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@SmokeDetector this still needs to be resolved
@NisseEngström There's a TP and an FP on both reports
don't see anything wrong with it warning you
@angussidney > flake: episode 3
now you know my pain
Yo @ThomasWard
although it then errored out when trying to delete the branch because it wasn't there
anyways I'll let you clone that and shoot as many holes as you like in it
ping me if you need write access
cc @tripleee @Andy
...in addition the hook also works and just stopped me from committing to deploy xd
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer: Jeremiah 30:9, David as King by Yuli Miriam Magdalene on hermeneutics.SE
naa- by ByteCommander
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer: What is the definition of a selective survey? by Odell Henderson on academia.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Wordpress site running slow by Innozilla Web Solutions on stackoverflow.com
@NisseEngström ?
Yeah Art wanted it like that
triggering when a previous revision had no feedback
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title: What are the side effects of hemp oil? by margieklevesque on mathoverflow.net
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: How to speed up wordpress website by Innozilla Web Solutions on stackoverflow.com
@quartata OK, thanks. (There were two different issues; I didn't have time to rewrite my response.)
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
Would anyone use a frontend to SmokeDetector/MS that made it kind of more like SO's review queues? (separate queues for new posts, old posts without feedback, new domains, buttons for flagging and feedback and blacklisting...)
it's been something I've been thinking about attempting for a while
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +4 more: allsupplement4u.com/pinnacle-garcinia-cambogia/ by derrickostrom on graphicdesign.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: How can I politely say to my coworker that he should not comment on what I am eating by perendembe on interpersonal.SE (@Catija @HenryWHHackv2.1)
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
SD 2k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly dots in body: Troubles with gitlab scraping via golang by sergkondr on stackoverflow.com
@NisseEngström What does that mean?
fp- by FelixSFD
@Catija true positive, blacklist user, don't respond
tp = true positive, 'u' with the TP blacklists the user, '-' is a silencer.
So it keeps the alert from showing up in other rooms?
It stops Smokey from replying to the message
@SmokeDetector fp
@Mithrandir Registered question as false positive.
Smokey replies to messages?
Or you mean in here...
In here.
So like what it just did?
Smokey won't post anything in TAS except for the report itself at the moment.
you did fp without a - and it responded that it was registered as a false positive.
It won't accept feedback in TAS, BTW, I think
But if you'd said fp- it wouldn't have given the confirmation message?
Oh, I don't know that I plan to give feedback anyway. :P
Typing one-handed is hard...
You handling Ben now?
Yeah. Trying to get him to nap.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in body: PHP generate alphanumeric strings by Simuli on stackoverflow.com
fp- by FelixSFD
@Mithrandir When my PR is merged I can have it accept feedback there
I'll probably need to go to all the rooms and ask
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body, repeating characters in body: Trying to auto login to my Router Client with WebBrowser by PurpleDxD on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tp-
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer: How to add Comodo PositiveSSL in Vesta by shreyansh goel on stackoverflow.com
Spamish? Quite a few of this guys answers seem to be linking to his own stuff...
hi what is the forum for
What do you mean by "what is the forum for"? This is a chat room.
yes, I mean what is being discussed here. What topics are we talking about
@JakeSymons Provided you're on a full web browser, the purpose of a room is generally explained in the room description.
@JF I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and offensive posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
So this is a forum about removing spam??
and offensive posts??
@JakeSymons Our bot detects spam and offensive posts all across Stack Exchange, then reports it here so we can remove it quickly
This is not a forum. It's a chat room.
Okay, is their anything I can do to help
Our homepage has a more detailed description of what we do.
Bust the spam
beat sorry
@JakeSymons Sure! Wait for a report to be posted, open the post, and flag it as spam if it actually is spam.
@JakeSymons You doubt me?
how often do reports come on average
@JakeSymons Depends.
@JakeSymons Depends on what time it is. The average right now is about 30 minutes.
when was the last one today
@SmokeDetector @JakeSymons This one.
