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@Mithrandir is it WATER? (H to O)
I use it every time we have guests ;)
eh, that's a bad clue
what was the answer?
yeah thats bad by your standards :P
I was hoping to mislead with "article component" but the rest didn't work out well
'next to' could even be 'by'
I thought "next to straight" had something to do with poker hands.
that would have been a bit unfair - would have required poker knowledge
eh, not unfair
As opposed to having knowledge of the Nato alphabet, Scottish words, US states' postal codes, Greek mythology, ...
CCCC: Dress for a duo, according to hearsay (4)
slightly less terrible
CCCC is Cryptic Clue Chat Chains! See Deusovi's Cryptic Clue Guide and GPR's Archive & Statistics of past clues. Latest clue is ⤵ there! Join the fun!
Ugh it's like 3 days behind
(I added a pin to Rubio's CCCC info message ... and now it's above the latest clue again)
@Rubio, maybe you need an up-arrow and a down-arrow, or something
take your pin off. :)
or up-pin Deus' clue
they sort by pin count, then by age. then by star count, then by age again.
RO pins appear to weigh less than mod pins, somehow, but more than stars.
wouldn't it be nice to have something that's more robust against randomness in how many pins what gets when from whom?
usually, age wins, and the latest clue sifts to the top
Well @Rubio all the ROs are mods now so
unfortunately "[up] there or [down] there" adds too many characters, I assume. I guess you could remove "Join the fun!".
took me 3 readings to understand that :P
"The fun starts once you have found the clue!"
@Deusovi TUTU ?!
@Deus you seem to always come up with such ingenious stuff to make clues.
Also, how do you write that on the archive?
I don't think that's right, but it might be
duo (TWO, hearsay makes it TU)
Not sure actually. "according to hearsay" indicating homophone, two-two → tutu
but that doesn't feel tight enough for a Deusovi clue
why two twice?
for --> TO, a duo --> TWO, according to hearsay --> TUTU
you had it close enough
How is for=to?
for example, when sending a letter
hang on
CCCC: Reeled in game around unusual locations. (8)
Pokemon Snap
Archive should be all up to date in another couple minutes
Ok, I'm doing some research and got confused: is there a difference between a caesar shift and a rot cipher?
Deus, some people put your name as deusovi instead of Deusovi in the archive
They must think you're not a real person
about the date on the archive, are we using the UTC time?
It's not capitalized, so it's not really a pronoun
e.g you're not real
Proper noun, you mean?
can confirm...not capitalized, not real
Pro (per) noun
Please make them consistent, I think the pivot table will end up with two entries otherwise. I'd only noticed the capitalized ones
Whatever, grammar shmammer
and I've used UTC time for dates
poltergeist is misspelled in the archive
aw, paramesis got the big milestone
i was close D:
you had the 512th clue
@Rubio I was inputting a lot of them sorry
yah just letting you know. thanks for fixing
I love how the chat links are so spastic
I think Deus corrected that and finished the last couple bits, but it's up to date now
I think all the dates and stuff are right
Some are link-y, some not; some are the ?m=#... form, some not
Yeah they're a bit all over
I usually leave them unlinked so it's a consistent black text
too much of a hassle to fix
Whoever said we should go for the record.. we're 13 off XD
well, cmon guys, keep going :P
13 off what?
most clues in a day
1 hour later…
"Somebody was faster again!"
for CCCC i'm guessing reeled in is def, and you insert letters in game
trying to find them
Data or Data?
Route or Route?
Caramel or Caramel?
Either or Either?
Neither or Neither?
Lead or Lead?
Read or Read?
i always say dAta where you say the a like if you were saying the single letter
i say root and carmel
EEEther, but NAYther
the last two aren't the same meaning when pronouced differently?
please stop or please stop? :P
well, i had to answer :P
♫ let's call the whole thing off ♫
Dayta, r-owt?, care-a-mel, nyether
agree with dayta, rowt sounds weird to me, care-a-mel sounds stupid
can't understand nyether lol
I don't understand nayther
all I know is neether and nyether
I say "PUZZling", but everyone else says "crippling addiction that's destroying your life"
@paramesis that is correct. :P
so true
@n_palum Toilet paper: under or over?
over. forever over
good, I don't have to suspend you
But... if saying under gets someone suspended... Hey @Rubio I bet you're an under kinda guy
Someone at work keeps putting it under, and I have to fix it every time
work out who it is and report them
@Deusovi this sounds like more effort than it's worth
in fact just call the emergency services. this is a definite emergency
Excuse you, this is clearly a very important issue.
why would it be under anyway?
