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Are there any English words that have been "defeminized"? That is, they were specifically feminine in the past, but nowadays have no denotation or connotation of gender?
I can sort of think of words that have been "demasculinized" in the same sense, but none that have been defeminized.
The word "actor" has been demasculinized a bit, for example; I think it used to be that men were actors and women were actresses, but nowadays it's reasonably common to call them all actors regardless of gender.
1 hour later…
@TannerSwett Nurse?
I thought about that word, but I'm not sure if it's quite an example.
My understanding of the history might be wrong, but I think:
It's not that women were called nurses and men were called something else; it's that being a nurse was considered to be an occupation which was only suitable for women.
5 hours later…
So bizarrely obviously preferable to what we (and apparently most others) put our kids through.
A more informal account:
But fear not; they're catching back up with us: Governments of Jyrki Katainen, Alexander Stubb and Juha Sipilä cut education funds in Finland during 2011-2018 by a total of €1.5 billion. The number of university and college employees was cut by more than 7500.
1 hour later…
@Færd My faith in the suckiness of education restored.
3 hours later…
@Robusto same here, but we have to be fair: we are not expected to listen to it. We're only expected to cover and remix it. He will then listen to our covers and remixes. Indeed, he is very much looking forward to listening to them. As long as we credit him, of course.
But yeah, as discussed, seeing an E♭ spelled out as D♯ is the precise point at which I'll close your score in disgust and curse you for having wasted my time. Unless, also as discussed, you happen to be Holst scoring Mars. Which 100 times out of 100 you happen to be not.
All rules are there to be broken once you know all the rules. But not a minute earlier.
A couple days ago I even interrupted my daily routine to post as much on ELU. Can't even remember when I had last posted anything before that. That's how important it is.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ It's not a matter of faith.
It was a decades-long endeavor. I hope it wasn't all rolled back in a span of several years. I was being cynical only jokingly.
@Færd I think this chat has a problem of taking my remarks too seriously.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Hmm... if we take that seriously then... we shouldn't take that too seriously. But if we think you're kidding, then we should probably take it seriously.
Well played.
@Mitch Nice!
For the first part. I don't get the "But" part.
@Færd I don't get a lot of it either. There's too many lexical negatives.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating words in answer (86): Is it really wrong to say "I'm hearing"? by Rayaprolu pavan on english.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (60): What is the true gender-neutral equivalent of "man"? by fernaldo on english.SE
1 hour later…
@Mitch There's a guy named Penrose somewhere in my lineage.
Q: What is the “online” version of the phrase “first time caller, long time listener”

Joe BlowIn the digital world, when identifying yourself as a “first time caller, long time listener” how would that be written. While both phrases aren’t necessary when identifying yourself, what might it look like? (I.e. first time commenter, long time reader or first time poster, long time viewer)

Is this for real or am I falling for a mythical creature?
The question strikes me as backwards, if you know what I mean.
In the digital world, huh
They sound like some character from an old book.
Et tu, Brute?
@Færd Image not found. I don't have any good VPNs for my laptop
I fiddle with threes when I'm watching YouTube.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Use Tor.
Tor sounded like a sledgehammer walnut thing.
The icon is an onion.
It's been fertilized too much
Or if you don't mind less privacy, use Chrome with an UltraSurf extension.
@Færd Meh, has trouble connecting
You know how it is after they bumped up the censorship mechanisms
I have some working VPNs on my mobile device, but no Chrome extensions seem to work.
@Færd How is it working for you? Some special treatment for Tehranis?
2 hours later…
a lot of people like to use acronyms, but I can't remember them easily.
I wonder how they can assume everyone remembers what their acronyms represent.
@CaptainBohemian If everyone is acquainted with the specialized context the acronym is used in, which is sometimes not a very big assumption to make
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I see people in SE use acronyms everywhere, but I often don't know what their acronyms mean. Sometimes I guess and look them up in dictionary but still can't figure out, so I give up with frustration.
@CaptainBohemian Just google for it
1 hour later…
@Færd Well done!
I remember getting a score that went off the tile as well.
Back in my youth.

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