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Stackoverflow jobs shows no chills. "Junior Full Stack Developer" "Requires Ph.D. or First Class honors"
Which I translate as "I want the skills of a senior, but I want to pay you a junior rate."
@ASCII-only I just realize we don't have return :|
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LyricLyThat's a lot of monkeys code-golf string random The infinite monkey theorem states that given infinite time a machine sending an endless stream of random characters will always type any given text. That sounds to me like a great idea for a challenge. Process In order to monkey-ize a string,...

@ASCII-only btw how are we do implement short circut
@Downgoat Funky doesn't have returns :P
@ATaco o_o do you just set global vars or something
@Pavel Last expression = return value.
Implicit return is still return
@Pavel But you can't return mid-function. (no return keyword)
I meant that there's no return statement.
Although I've got an idea as to how to solve that.
@user202729 I recently documented Funky's libraries Here if you feel like takin' a look.
@ATaco I don't think literals (true, false) should have their own docs page. The type bool/boolean should.
They're not literals, they're constants.
@ATaco you should use esdoc, jsdoc is outdated and doesn't support ES6
esdoc is also compatible with jsdoc syntax
@Downgoat Thanks for the tip, I used JSDoc because I had no idea what else to use.
Example is LLIR docs
@ATaco Your constants seem to be shockingly unconstant
(Constants aren't statics)
(But constant really is the wrong term anyway)
@ATaco O________o
@Downgoat Python acts the same way. (Python 2 at least, not sure about 3)
Q: Reverse user input

JustinThis is a pretty simple one. if the user enters "Hello World" your code should output "dlroW olleH" I was inspired by the multiplication question recently posted. I know this is probably easy in bash. As this is code-golf, least bytes wins.

tfw you write an explanation... and then find a golf
@NewMainPosts VTC-Dupe
(Also unclear for that matter)
Esdoc does error logging a lot worse.
The error logger errored.
Did the error logger's error get logged?
Yes, but not in a useful way
@ATaco Your cookie page (a-ta.co/cookie) is a 404
Also, a-ta.co doesn't list Funky, and it should.
Esdoc looks a lot better, but I'm not sure how to make functions a member of a variable.
@ATaco what do you mean?
esdoc.org/manual/tags.html#function <- is that what you are looking for
I need math.max to be a child of math.
Esdoc is 100% better looking but 100% harder to use.
Does anyone know of a good Python RSS library?
or at least how to make this watch for updates
2 hours later…
The Astros won the world series!
Who? What?
everyone here in texas is freaking out :P
but what sport
what is an astro
Baseball - Houston Astros won the World Series (MLB championship)
@Doorknob My wife (who is from Houston) is still screaming
@Downgoat They're called the Astros because Johnson Space Center (mission control for NASA missions) is in Houston
@Mego Does anyone outside of the US even play baseball and participate in this World Series?
@Pavel Canada has a team. The MLB is the most competitive professional baseball league in the world, so it's a pretty good bet that whoever wins the championship is the best team in the world.
Isn't baseball big in Japan too?
I thought it was, but I could be way off
It is, but the Japanese teams are typically inferior to the MLB. Only the best players from Japan have a chance in the MLB (like Yu Darvish).
Yu Darvish was easily the best pitcher in Japan, but he's not even the best pitcher in the MLB
Q: Symmetric Ladybugs

Kevin CruijssenIntroduction: When we think about Ladybugs, we usually think of a red or dark orange bug with black spots. Although this isn't necessary true, since there are also black with red/orange spotted ladybugs, or ladybugs without spots at all, we mainly picture ladybugs something like this Asian Ladyb...

Q: LaTeX truth tables

drobilcWrite a program or a function that accepts the list of outputs from a logic function and outputs the LaTeX code for its truth table. The inputs should be labeled as lowercase letters a-z, and the output should be labelled as F. The length of list of inputs will always be shorter than 2^25, which...

@Mego That's still an extremely dumb name
2 hours later…
Comments on the task in this potential CNR challenge.
The upvotes are from when only the CNR part of the challenge was given, not the challenge itself (the OEIS part).
Q: RLE Brainfuck dialect

Galen IvanovRLE Brainfuck (related to BF-RLE) The hypothetical RLE dialect of Brainfuck except the symbols for the 8 commands, also accepts digits. The digits are used to represent the number of succesive repetitions of a command, thus allowing run-length encoding of the source code. 8> is equal to >>>>>>...

