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Q: French Movie with Talking Cat and Missing Scientists

The ShekiahSo about a year and a half ago, my friend showed me this movie and it was in French. All I can remember was there there was a talking cat, and this black cloud that took people away to some fort or something. Anyways, please help me find this movie again. I've tried everything. Also, I think ther...

Finally got a Good Answer on a site other than here (i.e. without skewed votes from Hot Network Questions).
Q: 80s/90s zombie movie: zombie studied in a military facility fakes sleep when injected with freezing "tranqs"

Gray90s or 80s zombie movie. I distinctly remember a scene where a zombie is being observed in a secret military facility "clean room" in a random warehouse. A scientist/soldier goes in to pacify the zombie, since it's getting out of control, and shoots it with some kind of freeze charge that is s...

Q: Why does Spock want to suppress certain knowledge?

Michael StachowskyAt the end of Discovery season 2, Spock suggests during his debriefing that all knowledge of Discovery be suppressed, including that of the spore drive. He seems to imply that the only people with knowledge of the drive were directly involved in the final battle, but that's not true from season ...

good job. It never ever went into HNQ?
I answered it nearly two months after it was asked, in the first week that I participated. It certainly wasn't a Hot Question then, and whatever happened before my time isn't relevant (and I would have no way of knowing).
A reverse-LTTPS then. Well done
It's still a LTTPS, just with an unexpected outcome.
It's a LTTP, but not a LTTPS.
Though to be fair, it has been on the homepage at least 13 times over the past 1.5 years, plus my answer was featured in a Meta post and then featured with a bounty.
@Jenayah Good way of putting it.
@Alex oh, that thing that always got bumped?
@Jenayah You're thinking of this?
Sep 30 '18 at 21:12, by Alex
Just the other day I saw a question on Mi Yodeya that was bumped for the 18th time, and I had already answered it.
but it was odd
as it's only bumped if no upvoted answers
it's not the same then, so it makes sense
Yeah, that was something else. My answer there has a score of 1.
This one was bumped thirteen times because I kept editing it.
Q: Do White Walkers and wights see differently from ordinary humans?

Misha RWhen a human turns into a White Walker or wight, their eyes turn bright blue. Is their vision altered as well? Do they see things better / worse / differently from unturned living humans?

Q: Why do the Avengers struggle so much against Thanos in "Endgame", when they managed to resist him in "Infinity War" in a supposedly worse situation?

Sarah AminiWhen Thanos fights the Avengers in Infinity War, he always has the Power Stone because that's the first he collected. So he has been fighting with increased power, yet some of the Avengers were able to resist him. However, in Endgame​ the same people are fighting him all at once, but can barely...

@Jenayah thanks for the edit
You're welcome
@Stormblessed ah! You missed an off-topic one earlier with some shots fired in the comments. Basically someone asked your usual off-topic programming question, and received the generic "welcome to meta, this is off-topic, look at the sites blah blah blah" comment.
To which the guy responded something along the lines of "thanks, too bad people aren't helping in any kind and just fire downvotes"
Special message if code is changed, interestingly
And to which another guy (not quoting names, but not a noob on SE...) Replied "well, too bad people don't read the "how/what to ask" widget when writing a question."
Why can I reject/accept and edit? It's unilaterally accepting or rejecting which is weird
What do you mean?
You have privileges to edit without needing review now. So if someone makes a useful edit, but there's a typo or a poor word choice you can fix it as part of the same operation.
Just wait until you hit 10,000 and can add/remove/change tags without even going to the edit page. It's too much fun.
Ah, but can you add a new tag and create it and populate it with a tag excerpt in a single operation?
If not then I'm still not impressed. :)
Two out of three.
Meatloaf says that ain't bad.
I'm about to post another question which I imagine will be unpopular.
Yay! puts on popcorn
Or was that more of a "cry for help" kind of a statement, and you want us to ask you to talk about it?
@Alex, why do you think other people won't like your question?
@DavidW In my experience, people don't seem to like my Harry Potter questions that are overly technical.
If I may generalize slightly, I would say that it's not so much that people don't like those questions because they're from you. People don't like those questions because people don't like to be made to think.
So you're saying "look at this brilliant idea" and people are getting "words, words, words, nah, don't care."
@DavidW Oh, I wasn't insinuating that people are unfairly targeting me. Just that the prevailing view seems to be something like "enjoy the story and stop getting bogged down in the unimportant technicalities".
Well, yeah.
Back when I cared about Star Wars, I was only really able to enjoy it by not thinking too hard about it.
Then when they started all the pseudo-scientific bafflegab in the menacing phantom thingy they ruined that by putting all the crappy justifications into the story where I couldn't just ignore them anymore.
That's why there are only, and will only be, 2 1/2 Star Wars movies.
Which one's the 1/2?
The half of RoTJ that doesn't involve speeder bikes, forest, shield generators and E**ks.
Imagine if the 3rd HP movie built to a confrontation with Voldemort and then it turned out he had a kinky schoolgirl fetish and the heroes were able to honeypot him and get the locations of all of his horcruxes out of him in the last 20 minutes of the movie.
Oh no, this calls for .
Q: Can Hogwarts be seen from the Hogwarts Express?