Right now, not a whole lot, but around 4:00-8:00 UTC, it happens several times a minute
On the graph whats the difference between true and false positives. Sorry for sounding so dumb I am completely new to everything in the forum
I think? That's my best guess for spam-o-clock
@JakeSymons That’s OK, everyone in here was new at one time.
@JakeSymons True means smoke detector reported something that was indeed spam. False positive means smokey thought it was spam, but humans judged that it wasn't
No problem!
Restart: API quota is 14650.
@JakeSymons This is not a forum, it is a chat room.
chat room not forum. got it
@NisseEngström I've added a standard promotion comment. Let's see if he pays any attention.
@DavidPostill …and deleted.
@DavidPostill Thanks!
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body: My phone keeps getting hacked by Pavo b on codereview.SE
Also I've mod flagged the user.
this guy wants money for answers. That's not allowed is it?
BTW what was the bad work?
word my keyboard is terrible
@SmokeDetector why
@JF Post - Keyword hacking with email [email protected]
@JakeSymons No
@JakeSymons see above
so what do we do?
correction - you do
Also off-topic. Flagged.
Might be a spam seed (i.e. the same person will post an answer advertising something that purportedly fixes the problem). I’m going to keep an eye on it.
roger that
what do we do when were not deleting and editing peoples posts?
@JakeSymons ? Activities on other areas of the site? Some of us are moderating. Others are reading and answering questions.
I'll go and answer some questions
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad pattern in URL body: How to exclude elements from css selection by Catherine Anderson on stackoverflow.com
What does reason weight mean??
New metasmoke user 'Jake Symons' created
I cant find the bad word on the last one
@JakeSymons You can ask smokey why
@SmokeDetector why
Body - Position 1023-1042: cannabinoid-complex, Position 1124-1143: cannabinoid-complex
Post - Bad fragment in link https://www.hlbenefits.com/boulder-botanical-cannabinoid-complex-reviews/
not sure whether that's a positive or a negative detection lol
@DavidPostill ^ cc
still don't see it
@JakeSymons It's the link...
^ that
links are read in as 'words'
oh right, I get it now
@DavidPostill Others of us are puttering around with very evil Python code projects
What are the links on the status tab on my account??
@ThomasWard :)
So... did they really write a sorta legit question just to post a link to that website?
@JakeSymons which links do yuo mean?
@Catija That's what my thought was, but... I can't tell
on my status tap on the metasmoke it say Headers/EC2 Standby
and stuff about pings
@Undo @ArtOfCode not sure if bug, but can't remove my own smokedetectors.
@JakeSymons those aren't specific to you
that's the current status of the SmokeDetector instances
one main, multiple standby, and the last time they pinged in
@ThomasWard angussidney/EC2
^ angussidney/EC2's smokedetector instance
oh right
'status' is just a link to the 'current system status' and as MS relies on Smokey and vice versa to some extent, it's good to know the current state of Smokey instances
@JakeSymons Poster has asked similar questions before, also related to a drugs website.
Q: Better way to exclude html elements from css

Catherine AndersonI have found a really nice css code that will show links as highlighted text. Now I would like to have this style applied only on posts on my website so after adding the css style I needed to exclude other elements that will not fit into my post requirement so I ended up with this: .entry-co...

so, nuke them then?
So the bad word was drugs
What does nuke mean?
@ThomasWard If there's not a button to do it, probably by design
Sorry guys I know I'm asking like so many questions right now
@Undo there is
Maybe a bad design
it doesn't work, says i don't have privs.
@ThomasWard I'm still not sure. They seem to be legitimate questions ...
Oh, well then it's broke
@DavidPostill should I poke SO mods via TL and ask?
