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It outputs a number and a list of cases it finds
9 -> 1049
That's the full output for 9
oh geez ok :P
Sorry I should have made that a bit clearer when I asked in the first place.
A: Largest Number Printable

catMouse-2002, score uncalculable The code: '}&CUBE a:(a.0>^a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.!a.a-a:)$ It prints every number between 2533 and 0 a bunch of times, as one number. Currently, it's printed about 30 billion digits, and it ended because my laptop overheated. xD

Could you more explicitly explain how your number works so that I can analyze its size? — Simply Beautiful Art May 19 at 0:27
Also, is it just me, or does this answer have the number 0 in its code? A violation of the first rule?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yep, it has a 0 in it. RIP
@SimplyBeautifulArt It's just you. :-p
dv and vtd D: D: D: 11 it
@HyperNeutrino I would, but I'm 25 rep away from being able to hint hint :P
I personally would like the first rule to be changed to "You cannot use digits in your code (0123456789) unless they represent something other than a digit;"
I was partially joking lol I didn't DV it
@cairdcoinheringaahing make that 27 (jk lol)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Personally I would like the rule to be removed, I don't think it really adds anything
@WheatWizard That too, but I don't think we can do that(?)
Probably not
> viewed 9,036 times
but that doesn't prevent wishful thinking
1,000 views away :P
> Number of equivalence classes of n X n matrices over {0,1} with rows and columns summing to 3, where equivalence is defined by row and column permutations.
Do you know what an equivalence class is?
nope lol
@WheatWizard Weird, I just got
[[3,9,9,9,9,1,9,9,3,1],[3,9,8,9,9,1,9,9,3,1],[3,9,6,9,9,1,9,9,3,1],[3,9,5,9,9,1,9,9,3,1],[3,9,1,9,9,1,9,9,3,1],[3,9,9,7,9,1,9,9,3,1],[3,9,9,6,9,1,9,9,3,1],[3,9,9,2,9,1,9,9,3,1],[3,9,9,1,9,1,9,9,3,1],[3,9,9,9,5,1,5,9,3,1],[3,9,5,9,5,1,5,9,3,1],[3,9,1,9,5,1,5,9,3,1],[3,9,9,7,5,1,5,9,3,1],[3,7,9,9,9,1,9,7,3,1],[3,7,9,7,9,1,9,7,3,1],[3,7,9,1,9,1,9,7,3,1],[3,7,5,7,5,1,5,7,3,1],[3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]] for n=10
@HyperNeutrino Clearly I only have one question that I could possibly be talking about :P
@H.PWiz Its not neccessarily increasing in size, but it does look like you are missing some
for example [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]
Is that running my code?
:D :D :D proton now actually outputs things correctly
Yes, I might have accidentally changed something though.
ew the print function stopped working
anyway gtg o/
@H.PWiz Try it on some lower ones?
Doing that now.
It's right for 4 and 5
If it helps this is computing the number of functions on Z_n that satisfy the property a(n+1) = a(n+a(n)) such that we don't count functions that are equivalent under rotation more than once.
Are you 100% sure that [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] is valid?
My code might be wrong, but it definitely is valid
Well, I just got 1049 for 9 again.
Hm, let me give 9 the once over to make sure its not missing anything obvious
9 seems to include everything it should
oh, I think it might be a precision issue
@H.PWiz It's almost certainly a precision issue
Ok, I guess a conversion from Integer -> Int in debase is necessary?
I think so
@HyperNeutrino You should probably stop running the test now.
It looks like I made a mistake :(
@WheatWizard How can functions be "equivalent under rotation"?
Consider the function
0 -> 1
1 -> 2
2 -> 2
The function
0 -> 2
1 -> 1
2 -> 2
A: Largest Number Printable

user75200ES8, Score: (1048575→10485751048575→...→10485751048575→1048575) / 274625 (with 1048575×1048575 arrows) Assuming unlimited memory and console length, this must work! a='\u{fffff}'.charCodeAt``;throw(a+`→${a}`.repeat(a)).repeat(a)+a At this point, dividing by charcount cube is negligible. Expl...