AlexIn Chapter Six of Philosopher's Stone we have the following statement: "Yeh'll get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec," Hagrid called over his shoulder, "jus' round this bend here." This takes place after they have already detrained and walked a bit. This implies that the students could n...

@DavidW But Ewoks... they're cute
Looking back at the old comics, it looks like Captain America had a secret identity.
Admittedly, it was a pretty bad one, as a US soldier.
Q: Sci-fi film where two competing alien races send agents disguised as humans to determine control of Earth (one side cheats)

Helbent IVPlot Details/Summary A pair of alien races have decided to settle rival claims on the Earth by agreeing to a competition between their best agents. The competition is a deadly one, with the winner of the competition being the one who kills off the other side's agents first. Each side is allowe...

Q: Who are all the attendee in the Avengers: Endgame funeral?

Ankit SharmaIn Avengers: Endgame near the end we attend Iron Man funeral but there were few faces I was not able to recognize. I do recognize the kid from Iron Man 3 and the Avengers but some civilians were getting a brief glimpse which I can't recognize. Is there a list of all attendee from the funeral?

Q: Is there an official reason for not adding a post-credits scene?

Ankit SharmaIn most of the MCU films, we get to see credit scenes (from around 1 to 3). But in Avengers: Endgame there was no mid/end credit scene, just a clinking sound. So did they ever said anything officially to address why they avoided an end credits​ scene? I mean it's not the end of MCU and at-least S...

Q: Why was trench so small (thin) if they knew white walkers can't pass it?

Kaushal28In the latest game of thrones episode (S08E03), it was shown that trench was fired to prevent White walkers from climbing the wall. If they knew, they could build a wide trench to stop the white walkers and could have killed all the stationary WW using dragons.

Q: Can a person be released from vows of the Night's Watch on the grounds of being unaware of his true identity?

AegonConsider case of Jon Snow. Let's assume if it turns out that Could he petition to be released from his vows? If Daenerys finds out (In the eventuality that she makes it to Westeros) could she make the same request We know that Robb Stark seemed to think he could make the Watch agree to rele...

Can we block all HNQ?
@Adamant There's a checkbox somewhere in your settings
Q: Is there an "Arrested Development" reference in "Endgame"?

CBredlowIn Infinity War, you see a corpse that looks like Tobias Fünke when he blue himself, and in Civil War, the Bluth staircar was in the background of the airport. Both of those movies were directed by the Russo brothers, and they did Endgame as well, so is there a reference there as well?

@Marvin can't see amy
Q: Bran's 'Old Friend'? GOTS8Ep1

Stephen FrancisThe first time I saw the first episode of Season 8 I instantly assumed that Bran's remark to Sam about 'waiting for an old friend' referred to Sam himself as it was said immediately prior to his insistence that the time had come to break the news to Jon about his 'special heritage'. Yet, after r...

Q: Why didn't the Avengers start by acquiring more of this substance?

molnarmIn Avengers: Endgame, one plan to undo Thanos' snap is A repeatedly emphasized limitation is that Why don't they simply start by

Q: Avengers Endgame : Is the snap simply dramatic?

usr48Or does the wielder of the Gauntlet needs to follow this ritual to actually activate it?

Q: Were Jon Snow & [X] working together to help [X] do the thing [X] did?

