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@dzaima Charcoal, 12 bytes: NθP←↙↓θ↖θ‖M¬
sadly Charcoal's P is nondeterministic otherwise you could write Charcoal, 9 bytes: P←↙↓↖N‖M¬
Q: Drawing a figure without lifting up your pen

John DPuzzle: Make a program that draws the following figure line by line. Your program should wait for one-second(it can be longer, just has to be a noticable difference) after drawing each line. Your program can only draw line by line (you cannot jump to another point or re-draw over a line) Given ...

@dzaima Charcoal, 9 bytes: P↙↖¬N\‖M¬
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

John DPuzzle: Make a program that draws the following figure line by line. Your program should wait for one-second(it can be longer, just has to be a noticable difference) after drawing each line. Your program can only draw line by line (you cannot jump to another point or re-draw over a line) Given ...

@dzaima Funky, 504 bytes Try It Online! Not at all golfed, just a proof of concept.
ooh funky is looking quite nice
proton is now officially borked; output does not work properly lol
It's like an actual language now.
Funky still doesn't have input outside of functions.
oh rip
just like make an internal input() function that like idk reads from STDIN?
It's easy for me to make, just really low on my priorities.
ah ok
I am beginning to kind of regret my decision last night to make objects pure attr dicts...
but it appears that it will ultimately be easier
gasp my CS class finally started doing programming!
anybody who reads the example program without any bit of prior experience is gonna be so confused by it probably lol
@HyperNeutrino pls link to example program
it's an image but I'll type it into here
(it's just hello world)
:| you can't ocr?
@Neil nondeterministic? :|
public class Main{
    *Created by J. Smith
    *on January 5th
    *to display Hello World on the screen
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("Hello World");
0/10 not valid for PPCG hello world challenge
@HyperNeutrino how is that confusing
it isn't
but they don't explain anything
well it's pretty obvious imo
the comment is definitely not code
yeah the comment is obvious
println probably means print line
main probably means default
yeah like the System.out.println("..."); part is the most obvious IMO but that's also the only part they explain lol
the only thing that really needs explaining is the access modifiers, and static, void and args
and all that can be explained away as boilerplate
They should just use this example for Hello World: ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<++++++++++++‌​+++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.
also ew the int and short described in the course is wrong
and for float and double is says "virtually infinite" lol
like lol why
and also it's showing how to assign without explaining the declaration statements first lol
@HyperNeutrino 1e304 isn't virtually infinite :/
neither is float max which is way smaller
@HyperNeutrino :|
@HyperNeutrino how do they describe it
also you should complain. about everything.
it says remainder = 27 % 5 places the value 2 in a variable called remainder
but remainder first needs to be declared lol
@HyperNeutrino well that's not wrong
oh wait nvm
I'm stupid
@HyperNeutrino how do they describe int and short
it did state that but I didn't see it because it wasn't in monospace
lol the online course software doesn't offer a way to have monospace so CS courses are hard to understand
@HyperNeutrino wth.
short is supposedly [-32767, 32767]
likewise for integers; also missing one on the negative range
also question: are bytes unsigned?
yes (they're an alias for char) - signed byte is sbyte
ok good thought so just making sure
oh 10/10 language idea: make boolean have three values: true, false, and maybe :P
@HyperNeutrino this is what null is for
hacky in most statically typed languages though
@HyperNeutrino uhm... Wouldn't it be -32768?
@DJMcMayhem exactly, that's the problem he's pointing out, see following message
yeah I'm complaining that's the point xD
12 hours ago, by mınxomaτ
user image
right I saw that
hey I don't use it that much
but in comparison with "lol": chat.stackexchange.com/…
anyway brb o/
2 hours later…
@Lembik srry wasn't on for a while
I think you're right about n
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
@ASCII-only it puts the multidirectionals in a set, so the result depends on how the set gets enumerated, and that looks like it's random in python
2 hours later…
Q: Optimize sorting, using "Sub-vector reversals"

Stewie GriffinThis is a fewest-operations challenge where the objective is to sort a vector into ascending order using the fewest reversals. Your algorithm can only sort the vector using "sub-vector reversals"1, but it can use other operations for arithmetic operations, loops, checking if it's sorted etc. The ...

