I occasionally take breaks from WoW just because I already have a job and I've made the mistake of making WoW feel like a job by trying to raid regularly again or some such nonsense.
@Brant You should try them sometimes. The 2 button limitation does hurt them a bit, but they're better than Link's Awakening (DX) for the same system. Not that I'd ever tell you you should EMULATE them or anything.
I guess I can replace my whole "I suck" paragraph from the application with "I've never played anything Zelda", it will probably make you appalled far more than anything else I could say!
@shaun i found ocarana of time the start of the 'childish' feeling of zelda... link to the past felt so dark at times. They never really captured that again
> - Added Steam screenshots feature. Press F12 in any game to take a screenshot. Screenshots are automatically uploaded to the steam cloud after exiting the game, or can be manually uploaded while in-game through the in-game overlay. Screenshots can be managed through the community site and can be published to your Steam Community Profile to share with your friends. Games that use DirectX 8 and earlier are not yet supported.
@Aardvark Agreed. I like OoT, but when Majora's Mask came out, I didn't even bother thinking about maybe wanting to consider the possibility of trying to see a demo of the game so I could judge whether I might buy it.
Does anyone know if it is possible to reset your account to "new" status and restart placement? I know that Battle.net offers one free name change; will taking advantage of that have this effect?
In the first Dead Space, to earn the Maxed Out achievement/trophy (for upgrading all weapons and equipment), do you need to fill EVERY possible slot with power nodes, or can you get by with just filling in the ones that actually grant a benefit?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I liked it... but it did have certain game elements that hurt it, such as the ocean that takes way too long and is way too tedious to navigate.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sailing is one of the few things Phantom Hourglass did better than Wind Waker.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Really? I think the first time I beat the game, I clocked 24 hours in it. I estimated that 12+ of those were spent driving around the ocean.
Wind Waker is also the second shortest Zelda game in term of number of dungeons.
I just picked up this game on Steam and have not seen him yet, so I'm curious - what role does the Penny Arcade character known as the "Fruit F***er" have in Monday Night Combat?
> The "game" really sells itself short by not even having just a couple of text windows reading, say, "MAKE TORCHES. DROP EVERYTHING AND MAKE TORCHES. IF YOU HEAR A RUSTLING SOUND, YOU ARE ALREADY LOST TO OUR CAUSE."
> Bursts of coloured confetti and sounds of fanfares and rounds of applause playing whenever you successfully kill an exploding bush monster before it gets to you.
> - Added Steam screenshots feature. Press F12 in any game to take a screenshot. Screenshots are automatically uploaded to the steam cloud after exiting the game, or can be manually uploaded while in-game through the in-game overlay. Screenshots can be managed through the community site and can be published to your Steam Community Profile to share with your friends. Games that use DirectX 8 and earlier are not yet supported.
I used my killstreak bomb car, but after 10 seconds of looking for an enemy to blow up my car became unresponsive and started fizzing.
I thinks it's the equipement thing (can't think of the name off hand), but if it is how was it used and why did it affect my car everywhere I tried to drive it?
Is there a guide out there for determining where your opponent will spawn on any given map? By watching replays I've notice that the good players know exactly where to send their scouts in early game.
Does the rule of thumb "directly opposite" your base apply in all cases?
@Mana I assume he's referring to the Moderator election stuffage.
I'd view it, but... can't from here. I can see who has nominated themselves in the election watcher, but not any comments/etc on the election page itself.
> Something tells me we found @ChrisFs sockpuppet! Is this part of his scheme to become a mod on every Stack Exchange site? – Ivo Flipse 1 hour ago
> @Ivo - that's in very poor taste. If I wanted to be moderator on Gaming I'd put myself forward. – ChrisF 1 hour ago
> @Ivo just because he is my father. Although he did introduce me to the site(s) some of the early answers were him asking me when I wasn't a member. – Ronan Forman 1 hour ago
> Would you take part in meta if you were elected? That's kind of important. – Macha 16 mins ago
> @Macha obviously I'm looking at what's already posted now. – Ronan Forman 10 mins ago
comments on his application so far, formatting from the original (emphasis not added)
Hmm. I have a $40 Best Buy gift card I got for xmas that I don't know what to do with. I wasn't planning on buying anything from there, but $40 isn't enough to get anything good, so I'd still have to spend some of my own money if I wanted to use it.
I actually don't own any removable USB drives (that are larger than 256MB and therefore in any way relevant), but I've never had a need for them between Dropbox and Air Sharing.
"Right now it looks like most of our staff will not be here. Send an email to let me know tomorrow to verify." <-- What my boss said to me over IM about tomorrow.
I have a ps3 with working wifi. I have connected to several other wireless networks in the past. I now am trying to connect to my 2wire modem which it gives at 40% connectivity. Once I connect (even if it allows me) it almost always drops the connection within a minute or two.
I have a laptop i...
Here's a user CSS file by myself to bring more pixelation awesomeness to Gaming.
Chrome users can enjoy it with Personalized Web, use the following as the match URL:
There is a similar extension for Firefox and a built in tool for Opera users.
@FallenAngelEyes As long as your nomination is rendered close to mine, it's going to look like one of @GraceNote's essays. [†: Speaking of which, relevant nomination easter egg.]
I was transferring my SCVs to another base, and then clicked on my barracks and pressed A to make a marine...only I pressed A before the click...and my SCVs attacked my barracks while I micro'd a drop, destroying it. :/