Anu7Sorry for the cryptic X's, just being considerate for people who haven't watched the episode yet I have been reading a lot about Game of Thrones S8E3 and what each scene signified. And there is this weird theory that what Jon Snow was doing right before was on purpose. He was trying to distr...

@Buzz Me not being as well read as you guys, Thang is the only example I know. Unless Lexx counts. Does the Lexx eat the whole planet? — user14111 5 hours ago
If that guy isn't well read, who is?
Q: Is Captain Marvel too powerful?

DaveThe Captain Marvel movie, I thought, was pretty great. I certainly enjoyed it. However, I did wonder if she was so powerful that there was never any sense of danger to her. For me, this slightly took the edge off the movie.

@Marvin Has science gone too far?
This just shows what happens if you trust science. One second it's bows and arrows, the next you have people flying through spaceships and shooting light beams from their hands.
Q: Anime about kids with powers saving the environment

MarnaI used to be really into this anime when I was younger, around 2003 to 2006 I think. It was about kids with powers saving the environment. I think the main guy had greeny black hair and the girl had pink. My favourite character was this guy who could turn towels into steel, and he had black hair...

Q: How did Iron Man get this?

Rafa RomeroIn Avengers: Endgame, at the end of the final battle: What I have missed is when did Iron Man take the

Q: Are the Night's Watch still required?

SeamusthedogIn the TV series Game of Thrones, now that as of Season 8 Episode 3, "The Long Night", the are the Night's Watch still required?

Q: What will happen to these houses in Game of Thrones?

SeamusthedogWe have now seen some of the Geeat Houses of the North and the 7 Kingdoms virtually wiped out but is there a canon answer to what happens to the lands etc? For example would house Umber and Mormont come under Stark rule and what would become of house Tarly if Sam is still in the Nights Watch?

Q: What was the first sci-fi story to feature the plot "the humans were the monsters all along"?

ukemiThe plot/trope where some alien/monster is suspected to be behind some violent incident, only for our protagonists to investigate, and in the end find out the culprits are actually humans has been used in a number of shows, e.g: Torchwood "Countrycide" The X-Files "Home" Supernatural "The Bende...

Any idea of why this might have had 2 DVs?
A: Why doesn't Thanos channel Thor's lightning ability?

TheLethalCarrotBecause Stormbreaker does not have the enchantment on it that Mjolnir does. See this answer. The Russos, the directors of the film, answered this on Twitter Mjolnir requires worthiness, not Stormbreaker. - Russo Brothers #InfinityWar #VuduViewingParty The reason Captain Americ...

Endgame spoilers obvs
Q: New(?) timeline or alternate timeline question

nooravIn Avengers Endgame, the following albeit small loop hole is not properly explained: Whenever Cap and the other avengers go back in time using the quantum tunnel, people said that a new Branched timeline was created which explains scenes like Nebula killing Nebula, the two Caps fighting each oth...

Q: Why does Professor Hulk wear glasses?

PnutzProfessor Hulk is featured in Avengers: Endgame predominantly wearing glasses But why does he need glasses? Are we saying that Hulk has always been visually impaired?

Alright, if you want so
Gimme a sec
@TheLethalCarrot that​ fixed enough? To know if I delete my comment
Q: Marvel movies which are not part of MCU

Mor ZamirI am a big fan of the MCU but I know there is much more to Marvel than that. I am trying to find a list of Marvel movies but I am always directed to the list of MCU movies only. I know X-Men and Deadpool are also Marvel's movies, but what else? Is there a list of each and every Marvel movie by ...

Yeah seems fine
Removed my comments
Alright mine's gone as well
Oh, Ghost question reached 1k views
And the 3000 one is still rising
I wonder where it got linked
The 3000 reference one?
Apr 28 at 21:47, by Jenayah
Oof did this get linked somewhere? It got 31k view without being on HNQ, and is pretty downvoted
It's at 39k now
Q: What is this character a reference to?

ChipsterIn Avengers: Endgame: Is this a reference to a specific character from the comics? Maybe they don't have a perfect comic counterpart, but is a reference to something else in the comics? EDIT: I should probably clarify since I must have written my question in a confusing way: I know how it was...

