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@AnuragSingh It is in uttara kanda of Ramayana. I don't know where I can find uttarakanda of Ramayana with sanskrit verses with english translation @KeshavSrinivasan or someone might know where you can find it.
@Tezz @SwiftPushkar @Pandya @TheDestroyer ^^^^ :D
@SreeCharan haha... 😀😀
2 hours later…
@SreeCharan - 😂 Those Hassinas do not need to fear abt. may if they pray to sun god , thy don't that's why they need to apply sun screen and cover their faces with masks , I will try to find charm against UV rays in Atharva-Veda if any.🌞
@SwiftPushkar :D.
BTW, @SwiftPushkar If you are using new verson of mobile chat, then you can reply to specific message.
@SreeCharan - Yes I know 😊
@Pandya what does your bot do?
@TheDestroyer Which bot bro?
@SreeCharan Pandya's bot.
What is @Pandya's bot?
@TheDestroyer Ha ha.... I thought he is creating something for chatroom
@SreeCharan haha. Even i thought the same. But it is different.
Q: What's the official Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange policy regarding bots?

Martin MonperrusOne can build bots to comment and answer questions on Stack Overflow (or on any Stack Exchange site). Is that allowed? What's the official Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange policy regarding bots? See also: Has anyone ever tried running an answer bot on Stack Overflow? Is there a bot on Stack O...