If I understand correctly, you are literally outputting arrows between numbers? I'm not sure how this affects your score. I would assume we are to ignore the arrows. — Simply Beautiful Art 55 mins ago
@Simply Beautiful Art No, you're supposed to assume they're Conway arrows. That's why I used the → symbol. that's why Conway arrows are. — user75200 1 min ago
is equivalent under rotation.
The rules do not cover this, but I'm fairly certain this shouldn't work
This example is too small to draw any patterns from. Can you give an explicit formula for a rotation?
If I have f(n), then what is f_rotated(n)?
More or less, they could be saying print('Ack('+'\u{fffff}'.charCodeAt+','+'\u{fffff}'.charCodeAt+')')
@SimplyBeautifulArt Are you just going through the answers to that question, looking for incorrect answers?
@feersum Yeah if there exists n such that a1(x+n) = a2(x) forall x, then the two are equivalent under rotation.
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, its a new answer.
The reason I have this rule is because every rotation of a function with this property is also a function with this property.
@WheatWizard Won't that break the property a(n+1) = a(n+a(n)) for most a?
Those are two different functions a1 and a2
For all I care, the answer is outputting a string involving things like 9+9 without evaluating them. I think this is cheating.
Maybe a larger example might help explain this
@SimplyBeautifulArt The same user also posted this
Are you claiming that if a has the property, then b(n) = a(n + k) will have the property in general, or not?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, I know
@SimplyBeautifulArt This might be applicable?
@feersum No, I am claiming that if a(n) has the property a(n+k) will have the property as well
@H.PWiz Thanks
@cairdcoinheringaahing what's that do?
@WheatWizard a is a function, a(n+k) is a number.
@WheatWizard please your avatars scare me
So I'm not sure what you mean by a(n+k) having a property.
@Riker No idea, I don't speak Closure
@feersum Sorry if a has the property a composed with f(x) = x+k where k is a constant, will also have this property
@SimplyBeautifulArt tha'ts string multiplication
even better if a has this property b(n) = a(n+k) must also have the property
@Riker Ah, okay
or splat actually, can't tell
Hm, how does string multiplication work?
@WheatWizard I asked you exactly that question and you replied "no".
@SimplyBeautifulArt I might be wrong actually
:P okay
@feersum Oh I misread your statement
I thought you said something different
thanks muddy
also, that clojure one is invalid, it uses a big constant
@Riker where?
that's a type def >_>
Hm... so we should dv and vtd this answer?
I do see why the rotation would work now.
You need to indicate your score. — Riker 4 mins ago
@Riker I do not think indicating one's score is mandatory, since it is easy for someone to not be able to compute their own score.
But in such an event, I think they should provide a broken down description so that someone else can.
If you know what your score is, you must not have tried hard enough.
@feersum If you notice a(n+1) = a(n+a(n)) doesn't really care what the actual value of n is, just its relative position from other n.
@feersum x'D
Well, its pretty hard for me to write a program who's output is large and not know my own score. Am I just too good at the math, or am I not trying hard enough? =P
Er I meant a(n-a(n)) there not a(n+a(n))
My bad
I'm a little disorganized
It holds true with n+a(n) anyway.
It seems like it should.
Lol, I hope I get some competition someday on Golf a number bigger than TREE(3). =P
Though I have to wonder how many people even comprehend the magnitude of TREE(3)
numberphile video helps
Yeah, but the unfortunate part about the numberphile video is that it doesn't quite tell you how big it is. It more or less says that it's really big and has to do with trees and stuff.
Also, if anyone cares enough and actually wants to answer that question, or at least gain a half-decent understanding of how large TREE(n) is, I've been explaining it in Primes and Squares.
Does anyone here know about graphviz?
I used it a nonzero number of times.
I probably don't know anything about it though.
I'm trying to plot a graph and it's erroring without any useful information
CalledProcessError: Command '['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Graphviz2.38\\bin\\dot.exe', '-Tsvg', '-O', 'script']' returned non-zero exit status -1073741571
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardNon-math explanation This is an explanation that is meant to be approachable regardless of your background. It does unfortunately involve some math, but should be understandable to most people with a middle school level of understanding A pointer sequence is any sequence such that a(n+1) = a(n-...

