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Q: What are the bows of the warriors of the Mahabharata?

Gabriel Alexander Gonzalez AguI want to know what were the names of the bows of the warriors of the Mahabharata, their abilities and how they got them

How this question is duplicate??? hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/29867/…
1 hour later…
@AkshayKumarS It is a duplicate. It asks for offering of oil to Hanuman.
@NogShine He has asked about specific of Oil to Hanuman....
@KrishnaShweta Not some cases, its always best that we dont do anything and just be conscious of ourselves :P
1 hour later…
@AkshayKumarS ok
Check out this: The user is voting to close as duplicate of his own question which was asked 2 years ago.... Users question of similar type is in 2018 and that question was asked in 2016... And the user is voting to close that question as duplicate of his. hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/15838/…
@NogShine @TheDestroyer
baby welcome
@AkshayKumarS Welcome to the Agama and Tantra chat!If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, ping Rakesh Joshi, TheDestroyer and TheLittleNaruto.
baby hinduism chat room
@AkshayKumarS That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
baby welcome hinduism chatroom
@hinduismchatroom Welcome to the Hinduism chatroom!If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, ping TheLittleNaruto.
baby that's good
@AkshayKumarS That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
baby rules and regulations
baby are you there
@AkshayKumarS Probably
baby wiki Vishwamitra
Brahmarshi Vishvamitra (viśvā-mitra) is one of the most venerated rishis or sages of ancient India. He is also credited as the author of most of Mandala 3 of the Rigveda, including Gayatri Mantra. The Puranas mention that only 24 rishis since antiquity have understood the whole meaning of—and thus wielded the whole power of—Gayatri Mantra. Vishvamitra is supposed to be the first, and Yajnavalkya the last. The story of Vishvamitra is narrated in the Balakanda of Valmiki Ramayana. Mahabharata adds that Vishvamitra's relationship with Menaka resulted in a daughter, Shakuntala, whose story is narrated...
baby thank you
@AkshayKumarS Most welcome
baby are you there
@AkshayKumarS But of course
A: Is "What scriptures/XYZ say about ...<my off topic query>?", a freeway to convert a Qn to on-topic?

SarvabhoumaWe had a plenty of discussion already here and the votes to this question and several examples show how this can be misused. To make the mood lighter, let's have a funny story (Sorry for a long answer). There was a boy studying in a middle school. He was preparing for an elocution competition c...

A long answer on meta after a long time.
I am constantly seeing review list 1 of close votes frequently appearing after clearing. Looks someone is close voting just like that as duplicate and off topic.....
Which question?
1 link I had attached above by tagging you
Q: What does it mean to see dead relatives in dreams?

YDSAgni Purana provide details about various dreams and their meaning. Similarly, Markandeya Purana and Vayu Purana also mention many dreams and their meaning. But I couldn't find the meaning of seeing dead relatives in dream. Can someone please provide the meaning of it? Also, if possible please ...

This ? ^
The above was left open. I don't know why
Q: Appropriate time to do amavasya tharpanam in the below instance

Parthasarathy RaghavanThere are certain instances that amavasya starts from 7 am and ends the next day by 6/15 am. In this case on which day to do the amavasya tharpanam? The previous day it starts from 7 am that is one hour [assume the sun rise at 6 am] after sunrise. The next day it ends by 6/15 am where the thithi...

See this!!! The question has been voted as duplicate wrongly.. Attached question is 2018. This is 2016
@AkshayKumarS time doesn't matter
@AkshayKumarS Did you see above question? Why did you leave open? if I may ask.
@NogShine Then that 2018 question should have been closed as duplicate of 2016
@AkshayKumarS Users didn;t search for old one and it is a mistake of users and reviewers,
@NogShine Sorry. I didnt mean this question. I will attach 1 more question. By the way do you think it as off topic? because question is totally relevant to what hinduism says about it.....
@AkshayKumarS It is asking about dream interpretation which is off-topic for us.
@NogShine Then its not fair on part to close the question which had come first..... Its a mistake of us reviewers and we should have closed 2018 question to already existing one
@AkshayKumarS Yes, but unfortunately, we didn't
Q: What does it mean to see dead relatives alive in dreams

MrigRecently, for sometime my friend have been dreaming of his dead relatives. This is happening for a few days now. Usually it's 3-4 relatives whom he dreams about. So I would like to know why is he dreaming of same 3-4 dead relatives again and again, does this mean something and is there any way...