@Pavel Similar to American Football (the NFL), or American Hockey (the NHL), or American Basketball (the NBA), the teams already recruit top talent from around the world, so those sports aren't as "big" in other countries
Has there been any canonical run-length-decoding challenge?
xnor just linked one, but that doesn't do multiple-digit numbers
This and this have some quirks
CMC: Given two Strings, return all common vowels (aeiou). You can choose lowercase/uppercase/both.
"aeinbsa", "kaanu" -> "a"
@Mr.Xcoder Haskell, 36 bytes: a#b=[c|c<-"aeiou",elem c a,elem c b]
@Mr.Xcoder is it guaranteed that there will be at least one common vowel?
@dzaima No.
@Mr.Xcoder PowerShell, 57 bytes
takes input as char-arrays
Jelly: œ&fØcQ
@Mr.Xcoder SOGL, 13 bytes. Remove the least two if one output is guaranteed to be non-empty
Jelly: Identical code to HyperNeutrino.
@Mr.Xcoder jelly, 5 bytes: ffØcQ (I believe it works)
I don't think you can use filter in place of intersection
Why not?
wait is it possible?
nope, then dupe letters would appear. Hyper was right
> I know.
I missed it
I had fœ&Øc (5 bytes)
@Mr.Xcoder 05AB1E, 5 bytes: žOÃÃÙ
SOGL could be !?čøŗ&║ taking an array of arrays of chars as input if & worked on arrays
Should I post the CNR challenge (see message above).
@HyperNeutrino Yay, I came up with that same answer.
@StewieGriffin Yup, it would be a great challenge if you also include a script that calculates the Levenshtein distance.
@AdmBorkBork yay, now golf one byte :-)
anyone up for JHT?
@Mr.Xcoder There's one thing I'm, a bit unsure of though.. Say my original code is: f(a)builtin_1(a), and it's a LD of 2. Then f(b)builtin_1(b) would be a valid robber post, and that's too simple..
I'm wondering if I should attempt to write a rule that prevents such solutions, or if I should just let the cop figure out a way to avoid it...
(It's not relevant for stack based languages...)
@StewieGriffin That makes things fun since the cops should strive to increase the LD.
I would just let the cops figure it out. I mean, how many Foo polyglot answers were there on that other CnR before cops wised up to the fact that Foo was a valid Robber crack?
@Mr.Xcoder Dyalog APL, 9 bytes: 'aeiou'∩∩
this has got to be the shortest of any language without using a vowels built-in.
MMC: Solve this.
@Mr.Xcoder That's decidedly not C.
@Adám Huh?
@Mr.Xcoder Chat. That's on Main.
@Mr.Xcoder Haskell 36 33 bytes: f.f"aeiou";f s c=filter(`elem`c)s
@Laikoni You can use ---<something>--- to strike in chat.
@Mr.Xcoder Good to know, thanks.
@Mr.Xcoder PowerShell, oddly enough also 57 bytes
@Mr.Xcoder I don't think I can beat the existing APL solution.
Q: Levenshtein distance & OEIS (Cops)

Stewie GriffinThis is the Cop post. The Robber post is here. Your task is to take an integer input N and output the Nth digit in the sequence OEIS A002942. The sequence consists of the square numbers written backwards: 1, 4, 9, 61, 52, 63, 94, 46, 18, 1, 121, 441, ... Note that leading zeros are trimmed...

Q: Levenshtein distance & OEIS (Robbers)

Stewie GriffinThis is the Robber post. The Cop post is here. Your task is to take an integer input N and output the Nth digit in the sequence OEIS A002942. The sequence consists of the square numbers written backwards: 1, 4, 9, 61, 52, 63, 94, 46, 18, 1, 121, 441, ... Note that leading zeros are trimmed...

@StewieGriffin I just realised that nearly all practical languages are out. Adding spacing for instance, immediately cracks them.
@Mr.Xcoder How? The robber's crack can't be longer than the cops' entry.
Oh... Now that makes sense. Sorry people!
I should really learn to read
actually spacing would be a non-serious competitor
for example if I submit f=[ 1 with lev = 2 then it would be easy to crack f=[1
No I thought the robbers could add spacing (and thus make longer programs)
that might've been the reason the cracked size is restricted to the original size
Yes, I misread
hey, I've got a CMC for my own personal benefit: I need to copy/paste all of the characters from 00 to FF. I don't care the encoding.
I'm doing a training today on encodings, and I want to show the differences
good luck copy-pasting 0x00
oh, good point
01 to FF :P
hmmm...maybe just from 20 to FF
that seems far better
then you don't have to deal with beeps
@NathanMerrill SOGL, 5 bytes. brb implementing vercorizing of R, then NδRk should work too
Q: Longest common subsequence problem

Ishan KhanI am new to competitive programming and recently I came across a coding problem on Hackerrank which uses the concept of longest common subsequence problem.Problem link It simply says to find the longest common subsequence of the two given string. I am willing to make a solution using two hashtabl...