@user202729 Pyth, 14 bytes hf.Amgvz*FdT./ (can most definitely be golfed, I am kinda lazy though)
@Mr.Xcoder That took a while :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I only just seen it. Up for ~20 minutes of JHT?
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, I'm free
CMC: random float with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Built-ins are boring. Seed input allowed if needed
@HyperNeutrino Wow! Thanks
No problem!
yay I think I can start implementing addition in Proton
also tf is with your profile picture WW that looks really weird lol :P
I need a new one soon. Its been that for a while
ooh cool :)
If you wanted to know what you were calculating :P
also I missed your message about stopping the test but is the result correct? lol
It looks like it is
I think HPWiz changed something that caused the issue
I think it's because my Ints are 32 bit
Oh yeah it might be a hardware thing
@SimplyBeautifulArt I think it should be (IMHO)
but I get that
userscript request: changes @WheatWizard's avatar back to the thing it was a long time ago
like the brain-flak-brain?
I think he meant deep fried Noam Chomsky /s
Just replace https://i.stack.imgur.com/fkkpF.jpg?s=128&g=1 with the correct image for all occurrences in the site
But then when I change my profile pic it will stop working
ಠ_ಠ amazon
@WheatWizard I don't think so, it can check from context which one has "wheat wizard"
if you changed your name it would break tho
I just meant changing the urls wouldn't work
@Downgoat is the one on the right curry? looks like it (cut-off img)
I'm sure you could make one based off of my user id number instead of my name
@WheatWizard I mean that you can just grep for <img src=xxx title="Wheat Wizard"> and replace the src= with the new url
@Riker it's this: i.sstatic.net/22UBR.png
what if you changed your id /s
what even is that @WheatWizard
@Downgoat ah ok
@Riker It is a hand in a latex glove with a face looking at two monitors saying oh fuck while there is a cone outside
@WheatWizard Why?
There's not a lot of reasoning behind it
CMP: Why is your profile picture what it is?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Because I like my dog
@WheatWizard huh couldn't read that
@cairdcoinheringaahing Because I like Penrose triangles and fancy objects
@cairdcoinheringaahing I loved my cat
because I felt like it
@WheatWizard is the lightbulb sideways? on the ceiling
No its just one of those lamps that usually has a cover
yo why does vegetarian beta have a fancy symbol but other beta sites just get boring letters in a speech bubble
@WheatWizard ah i see
@HyperNeutrino I'm not sure tbh
@HyperNeutrino What about anime.SE?
aviation had a plane unicode though
@cairdcoinheringaahing idk never checked it out
huh interesting
so apparently I was wrong
but mostly still right
@cairdcoinheringaahing .... it has a word? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Because that is me.
ಠ_ಠ Check the latest question on main
@Adám are you sure? make sure the mirror isn't lying to you
@Riker Even young children claim that it is me, and it would be hard to have them go along with the deception.
@Adám have you seen those buggers? they're evil
they hunt down and brutally slaughter cotton candy with their teeth
leave a standard small child at a fair and it won't take long
@Riker I know (I have 2), but luckily they tend to be less sophisticated than grownups.
@Riker What teeth? That problem solves itself over time.
I have a wolf because wolves
@Adám well with their mouth
I should totally have as avatar…
@ATaco username checks out
@HyperNeutrino FWIW, compressing the number in base-250 is shorter (for the main challenge) :P
Q: Any digital permutation

Donny FrankTask Your task is to output a single integer, with one restriction: its digits must be a permutation of [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6]. For example, you could output 653443653152432, 413265345463352, or any of the other 15-digit integers whose digits are a permutation of the list...