I agree that over is superior to under, but enforcing your view upon the workforce seems excessive
Isn't it always over?
I think Deus sees it less as "enforcing your view upon the workforce" and more as... "enforcing justice upon those who haven't found the path of righteousness"
this conversation should be over
guess what? it isn't
as should toilet roll
It's quite the underwhelming conversation
but it is a Monday (yawns)
i'm dead
@n_palum Well obviously. :P
@Sid If you have young children, you know the answer to this question.
(when I say "someone keeps putting it under", I mean it's happened twice within the past two weeks and that's it)
What happens when you keep spinning the roll toward you when it's over vs. under?
@GentlePurpleRain ... Nope. No kids. Don't intend to have any soon either. :P
To most that is two too many times.
@Sid Sorry, meant that in the sense of "if one has young children".
gpr you do know sid is like y age right? :P
What is y? IS THIS A PUZZLE?
y = age of Sid
My keyboard 'm' is faulty
I think you young'ns spend way more time thinking about other people's ages than we do
wait gerbil is 14
@Sconibulus I always forget you're not a young'n
But seriously, after a kid unrolls the entire roll by spinning it a few times, one starts putting the paper under, to save sanity.
I'm kinda in the middle I think
You're not supposed to do that? @GentlePurpleRain
what is this sanity you talk about and how important is it
@Sconibulus you old guys, have too much work to do anyway. :P
under thirty, but out of school :)
@thecoder16 so is mith (and I think Sid)
mith is 14? woah
That's not that old!
@BeastlyGerbil I am like 4 years older than you or something..
i don't pay attention to this stuff
@Sconibulus Oh, you're a young 'un too... ;)
Pretty sure Mith is like 16 or so, Sid around 18, BG is 14 IIRC
oh wait yeah sorry @sid your doing your exams...
mith is my age
slightly older bt 75% of the time my age
I'm 22 in a month and have a year left of school - @Sconibulus you don't get to call me a young'n when you're under 30 :P
i'm pretty sure i mentioned my age somewhere, i'm not sure though
you were at the upper border of the age/parentage obsessed group :)
(I'm 28, in case anyone really cares)
It's all about the jokes
i'm fairly sure no one cares
Fairly != 100%... it's not = Y either
@Rubio's pretty old, definitely over 30, and that is really old for a dog :P
no, apparently y = 14
in dog years? :P
Are you definitely sure about that?
I was too slow dang
I know for a fact though that Rubio and Gareth make me look illiterate. So, they must definitely be old (and as some people say... wise)
Rubio and Gareth make everyone look illiterate.
Jun 22 at 14:01, by thecoder16
arguing with gareth about words is like trying to cut diamond with a wooden saw. if you cut anywhere deep, it will be into your own skin.
I never pegged Rubio for being as old as you say
True. Playing Contact with them is always interesting.
who cares about age though? We all know we are going to spend the rest of our lives addicted to this site :P
@BeastlyGerbil well, once you enter college you might think differently :P
@BeastlyGerbil Times are ever changing
@thecoder16 Assuming Beastly is planning to go to college...
thats true
Do people plan to not go to college?
Sure they do
yeah I am - or university as I call it :P
I've got a friend who never went
He's a mechanic
Hey thats still like 5/6 years away
be a silicon valley guy and start your own company
5/6? Hmm I started College/Uni at 18
that will surely go bankrupt in about a year
I thought high school ended worldwide at 17 or 18..
or a serious route, go to trade school to study a craft of your choice
yeah actually its 4 years
or join the military and plan to get free college from that
@Sid That's about what it is.. I was old for my year.. most of my friends are turning 21 this year, I'm almost 22
any game, anyone?