@AkshayKumarS What do you say about this one? ^
@NogShine This question is presented in a way as personal advice but above question is not having any personal details from YDS!
@NogShine Then its wrong to close already existing and close 2018's question. Only Moderators can immediately do it
@AkshayKumarS Are they asking anything different? A passage doesn't change the question off-topic to on-topic. We should see the gist of the question what is asked. They both ask the same.
It is manipulating the question
See above answer I wrote on meta
@NogShine It can be closed as duplicate but reference to Hinduism I think is not totally off topic. Because there are hidden messages in general, happens. While personally messages may vary we can say dream on passed away relatives may have significance.
@AkshayKumarS It is off-topic within the scope of Hinduism. Our site has limits on what to allow and what not to allow.
how to understand a dream? How can we answer it? There can be 1k questions on dream interpretation. Only person who saw it can understand it. Others can only speculate.
A: Are dream related questions on-topic?

Mr. AlienI think that discussing about dreams should be considered off topic, this is not even a topic which has a wider scope, i.e we cannot possibly answer a question asking about dreams. For example, if a user asks a question like "Did lord Krishna dreamt about ..." is a different thing, but asking so...

@NogShine Dream interpretation is different from purpose of dreams....Purpose of dreams of persons who passed away come in dream cannot be more than limited reasons...That's different from our interpretation.. EX: As said above, I saw Vishnu in dreams is off topic... But does seeing deities in dreams have significance or role? That's different. But now I understand - since this answer has 50-50 personal and general, I now realize our answers cant satisfy the user !
Q: Can I pour water on the shivling for abhishek as many times as I want?

Tiger ShroffI go to a temple where there is a shivling set on some soil at the base of a tree. So all the water poured goes in the root, and I feel good about giving the tree so much Shiva Nirmalaya to drink. Whenever I go to the temple, I try to pour water from a jug (lota) as many times as I can. Note that...

Q: Vaataakarshanashtra (वाताकर्षणास्त्र - a weapon which removes air or O2 from atmosphere)

VineetShree Navanathas are described to possess Vaataakarshana Astra (वाताकर्षणास्त्र - a weapon which removes air or O2 from atmosphere) in 'Shree Navanath Kathaasaar'. But I didn't come across any reference of this astra in either Ramayana or Mahabharata. Is there any reference of it in an era earlie...

@AkshayKumarS Dreams definitely have a significant message. That is why they are seen. But it should be understood by the person who saw. Others can only speculate based on what they know. That could also give misdirection
2 hours later…
@NogShine Have you voted to reopen this?
Q: What does it mean to see dead relatives in dreams

MrigRecently, for sometime my friend have been dreaming of his dead relatives. This is happening for a few days now. Usually it's 3-4 relatives whom he dreams about. So I would like to know why is he dreaming of dead relatives again and again, does this mean something and is there any way to get r...

@AkshayKumarS Yes
if that question is not off-topic, why not this?
@NogShine Then we need to close the recent post as duplicate of this instead of off topic as you said!
@AkshayKumarS Actually, both are off-topic. But the users think otherwise. What can I do? We need a moderator to close the question. But they say don't flag duplicates. Again the same thing.. What can I do?
if that new question is not closed and old is not reopened, I will post a meta discussion.
@AkshayKumarS don't retract your close vote on new question. Let's wait.
@NogShine I wanted to ask this whether should I retract close vote...
@NogShine You also join moderators team and make it 4 moderators :P
@AkshayKumarS hahaha
@NogShine By the what about your yoga sadhana? Restarted?
Q: What is the boat programming meme about?

Michael StumI remember some time ago there was some huge problem regarding some question that had something to do with a boat, and I think I missed that topic completely. As I see it being mentioned every now and then, I'd just like to know what it was about.

I found an interesting question from Meta SE.
@AkshayKumarS Pranayama. I am trying.
@NogShine On what calculation do u do Pranayama?
One thing is.... we certainly dont know what kind of thoughts is registered in our deeper layers of mind....and that could sometimes project as well the dreams and also influence our life..... There's no point debating about anything or our minds. Just be silent and go there... Its those thoughts that are causing disturbances once that is eradicated naturally, our life changes!!
@Sarvabhouma The OP already mentioned that he feels good by doing so. When a devotee is serving Shiva Linga, how we can say that he is making it for fun? IMHO one should respect such devotee and not discourage. You being a well reputed member, it pains me to write this. Sorry... I didn't expect it from a respected member like you. — Vineet 4 hours ago
I was wondering what you wrote there ? You deleted all the comments of yours. @NogShine
@Pandya @TheDestroyer ^
Q: Did Shankaracharya establish the "shanmatha" and the "panchayatana puja" systems?