Will have to update in light of latest edit though
Oh damn, gotta have been linked somewhere
It's even more seen than the HNQ ones
Announcer badges don't show anything particularly relevant
Could just be google but I doubt it
No... Too exponential
And if it was just Google, then all the time travel stuff should be more viewed
Or deaths
Q: Game of thrones S08E04 preview a fakeout?

StarseekerDoes anyone know if it's possible that the preview might be a missdirect and that the NK story actually isn't done? Seems that they didn't solve any huge plot points related to the Night King, and the long night. So my theory is that it might be scenes from ep 5-6 instead, or maybe the 4-5 will b...

Q: Has the Hulk always been able to talk?

ashikIn Thor: Ragnarok Hulk has taken full control, Banner states that usually, he feels like he's got a hand on the wheel but this time he had no awareness of what was happening. So Hulk did seem to become stronger mentally and take fuller control. This leads to Hulk talking. Before that, we never s...

Q: What was Bran's plan to kill the Night King?

Tyler HBran went out of his way to be alone in the Godswood so he could meet the Night King. When the Night King does finally meet him, Bran just looks at him and doesn't do anything. What was his plan?

Q: Did the Space Stone have to be wrapped back into the Tesseract to be returned?

UnderverseDid Captain America have to wrap the Space Stone back up in the Tesseract when he took it back so that it could later be crushed by Thanos? Other Infinity Stones exist as Stones so returning them is just a matter of being in the right place. The Space Stone is meant to be in the cube for some ti...

Anyone else think that the Ask Ubuntu logo looks just like Ars Technica's?
Didn't know it but having looked it up, indeed
@Jenayah Hey, out of curiosity, can you open their site in Europe?
Probably can
Yep, works
Q: 80s or 90s Christian Star Wars ripoff where followers of a god wear blue stones around their necks which glow when near other blue stones

MikeCThis novel was bought in a Christian bookstore in the 80s or 90s. The persecuted followers of a stand-in for the Christian God wear blue stones around their necks. When they are in close proximity to another stone (and therefore another believer), the stones glow. Later these believers find (hide...

Greetings, Earthlings.
@Donald.McLean greetings, Hubble guy!
Why can’t I vote on Super User comments??
Oh never mind
@TheLethalCarrot shouldn't that be "on a pier"?
No they're sat on someone
Also, typo in title ;)
Engame is the none porno version
Cos it lacks the D
Oh, the one that doesn't lead to iffy downloads? :P
Q: Is there canonical evidence for when Short Treks: Calypso is set?

Michael StachowskyWhen watching, I first assumed that it was set around 3300, 1000 years into the series' future. However, that doesn't sound right, given what happens at the end of season 2 and the very specific number of years mentioned. Did I miss the exact date?

Q: Who is this background character before we re-encounter Thor in Endgame?

ThePopMachineJust before we meet Thor in Banner and Rocket meet In the far background, there is a large clothed CGI character, roughly Hulk- or Titan-sized. Who is this CGI character? Incidentally, it's definitely not

Q: Why did Thanos need his ship to help him in the battle scene?

HuangismThere is a scene in the movie where Scarlet Witch was, what looked like, tearing Thanos apart as his armour cracked, in the final massive battle scene. Then Thanos called for his ship to fire on the ground to get him out of the situation. Did Thanos really need the help, as in was he not able to...

@Jenayah Nope, she got them from the Scepter aka Mind Stone
Aye had a doubt afterwards WRT MCU
Her powers being "reality bending"... Blame the lack of mutants :P
Gee get 'em mutants into MCU already
One big ass House of M
... well no technically that couldn't happen anymore but still
Q: Are there any of The Children of the Forest left, or are they extinct?

Todd WilcoxAsking based on the TV show, information from the books welcome as part of any answer: In the episode "The Door" (S6E5), we see a few of The Children of the Forest defend the outgoing Three-Eyed-Raven. None of The Children present survive that defense. Are there any other Children in Westeros o...

Q: In Avengers: Infinity War, and Endgame how exactly are we to understand that Dr. Strange selected a path?

ThePopMachineDr. Strange explains to Stark in Infinity War as follows: Strange: I went forward in time, to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict." Stark: How many did you see? Strange: 14,000,605. Stark: How many did we win? Strange: 1. And as a result o...