TIL that chrome has a built-in for crashing: chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz
Just tried it and chrome crashed.
ಠ_ಠ the intent was not for people to try it :P
@dzaima bah, thanks. Copy/paste is messing things up I think
Test link → [link](chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz)
That's not a valid link xD
I don't think chrome allows links to chrome:// urls
it'd be too abusable
@NathanMerrill It's not Chrome, it's SE.
It's not even a link. It's a browser-specific thing to I think Chrome and maybe Opera
@HyperNeutrino just tried it and Android locked up for a good half a minute.
@user202729 perhaps SE doesn't allow it either, but I believe that it doesn't work on chrome either
bah, too many eithers
I tried it and it crashed my entire computer, probably because my computer is just Google Chrome in a box
sorry about extra ping
@HyperNeutrino So install Linux according to Dennis suggestion, or that failed because of some hardware locking?
@HyperNeutrino And the gaot award goes to..
didn't try it because school would probably get mad at me
CMP: Do you think that a starred message is more likely to get more star than an unstarred message? (assuming the message is relatively new)
Natural 1 English roll.
Okay better.
@user202729 Yes. I sometimes star messages that have already been starred even if they're slightly less interesting than other messages that I otherwise wouldn't star.
Same. Starred messages are much more likely to be starred.
Strategy to get message starred: Make another account, star my message, and wait for the effect
Strategy to get banned: ^^
How can mods even detect two accounts are the same?
(activity similarities, habit similarities, etc)
> New user enters room for the first time
> @user202729's message is starred
> New user immediatly leaves
Essentially, checking for two users that seem to have an odd correlation of activities. This includes the two users knowing each others' intents extremely well (because they are the same person), though that's hard to check because you can't really tell that over the internet (or IRL either) and some people just think similarly anyway :P
@MartinEnder LD measured in bytes..? I don't understand what that means, to be honest.
@Pavel Liechtenstein Distance
(just kidding it's Levenshtein Distance, that's an AdmBorkBork joke xD)
@StewieGriffin The distance between two byte stream.
(I was there)
@HyperNeutrino Lies, I came up with it first.
@StewieGriffin Essentially same thing as for characters but with bytes. So example would be, let's say we have two two-byte characters. For LD with chars, that would be 1. For LD with bytes, that's either 1 or 2, depending on whether or not the bytes are both different
@AdmBorkBork sorry your profile pics look too similar xD
@HyperNeutrino get it :) Characters... I'll answer in the post.
anyway gtg o/
@Mr.Xcoder Is the best thing to happen to nerds everywhere.
@Mr.Xcoder why did you delete your post?
also you don't need to make a new post every time you fix your answer
Q: How many Latin Squares?

OkxA Latin Square is a square of size n × n containing numbers 1 to n inclusive. Each number occurs once in each row and column An example of a 3 × 3 Latin Square is: [[1, 2, 3], [3, 1, 2], [2, 3, 1]] Another is: [[3, 1, 2], [2, 3, 1], [1, 2, 3]] Given an integer input n where n > 0, dete...

@EriktheOutgolfer See the comment I left on your answer.
RIP my answers
not just yours
only the lua one is actually valid
I see.
@StewieGriffin what HyperNeutrino said. the LD is basically just defined on lists of "values" that can be compared for equality. and the program can be thought of as either a list of bytes or a list of characters.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SoakuTetris battle tetris king-of-the-hill javascript I'm surprised there is no Tetris KOTH challenge on this site yet. So, here's one. I guess you know what Tetris is, but if you don't, I'll try to explain: So there is a 2 dimensional board, often with size 10x20. On the top of the board, in ...