AmbiThere is a general opinion that Sripad Adi Sankaracharya established the shanmatha system and also insituted the worship form of panchayatana. Yet there seems to be lot of disagreements even among the well read on that point. Do we have any direct evidence from the Acharya's own works or his imme...

Q: Where can I find a good comparitive study of the prasthana trayi commentaries?

AmbiAre there any good editions of texts available online or offline that provide a side by side, comparative study of the commentaries on the Prasthana trayi (Upanishads, Brahma Sutras and Bhagavad Gita)? I am of course looking for 3 different texts, separately for each text. Links to book titles or...

Q: What is the result of worshipping Lord Sri Nityananda Rama Chandra Prabhu only/exclusively?

Tiger ShroffSrila Prabhupada says here https://prabhupadabooks.com/cc/adi/8/31 that - A neophyte student who is not sufficiently educated or enlightened should not indulge in the worship of Śrī Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa or the chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra. Even if he does so, he cannot get the desired result....

3 hours later…
@TheLittleNaruto I didn't delete. The comment you linked here was deleted. It was undeleted by someone (there are only 3 people who can do it). That reply is now redundant as what I said is not there.
@TheLittleNaruto I said pouring so much of water for fun is not recommended. It is common sense. That is what I said.
yesterday, by Akshay Kumar S
Unless we do what we have to do, we cant expect any changes in our life. The key to peaceful life and to grow through every situation of life is - we need to do what we have to do. If we dont and are lazy or say its difficult, time will pass on. That's it...
13 hours ago, by Akshay Kumar S
@KrishnaShweta Not some cases, its always best that we dont do anything and just be conscious of ourselves :P
Q: What does it mean to see dead relatives in dreams?

YDSAgni Purana provide details about various dreams and their meaning. Similarly, Markandeya Purana and Vayu Purana also mention many dreams and their meaning. But I couldn't find the meaning of seeing dead relatives in dream. Can someone please provide the meaning of it? Also, if possible please ...

@AkshayKumarS First you said we have to do and later you said don't do anything. I didn't understand what you are saying.
This is still open and I can't understand why.. same questions was asked with an introductory passage and asks the same. That is leave closed. What is this incosistensy in moderation? ^
@Pandya I have found out a way to ask 100+ questions starting from today. I will put "What does Hinduism say about " and asks about Horse riding, gravity, cooking laddus, (100 variant dishes with this topic), talking with swans (like Nala and Damayant did in Mahabharat). I learned today that it is very much inside the scope of our site.
@Pandya @TheLittleNaruto @KrishnaShweta Also, we can ask about science as the science we are talking now a days and what is discussed is totally different and our ancients had a different set of science. This gravity is not the same as the one we had few thousands of years ago. Did you know that? There is no such thing as off-topic, personal advice, too broad.
Should we remove off-topic page now? As everything here is on-topic.
My new welcome message to new users will be "Welcome to Quora.Hinduism.stackexchange.com. Please add what do Hindu scripture says before your question. You will get good number of upvotes and answers soon. Otherwise, your question may get closed as off-topic and no one will reopen." :P
What do you say @Pandya @TheDestroyer @TriyugiNarayanMani @TheLittleNaruto @AkshayKumarS @KrishnaShweta ^ ?
@KrishnaShweta There?
@NogShine Give me 5 mins
@NogShine But there a statement in question "receive this science of dice from me".
quoted from MB.
@KrishnaShweta I am not talking about any question but the trend of closing and reopening questions. Everything is on-topic and we can ask anything if there is a word Hindu scriptures. That is what people are saying.
@KrishnaShweta science means shastra
@NogShine eyes rolling
@KrishnaShweta that will be harsh reality.
I forgot something else in the comment. Adding scripture tag
Q: Advaita : What happens after videhamukti?

The Crimson UniverseDo we stop existing? By 'we' i mean our subtle and causal sheaths/vessels.

5 hours later…
Q: Why does Swami Prabhupāda retain his birth name?

sv.According to Wikipedia, Swami Prabhupāda's full name is Abhaya Caraṇāravinda Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Prabhupāda. The first two initials usually shortened to 'A. C.' And it appears his birth name is Abhay Charan De and I can see some part of that original name retained in his sannyāsa name. Now usua...

Q: Which verse of Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa is Devdutt Pattanaik referring to?

sv.This Indian Express article quotes Devdutt Pattanaik as saying: On tradition vs modernity Modern people invent tradition. Because modern people want to feel “liberal” and “modern”, they will construct a past that is conservative. And you see that in writings all the time. So Sita has to ...

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