Q: How does Thor get this in Endgame?

sk1712In the final fight with Thanos in Avengers: Endgame, we see that Thor uses Stormbreaker and Mjölnir which Captain America uses later in the fighting. But I didn't see how he gets his hammer. So, how does Thor gets his hammer (Mjölnir) back? Did I miss something?

Q: How did Captain America do this

Shafe[Spoiler Alert] In the Endgame, Cap America lifts the Mjolnir and uses thunder to attack. I mean, Thor's hammer doesn't have the power to bring lightning, Thor does. He is the God of Thunder, not Steve. How does it make sense?

Do the clarifications on that Endgame question make it clearer for anyone? scifi.stackexchange.com/q/211490/98028
I feel like it's something @Alex might understand...
Still unclear to me
I mean if you have more input to provide the OP or rephrase what I said... I do want to try and understand but I'm drawing a complete blank :/
To be honest I don't understand what he's after, you've been quite clear with your feedback and the tone of some of his comments makes me not want to jump in
So you're leaving me in the lion's pit, thanks mate :D
Only a fool jumps into the pit and only a hero fool jumps in to save them
That's what I get for trying to help :P
Hey don't blame me, I'm not the lion
I'm kidding, you know that :P
@Jenayah I think I get the basic idea.
Of course you do.
Enlighten us in peasant words?
Though I don't know anything about the specifics, not having seen either of the two movies mentioned or any of the related ones.
> I strenuously object to this close vote!
Yeah, but you guys seem to speak the same language. I mean you're progressively becoming our go-to expert on understanding unclear stuff for us, and then trying to reword it.
The starboard is currently comprised of two pinned messages, and three starred messages about you dissecting overly complicated stuff.
If that's not the start of an urban legend, I don't know what is.
He seems to be asking how the 1/14 million chance became actualized. Either it was a perfectly random coincidence, or there was a specific set of actions that had to be taken. He seems to be leaning towards the latter, and is therefore wondering about the specific set of actions necessary to be taken. So I think the actual question is something like "what is it about that specific set of actions that made it the correct way to reach the 1/14 million chance?"
Hmmmm. I guess we circle back to that comment...
@ThePopMachine He needs to do... what he's shown doing, I guess. Give the Time Stone, ensure Tony sacrifices himself, but that's what you said in your question already. Does he have to ensure the position of every living being in the galaxy? Does he have mandatory input? I still don't get it, he's seen 14 million and remembered the one that wins, and will do whatever it takes to make sure that one happens...? — Jenayah 23 mins ago
"and will do whatever it takes" But what is that? And why? I think that's what he's asking.
Q: Emotional immaturity of comic-book version of superhero Shazam

AlexIn the 2019 movie "Shazam," much is made of the fact that the title character - though apparently an adult man (with superpowers) - is in actual fact an emotionally immature 14-year-old boy - i.e., that he is impulsive, makes poor decisions, has poor judgement, etc. My question: Was the original ...

So the question could be reworded into "What does Strange needs to do to ensure EG happens?" ?
Well I'm not entirely sure if he's asking "what" or "why" or both.
But something like that, I think.
alright, tried that in a comment...
                       The title should probably also be changed.
yeah well the question includes the title
So did you guys survive didthanoskill.me
2/4 so far.
That's a little outdated, no?
Is it just me, or is someone going through and downvoting all the endgame and GoT questions?
but there are still some characters who we don't know whether they were snapped or not... scifi.stackexchange.com/q/210891/98028
@CBredlow got any example? That doesn't strike me so far
@Jenayah So you're saying your's are the only posts that haven't been downvoted...?
I mean there's the occasional poorly worded, zero research dupe... But I don't know whether that was what you meant
@NapoleonWilson no, "doesn't strike me" as I "I don't see such a trend"
Q: Will Game of Thrones end like A Song of Ice and Fire?

Hannover FistThe Game of Thrones show has deviated from the A Song of Ice and Fire books and has gone beyond where the books left off while the author is still writing them. Has there been any indication that Game of Thrones will have the same ending that George R.R. Martin planned for his books? Or could t...

