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@BalarkaSen similarly, the Lambert W function becomes clearer once one thinks in terms not of $w=W(z)$ but $z=we^w$.
@Blue Eh? Not in general. Even the van der Waals gas has a treatment of potential based on the average distance between molecules.
@Semiclassical But the branches of Lambert W is a fucking mess
eh, even that becomes clearer once you look at the plane of complex $w$.
For log it's very simple because e^z is an infinite sheeted covering
lemme find a good picture
Error bars in a LaTeX graph ezpz?
Not a clue. I make graphs in Root and PDF insert the image in the paper.
Oh fair
So, can someone explain to me clearly the relationship between chirality and spin? I know that helicity is spin dot momentum. I also know that in the massless limit chirality is the same as Helicity so chirality must be related to spin as well right. Is chirality spin dot (some constant vector with units of momentum)?
I just looked it up it's literally just coordinates{(0,1) +- (some,shit)};
that's a contour plot of arg(e^w) in the plane of w
@dmckee Do you have any source which discusses the derivation of the real gas (Van Der Waals equation) from the partition function (taking into account potential interactions for all pairs of particles) ?
@semi huh ok
Actually the pairwise approximation is still an approximation
For more than 2 particles, only taking pairwise interactions is not enough
I would be interested in reading something stating the contrary
@Blue Not off the top of my head. But most books do the variations on the coupled-oscillator crystalline solid (which may be the easiest statistical treatment of a system involving potential energies).
Look for a chapter on virial expansion / cluster diagrams.
@dmckee I probably know the crystalline solid one. Even that is an approximation (taking into account only neighboring particles)
The differential equation they write don't include all the N particles in the system
@Blue Ah. A little googling gives me nyu.edu/classes/tuckerman/stat.mechII/lectures/postscript/… which seems to treat the problem in a perturbative approach.
@BalarkaSen so, in the first plot, each strip is the image of $w\in \mathbb{C}\mapsto e^w$. So on each strip we can define a one-to-one inverse function.
Oh, right, yes, the first one is of course log
so each strip corresponds to a branch of log(z), with analytic continuation of z moving you between each branch sequentially
right, right, sure, i know that
in the other plot, you still have strips away from the real-w axis
@Blue Uhm. Of course you can't be explicit about $N$ particles int he thermodynamic limit, but you can find the spectral density, and integrate.
but in the middle you now have a bit different arrangement
@dmckee Interesting. I see lot of approximation there too. But yeah, I should have been more careful when I said "potential interactions are ignored in statistical mechanics." Yes, they can be approximated. However, for the problem Yashas stated, I'm pretty certain we have to ignore potential interactions (as there is not enough data)
@Semiclassical I guess the issue is $f(z) = z\exp(z)$ derivates to $f'(z) = (z + 1)\exp(z)$, which vanishes at $z = -1$. So the map is not a covering map at $-1$
yeah, there's some weirdness there
That's why the branches act badly
main thing to note, I guess, is that you can cycle between those three regions in the middle by moving around $z=-1$
@JohnRennie Dear John, if it s not a bad timing, I had a small question: say in a 2D Hilbert space, we pick two kets |a_1\rangle
That is, \theta_n = pi/2, where theta_n is the angle between |a_1\rangle \oprod |a_1\rangle ... |a_1\rangle (n times) and |a_2\rangle (also tensored with itself n times).
Is there an easy geometric way of seeing why the angle should approach pi/2?
use $'s plz
@JohnRennie sorry one part of the msg got lost. Namely, in the 2D space the angle between the ket a_1 and ket a_2 is theta, with there very small.
@JohnRennie and theta_n is the corresponding angle between their tensored versions (each with itself n times)
Surely robots can learn to play pleasing and cute music, given the massive advancement in machine learning in recent days
@BalarkaSen are you asking ACM to serenade you?
