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@gimusi Well let me tell you, you are a great contributor to this site, I've seen your profile and it tells me you are really good at math, I really hope you never leave this site, you have no idea how much impact your help has to many math students with no maturity at math or with no help from instructors or etc. Me for instance, If I had not had the help of some users from this site, I would have failed several of my math courses. So do you see the great help that one gets from this site?
3 hours later…
@Alt. Thanks for your kind words, I just try to do my best according to my basic and elementary knowledge on math. It is really a great chance when we can be freely useful for someone else here and also when we encounter someone that freely help us to correct our lacks in knowledge. The "Exchange" part that I see in that network is indeed mainly a free exchange in knowledge.
@gimusi I just saw this thread and how it's developed over the past few days. I can understand you wanting to clear your name of the accusations made but really, nobody else cares except you whether the accusations are true or not, and it won't ever be possible to disprove them so I'd probably just let it go. Then in a couple of days it will have all blown over and everybody will have forgotten about it.
Everybody can see you've made a positive contribution to the site and that's all that matters
@gimusi P.S. in relation to your comments re CRUDE. CRUDE is of course a 99% close, delete room. You may find sympathetic users willing to start a REOPEN UNDELETE EDIT room to counteract its action. To be fair, I can understand where they're coming from although the room has been allowed to become a "moderate the USER rather than the question" room to some degree.
@ProducerofBS My personal position is only a (small) part of the issue. I've raised a public OP about that mainly because I'm convinced that such kind of use of public medium to raise (in good or bad faith) suspicions about the integrity of some user should be expressely avoided and not allowed.
and I don't support the culture in CRUDE of calling users nuts, cranks etc., knowing that it falls under the radar
(taking off my moderator hat) @gimusi As long as you continue to do others homework for them I see it as stabbing MathSE to the heart, pooping in the wound, and inviting all the flies to fiest on the carcass. You are not the only person doing it, but stopping that is the goal of C.R.U.D.E. And I support that goal.
@gimusi I actually agree with you that the allegations were defamatory (assuming they were untrue), and it is absurd for a moderator to argue otherwise unless within their tools they could see other data that e.g. you were on the same IP address, browser, computer etc. But in mitigation, your true identity isn't apparent from your profile so it's not clear who's defamed.
...but really, who cares. Be the bigger person and let it go.
If achieving that goal means that I look the other way when C.R.U.D.E. activists pester users like you, so be it.
Each day you make 30 students happy by solving their homework for them in return of some internet points. But, you also make the site worse, irritate 200 math teachers, and irritate 300 other students, who did their homework themselves. This is why you are disliked by many veterans here.
@JyrkiLahtonen I'm not for solving homeworks at all if the user doesn't show any effort and motivation to learn something from the site. Fro example in this last case math.stackexchange.com/q/2766026/505767 I see a user that is trying to understand a simple concept and I'm trying to help him for that. Maybe it is an homework but he reallt seems in good faith to try to understand the subject.
@JyrkiLahtonen I would potentially be in favour of the separate maths homework site. No background, no where am I stuck. Just questions and answers. But my greatest fear would be that MSE develops the toxic elitist attitude that can follow, which the CEO and founder works so hard to prevent.
@JyrkiLahtonen Thanks for the frankness, I really appreciate that. Up to now I had not perceived that the results of my actions here were those you have pointed out. As I have already declared earlier I would leave whether I had the impression or the confirmation that my goals here were completely in contrast with the goals of the community.
@JyrkiLahtonen Up to now I'm only trying to enjoy, to learn and to be useful to some other user interested to learn about math. I'll keep in great attention your suggestions and I'll try to do my best.
This is a controversial topic. It has been a sore point for a long time. I think it is about to boil. Check out meta posts, if you are interested. I am myself emotionallty invested in getting rid of all the homework questions not about concepts. Not everybody agrees with me, not even all the moderators.
@JyrkiLahtonen May I have your opinion about that for example? It is from yesterday, I only gave an hint, maybe it is an homework but also in this case the asker seems completely in good faith to me math.stackexchange.com/q/2764658/505767.
@ProducerofBS I very much doubt there will ever be a separate homework site in the stackexchange network. Read for example mixedmath's recent meta post. Homework help belongs to different places in the internet. Here the prevalence of homework questions drives away experts.
@JyrkiLahtonen Yes I see that we have different idea on taht and I'm really afraid, but regarding your role as moderator I think we are lucky to have you here, I really appreciate the balanced way you act as moderator, notably on controversial issue.
