@JyrkiLahtonen I fully understand and I respect your point of view, it is really highly reasonable and correct to me. For what concern my activity here the fact is that I have a relatively basic/elementary level of knowledge in math and then I can only answer,I hope in an useful way, only to these kind of simpler questions. If I could, I will answer also to more difficult answers that I read but they are very beyond my present state of knowledgement.
Anyway it seems to me that here on MSE all levels of questions are represented and that the simpler question are not the prevalent part and thus each one has the chance to increase his/her reputation score if one believe that it is an important issue. Consider also that the reputation I've gained depends mainly by the time and effort I’ve put here on MSE and not solely from the kind of question answered.
Of course IMHO it is important that the work done, the effort and the time spent are in some way recognized and I think that reputation points are a good method to give a measure the effort that one user put here on MSE. But of course that's not the only one or the most important one criteria to establish the value of an user.
Also the numbers and kinds of badge, for example, can give a measure of the skillness of users. But more than that I think that the correctness and good-faith in our actions give the only kind of non-mesurable important reputation here.
I've encountered many valuable users with a low reputation points but who are widely recognized as trust and prominent from the community. Many others don't give answer in the standard way but by high quality comments, maybe because they are not interested in gaining reputation points.
So, there are many ways to play the role here, I only try to follow mine in good-faith and with the aim to learn more and to help, whenever possible, the asker motivated to learn and become a part of the community. If the problem are the reputation points, maybe the idea of a special tags which decreases the weight for the points given on homework related OP could be a good solution.
For the duplicates, more expert users should consider that for new users all questions are pretty new and then the individuation of duplicates can be mainly done from more expert and veterans user.
Moreover I'm not convinced at all that point out a duplicate answer could be always the best thing to do for the asker; indeed maybe, in some cases, an asker would like to try to solve the given OP by himself and thus he/she only need only some goon hint to start; in these cases give suddenly a duplicate is equivalent to give a full answer and thus it should not be the best choice.
Also for the duplicates, a solution could be to penalize the points acquired by those kind of answers. If your interpretation is correct, and I think that it is so, maybe the new policy should address also that issue in order to prevent discontents about the present reputation system.