No because I don't like cute music
@BalarkaSen liked the robots, not the song so much, maybe robots will slowly gain more talent :|
robots can never learn to make Death Grips music
@BalarkaSen death grips IS robot music
@Phase lol serenading probably requires empathy o_O
Are you implying ACM has none? That's just mean
He's an advanced AI / robotman
there's probably a few bytes of room for Empathy
@BalarkaSen is that directed at me?
no at vzn
Or the self referential meme
10 messages moved to trash
Enough already
the room owner has spoken, hush or be Shog9'd
get shogd bro
Kickmutes will be handed out if this continues
geez everything spirals/ escalates so quickly in here these days. not to blame for that o_O :(
i look away for a moment and the room goes crazy
schrodinger's troll?
That was a good read tho thanks lads
I don't fancy the idea of being kickmuted, so I'm gonna say one thing [JR pls :( no kill] afaik no-one got annoyed at you for posting a robot video, Sen just made a comment about your self referencing. It's not a big deal and it escalated
what's up with people always getting into fights here?
3 messages moved to trash
2 messages moved to trash
Just to clarify my position, I wasn't commenting at self-referencing. I was commenting at vzn for making vague implications that this room's moderation is dictatorship, a conspiracy theory that has been beaten to dead horse by him, and is quite silly in my honest opinion.
I probably didn't help it's just that one of his messages, especially pre-edit, struck as me as high-school-bully tier and got my back up faster than it should've. Sorry for contributing folks
isn't it more like an oligarchy
after all there are multiple mods aren't there heh
If @BalarkaSen has his way he'll seize the means of production and make everyone a mod
damn commie sleeper agent
thats more like it
we gotta get the poli-sci facts right
Making everyone a mod is kinda the opposite of what communist regimes have done in the past
This guy looks like he's having the time of his life
Communist regimes tend to overwhelmingly be dictatorships lol
Nah Everyone will be a mod but mod privileges won't be a thing and BS will be the site owner and we're all equal and he is our leader.
sounds about right
Why would anyone want to be a mod? You have to clear up everyone else's crap and you get shouted at whatever you do ...
@JohnRennie So, I should start drinking more coffee now?
@CooperCape ma nama shog
imma ban you all
@JohnRennie tbf, a few things aside, the more time I spend here the cooler I am with Mod intervention as long as it's just stopping dumb stuff. Some of the flags from regular users though...
Poor 0celo7
@enumaris True. A running gag of mine is to meme USSR
I am not seriously a supporter of communism
@Sid I'm deeply suspicious of these claims about what is what isn't good for you. As a general guide if it feels good you should probably do it.
I do like Marx's mathematical manuscripts, however :D
Communism as an economic idea is oh so different than communism as a political idea and again wholly different than the communism as styled by Lennin, Stalin, Mao and others
@JohnRennie Finally someone who approves of my heroin hobby
It's pretty hard to define clearly now unfortunately :(
I think JR correctly predicted it comes from "Shoggoth", name of a monstrous character in Lovecraft
@CooperCape I think I prefer "to shit when you jog"
the biggest atrocities Stalin and Mao committed were against clear definitions in terminology (/s in case this message gets too much hate)
"to shit when you jog 9"
@enumaris I quite agree. But, unfortunately the people who claim themselves to be anti-left aren't making a good case for support either.
@Phase Dude this is a physics chat room and you're talking about outside activities as a preference wth where do you think you are sports science SE?
@Phase what a shame you edited that. I was wondering if you liked dressing up as Wonder Woman or Supergirl :-)
@JohnRennie I dress up as Supergirl. Then I shoot myself up with crack and heroin
really get's the noggin joggin
the terminology the left and the right also leaves much to be desired...
@Phase That's ... a mental image I could have done without :-)
There's a ginger kid on the bus I take to school and we all call him ginger noggin.