@HyperNeutrino YAHPL (Yet Another Hyper Python Language)
People like the idea of Python but have many many gripes about the implementation.
@Stephen Are you talking about Pyon? xD
@Pavel topkeke
Given pixel locations (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), how might you find the set of pixels the line segment from the center of (x1,y1) to the center of (x2,y2) touches?
(Bresenham's algorithm doesn't work since it would miss some pixels.)
@HyperNeutrino Can you give me an example of how macros work in Pyon?
@Calvin'sHobbies huh
what "center of"
@EriktheOutgolfer Yup, addressed.
ಠ_ಠ Why did I post a challenge when I am close to repcap?
@EriktheOutgolfer The "center" of the pixel. Like the squares there are pixels and I want the set of gray ones.
Gray ones = everything red line touches
Q: Find the unique twins

Mr. XcoderYou will be given two Arrays / Lists / Vectors of non-negative integers A and B. Your task is to output the highest integer N that appears in both A and B, and is also unique in both A and B. You may assume that there is at least one such number. Any reasonable Input and Output method / format...

@Calvin'sHobbies Woah. What happened to Helka?
Back to Calvin.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Magic Octopus UrnCops and Robbers Uniqueness Given the output of the cop's program (o), the byte-count (n) and the number of unique characters (c) used, come up with a corresponding piece of code that is n bytes long with c unique characters which matches the cop's output o. Cops should post solutions like th...

@Calvin'sHobbies oh so a square grid where some squares are touched by a line
@Mr.Xcoder just enjoy the fun of it :D
don't care much about rep, care about the overall game
@EriktheOutgolfer Right. Though you can assume line endpoints are at square centers.
@EriktheOutgolfer Sure
I want a bit of help synthesizing a UTF-8 repair code golf challenge
Basically: take a malformed UTF-8 string as input, and output a valid version of it
I want to make sure I cover plenty of cases for the challenge, while not being too heavy.
@eaglgenes101 you can post in the sandbox first and then we may be able to help you better
also how should we "fix" the string?
Like take "bad" forms, such as surrogate pairs (which utf-8 implementations should not generate), and output a valid form of the character
And yes, they exist even in well-respected software
Java's UTF-8 implementation is rather sloppy, for example
@Calvin'sHobbies Any reason why?
@eaglgenes101 Java uses UTF-16 tho
It has UTF-8 interfaces, but said UTF-8 interfaces impllement it sloppily
@cairdcoinheringaahing This used to be my old username here, and I've stopped using Helka Homba so much.
For example, it generates UTF-8 surrogate pairs rather than 4-byte sequences like the standard mandates
Also, how should I do bonuses? For example, my challenge says that upon encountering an initial "inverted byte order mark", the submission can either fail immediately or try to parse the remainder, knowing that it was translated to UTF-8 without flipping endianness around.
How do I word the bonus?
(code golf challenge, by the way)
@eaglgenes101 Don't do bonuses. They almost never improve the challenge
recommendation: no bonuses
Vim doesn't know what a BOM is and it bothers me so much when I open a file saved by another application with a BOM and there is that small bit of garbage at the start.
Byte order mark serves to indicate endianness in UTF-16
UTF-8 has no need for one, though some programs use/generate it to indicate unicode
And to indicate that it is, in fact, UTF-8 and not, say, UTF-32
UTF-8 already has a very distinctive pattern for codepoints outside of ASCII, so BOMs aren't that useful except for lazy programmers
All codepoints assume one of the forms [0xxxxxxx, 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx, 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx, 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx]
Any text that contains large number of invalid bytes is either irrepairably corrupted or not UTF-8
._. Mathematica has Damerau-Leivenshtein Distance but not Levenshtein Distance as a builtin.
My first Jelly answer
I'm not quite sure how it works, but it passes all test cases, including some I made up to try and break it.
I'm really concerned, because it's like 1/3rd the size of Erik's answer :-/
A: Find the unique twins

AdmBorkBorkJelly, 4 bytes ḟœ^Ṁ Try it online!