@thecoder16 I think that is only in the US.
fair enough
@thecoder16 I might be convinced to do some Codenames...
need at least 2 moar
sorry I'm out - working on solving something
Try raising your hand in Codenames. See who shows up...
if it's one of those grid-deduction hybrids, wow they're tough
I'd play but I leave work in 10 minutes
But do you have to leave work...?
You could stick around until the game is done... :)
I mean... I've been here for 8 hours so I'd like to leave
@Sconibulus no, I can't solve those :P (Except for yours) A certain bounty has enticed me
boo. Greedy gerbil. :P
its what the bounty is for :P
@n_palum for the record, I'm staunchly an OVER guy
Dang I thought we had an opportunity there
'Oh no! Something's wrong with PSE' - yes, Rubio hasn't been banned yet :P — Beastly Gerbil Jun 23 at 15:08
so apparently I'm definitely over 30 huh.
I think so IIRC
I need to start a list of things "known" about me.
I said no
Afaik, Rubio is similar stance to Scon
Point 1. "You are a dog."
Q: Lightning, explosions, trophy, sunglasses and more

TSLF How to decode the above poem lines encryption for its title?

btw @BeastlyGerbil are you trying the maze creation or the other bounty?
@BeastlyGerbil I don't think there's anything to remember. I can't absolutely swear to it but I don't think I've ever said (or really even hinted at) my age.
I have a vague idea for the maze :P
really? maybe I'm confusing you with someone else...
My guesses for age are mostly observations about other things
Yeah, I don't remember Rubio saying anything about his age either.
I won't dump everything I think I remember, but I am really good at remembering information about people when they talk about themselves
I know for a fact though that Rubio loves Windows. :P
@Sid More for the file. ;)
Ugh, Mathjax is enabled in comments?
@Rubio you did a transcription, here you go:
It definitely mathjaxed some of my numbers
Oh I'm sorta doing that now
it's Webdings
But with the decimals
yes, mathjax is enabled in comments
the fact that they're in between <> is suspicious
I put it in <> just to make it clear what was each line
the raw stuff is up there
...I should've realized that :P
incidentally, that row at the top is 26 characters
so there's probably a pretty encoding
which puzzle is this?
126 42 42 37 36 50 96 54 50 126 49 57 55 50 50 51
49 53 56 33 126 36 50 56 49 53 36 64 33 38 64 64 53 50 51
126 37 64 51 51 55 52 53 52 50 53 50 50 94 38 33 33 54 54 51 51 50 52 126 33 126 37
decimals for it ^
nothing in ascii
as shown by scon
...well, yeah. that's just converting from ascii to decimal and back
point taken
nvv doesn't look promising
Is this some part of some puzzle?
Q: Lightning, explosions, trophy, sunglasses and more

TSLF How to decode the above poem lines encryption for its title?

the newest one yes
Curious... Does anyone know what "How to decode the above poem lines encryption for its title" means in English?
I don't understand the question..
he isn't a native english speaker
I think you're supposed to figure out what the title's words mean
most of their puzzles read like that
@BeastlyGerbil I got that. But I don't actually understand it at all. Aside from the fact that they want to know how to decode it.
LETS and more?
no, the title's words are just the first few ciphertext characters
What does the "title" part of the question mean?
In the regular ASCII, all characters are either digits or symbols that can be typed with Shift + digit on a US keyboard, with the exception of the tilde.
Not a clue.
I assume using the full ciphertext you can figure out how the encoding works, and then supply the plaintext for just the title as the puzzle's solution
(But the tilde is shift + backtick, which also features.)
@MOehm Yup - I tried decoding as 1-0 --> A-J, !-) --> K-T, but no luck
quipqiup just giggles at you
nvvsrcagcnjhccd is the translation from symbolrow to letterrow
(for the top line)
Maybe Q-P and A-L or some such. After all, the keyboard must be a hint.
I can't make anything fun happen with several tries
one of quipqiup's options is OG GRUNTS NOW K ... which sounds like a caveman asking permission to speak
I was wondering if it's a "add N to ascii, handle rollovers via insert rule here" thing
(probably not the answer, just amusing)
There are 13 keys on the top row of my keyboard: ` to =. If they are A-M, and then shifted, N-Z (or something similar) that would make sense.