God we're cruel :c
@JohnRennie I'm confused how you can have a mental image at all when for all you know I'm a 9 foot tall African American gentleman with one arm and three legs
@Phase that is digital blackface
with fire and hate
BalarkaSen are you assuming I'm not black
My friend just hit me up with "I don't know what I'm doing anymore" so I replied with "You never did" and apparently that sorted it so I feel like a God...
@CooperCape not true
@Phase irrelevant.
There's a blissful period as a young child where life is good and simple
@BalarkaSen how many IG followers you got huh? you's irrelevant!
you're clearly a ricegum fan
Welcome to the Ricegum mother______
I'm pretty sure swearing is allowed in this chat right
(not actually sure, I just saw people do it)
no this is a christian chat
0celo7 politely requested and I feel like I could do with the change of pace
I swear too much anyway
ok serious physics question tho
@enumaris it isn't a banning offence, but at the same time you shouldn't consider it compulsory
please define chirality in a clear and concise manner
It's how Chiral something is and in what way it's Chiral
I'm pretty sure it's handedness of molecules
@enumaris there is no clear and concise way to define chirality. It is a fundamentally difficult concept.
I can chat shit about optical isomers and chiral carbons but idk what it means
I think Physicists must have another use for it @CooperCape
There is a really good blog post somewhere that explains chirality and helicity. I'll have a quick Google ...
Chirality means mirror image is congruent to itself, right?
That's pretty much what it means in math
Chiral means that it's not equal to it's mirror
Achiral is where mirroring has no effect iirc
Isn't it the other way around?
In chem optical isomers are not equal to their mirror
I dont think so
So I'd be with Phase on this one
Oh I guess rip me then
Yeah that should be non-congruent
@BalarkaSen I just mean generally tho
maths might be different
By congruence I mean equivalent after rigid motion
I'll take a look
You're the maths guy so
@Phase No, no, you're right
but as a concrete question
I forgot the right terminology
if I have a massive particle
I am a forgetful person
and I flip its spin
without changing its momentum
I've always been taught chirality is handedness and hands are mirros but neq sooo
have I changed its chirality?
@enumaris no
The place where it comes up in math is knot theory.
You just changed its helicity
but if the particle is massless then I have in fact changed its chirality correct?
The left-handed trefoil knot and the right-handed trefoil knot (mirror images of each other), are not the same knots.
@enumaris Read the blog article - it's complicated
What is knot theory
Or is that a deep question
study of knots
Oh, that was ez
@enumaris well don't look at me in that tone of voice. I didn't design the universe.
(not ez but yano for once I understood something you answered me with...)
@JohnRennie You can see voices? O_o
I'm having trouble mostly with the fact that helicity and chirality are supposed to be the same for massless particles, but there doesn't seem to be a nice limiting method to get there?
@CooperCape it's what boyscouts and amateur sailors learn
I was once both...
Great shame in that :)
Sorry, had a typo
I thought for once I... I was accepted... and then. then the edit came.
@EmilioPisanty There was a comment chain moved to chat where people got grumpy
@EmilioPisanty Unix hackers have a sense of humour. Just ... not a very good one :-)
Now I lead Bevers (6-8yos) and get called a 'nonce' an awful lot at school :/
And basically said "never make an inside joke at the potential expense of some rando"
@CooperCape Beat em up and tie em up with knots
Like, if a particle is nearly massless, is its chirality and helicity somehow more aligned in more references frames or something
until you get to actual massless in which case they align in every reference frame...
@Phase I can do a reef knot...
@CooperCape Is that a British thing? I thought that was seriously offensive...
@CooperCape Just sic the beavers on em
@BalarkaSen iirc it means Pedo
@Phase Pretty much that yea
Sad times
@CooperCape they're just plebs, don't let it get to you
@Phase Ehh one time the teacher heard an that was an interesting lesson... :p
did they get punished or something?