@TheLethalCarrot why the close vote on that ASOAIF/GOT ending? scifi.stackexchange.com/review/close/147248
Voted to leave open. We might not know, but "has there been a word on that from the authors/showrunners/officials" isn't opinion-based. — Jenayah 3 mins ago
@CBredlow I’ve seen a lot of odd downvotes on Endgame/GoT posts so probably
If M&TV is any indication, people DV because spoilerz
rolls eyes don't read them to begin with then
Or people are tired of so many questions about the same movie/show.
@Jenayah until it’s written it can change anytime so the answer to will it be the same is who knows POB. And both GRRM/D&D have said conflicting things over time so...
well an answer can be made and then updated
Probably a bit of both.
there's a bunch out there about movies in development hell
one got bumped like three days ago
TBF it’s borderline FWP as well because it’s asking about the state of an unfinished work
@Jenayah Probably less of a problem here. People tend to get their beloved giant yellow box questions more often than not.
Overuse of spoiler blocks is a problem but safer to have it all covered up than nothing at all
@TheLethalCarrot well there could still be a word on that I guess
@NapoleonWilson it's true that I haven't seen as much whining complaints in the comments
@Jenayah You're French, you should know all about whine.
@Jenayah Because when I can't make sense of a question, I tend to downvote without a complaint. ;-P
@Randal'Thor please, I rant. That's different.
Dammit, get the joke :-P
@NapoleonWilson I meant about spoilers
oooooh the wine
@Jenayah I know, me too. ;-)
@Randal'Thor In French it's not a joke, so you can't blame her.
Complaints about spoilers on this site seem relatively rare and largely reasonable.
@NapoleonWilson so DVing based on formatting? :D
So instead of reading the questions to see that there are spoilers to downvote because you got spoiled, why not just not read the questions?
Reasonable as in, they have a point and the problem could be resolved by a quick edit. Although of course they could also have made or suggested that edit themselves.
@Randal'Thor recently things have been better but I saw a good one the other day if someone complaining about spoilers on the answer
@Jenayah What's the alternative? Ever tried editing that stuff out or...complaing in the comments? ;-)
@Alex But then you can't feel hurt!
Ah, indeed that is important.
@Alex you had me worried there, it had been at least five minutes since the last time you said a sentence I didn't understand. I was wondering if you got sick.
With a sensible policy on avoiding spoilers but also avoiding meaningless titles/posts, one can avoid criticism from all but the most extreme.
@Jenayah Too many negatives?
@NapoleonWilson You know what I do? I don't read questions about topics I don't want getting spoiled about.
@Jenayah I don't think it counts as an urban legend if you deliberately say things to make it an urban legend.
@Randal'Thor Exactly!
@Jenayah Me neither. But then when I want to read something I can't, without hovering over 5 giant empty boxes.
@Alex it deffo does, urban legends start with street rumors
@NapoleonWilson ah... I guess we don't hold the quarter of second lost doing that at the same value, then :)
Legend Of Jenayah
Has a nice ring.
@Jenayah Likely not. Or we don't all just reduce it to lifetime. ;-)
@Jenayah I'm pretty sure you value quarter seconds pretty highly:
Oct 9 '18 at 19:17, by Jenayah
There, you once again gained a quarter second each time you go on Mi Yodeya, alll thanks to me. What would you do if I wasn't there to give you tips, I wonder... :p
@Alex She gives you tips? Are you a waiter now?
Is waiting a quarter second enough to make you a waiter?
@NapoleonWilson ah, so it's a matter of manners? :D
If you get tipped with quarters maybe.
@Randal'Thor No, she tips me because she likes my posts so much.
@NapoleonWilson If you get one at first, you might wait a quarter second for a second quarter.
Especially if it's April, May, or June.
@Alex yeah, especially the Mi Yodeya ones.
@Jenayah I knew it!
@Jenayah Mi Jeneya?
They're still more understandable than some of your meta posts.
I'd like to think that most of my Mi Yodeya posts are relatively understandable.
At least compared to other posts on the site.
You'd probably like to think that about your SciFi posts, too. ;-)
@Alex Why can't people derstand them?
Oh boy, I just had a vision of terror. Alex's posts on Mi Yodeya Meta.
@NapoleonWilson Nah, there I know that people deliberately misunderstand them.
@Jenayah Surprisingly, those are pretty normal.
Imagine Alex arguing over POB/dupe stuff, but with Hebrew characters added to the mix.
A: Closing as duplicate of broader post

Alex I think that if question B is accused of being a duplicate of question A, and there is at least one answer that is a valid answer to question A that would not be a valid answer to question B, then question B is not a duplicate of question A. I think it is exactly the reverse. If there is at ...