@SreeCharan It's allowed unless it breaks rules.
@SreeCharan I think Keshava is bot. Haha.
@TheDestroyer Yeah. Haha...
May 5 at 10:06, by Sree Charan
@SreeCharan lol.
Why Hinduism chat room takes "many Maha Kalpas" of time to load for me? Is this only for me or for everyone?
@TheDestroyer lol
Not only hinduism chat, some chat rooms trouble me sometimes.
I close them and open it within a minute
@SreeCharan but all other rooms are fine.
@TheDestroyer Is it? I sometimes face trouble with this room too.
@SreeCharan yeah. Except Hinduism room, all other rooms are fine.
i think vastu dosha. haha.
@TheDestroyer - 😂😂😂👍👍 Vastu-Dosha
3 hours later…
@Pandya @TheDestroyer Bot sounds interesting, how do you create one?
@TheDestroyer I've created only an account for bot yet and achieved 20 rep so that bot able to participate in chat. My purpose of creating bot is currently drawing attention to unsourced new answers. For example, we know that when we find new unsourced answer, we put comment like "you should cite sources" or put citation banner. So, I want to automatically post (by bot into a chat room) those post which are commented with specific string or annotated by post notice. /cc @SreeCharan @ChinmaySarupria
The functionality of bot can be improved or added according to the requirement and feasibility :)
@Pandya ohh.how to create one?
Btw, bot is not written/programmed yet.
@Pandya ohh..but how it answered questions?
@TheDestroyer it will not answer any question. It will just share unsourced post inti a chat room
@Pandya Ohh.. You answered them on SO?
@Pandya btw, how to program it?
@TheDestroyer That's for gaining 20 reputation so that bot can participate into a chat room
@Pandya ohh ok.
@TheDestroyer I don't have any experience with programming. I am talking with users who runs chat bots. In order to get help with programming such bot.
@Pandya ohh ok. But does SO or SE allow such bots? Which language?
@TheDestroyer Yes, one can choose Java, Python etc. You can discuss in SOBotics for further information.
@TheDestroyer btw, do you know any programming language?
@Pandya ohh ok. I can program in Java, as i'm experienced with Android Programming. But It's Core Java or Java SE.
@Pandya I know Java and Swift. I'm learning Swift now.
@TheDestroyer That's really good to know since I'm lacking that things for writing a bot.
@Pandya But Networking or Servers is Java EE or Advanced Java which i don't know. I know very few Java EE concepts to understand API in Android.
@TheDestroyer Actually I am first proposed to do this by powershell, then java and then python. But I'm busy for couple of days so, the project of writing a bot is on hold. I'll ping you in appropriate chat room if I decide to go with Java or Swift :)
@Pandya Swift is not possible as far as i know. I think i can code it in Java. Ok. Will see it. Even i'm busy now with my projects.
@TheDestroyer Ok.
@TheDestroyer Btw, how did you notice (I mean came to know about) my bot?
@Pandya I saw it in chat room.
@TheDestroyer it has never been here :p
@Pandya It's here only. See all chat rooms.
@TheDestroyer Hmm... ok
@Pandya btw, what should be the functionality of our bot?
38 mins ago, by Pandya
@TheDestroyer I've created only an account for bot yet and achieved 20 rep so that bot able to participate in chat. My purpose of creating bot is currently drawing attention to unsourced new answers. For example, we know that when we find new unsourced answer, we put comment like "you should cite sources" or put citation banner. So, I want to automatically post (by bot into a chat room) those post which are commented with specific string or annotated by post notice. /cc @SreeCharan @ChinmaySarupria
@Pandya ohh do you bot to put comment "you should cite sources for unsourced answers"?
@TheDestroyer I think you didn't get it. Let me tell
@TheDestroyer Bot will automatically post those post which are recently commented with specific string or annotated citation banner into a chat room
@TheDestroyer for example you may be aware with smoke-decector's message like "..xyz.... found on [post](link)...."
@Pandya ok.
@TheDestroyer That's only current plan. We/I may think for other ideas also once bot implemented and works successfully :)
But my priority will be to be useful to our community (Hinduism.SE).
@Pandya Where can i see APIs or learn more about this SO bots?
@ChinmaySarupria Hi! Do you also have an experience with programming?
@Pandya Yeah, I develop Android apps and websites.
@Pandya @TheDestroyer Check out this page: github.com/Tunaki/chatexchange given to me by someone in sobotics chat room
@TheDestroyer @ChinmaySarupria there is stackapps.com and api.SE regarding it.
@ChinmaySarupria Yes. Seen it.
2 hours later…
@KeshavSrinivasan I posted an answer to your question on Narasimha.
@KeshavSrinivasan What about Vishnu Purana? Does it shed any light?
@TheDestroyer Not quite. Shaiva Siddhanta is based on the 28 Shaiva Agamas, whereas Kashmiri Shaivism is primarily based on the 64 Bhairava Tantras, which are basically Shakta Agamas which place emphasis on Shiva.
@TheDestroyer The Shaiva Agamas are dualistic in their outlook; they see Brahman as the efficient cause but not the material cause. That's why Vyasa criticizes them in the Brahma Sutras. In contrast the Bhairava Tantras, like other Shakta Agamas, are monistic in their outlook.
@KeshavSrinivasan Vajin gods are also mentioned in the maarjana mantra Dadhikravamo akkarisham...
ashvasya vaajinah
@TheDestroyer Well, the Vishnu Purana talks about the incident of Prahkada being thrown off a cliff and Vishnu saving him, in this chapter and the next chapter: sacred-texts.com/hin/vp/vp054.htm Numerous Puranas talk about that.
@KeshavSrinivasan No. I asked about Yuga and Manvantara.
@TheDestroyer Oh ok. No, I don't think so.
@SreeCharan That verse is verse 32 of this chapter of the Vajasaneyi Samhita of the Yajur Veda: sacred-texts.com/hin/wyv/wyvbk23.htm
@SreeCharan Oh, it looks like it's originally from the Rig Veda. See verse 5 of this hymn of the Rig Veda: sacred-texts.com/hin/rigveda/rv04039.htm
1 hour later…
@KeshavSrinivasan - Narasimha purana says After they thrown Prahlada into ocean , he met with vishnu inside the sea , and Vishnu told Prahlada that he is about to come to kill Hiranyakasipu. So possibly the scripture is focusing on Vishnu and not on Narasimha.So I think they are saying that vishnu ( Narasimha ) born /came from ocean.
GN All Meet u tomorrow ..
@SwiftPushkar Does it specify on what day this happened? Because the Matya Purana says the birth from the ocean happened on a Chaturthi.
@RohitSinghRathore @RakeshJoshi Do either of you have Bhatta Divakara Vatsa's Kakshya Stotra? It's a Kashmiri Shaivite work quoted by both Abhinavagupta and Yogaraja.
@SwiftPushkar ok. I will check Narsimha Purana.

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