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Probably not, but that's why GR is elegant right, it takes some simple physical intuitions and then can generate very complex results.
iono :P
QFT is weird because it feels like there ought to be some more unifying approach to it
I have never seen one that has been satisfying
over all the textbooks I've looked at for QFT, the rules always feel somewhat arbitrary to me
and yet, it works :/
and yet it works...indeed...
it does have a good number of unexplained parameters tho, like all of the masses of the fundamental particles, and all of the coupling constants
I wonder if it has more of those than most other theories...or if it's on average the same as other theories when you somehow account for the number of phenomena that it describes...hmmm
Now I'm wondering if there's some way to classify theories based on some measure of (number of input parameters) vs (number of physical phenomena that it makes predictions on)
some sort of "generated-information density" function or something...
@enumaris let's go hard core on QM at 1:30pm pacific time. I will be in the math stack exchange chat for this. Come prepared to think fast and hard on the fly :P
why would you do it in the math chat?
It's better to learn physics form physicists
Just make your own Chat
And invite people
otherwise you'll just spend all your time making things rigorous
don't take over a whole room
that's already there
(subtle jab at the mathematicians)
Don't punch a mathematician
They'll Morph into some topological equivalent
and start crying
Q: How do I clear my concepts in physics?

VarunI just wanted to know how do I know every question that is within the theory that I read and develop an approach to solving questions. Thanks, anything helps.

contender for Unclearest What You're Asking?
Did you hear about that farmer who got awarded the Nobel prize?
yesterday, by Balarka Sen
Indeed, I think being a good physicist might actually hinder being a good mathematician, and vice versa
He was OutStanding in his Field.
@Phase Don't you mean the Fields medal? ;)
nop but that also works : P
Im repeating the joke as it told to me from one Automated Dominos Delivery update thing
I'm a good mathematician
and a good physicist
I'm a terrible mathematician but on the other hand
I'm also a terrible physicist
so we got all the cases covered
if we Fuse
we'll make a thoroughly average human being
sounds good XD
Are you a happy or sad person
on average
im a sadboi
i should start doing some math
some 'o them good meth
math is kinda like meth
not even once
@BalarkaSen you share a lot of my music taste but
im willing to bet you hate my pizza taste
anchovies, mushrooms, peppers, chicken, pineapple, chorizo
its tasty
Other than pineapple all look fine
I don't like sweet toppings
PPAP pizza pineapple apple pie
special meme fresh is a good aesthetic
I don't like anchovies or chicken or pinapple or chorizo on my pizza
I like pepperoni pizza
r/surrealmemes is a heaven dave
pineapple and anchovies belong on pizza
i will cash in my loyalty card with ACM and have you banned sir
how dare you disagree with me on pineapple aesthetics
pineapple looks good
it tastes good
on pizza
You probably use eat genetically modified pineapples then :P
m8 all pineapples are genetically modified, how else could they be so great on Pizza
its unnatural
top 10 greatest anime comebacks
pepperoni pizza ftw
I would say that pepperoni pizza is isomorphic to trash but it's honestly just identical to it
cheese+tomato sauce+meat=awesome
Big if true :thinking emoji:
Q: "The Schwarzschild Proton" paper - Is the science valid?

Tommy HinrichsI'm a layman without a university background in physics / math. Since I don't have a background, reading a paper is more of an effort. Consequently, when I come across an interesting paper, I can't really just give it a glance, and see if it is science, or psuedoscience. This question is about ...

I started reading a paper with that title once ...
I just had a dream about diagonalising matrices smh
@CooperCape I wish someone would come along and diagonalise my matrix :/
@CooperCape Everyone I've ever asked who did grad school in physics dreamed math at some point during their studies.
@Mithrandir24601 Sounds... fun. ;)
@dmckee Not even started my studies... where does this path lead.
@dmckee Sounds 'bout right
@CooperCape There doesn't seem to be any lasting harm. But it left me very puzzled when I woke.
I never dreamed about math
only physics
For me it was spherical harmonics, their orthoganlity and recursion relations. Yikes.
cus I'm a true physicist, ain't no maths here
@dmckee Don't know what that is... sounds... uhhh. Quadratic equations anyone? ;p
Wikipedia has an article if you are curious: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_harmonics
Way beyond me... Looks orbital shells tho
it's basically those orbital thingies you see from chem
it's the mathematical representation of them
pretty neat
Or I should say
ok I just ate
yeahh h
Oribitals are represented mathematically by the spherical harmonics
you use spherical harmonics to do much more than model orbitals
had to cook . Made purple cabbage, rice and salmon
I can imagine...
and just took my vitamins and a cup of probiotic yogurt.
I'm living the life folks
It's almost 1:30
hmm I can't seem to relocate the room i was exploring qm in yesterday. can we create a room to explore qm?
@enumaris can you help me create a room so we could discuss qm?
I dunno how to create a room
It's here ^
ah yes that is my room , thanks @Blue
Let's go think of qm in all sorts of ways hehe
You can add it to your favourites, to prevent losing the link
@BalarkaSen reponst!¡!
some dude from here linked me that meme
are you that dude?
well the meme's mine now
@BalarkaSen Lol
@BernardoMeurer I’m sabotaging everyone in the study group
Gotta play the curve
Good lord
@0celo7 hey, come play with me
I mentioned entanglement in my room and everyone left
wow lol
why not
@Cows He thinks entanglement is immoral
He only believes in entanglement after marriage
@BernardoMeurer hehehe
Christian 0celo
The fact that emojis are part of Unicode haunts me every day
Transport and Map Symbols is a Unicode block containing transportation and map icons, largely for compatibility with Japanese Telephone carriers' emoji implementations of Shift JIS and to encode characters in the Wingdings and Wingdings 2 character sets. == Block == == Emoji == The Transport and Map Symbols block contains 94 emoji: U+1F680–U+1F6C5, U+1F6CB–U+1F6D2, U+1F6E0–U+1F6E5, U+1F6E9, U+1F6EB–U+1F6EC, U+1F6F0 and U+1F6F3–U+1F6F8. The block has 46 standardized variants defined to specify emoji-style (U+FE0F VS16) or text presentation (U+FE0E VS15) for the following 23 base characte...
@BalarkaSen yes
the name's dude
@Cows are you still available???
@goodnight yeah I am in this room chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/69276/…
@knzhou o/
fuck it's cold
@BernardoMeurer im gonna do that day again
I need to read more about this to fully understood its implications:
@BernardoMeurer ill livestream it
what is dude blackmailing you for
his fear of people running in the cold
i'm gonna expose him
do i know you?
@BalarkaSen don't worry
it shows character
lack of conversational awareness shows that you have better priorities in life
I will never know if that is meant as an insult or a compliment. I'll take that as a meme.
exchuse ME
@dmckee Big if true
@CooperCape You went from eigenvectors straight to diagonalising? nice : p a practical man
@BalarkaSen Quotient space questions: V/N and V/~ are the same if the subspace N is equivalent under ~ right?
@BernardoMeurer @0celo7 The melon's new twitter account is named "Nethony Neutralo"
Or rather, old twitter account, renamed
hi i am having an issue with a problem in the theoretical minimum book
it regarding the general solution of $-\omega \dot r = \ddot r$
this suggests the general solution for -wr = r'' is c1cos(wt) + c2sin(wt)

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