@AdmBorkBork hmm...looks like it works for the 4th testcase
but I don't know if it's actually valid
Well, I can't get it to fail
Even for #4 swapping the arguments
Dangit, I knew it was too good to be true
@AdmBorkBork the reason is that in both lists 18 appears twice (i.e. same amount of times), so multiset difference doesn't contain any 18s, causing them not to get filtered out and counted as the final max
Right, I see that, now.
@AdmBorkBork It failed for [[2, 2, 2, 6, 3, 5, 8, 2], [8, 7, 5, 8]] didn't it?
@Mr.Xcoder I don't think so
It succeeded for all test cases
Then what did it fail for?
btw @Mr.Xcoder suggested test case
3 mins ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
Erik's linked one here
[100, 250, 1, 26, 700, 700], [8, 9, 6, 700, 699, 700]
this is the testcase I suggest
the core part is that 700 appears the same number of times in both lists, but still isn't unique in each list
That won't work because there isn't a number in common
I added [17, 29, 39, 29, 29, 39, 18, 18], [19, 19, 18, 20, 17, 18]
CMC: Return the Nth Lucas Number without using built-ins that directly compute the Lucas Numbers.
@Mr.Xcoder jelly, 4 bytes (full program): 2+¡-
ಠ_ಠ you're too good for me
works like the fibonacci sequence
Lol I wanted to type tio.run/#jelly and typed tio.run/#lucas instead
> says "no builtins"
tries to find builtin language
(disclaimer: I do know why it doesn't work)
looking for a CMC to solve in Jelly, if anyone has one
Woah I post far too many CMCs...
:'-( Jim left too
@Mr.Xcoder why are there so many L(n) formulas for that one.
@MagicOctopusUrn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hey guys, I've got a question about autocompletion in languages with autoformatting that I wanted to field with y'all -
@AdmBorkBork ok I granted you write access to jht (there should really be inbox notifications for requests >_>) also is your github account @ TimmyD?
That is in VBA, when you right Function F(x):(some code) and then hit enter, VBA autocompletes out a needed terminal End Function
as far as y'all know and are concerned would Function F(X):(some code) with an additional byte added for the terminal return keystroke be valid for code golg?
there should really be inbox notifications for requests - 10/10
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

eaglgenes101UTF-8 repair code-golf unicode string UTF-8 is the standard by which most of the world operates. Software that was intended to take in other encodings have been modified or wrapped to use UTF-8 as input and output, some with bugs and/or sloppy adherence to the standard. The challenge Given a...

@EriktheOutgolfer Uh. I don't think I have a GitHub account.
thanks, so I'll not list that name as you
Q: Send notifications to the owners of a private chat room when a user requests access

Mr. XcoderWhen a user requests access to a private chat room, they must wait until a room owner checks the "access" tab on the "info" section of a chat room and grants them write privileges. I think that the owners of the room should be notified when a user requests access to the chat room, in order to ma...

@Mr.Xcoder > prive chat room
it's not called "private"
Isn't it?
it's called a "gallery"
No that's a public one IIRC
but you can just remove that altogether
@Mr.Xcoder nope, public is public
@TaylorScott This implies to count the code size before the autoformatter kicks in.
oh yeah
but you don't need to say "gallery" at all
at-newmainposts We don't do homework questions.
@EriktheOutgolfer I did say gallery though.
@AdmBorkBork, the key part of this is that the user must manually hit enter after copying and pasting in their code, which is why this brings me pause
@Mr.Xcoder you already get notifications for this, they don't go to your inbox is all
Ughh... I got an answer
@Mr.Xcoder you're focusing the request to galleries a bit if you say it
@TaylorScott I'm pretty sure there was a post about this for a different flavor of BASIC
let me take a peek
hmm I appear to be mistaken
@quartata ahh, thats a shame - do any of y'all have thoughts on this or shall I just go ahead and write up a meta post on the matter?
@TaylorScott If they type it in, rather than copy-paste, what happens? Does the autoformatter only take effect when they "enter" to the next line?
Yes, that is behavior in the VBE environment
I've written up a first draft of the UTF 8 challenge: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/…
*the behavior
the windows troubleshooter broke for me lol
Q: Balanced scheduling algorithm

SILENTI'm trying to help a small medical practice properly schedule patients. I want to build an app that suggests to the user the recommended date and time to schedule a patient based on the following criteria: This practice has more than 1 provider and each can see any patient. Most seen patients w...

just feed the bot some butter and continue on with your conversation :P
So much for a troubleshooter. Weirdly though, it's given me 3 different errors (the current one being an empty box with a title of msdt path)
only diamond mods can "feed it with butter" btw
@TaylorScott In that case, I would count the newline and call it a day.
Well that's a shame @EriktheOutgolfer, what shall i do with all this butter
and @AdmBorkBork, that seems reasonable and what I'll go with for the moment, but I think that I'll write up a meta post on the matter so I can reference it on the Tips for Golfing in VBA page
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