500 rep still up for grabs!
A: Build an aesthetically pleasing divisor tree

NeilCharcoal, 305 bytes ≔⟦⟦N⁰¦⁰¦⁰⟧⟧θFθ«≔§ι⁰ζ≔⟦⟧ηF…·²Xζ·⁵F¬﹪ζκ≔⟦⟦κ⟧⟦÷ζκ⟧⟧ηFη«⊞κ⊕§ι¹F²⊞κ⁰⊞ικ⊞θκ»¿η⊞υι»≔…⁰⌈Eθ§ι¹ηF⮌竧≔ηι⊕⌈Eυ∧⁼§κ¹ι÷Σ⟦¹§§κ⁴¦³‹⁹§§κ⁴¦⁰§§κ⁵¦²‹⁹§§κ⁵¦⁰±LI§κ⁰⟧²FυF²§≔κ⁺²λ⁺⁺§ηι∨⊖LI§§κ⁺⁴λ⁰¦¹§§κ⁺⁴λ⁺²λ»Fυ«§≔§ι⁴¦²⁻⁻§ι²§η§ι¹∨⊖LI§§ι⁴¦⁰¦¹§≔§ι⁵¦²⁻⁺⁺§ι²LI§ι⁰§η§ι¹‹⁹§§ι⁵¦⁰»F⊕Lη«Fθ«F⁼§κ¹ι«←⸿M§κ²→F‹⁴Lκ«↙P...

the is missing a challlenge for Leaderboard by language
where the input is a language and then it appears:

1. User1 100000
2. User2 99999
and so on
s/the is/there is
“Is there” is probably what you’re looking for
And I think a snippet exists, but not a userscript
@ASCII-only What language is that? I thought HyperNeutrino was learning Java?
@HyperNeutrino Actually, I once needed something like this for generating complex MT19937 seeds but I never got around to making such a language or library because I'm lazy
@user202729 :| ok maybe Java doesn't have sbyte
@Neil Not exactly random, but :/ right I get your point (kinda busy now though, sorry)
@Neil Ouch, barely better than Python
So I tried to solve A000512 with Squirrel but my method of checking for equivalence by sorting the thing probably doesn't work and it timeouts for n=5 so I can't check it very well, if anybody wants to adopt this abomination, go ahead.
You can also insert the link directly into the message, though. (press Shift+Enter)
it told me "this message is too long"
and markdown doesn't work for multilines, right?
I guess I could've made it work, but bit.ly was the first thing to come to my mind so w/e
Yes, markdown doesn't work for multilines. However multilines allow longer message.
So you can post separate message for markdown and the url.
the only markdown was []()
bold (double asterisk) , strikethrough (triple dash) and italic (single underline).
the only markdown as in the only markdown in that message
Question: Does a matrix only have one "sorted" state?
In other word, can two different sorted (each row is sorted and each column is sorted) be equivalent?
no idea
"equivalence is defined by row and column permutations"
the approach of sorting a 1-dimensional array would work if this was about 1-dimensional arrays
I am currently sorting each row and then I'm sorting the rows like strings
i. e. find first differing element and compare those
(that's called lexicographical order)
The result is no, unfortunately.
Test TIO link (Mathematica):
So the approach of sorting the rows and columns will not work, the resulting sequence may be A079815 or any other values >= A000512 instead.
CMC (code-golf) : Given a list of numbers A, and a number L. Find the partition of list A into multiple sublists such that the product of each partition is at most L, and the number of sublists is minimum.
WTF is this??? github.com/beali
@officialaimm :O ghost bot
alternatively, all repositories of this user are private
either way he's following and starring an insane number of things
Must have fallen through the cracks, GitHub's bot detection is usually quite good.
how can 310 people follow them
@Okx :| idk I guess just follow-back?
Follow all, hope for a few follow backs. That's how almost every bots work. And also the reason Twitter is mostly crap nowadays.
1 hour later…
Huh I'm tempted to troll my CS teacher by golfing all of my programs...
@HyperNeutrino Do it :P
the teacher never said anything about program form :P
I wish we had that with our CS :P 10/40 marks in our controlled assessment are for "readable, clear and commented code"
I wish I had that at work.
Only for me though, not for anyone else.
Jelly rickroll: https://tio.run/##HVRpUxNLFP0tYoHiylMWlbCDsjyCRgQBQUVBEFQUxAcIxaAkmsjTJFUs1iNMIAkFBiRBklkCVHVPumbyLzp/hHeaL8lM0n3vuWe5L/uGhydOTrKz/5E4OXzUmTNqpcwI2cpKCtcXuObPzHF1sYNrClc@Pf6n/25W0uxcPR4e5kq8qIerQbpGDulS@/gFrixw1fmin@uhCrJnJsn6Fa6ELZkGUCwjt3HtazlXQlbqEddkrgXNZEFNfw1XNshGVjp8wdwsXP@GBnCd6@62ntIzXHPnAMSdsV6uzpa9f9NzyVjCE4kXP6tEdzOEA1z7YizesJW3c/3PqyeWnwTbmJurn5nUyLXvdekUkBsespvLlc9sNa@JK4meqb5B6gTaiXqcNSNsla5xVbbf/MCVAB6VNTGtppy1kShdNtwlXHHns2W2it7jYCSPhPHlbGBf0GfyoYOrS0BZKbAt0STbQQuydS4rHXRy7V8j9qHNkHMNN3N3tV9g3ryWGzT2tIwccuXbZHr2LWo/4cr8ND161A0yjVjGg6pdGK@ARFjIRhUrxdWVVuoczmP
Could y’all read through this question and vote to reopen if it looks fine to you?
@Lynn Already VTRO'd
Inserted a single space at the beginning of the compressed string
@HyperNeutrino The Jelly compressor is weird :P
last word is a suffix of your username :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing agreed :P
@HyperNeutrino My entire username can be got from the decompressor
huh cool
So can yours :P
yay :P
CMP: Should I golf my CS homework?
@HyperNeutrino It's “ḥknI8» FWIW
@HyperNeutrino Yes
And mine is “ṛ⁾uỊ[ѳḞⱮ<0»
@HyperNeutrino Yes!
> PRV.04 use proper code maintenance techniques and conventions when creating computer programs;
I'm wondering whether or not golfing it is considered improper code maintenance.
@HyperNeutrino -1 "proper" is subjective
IMO golfing is the only proper way of creating code
Golfed code is easier to maintain for obvious reasons; there's less code to look through.
golfing is a convention for golfing languages
and no one said one cannot use git for jelly
I found out the other day that I can use Jelly for my A-Level CS project \o/
@Lynn I've added a comment suggesting an optional clarification, but it reads well and seems unambiguous to me.
Ah, but empty programs are already ruled out in the first paragraph.
I'd ask my teacher but a) he'll never respond and b) he'd've said no:P
My teacher said, and I quote, "You may use any language you want"
so nvm not going to golf it i'd rather not lose marks unnecessarily :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing yo use unary
@HyperNeutrino ಠ_ಠ
but jelly looks more confuzzling :P so use jelly actually :P
@HyperNeutrino Only if it's too easy for you and you want something else to do.
Just submit as my final project: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111‌​111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111...111111111
@user202729 ha it's so easy keep in mind that I started coding in Java about 3 years ago lol
@HyperNeutrino In that case, golf it. It really won't change aside from a bit less whitespace :P