Our physics teacher's too chill it's fine
how old are these people
Why is weird that they're calling me a nonce
@BalarkaSen let's get ACM on this, he will send them to the cloud and purify their minds
@CooperCape I thought the 6-8 year olds were calling you that...lol
@Blue Oh my goodness that would be sooo much worse!
Can you imagine them going home to there parents...
"What did you do tonight then...?"
"Well Jordan's a nonce..."
might not go down too well
17-18 is your age group. So I wouldn't bother much :P
Yeah I don't mind really
It's weird how similar Nonce and Ponce are, I wonder if that stems from old stereotypes
Just weirds teachers out and unnecessarily awkward conversations.
What am I saying all my conversations are awkward lol
"balance: -£1.58"
Feels bad man.
I think that's the negative of my Amazon balance
This is my bank account
Tbh tho I started this month with less than usual and only gotta last 10 days
One more year until I reach the uni bank balance standards
Although I can't get a student loan for like 4 months cause of my age smh
Idk what I'm gonna do...
Be very poor for a few months I guess
or just owe my parents $$$ but I'd kinda feel bad
911 conspiracy has made it to the physics stack exchange
what is this 2004?
Yeah I've... seen.
Actually when I went to NY I had a fun chat with some conspiracy theorists
when I was in middle school I watched that video loose change
and for all of about 45 minutes I was convinced it was an inside job
and then I watched another video debunking every claim
and that was that
wait where is it
Q: Question about the velocity of the alleged plane that hit the Pentagon on 9-11

descheleschilderWe (almost) all have seen this video that shows the explosion on the morning of 9-11 at the Pentagon. Now if you play this video image per image there is no plane [an alleged Boeing 757 223, whose length is about 48 (m); see this article)] to see. If we assume that the video displays 18 images p...

can he not see that the frames/sec on that camera is more like 2-4 at max?
"I'm not a skeptic, I'm just considering the facts"
"I'm not $a$ but I'm $a$"
the police car goes from going into the shot to exiting the shot in 8 frames
if it was at 18 frames/s that police car be zoomin!
I think we can all clearly see it's no 18fps
More like 1/2fps at best
yeah lol
I like the youtube video's comment on it "the real mystery is why is the pentagon using this camera as a security camera" LOL
I thought I cancelled it no wonder I'm a quid below ground level
I got charged 90 quid yesterday
what the actual fuck
At least you can... um... do longer... computations :(
stip by stip solushuns
lmao Phase
@CooperCape did you look at my screenshot
I'm on a free account being charged
maybe they have a cancelation fee?
You oughta contact them about it
At least you can feel good you're funding a respectable webpage
you're one of the few supporting A New Kind of Science
feel proud dave
we're proud of you
I am angery
so angry that it's turned into angery?
@Phase Perhaps free here means it's open source
when you're old you can tell your grandchildren that you supported Stephen Wolfram's Kickstarter Crap
Otherwise you're getting scammed
As a great man once said
'nibba you got fucked;'
and they'll look at you with awe
@Cooper l m a o
im crying man
Do I kill myself or them
lootcrates spotted!
dont do it habibi
dont you want to feel the sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking more steps of your calculus homework?
not the time SEN
@BalarkaSen Response 101
@BalarkaSen the point is that branches and branch cuts are more conceptually difficult than anything in analysis
name one topic harder
Riemann sheets?
I'm including that in there
@0celo7 I am not sure I agree, but you might have a fair point in saying analytic continuation is a nontrivial C phenomenon
because the way you're supposed to understand that stuff is via Riemann surfaces
@0celo7 Making good memes.
how u include Riemann Sheets in branch cuts...