@JakeSymons 'nuke' means 'flag the post as spam', or in the mod diamond sense, 'destroy the user with fire and remove them from the site'
@Undo also your opinion on the above report would be nice
@ThomasWard Well we have an SO mod here called @Undo
Mobile, can't look right now
The user has asked the same question about excluding elements august 3 and now
both about drugs
@Undo well for relevance of why i said potential bug
@JakeSymons nuke == destroy post and/or user spammer
'Remove' says insufficient privs
@ThomasWard Yeah, it's a bug:
It does seem feasible that someone building a website for a dispensary might need help with it?
Oct 15 at 22:44, by quartata
@ArtOfCode bug: I can't delete my own smoke detector
@Catija Exactly. That's why I'm not sure.
cc @ArtOfCode on that pls fix
Could the drugs bit be edited out just referring to "the website" then giving the actual link in this case?
It's probably a privileges issue -- even if you don't have admin it should to check if it's your smoke detector
@EdCottrell ohai.
also @ThomasWard did you get my comments
What's up?
Start here and read down.
You get a read about all my newbie questions :)
@Catija Note that the 2 questions are referring to different websites though.
struggling to determine if spam or not, mostly because of the question but also the content of the given link being used in the post
@DavidPostill Same user?
more or less, wanted to bring something of potential-spam to you guys and to clear up our confusion :)
If the link was removed could the question still be understood?
@Catija Yes.
They also seem to be actually responding to comments... I don't think that's something spammers usually do?
And answering questions...
@ThomasWard It's pretty spammy. I think the best approach is going to be to ask them to make their posts less promotional, more technical. Right now, they seem to be heavy on terms related to the sites in question. We'll handle it. Thanks.
And... seriously... her name is Catherine. :P She's got to be OK, right?
@EdCottrell no problem, thanks for stopping by and helping clear our confusion :)
@ThomasWard sure thing
@SmokeDetector k
Is this the only bot we have for mointering
anyone here??
we aren't omnipresent
patience is required
Merged SmokeDetector #1222.
CI on 5e58b20 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
I have desktop notifcations turned on but nothing is coming up when you just posted that
@JakeSymons because nobody pinged you directly.
Restart: API quota is 14267.
whats @smoked
most of us aren't omnipresent. But you can never tell with @ThomasWard
you get notifications for an @ ping, not from 'general messages'
whats @smokedetor doing
@Mithrandir I drift between 'here' and 'not'.
@ThomasWard and the pit of darkness, I presume
@JakeSymons it's letting us know that a git pull request was processed
being a very good bup
It working now
and also letting us know that CI (our test suites) passed
and that it's merged in and restarted.
when it gets an 'autopull' it needs to restart itself ;)
It does a lot of stuff
@JakeSymons yes, it does
that's why it's so complicated to maintain
and why a number of us have the ability to revise things.
Usually I don't have to do anything with it :0
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, pattern-matching website in answer: NUMA placement failed, performance might be affected by Scott Lobo on serverfault.com
First glance says this is spam to me
as in it doesn't add much to the anwser
question my computer just flicked into night light and it completely messed up my typing. Still trying to turn it off.
tpu- by DavidPostill
quick question - what do the abbrivations mean
@JakeSymons Yes, definitely spam. The link is to a loan company whcih has nothing at all to do with the question.
fp is false positive (not spam)
tpu is true positive, blacklist user (spam)
tp is true positive (usually used for vandalism)
@JakeSymons See commands
naa is not an answer - not spam but not an appropriate answer anyway
Thanks, just put those on my sticky notes
@JakeSymons Of course
just checking
@JakeSymons I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and offensive posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
@JakeSymons ╳ You are not a privileged user. Please see the privileges wiki page for information on what privileges are and what is expected of privileged users.
Do I have the flagger privalage??
Uh, please just don't run through every command now, thanks
yeah sorry, got a bit carried away
!!/watch-force firstlibertyloans\.com
@Mithrandir Added firstlibertyloans\.com to watchlist
why do we add the website they posted to the watch list?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user: How to exclude elements from css selection by Catherine Anderson on stackoverflow.com
CI on e207047 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
@SmokeDetector f
Restart: API quota is 14150.
