable, presumably.
a vintage item will be blue in your item selection / inv, however that its....
no change to anything other than that
@OrigamiRobot Hey, it's not youtube, okay.
Also, that was only two.
@GnomeSlicE The actual picture counts
@OrigamiRobot It's related to the link above it.
@GnomeSlicE Doesn't matter. Three is three
@OrigamiRobot It does not...
@GnomeSlicE If I click the picture, it takes me somewhere else. It is a link.
These are amazing.
@OrigamiRobot It takes you to the image...
@GnomeSlicE Right. It is a link to the image
@OrigamiRobot ...Don't make me curse at you.
@GnomeSlicE Nowhere on the card does it say three different links

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