read what I wrote
@BalarkaSen I have spent hours with @Semiclassical figuring out branch cuts
Well you really don't have to go that far, you just have to understand taking graphs of holomorphic functions
still seems unfair to include it, you only specified branch cuts :P
@enumaris heck it then, just imagine I said Riemann surfaces too
@0celo7 C'mon, you can't say a subject is hard based upon the fact that you had a hard exercise to figure out
@BalarkaSen the only thing of comparable difficulty in real analysis is function spaces on manifolds
showing those things are locally connected or whatever other BS
those are conceptually hard too
the definitions are so technical
I will say though that in a first course of complex analysis branch cuts are not really anything more than a nice show
You never actually use that stuff
All you have to understand is locally log is a well-defined function
how big a neighborhood it's defined on is not really of much relevance
my brain freezes anytime complex analysis is mentioned
anytime I see a x turn into a z
integrate some f(x)? Sure no problem (conceptually). Integrate some f(z) along the real axis? Nope.
@BalarkaSen Analysts not understanding $\Bbb C$ is a real issue
Spin structures are already bad, but Spin$^\Bbb C$...
Physicists do some jig with EM fields to explain it
I understand spin topologically
@enumaris It's actually quite physical.
Analysts don't understand spectral sequences
what's quite physical?
If you say complex variables are physical you've either turned into @Semiclassical, @EmilioPisanty, or crazy...
@enumaris If $f$ is a complex function and $\gamma$ is a path in $\Bbb C$, $\int_\gamma f(z) dz$ represents work done in trying to push an object from $\gamma(0)$ to $\gamma(1)$ against the force field given by $f$.
why not all 3?
@0celo7 I meant line integrals, not complex analysis on the whole
Line integrals in real space is fine :D
@BalarkaSen Cool. I saw that a few days back in the context of conservative fields. :D
Treating it as complex function makes evaluating the integral easier
It's the same thing though. Write $f(z) = u(x, y) + i v(x, y)$ and $dz = dx + idy$, then $f(z)dz = (udx - vdy) + i(udy + vdx)$
It there is some hole inside, you can use the residue tricks and stuff
I'd rather keep conceptual clarity in favor of computational ease
Your line integral then decomposes as a complex number whose real part is line integral of the vector field $(u, -v)$ along $\gamma$, and imaginary part is line integral of the field $(v, u)$ along $\gamma$
I don't doubt you can make many things computationally much easier by using complex numbers rather than sticking to the reals. But still...I don't like them -.-
@Blue I'll tell you more about these when we learn differential forms
It actually becomes a very clean formalism
differential forms are fun
@BalarkaSen Nice. I'm interested!
The relation with complex analysis also becomes apparent
F=dA <--where else can you have such a nice relationship between electric/magnetic fields and potentials? :D
the distinction I'd draw between real and complex analysis is between the words complicated and complex
something is complicated if, while it works out correctly, it feels arbitrary and doesn't join together into a coherent whole. something is complex if, despite the apparent complications in its workings, it still acts as one coherent whole
If you think that describes real analysis I don’t know what to say
i was going to a slightly different conclusion
the trouble is that, seeing someting as 'complex' rather than merely 'complicated' requires a certain depth of insight and experience
I have that for complex analysis, but I don't have that for real analysis. So of the two I would say I feel like real analysis is complicated but complex analysis is complex. But I can well imagine that that's different for another person.
not sure how often that distinction between complicated and complex is used..
eh, I think it shows up quite a bit though perhaps under different words
i think 'complexity' overlaps quite a bit with the notion of 'elegance' in mathematics, for instance
Isn't elegance usually more overlapping with simplicity
like Einstein's Theory of General Relativity is extremely elegant because it has only a few simple assumptions (SR + Principle of Equivalence) and from those assumptions it generates a vast plethora of physical implications
Whereas QFT feels more like a hodgepodge of ideas and tricks tacked on over time...
(Is there a QFT fan in here who's gonna start a flame war with me now?)
well, it's only simple once you see how those assumptions work
if someone just handed you a long list of results of those assumptions, would you necessarily guess there's a simple set of assumptions behind it?
(Where's the QFT fan who's gonna start a flame war with me tho?)
in that way I'd say that GR is certainly complex.

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