@JyrkiLahtonen Sorry I was referring to that example form yesterday math.stackexchange.com/questions/2764499/… but maybe also the previus one is good.
gimusi That washer example is borderline. I guess many would find that ok. My personal opinion doesn't really matter, but I would close it as "too localized" - the answer to the questioin "did I calculate this volume correctly" has no value whatsoever to anyone but the asker. However, "too localized" was removed from the list of close reasons a few years ago.
The problem really is that because the site never agreed on a clear policy, it is difficult for new users like you to see what's ok and what's not. Really, the answer depends on who you ask :-/
But, we probably need to agree on a policy soon. The continuing quarrelling is way worse.
@JyrkiLahtonen I will read related topic on Meta about that issue, I hope the community can find a solution to make all (almost) happy! What about a special tag for homeworks related questions? (keeping always the rule to do not give solution if no effort is shown by the asker)
@JyrkiLahtonen Yes I think that a new clear policy on that is strongly required! Thanks for your time and kind attention, I really appreciate the discussion with you here! Bye
@ProducerofBS Thanks for your kind suggestion, I'm at disposal to evaluate also REOPEN UNDELETE EDIT issues. Feel free to contact me if it was necessary! Bye
3 hours later…
@gimusi All this will probably sound unfair to you. Of course, you didn't personally invite askers of these questions here, but many see your level of activity as making the problem worse. In meta you will learn that the homework tag was destroyed a few years ago. The term is "burninated" meaning that the site software will prevent anyone from ever recreating it.
In meta hardly anyone will confess to it, but it is not unreasonable to suspect that the unhappiness partly comes from the fact that upvotes on homework answers generate a lot of rep points. This, however, is built into the SE system, and we cannot change that. So the only way to prevent homework answerers dominating the rep tables is to cull homework questions.
IMO the biggest problem with homework problems is that they are almost invariably near duplicates of earlier questions, and don't generate any new content worth keeping.
1 hour later…
@mixedmath @AlexanderGruber: Your opinion as a native English speaker is much needed here. Thanks!
@user21820 Your link doesn't seem to take me anywhere. I wonder if it's malformed?
@mixedmath It works for me, but anyway it's just the chat-room with quid.
You can see that chat-room, right?
@JyrkiLahtonen I fully understand and I respect your point of view, it is really highly reasonable and correct to me. For what concern my activity here the fact is that I have a relatively basic/elementary level of knowledge in math and then I can only answer,I hope in an useful way, only to these kind of simpler questions. If I could, I will answer also to more difficult answers that I read but they are very beyond my present state of knowledgement.
Anyway it seems to me that here on MSE all levels of questions are represented and that the simpler question are not the prevalent part and thus each one has the chance to increase his/her reputation score if one believe that it is an important issue. Consider also that the reputation I've gained depends mainly by the time and effort I’ve put here on MSE and not solely from the kind of question answered.
Of course IMHO it is important that the work done, the effort and the time spent are in some way recognized and I think that reputation points are a good method to give a measure the effort that one user put here on MSE. But of course that's not the only one or the most important one criteria to establish the value of an user.
Also the numbers and kinds of badge, for example, can give a measure of the skillness of users. But more than that I think that the correctness and good-faith in our actions give the only kind of non-mesurable important reputation here.
I've encountered many valuable users with a low reputation points but who are widely recognized as trust and prominent from the community. Many others don't give answer in the standard way but by high quality comments, maybe because they are not interested in gaining reputation points.
So, there are many ways to play the role here, I only try to follow mine in good-faith and with the aim to learn more and to help, whenever possible, the asker motivated to learn and become a part of the community. If the problem are the reputation points, maybe the idea of a special tags which decreases the weight for the points given on homework related OP could be a good solution.
For the duplicates, more expert users should consider that for new users all questions are pretty new and then the individuation of duplicates can be mainly done from more expert and veterans user.
Moreover I'm not convinced at all that point out a duplicate answer could be always the best thing to do for the asker; indeed maybe, in some cases, an asker would like to try to solve the given OP by himself and thus he/she only need only some goon hint to start; in these cases give suddenly a duplicate is equivalent to give a full answer and thus it should not be the best choice.
Also for the duplicates, a solution could be to penalize the points acquired by those kind of answers. If your interpretation is correct, and I think that it is so, maybe the new policy should address also that issue in order to prevent discontents about the present reputation system.
4 hours later…
@mixedmath it's a mod chat. Since my chat parent is MESE it is possible that you cannot just access it. I'll give you access now.
3 hours later…
Hoping to see @DanielFischer here soon again!
1 hour later…
@quid that's interesting. Hmm. I can certainly see it now.
@mixedmath if I invite a user to chat it goes by default to that site. I think I'd have to create the room "here" first and then invite. I'll try to remember next time.

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