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Oh sweet christ...
Yeah, I'll separate that in a bit.
Q: Some Code Golf links marked as "not secure"

LordFarquaadI was looking at this question from almost 2 years ago, and wanted to click the first link, which is to this url: https://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/2073/25180. That took me to a site that Chrome (59.0.3071.115) flagged as "not secure" on the grounds of NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INV...

@NewMetaPosts 54 minutes?!?!
@NewMetaPosts that's QUICK dude!
NewMetaPosts is le tired
@totallyhuman I don't think that deserved to be buttered
OK, so I have a challenge idea. It's like this one, but the rules are changed a bit: your output is all capitalized letters at the beginning of a word, period. It doesn't have skipped words or anything like that, and it would have looser output, and probably allow builtins. Would that be a dupe?
I'd vote to close the old one as a dupe.
@WheatWizard Thanks, I'll probably Sandbox the new one later today then.
Flexible output and allowed builtins are better in my book
If you wait until I make another 50 code-golf answers I could hammer it for you ;)
@WheatWizard It's nice that there's no tag score cap like there is a rep cap :P
It probably doesn't matter on PPCG where everyone hits the vote count before the answer count.
@WheatWizard Well, almost everyone - if you never get a good answer on a HNQ you might not
You need to average under 5 rep, per answer, its not unheard of, but thats pretty low.
@WheatWizard I had less than that before I hit the jackpot with my Taxi answer (I think)
I think I have about 7 answers that have hit the HNQ significantly. with about 350 votes total, so it looks like if I subtracted the votes I would be lower than average.
I have 601 score and 186 answers so I'm pretty far below 5 per answer
Any final thoughts before I post TryItOnquine in a few hours?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdmBorkBorkTryItOnquine optimized-output code-challenge quine (based on this post and the ensuing discussion on chat) The Challenge Choose a language that's currently available on the TryItOnline site, for example PowerShell. Write code in that language on that page, that doesn't take any input, such th...

@AdmBorkBork I think it'll be difficult, but it'll be cool to see if someone can do it.
By the way, is no one going to crack this?
I just discovered that Pyth supports packed strings. How does that work?
(If there are Pyth users around)
@StepHen Well this is for decoding a packed string. How to encode it?
Oh, that is in the description
To think that I have been using Pyth for more than a month without knowing that…
However most of the packed strings seem to be longer than the original strings (counting in bytes)
Hi there
@Jim yeah me too
@Mr.Xcoder Hi
@Mr.Xcoder I cannot this evening
@Jim Alright
I want to post a challenge anyway
@Mr.Xcoder Feel free to do it
@Jim No, on Main
@StepHen the interpreter on tio seems to infinite loop pretty easily and cancelling doesn't seem to work
@Okx Did you prepare to answer when it was still in the sandbox?
@Okx I think the Class Console is the key component, but I don't know enough C# to know for certain.
Is it just me or is TIO having some issues?
@Mayube It works perfectly for me
It keeps saying unable to reach the server
earlier it couldn't connect, and now it's just running forever and I can't cancel
@Mayube seems to be having issues for me too
@StepHen nvm, looks like a TIO thing
Strangely, it works extremely well for me
@Mayube save the link and refresh
tried, twice
@Okx Thanks for editing my deleted sandbox post
tried different languages too
Q: Find the closest Fibonacci Number

Mr. XcoderWe are all familiar with the famous Fibonacci sequence, that starts with 0 and 1, and each element is the sum of the previous two. Here are the first few terms (OEIS A000045): 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 947, 1557, 2504 Given a positive integer, return the cl...