@JakeSymons so that we catch them if they post it again
!!/test innozilla.com
> Blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title
Title - Position 1-14: innozilla.com
Body - Position 1-14: innozilla.com
got it
Why has it come up with Catherine again
@JakeSymons You need to reply the smokey message with word why
@SmokeDetector why
Body - Position 1023-1042: cannabinoid-complex, Position 1124-1143: cannabinoid-complex
Post - Bad fragment in link https://www.hlbenefits.com/boulder-botanical-cannabinoid-complex-reviews/
@SmokeDetector huh?
Thanks I was wondering why that didn't work
Whats going on with the drug link??
...revision magic at work again, I suppose
@JakeSymons A mod is looking at that users questions and editing out the links.
Thanks for being so helpful I know I'm asking a lot of questions
!!/test hempsoftgels.com
> Would not be caught for title, body, and username.
!!/watch hempsoftgels\.com
@Mithrandir Added hempsoftgels\.com to watchlist
@JakeSymons That's ok. It's a good way to learn. But you should take some time out and read all the documentation. Many of your questions are answer there.
CI on 5003b4e succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Where is the documentation. I got the commands link is it all on there
Restart: API quota is 14124.
!!/watch make\W?money\W?online
@DavidPostill thanks
@Mithrandir Added make\W?money\W?online to watchlist
CI on ecb74a9 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 14103.
@trip did Tanmay send you the updated DeepSmoke model yet?
I'm assuming not, since I don't see anything running in the test room except for halflife
I had a look at the privileges. It didn't say if I could edit posts that come up on hear. I know I can edit posts I just wanted to check it was okay
@JakeSymons You should never edit spam posts
Not spam posts, like the one with the drugs link, just taking it out
Generally, we (very strongly) discourage editing spam/abusive posts, but if it's not spam, go right ahead.
@JakeSymons "Removing spam/abusive text before a question/answer is deleted can affect the automated spam/abuse detection (users will not flag it as spam/abusive). See Should Spam posts be edited?."
@JakeSymons In this case, no, because SO mods are working on those
So, If I want to edit something its best to check first here if it comes up one here
Or leave it to the mods
since I prodded them and brought that issue to their attention.
@JakeSymons yep, asking here helps first
Also, rollbacking a post will dispute all pending red flags on the post.
I think.
@JakeSymons If it is not a spam post you need to be very careful to leave a valid question when the link has been removed. It is probably better to leave that to someone more experienced ...
the Smokey contributors consist of a lot of us moderator-diamond-wielding folks so we can help determine what to do.
if it's on Ask Ubuntu though and it's not blatantly spam poke me
because it's probably on my radar to squish ;)
Yeah, lots of mods from around the network here ;)
I'll just leave it to you guys
You kinda know what your actually doing
And if it is on SuperUser poke me as I'm a mod there.
"Where diamonds are made"
Don't mean to be annoying with another question but on the list of watched key words why do we have so many?
^ this
@JakeSymons because?
I don't know why but we usually don't worry about it
Except when it breaks things
I'm a mod on Literature.SE, so you can poke me, although that's fairly rare
@JakeSymons because there's a lot of spam
^ that
I never knew there was so much spam out there
And the watch list is where we put stuff that isn't eligible for outright blacklisting </jargon>
@JakeSymons welcome to the universe :)
@Mithrandir I can't even find your line on the graph :)
across all of SE there's tons of spam
That is A LOT of spam.
If you want to join Charcoal, I'd highly recommend becoming very much acquainted with general Stack Exchange policies and workings, such as the way flags work and stuff. Earn a little rep, get some privileges, and get a good sense of how things work. You seem earnest; I'd be glad to see you stick around when you're a tad more familiar with the system :)
BTW, 6 posts until we hit 75,000 true positives
ooo another landmark
hehehe. I've just closed a question as off-topic by "Kim Jong Un" ;)
If I close the page will I still get nofitications if I don't leave the room?

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