(<pssst> there might not be such a big need for dupe metas on other sites.)
@Alex some people have fanclubs. Alex has a haterclub.
@Jenayah Oddly enough, the only times it's come up on Mi Yodeya Meta, I've argued in favor of Primarily Opinion Based and in favor of Duplicate.
@Randal'Thor hush you
@Jenayah ?
@Randal'Thor No Hebrew characters there, though.
@Alex Add some.
Just to keep Jodeyah happy.
that first line is precisely the kind of brain knot I avoid these days :D
@Jenayah I had one Meta post where the title was entirely in Hebrew, but I eventually changed it.
@Randal'Thor So then you could tell me that you're surprised that I'm surprised that you unsurprisingly can't understand my surprisingly straightforward post?
How do we know Snape is Jewish?
Because *he brews* potions.
in The Reading Room, yesterday, by Rand al'Thor
@Alex I have no particular interest in learning about it. It's just always strange to me that Mi Yodeya people seem surprised by the claims that most of the site is incomprehensible to the average passerby.
@Alex they are?
Well I mean technically that was replying to Rand
@Jenayah Note that the first line is just a quote from the question.
@Alex oh because there are several of you now?!
It looks like a picture from a pirated version of the movie... — Chris 8 mins ago
Doesn't that apply to a lot of topics, though? A database transaction layer isn't particularly more comprehensible because it's comprised of English words.
@Jenayah How so?
^ Too bad "Hawkeye" is already taken as a nickname.
@Alex people using the same brian-knotting language
If you're down to your thorax in thoras, it's natural some infidel isn't going to make too much sense of your discussions.
@Jenayah MAybe that means it;s normal language.
@Jenayah Poor Brian ...
ah, crap
@Alex mmmmmmh.
@NapoleonWilson Thoras?
Google is telling me it's a place in France.
Torahs maybe?
@Randal'Thor Isn't that what they call their bible thingy?
@Jenayah Ah yeah, that makes sense.
@Jenayah Oh, crap. But that destroys my thorax wordplay.
I appreciated the wordplay even if the word wasn't quite right :-)
Some people pronounce it thora.
Or some new female version of Thor. But then having your thorax in Thoras is kind of... you know what? I'll stop right here.
yesterday, by Alex
@Jenayah Look at you with the lingo.
@Alex it's way less jargon than PTIJ
@Jenayah When they reboot the entire MCU with an all-female cast in 3 years, yes.
BRB, yes.
@Jenayah Nah, @Alex doesn't understand that.
Combo breaker!
@Randal'Thor ah, that Alex'll know :)
@Jenayah Yeah, you've referenced it a couple of times.
@Mithrandir what about C++?
@Jenayah Here's a Meta post you'll probably (dis)like:
Q: Explaining the difference between an answer and a comment

Alex(It may be useful to read the comments to this answer before reading my question.) Often times new users post answers when the content is really just a comment. This is understandable, as new users do not have the 50 reputation necessary to comment on someone's question and if they have somethin...

the heck does that have to do with C++
@Mithrandir You think I already forgot?
@Jenayah Nothing. It's noting that contrary to what I said before, I may actually have a Mi Yodeya Meta post of the type that makes you cringe.
good thing I already closed the tab then
Ah, so you follow my advice.
Suspicious that the only thing that's a link is a company...
@NapoleonWilson ?
@Jenayah Among all the acronyms someone tried to sneak in spam for a British telecommunications company. ;-)
Well, at least it wasn't advertising British food.
What's the flag for British food? Spam, or Rude?
The former of course. It's literally British food!
eh! True.
@Jenayah Someone really doesn't like British food here...
I really enjoyed British breakfasts when I was there, though.
@Alex you think?
The sausage was a little...squishy? But the beans, the egg, the fried tomato, delicious!
@Jenayah Jenayah = Fleur.
Q: What YouTubers talk about older sci-fi & fantasy?

RobI'm just wondering which booktubers talk about older sci-fi and fantasy.

how about not calling each other names :P
@Marvin Putting the "fan info" scope policies to the test, eh?
Well you're both French girls criticizing British food.
And her French accent ruined my CTRL F
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