I'd considered something like that too. It'd be weird for L/M to not appear though.
But not unthinkable. The ciphertext isn't that long.
I couldn't make anything out of it
even adding vigenere on top
of course my key may have been dumb
tried wingdings, webdings, dings, symbols, code, cipher, encrypt, decrypt, and a bunch of ceaser shifts
neither of which looks particularly promising
Apparently the OP is looking for the Title of the Poem.
And they hint that a movie is made out of it.
which means we probably have something famous as the title
a movie from a poem?
or a book with a poem
movies from poems aren't that uncommon
The Iliad, Beowulf, Horton Hears a Hoo
Horton Hears a Who is not a poem; it's a story that just happens to rhyme.
I guess you could argue the same about the Iliad and Beowulf.
and the movie was awful
I'm reasonably certain Beowulf is considered Poetry, less certain but still convinced about The Iliad, and Horton Hears a Who seems to fit in the same family, if an entirely different billing
@Sid By "popular demand" I now have created a list of things "known" about me in my profile. Also, "sightings". I feel like I'm missing a pic that was posted of "me", probably by @n_palum, but I can't find it now.... if someone knows where it was, I'll add it too.
The dog one?
One of them
i.sstatic.net/kX4E3m.jpg is on there already
You have the white dog one
I thought you'd posted another
I still believe you're under 30
Everyone needs to believe something.
I believe it's time for a Diet Coke w/Lime.
That was a line borrowed from WC Fields. Rubio, I am your secret admirer but, pssst, don't tell anyone.
@humn 's the word.
And it gets around! Doctors are still searching for a cure.
Yup. With kind of a wiggle thing going on near the southeast, though.
Dumb's the word.
Jun 23 at 14:08, by n_palum
Rubio's a gothic who only wears bright pink black shirts.
What a medley!
Now I'm reaching for my monkey. To replace that kitten on the keyboard who keeps punching out what I'd never.
\o/ Hum(our)n!
Laughter from those lucky enough! (oooooo, every day another I know fails the tickle test... oooooooo(
You haven't lived until you've watched somone go contrariwise. Too often. That's why I mirth.
(remove at will)
And I'll continue to Mith.
Chime in! Heavy.
Some of what I put out is truly inspired. Most is a reflection of my guiding lights.
Looks like another platitude but needed to be typed
That was a roundabout thank you to my present lodestones. You know who you are.
Yeah, you! You're welcome.
What just happened? Made me jump:
@Rubio do you have done any experiments to confirm this? maybe it's just that the age of the CCCC informative post is increasing
ffao, I'm so fascinated by fffayou. Then again, takes much less to achieve that effect.
Anecdotal. It used to be, I think, that at least two people, including one mod (probably Deus), would pin the CCCC-explanation message, while the latest CCCC would be pinned by usually just one person, most often a RO
whatever the circumstances, that was enough to keep the explanation as message 1, and the current clue as 2
Recently, the explanation has been appearing below the current clue.
Right now it's on top because two mods pinned it, but my expectation is that as it ages, it'll drop back to #2 again.
@humn I get emotional when the hour is strange occasionally.
@GentlePurpleRain Thank you - added to profile, and the "known facts" list no longer is [citation needed]
And you, @Mithrandir, I've almost exhausted my bag of tricks to get you to play along. So grateful.
I'm pretty sure Sid has said I love windows before today, but I can't find it. (If some search sleuth locates it lemme know)
@humn I've got one more before I drop off into the sea of dreams:
:) before today
@Mithrandir , pleasant ones, sweet dreamer.
Just reiterating off ffao commenting, there are no longer ROs here - only mods
Today I learned that PSE is run by children. And a dog.
Erm.. two of them are parents.. ergo not children
Everyone is someone's child. Parents are children of grandparents.
Well I guess so
I did chuckle at the line about a "gothic" wearing bright pink shirts.
if PSE weren't run by children, it wouldn't be the fun welcoming community it is.

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