Today I lost reputation because a 'great' user downvoted several of my questions (I don't know why) Then this message appeared in my notifications 'Several voting was reversed' so I have my points back :). Is it possible to know who was the 'great' user that downvoted several of my questions?
I am unaware to possibility to find out whose votes were reversed. You might find a bit about hits if you search on Meta Stack Exchange or Meta Mathematicds.
@skull The entire issue was discussed on Meta, if you are interested find the related OP here I would like also your point of view in case you want. Thanks
@gimusi It is better that you ask another moderator. Basically because in coarse terms I agree with the goals of the activists from C.R.U.D.E. Which is why I made my recent meta proposal. Because of our differences of opinions I have promised myself and the other mods not to act in the cases involving your person. Basically, I am worried that I would be biased.
However, I will state publically that there is no evidence whatsoever of gimusi using sock puppets. There are some users who upvote a lot gimusi's posts, but there is no evidence of this being a result of sock puppetrt.
gimusi lost a few points of rep last week due to removal of a user. The explanation of that is that another user had created several sock puppets, mostly to upvote each other, but they were also used to upvote gimusi's posts to a minor extent. The deletion of those puppet accounts hit gimusi a little. That's all.
@JyrkiLahtonen Thanks Jyrki I really appreciate your balanced loyalty and corectness. Anyway I'm always at your disposal to take into account your point of view and observations which I will take in great attention. Regards
@JyrkiLahtonen Note also that I'm not contrary to CRUDE goals itself and I think that many users here make a great effort and job according to their convictions for the well-being of the community. What I've complaint recently is the use of the chat rooms (and CRUDE notably) for uses beyond their proper scopes and with comments which were potentially injurious for the reputation of some user, beyond the good or bad faith of those comments. Thanks again, Bye.
@skull I think that MSE is really a great community of valuable people, I want to stay here and enjoy with that but I would leave whether I had the impression that my goals here were completely in contrast with the goals of the community.
@Alt. My main goals are to enjoy MSE, learning something new from more expert user and helping whenever possible less expert user to learn something new and make grow up the community!
@Alt. I'm not saying that thise are in contrast with the community goals, the fact is that I even don't know exactly the goals of the community and I'm not even sure that these are defined in a unique and definitive way.