jelly has no useful fibonacci builtins o0
@totallyhuman Nor does Pyth
looks like neim is gonna wreck everyone
@totallyhuman :) Unless 05AB1E has useful built-ins, we're done
afaik it doesn't have any built ins for fibonacci :(
No golflang has :(
@Mr.Xcoder yes i did prepare the answer
well in a way
i wrote it then forgot about it
then wrote it again
@Poke TIO's having issues, go look at the TIO chat for more info but basically TIO got onto hackernews and Dennis had to add some more servers, and I think he's doing some DOS protection too, so TIO's a bit wonky now. I've found just refreshing and running again works 50% of the time
@Okx In the Readme of Neim, what wiki are you referring?
the github wiki
print("Bot1 scores: ".format("string",bot1))
What am i doing wrong?
trying to print the int array (bot1) and that string
@Mayube I think I cleared everything up, sorry for my crappy docs
@totallyhuman Your answer is not working
@totallyhuman appreciated :P
Nvm i fixed my problem
I'm a bit surprised meta-golf questions aren't auto-posted in chat here
I've already gone over the recap by 185 points today
well now my computer's battery practically doesn't exist because my computer can't draw power from the battery
and if I push the screen back a bit it will disconnect power
@DJMcMayhem I just looked at your profile, lol
@StepHen Hmm, I don't understand why passing 2 inputs and appending BC causes the program to simply infinitely output the first input
CMC: Given a number, find the next prime. If the number is a prime, output either itself or the next prime after it.
Jelly builtin
@HyperNeutrino Æp?
but wait it's strictly next ._.
@Mr.Xcoder That's "largest prime strictly less than z"
Æn is strictly greater than
@HyperNeutrino Æn then
wait but you said we could do either for a prime lol I can't read
@Mr.Xcoder Neim, 1 byte ; outputs the next prime if the input is prime
@Mr.Xcoder cQuents: pz prints the next prime after for prime input
@Mr.Xcoder Pyth, 5 bytes: fP_TQ
Æp -> previous Prime, Æn -> next prime. That's all the Jelly I know
@Mr.Xcoder _Yq in MATL
@Mr.Xcoder do you know +? :P
Nice all @Okx @StepHen @Jim and @DJMcMayhem
@HyperNeutrino No
ΰ² _ΰ² 
@Mr.Xcoder vtc dupe of my cmc find previous prime
@Okx What CMC?
@Okx My pgm doesn't work for that
21 hours ago, by Okx
CMC: Largest prime strictly below X
@Okx I haven't seen that one
@Mayube TIO's really wonky atm. That shouldn't happen, but it did at first for me, now it's working. Here's a TIO for that, working as intended: Try it online!
@Okx q:tZp)P1) in MATL
@HyperNeutrino why is almost every golfing language coded in python ;-;
it's easy to use IMO
@Okx Because Python is easy and it has eval and exec
Also, you should specify "golfing language"
@Mayube with program #|1,1:ABC and input 2 2, A=2, B=2, C=1, n=1, so we get the first item in the sequence, where every item in the sequence is A*B*C.
easy β‰  good
Q: Integer overflow anomaly

Alamuru GaneshCould someone explain what happened to output after 18th column, considering the fact that normally when a data type reaches its max value it cycles back to its lowest value?

@Okx Python is also good :)
@StepHen what's telling it to multiply?
@Mr.Xcoder JavaScript has eval too... oh wait, it can't read files
@Okx You can use β‰  instead
@Mayube with two variables AB is shorthand for A*B (like in Algebra) since there are no two letter vars
good = subjective = easy
Node.js can read files
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ChristopherChopsticks mutated with points KoTH Story It is the year 4579, humans now have 2 hands with 1001 fingers each. Chopsticks has become based off of points. And @Dennis has more rep the @Martin... Hand drawn red circles are now downvoted... John Skeet has hit 2 trillion rep on every SE site... Yea...