yo how do you run a program in netbeans
why do we have to use netbeans ;-; I only know how to use eclipse and CLI
Although, I feel sorry for you. My current CS homework is learning to convert between binary, hex and decimal
@cairdcoinheringaahing Me too.
mine is learning how to print a string
(well ok maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but still)
(side question: is there keyboard shortcut list for chat.se?)
Not to mention a few bitwise commands. We need to know & and | IIRC
@HyperNeutrino But you said that you've already learned grade 12? Why do you still have to learn those things?
I'm doing grade 11 Intro to CS
the only reason I'm doing it is so I can do grade 12 CS
also halp I made a public class with a main method in netbeans but I can't run it
Oct 18 at 1:35, by HyperNeutrino
@user202729 Nope. Grade 12 is probably what I learned 2 years ago. Headstarts are both great and boring.
@HyperNeutrino VTC as lack of context (unclear what you're asking)
At least you should have a screenshot or copy of the output log?
> I dream of a world where a chicken can cross the road without having his motives questioned
it just says "no main classes found"
Legit, 100% laughed at ^^ :P
Did you just assume the chicken's gender?
Make sure that you included the file into the project, and (the following things you should already knew) your class is public, and class name is the same as the .java file.
yup checked all of those
but wait what do you mean by including the file into the project
Post a screenshot of your Netbeans window to be sure.
(probably you've read already, too)
keep in mind main has to be static
@NieDzejkob HyperNeutrino learned Java 3 years ago, they must have already known that.
@Lynn Thanks - I managed to overlook that
Comment deleted
@HyperNeutrino Open the "Projects" tab? (on the left of the screen)
0/10 that looks weird
@cairdcoinheringaahing Avoid excessive smile face. The image takes too much area.
also 0/10 for huge onebox lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing :p
there's nothing wrong with the program; it works perfectly when I use javac and java on it
I knew. It is just netbeans problem.
oh I think I need to make a package
When you create the project does it create a src folder in the project folder?
nothing is happening to the Projects tab lol
Weird. On Windows all source files are put in src folder.
So you can try creating a src folder inside and move the .java files there.
tried that, didn't help
give us a screenshot of each page of the project creator wizard, maybe?
Sorry I don't use Linux so I can't help further.
oh I'm dumb
I made the wrong type of project
Can anyone explain this program: :‘×µ\ - where the µ is described as Turn the previous links into a new monadic chain - I thought µ affect what comes after it, not before it? So exactly how ¤ µ ð works?
Well it starts a new monadic chain but in doing so effectively terminates the last one
@ATaco: where is the snippet?
Looks like it should be Turn the previous links into a new dyadic chain instead. \ expects a dyadic.
@user202729 You should get a custom username :P
@HyperNeutrino It is custom.
Other people complains about this a lot, but I say the number is not meaningless, and not automatically assigned by SE.
oh huh right it's different from your id on all communities
@user202729 What does it represent?
I won't say that (that = "what does it represent"), but certainly not a index to some wordlist, or baseXY-encoded word.
(that is, the numbers are meaningful by itself, and not by an alternative means)
Is it the last 6 digits of your SSN (lol)
well I just finished all of the work for my CS course and now I have nothing to do until the teacher releases the next assignment lol
I haven't gotten back any marks yet...
Could I get someone to help me generate test cases for an upcoming challenge?
my computer is not fast enough
I'd be willing to try but I'm not sure how good my computer is.
My computer is 8 years old so its probably better than mine :P
That's the code, replace the 1 near the bottom with a 9
you mean the 1 in the footer?
also how do you run haskell from cli (linux)
@WheatWizard ok
@HyperNeutrino compile with ghc
You should probably use ghc -O3 filename.hs
Hold on is that a capital letter o or a zero
GNU Haskell Compiler?
And my computer finished the 9th case
@HyperNeutrino Capital O
@HyperNeutrino Capital o, could you bump it upto 10?
ok I'll do that once i get this working
@wizzwizz4 Glasgow Haskell compiler
@HyperNeutrino Thanks!
No problem :)
ok after compiling how do I run
You should probably pipe it to a file though
./filename > output.txt
@WheatWizard I got 0.8 secs for 7 and 17.2 for 8. It's not looking very good complexity-wise.
@H.PWiz Its certainly not very good.
[n^(n-1)..n^n-1] is why
started running
Ok thanks!
np :)
If its taking too long feel free to kill it. I don't really know how long it will take.
I'll keep it running til like tonight sometime (about 1PM here right now)
Oh wow, thanks
should be done by then :P
do you want me to run 11 if it finishes and I notice?
eh, 11 might take way too long to run
ok :P
I'm starting to think that maybe if these take so long to compute they might not be very useful as testcases.
lol that could be the case
But hopefully I'll submit this to OEIS and then terms could be useful.
ah ok
hold on what is this for?
Its for a challenge I'm writing right now
ah cool
I haven't posted it yet
Still writing the spec
@WheatWizard have you got an answer for 9?
@H.PWiz Yes
wait so out of curiosity why did you advise me to pipe to output?
The output might be a little big :P

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