Would anyone use a frontend to SmokeDetector/MS that made it kind of more like SO's review queues? (separate queues for new posts, old posts without feedback, new domains, buttons for flagging and feedback and blacklisting...)
it's been something I've been thinking about attempting for a while
@JakeSymons True means smoke detector reported something that was indeed spam. False positive means smokey thought it was spam, but humans judged that it wasn't
Might be a spam seed (i.e. the same person will post an answer advertising something that purportedly fixes the problem). I’m going to keep an eye on it.
Body - Position 1023-1042: cannabinoid-complex, Position 1124-1143: cannabinoid-complex Post - Bad fragment in link https://www.hlbenefits.com/boulder-botanical-cannabinoid-complex-reviews/
'status' is just a link to the 'current system status' and as MS relies on Smokey and vice versa to some extent, it's good to know the current state of Smokey instances
I have found a really nice css code that will show links as highlighted text. Now I would like to have this style applied only on posts on my website so after adding the css style I needed to exclude other elements that will not fit into my post requirement so I ended up with this:
@ThomasWard It's pretty spammy. I think the best approach is going to be to ask them to make their posts less promotional, more technical. Right now, they seem to be heavy on terms related to the sites in question. We'll handle it. Thanks.
@JakeSymons ╳ You are not a privileged user. Please see the privileges wiki page for information on what privileges are and what is expected of privileged users.
Body - Position 1023-1042: cannabinoid-complex, Position 1124-1143: cannabinoid-complex Post - Bad fragment in link https://www.hlbenefits.com/boulder-botanical-cannabinoid-complex-reviews/
@JakeSymons That's ok. It's a good way to learn. But you should take some time out and read all the documentation. Many of your questions are answer there.
@JakeSymons "Removing spam/abusive text before a question/answer is deleted can affect the automated spam/abuse detection (users will not flag it as spam/abusive). See Should Spam posts be edited?."
@JakeSymons If it is not a spam post you need to be very careful to leave a valid question when the link has been removed. It is probably better to leave that to someone more experienced ...
If you want to join Charcoal, I'd highly recommend becoming very much acquainted with general Stack Exchange policies and workings, such as the way flags work and stuff. Earn a little rep, get some privileges, and get a good sense of how things work. You seem earnest; I'd be glad to see you stick around when you're a tad more familiar with the system :)