Please give me advice on my KoTH
Going to post if i can soon
@Okx subjective β‰  bad
@NewMainPosts RE this post: 6 views, 5 close votes, 1 minute. We did good.
@Christopher Needs fewer memes
@trichoplax What memes?
@Christopher Looks good, except dennis has more rep than martin
I like the memes
Another recommendation: Please don't post a screen shot of your code. I guarantee it will be closed on SO also if you do — DJMcMayhem 11 secs ago
Hopefully they listen
@programmer5000 I know. XD
@DJMcMayhem I've honestly rarely seen people even post their questions onto SO afterwards
@StepHen The 6th view was mine and it was already closed I think
@DJMcMayhem That person has been on SO for 12 days
Why do people post so many code questions to PPCG?
Cuz PPCG is the coolest
@Xanderhall "Programming Puzzles"
I don't see any posts on SO from that user
Maybe they are q banned on SO?
Every SE gets programming questions.
And Programming is all they read. (Who cares about "puzzles" or "code golf"?)
@trichoplax The non-programming ones usually don't have a close reason dedicated to So though :P
Advice on my handler for KoTH?
I would like advice before I post
@StepHen Yeah, IMO it's no really with sending them to SO because if they were likely to write a good question there, it means they read the help center and take time to write a good question, which means they wouldn't be posting here in the first place
honestly, we should have 10 rep for asking
All the challenges are posted while I am sleeping, except for my challenges and a few other bad off-topic questions, although nearly all of you are online when I am too.
@Okx Agree
Aff is the new covfefe?
@Okx Eh, I dunno. First thing I did here was ask, because I didn't know how to golf (that challenge got ~15 upvotes)
@Okx But we should also increase the repcap
@Mr.Xcoder I got ~600 rep from 100 upvotes, yay rep cap xD
@Mr.Xcoder Nah
@Okx I agree, but I got most of my rep from asking. My first 50 rep was from codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/114253/…
@DJMcMayhem If we give 10 / question upvote, we should have repcap at ~250 / ~300
Imagine a world where SE reputation and IQ were proportional.
@HyperNeutrino Dennis would still lead us all
Dennis = einstein
@Mr.Xcoder Yup lol
@Mr.Xcoder Based on context, he meant have a 10 rep minimum for asking, not 10 rep for question askers (I would like that too though)
New users couldn't type or click buttons, so we wouldn't have crap programming qs posted once a day
@programmer5000 Wouldn't have new users either :P
Q: Chopsticks mutated with points KoTH

ChristopherBasic rules (different then mine) Story It is the year 4579, humans now have 2 hands with 1001 fingers each. Chopsticks has become based off of points. And @Dennis has more rep the @Martin... Hand drawn red circles are now downvoted... John Skeet has hit 2 trillion rep on every SE site... Yeah ...

One challenge posted while I am online that is not off-topic!
But then smart people who came onto SE would get free rep, and you can't gain/lose rep normally.
@Mr.Xcoder Fixed that :D
@HyperNeutrino I would be very poor on rep :)
@StepHen Perfect! All of our spam, non-golfed and SO qs problems would be gone!
@Mr.Xcoder lol same xD
@HyperNeutrino But I would have some rep on Physics.SE then :))
@HyperNeutrino I would have yet to hit the repcap.
Woah, the starboard is only messages from <=4h ago
@Christopher 200 IQ is like 1 in 5 billion people, just saying
@StepHen Solv'd... I think
@programmer5000 ≀ 5 mins actually
@Mayube Yup! and you golfed it further than me too
Curious as to what you had now
@Mayube mine both worked even if C wasn't 1
@StepHen Even with a 100 IQ never hit it iirc
CMC: n -> [n, n^2, n^3, ...., n^n] (should only work for small numbers)
@Mr.Xcoder what? not it isn't?
@Okx Starboard is bigger on bigger screens
Q: Chopsticks mutated with points KoTH

ChristopherBasic rules (different then mine) Story It is the year 4579, humans now have 2 hands with 1001 fingers each. Chopsticks has become based off of points. And @Dennis has more rep the @Martin... Hand drawn red circles are now downvoted... John Skeet has hit 2 trillion rep on every SE site... Yeah ...

@Okx I use a small display and I have 3 pinned messages above the starboard, so I only see the last 3 of them.
@Mr.Xcoder At what size does it need to break?
@Mr.Xcoder Neim, 2 bytes Ξ”π•Ž
@JanDvorak Should work for 10. I'm not asking for more
you said "should only work for small numbers"
@JanDvorak Are you saying 10 is big?!
@Mr.Xcoder Alternative program: πˆπ•Ž
@Mayube edited in my solutions.
You can handle whatever you want
Don't worry about overflows
Better ^?
Python 3: lambda x:list(range(x,x*x+x,x))
did you mean "only needs to support small numbers"?
Pyth, 5 bytes: m^QdS
@JanDvorak NVM, handle what you can and want

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