Oh, I still don't have a random function for Funky.
@NewMainPosts Got a program running that just checks the shortest compressed version of that number :P
ಠ_ಠ Timed out on TIO
@cairdcoinheringaahing how do I compress something in jelly? in b250
also darning @DJMcMayhem I was trying that :p
@Riker Use this script
I don't want to run them all
just convert one number into b250
ah thanks
@NewMainPosts There may be some power or something that makes it really short.
yeah, I'm looking at that
not sure if there's an easy way to find out though
@NewMainPosts Of course SOGL wins on compressed numbers
bubblegum time
@Riker I don't think its large enough to be competitive in Bubblegum
CMC: Random permutation of the characters 122333344455566 , with equal chance for each permutation.
@cairdcoinheringaahing ya
wouldn't the permutation chances be biased because of repeating digits?
@HyperNeutrino That's part of the challenge!
@Riker Trying what?
@DJMcMayhem V solution
I feel like it should probably be shorter, but IDK how
@cairdcoinheringaahing Does your solution take into account that some chars are identical?
ಠ_ಠ I just noticed that the question doesn't have the tag
anyway brb o/
@Adám It gets the number, then shuffles the digits, so IDK
i122´366<esc>3A45 is longer, and I can't think of anything else
@cairdcoinheringaahing That would be a no.
I'm taking off the tag because that's not math-worthy.
Meh, its a CMC :P
*it's and that doesn't let you break the rules :P
@DJMcMayhem same, tha'ts what I got I think
"CMC: Print 'Hello, World!'" ok, "print(1)" close enough, it's a CMC
anyway actually brb o/
@HyperNeutrino Does TIO count as a language?
yes iirc
As in the site, not the interpreters on the site?
Also, @Riker I don't think its possible to do the challenge in boolfuck :P
if somebody manages to, kudos to them
CMC: Using any language on TIO, calculate 2+2 using any other language on TIO.
@cairdcoinheringaahing tbh I'm actually tempted to downvote some of the other answers
@Adám lol
@Adám I feel as though JavaScript might be the only language able to do that easily
@cairdcoinheringaahing Huh, why? Can't other languages shell out?
@Adám Well, if the language accesses the other "interpreter" with tio.run/#<language>, then JavaScript would do best
@cairdcoinheringaahing No no, it has to stay inside the confines of TIO.
@Adám Oh, I remember someone did a trick that got interpreter code of other languages, but can't remember how D:
@Adám I have questions
@Dennis I think he means something like an API request
or nvm
not sure
No, Dennis is doing the right kind of thing.
@Dennis Doesn't that use Bash's built-in bc rather than calling the "TIO bc"?
bc is a standalone program, not a Bash built-in. I don't know what you mean by "TIO bc".
@Riker There's a 10 byte solution, or maybe shorter I'm not sure. I'll let you try and find it if you want to
hm ok
I'm looking for a nice exponent in a permutation of that
@Dennis he means access TIO from within TIO, and run a program like that
i.e. using TIO python, run TIO julia for '2+2'
I think
@Dennis Getting to bc through the TIO wrapper, accessible from within the filesystem which TIO wrappers run in.
(off-topic: what it the going-price of monochromatic magenta magnetic monopoles?)
@Adám Something like this? Try it online!
@Adám nethack, he was playing earlier
@Dennis Yup, exactly like that. Now the trick is to find the language-pair which provides the shortest code.
@Adám I tried that with one of my languages and got the following error message: The character '4' is an invalid Add++ character
5 messages moved to Nethack
@H.PWiz You're using Jelly directly instead of going through the wrapper.
@Dennis would you be open to adding an option to disable timeout on TIO?
@Adám Why not?
And let infinite loops run forever? I think not.
@cairdcoinheringaahing ^
@Dennis As in you can choose to disable them, but you don't have to
There's no difference between the two scenarios from my point of view.
Could I get some looks at my sandbox post? I'm not sure if its clear.
@cairdcoinheringaahing What is to prevent malicious users from starting a bunch of infinite busy loops?
@Adám Sounds corny, but trusting them
@cairdcoinheringaahing Trusting strangers on the internet is the fastest way to get hacked
Solving the halting problem
Yeah, ok it was a bad idea hangs head in shame
Basically you're proposing that he allows anyone to easily DoS TIO at will
@Riker I just tried it out, and there totally is a 10 byter. Let me know if you've given up, and I'll edit mine
@Mego So that's why the Nigerian prince didn't email me back :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Suuure. Every now and then, people try to bring TIO down with fork bombs. There are many defenses in place to prevent people from breaking TIO on purpose, so I'm definitely not going to let them break it by accident.
@DJMcMayhem kinda busy right now :/
@Dennis So is that why there's an output limit?
feel free to edit, I'm not peeking
@cairdcoinheringaahing The output limit's main purpose is to prevent your browser from crashing.
I'm just beginning to understand how little I appreciate TIO, despite the fact that I think it's amazing. +1000 @Dennis :P
Q: Brownian motion question

user75445Let S(t) represent the price of a stock for t = 0, 1, 2, . . .. Suppose that in any single time period, the stock price increases by one unit with probability p, and decreases by one unit with probability 1 − p. The outcomes at different time periods are independent. https://gyazo.com/ad8589df96...

when I'm running a program I'm not sure is a good idea I usually use TIO rather than my own computer because TIO is less likely to break than my computer :DDD +1001 :P
I only use the Jelly interpreter from my computer when calculating large permutations, because it times out otherwise (hence my request) :P
CMC: Determine the person who posts :P as the only content in a message the most using something like TNBDE or alternative.
@HyperNeutrino Jelly, 7 bytes: “ḥknI8»
there's a guy doing a video walkthrough of my game, and i'm watching it. it's a weird way to spend a sunday
I think I can confirm that there is no 7 byte compressed version of any permutation of 122333344455566 in Jelly
@cairdcoinheringaahing what is that sequence for
@EricTressler The latest challenge on main
Q: Output the PPCG Prime

Jose ZamanThis is the PPCG Prime 505 digits long 1888888881188888888111888888111888888111881111188188111118818811118818811118811881111188188111118818811111118811111111888888881188888888118811111118811188881881111111188111111118811111118811118811881111111188111111118811118818811118811881111111188111111111...

@cairdcoinheringaahing no longer the latest :P
@NewMainPosts Highest upvoted question that was closed in less than a minute?
:O I just realised that the 8s spell out PPCG
yo accidentally vtrod and you can't undo vtro cuz se is dumb
@cairdcoinheringaahing ...lol
@HyperNeutrino how can you accidentally do that
it took me a minute to see the question you're referring to, since it's at -5 and looks near death
I mean, there's a confirmation dialog
space bar
so, misclick+spacebar together?
I thought there was a grammatical error so I tried to click edit and instead clicked "repoen" and I was like "yo no I don't want to do that" but then I accidentally hit the space bar cuz it's like 5 keys wide rip. And then I realized that there wasn't a mistake in the first place
@HyperNeutrino Stop using "yo". It's more annoying that "anyway gtg o/"

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