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@Basil please, anyone who has been to French Canadia knows canadians aren't polite.
buncha rude-ass jerks - almost as bad as the REAL French.
@tombull89 You ready?
I assume this is a competition to see how many flags it generates?
@Adrian Go for it.
@Adrian Yup.
@Adrian if you get banned we'll put up a memorial!
@voretaq7 Well, 30 minute ban - but if I get the flag I'll decline it
@Adrian awww you should have posted a link to the tweet
I meant an actual tweet...
@voretaq7 Oh, we're much worse. The real french are pansies.
Well, I guess I f'd up the joke. Sorry.
even a goddamned asshole bird needs some action :-)
No Flags. WTF.
Did anyone on Bridge even notice?
@Adrian doubt it.
everyone go read my favorite yelling bird storyline!
Wow. It's a funny old SE world.
Would going back in and doing it properly with a onebox be gratuitous?
@Adrian heh you got a flag
"super offensive"
/me politely takes no action
who got a flag for what?
@voretaq7 So, now that you're a mod and can't be banned you're oneboxing yelling_bird
@Holocryptic i posted the text from a yelling_bird tweet. I screwed it up though, didn't know I was supposed to post a onebox. =)
@Adrian If you click on the timestamp to get the tweet-only screen on twitter, that link oneboxes
the rest just die in a fire
@MDMarra we established yesterday that yelling bird is not offensive here - the cat oneboxed him and didn't get banned :)
@Adrian Ah, over in The Bridge?
fine, onebox.
I'd one-box that.
Not just offensive; super offensive.
@ShaneMadden Wyle E. Coyote - Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper Genius!
And @tombull89 promised me 9000 rep if I did it. =D
@Adrian I meant the onebox'd tweet.
Hello, friends! How are we today?
It'd be a lie to say I was anything other than displeased at the moment.
probably displeased with the dropping of yelling_bird in other rooms - which really in retrospect isnt cool
I know that you folks would not be causing trouble.
Because you know that this would make me unhappy.
And that is something you surely would not do willingly... (:
@voretaq7 No, deliberately going and posting things with the intention to incite flagging because of their very nature is indeed not a really good idea.
I blame that guy over there. He's a real pill, brings shame on the whole site. points at @voretaq7
Speaking of pills. I could use some right now. For the pain.
@GraceNote ah, only that, thought you had the painters in or something
@RebeccaChernoff We're sysadmins. I thought that we're nothing but trouble by definition.
@Adrian well that is true, but usually we're a little nicer than we were today
@voretaq7 True. I kinda subscribe to the Tough Love philosophy though.
How else would my kid know I love him unless I tickle him until he pees his pants?
@chopper3 I'm looking to expand my personal colo server storage setup...
@Adrian you know the difference between unacceptable and acceptable ruckuses.
@chopper3 - currently using a DL380 G7 with D2700 attached...
but need big, cheap storage...
D2600 gives me LFF disks, but is around $1800 to me.
For once, I wasn't at the heart of something lighthearted and joking turning into people being offended and mods coming here. Is there a badge for that?
would it be an awful idea to use an MSA60?
oh, I must have missed something...
Not really. Someone just posted yelling_bird in the gaming chat.
Nothing that hasn't gotten people here put in timeout before
@ewwhite seen the 600 MDS, holds 70 disks in 5U
Can't afford the disks :(
And in defense of yelling_bird, Ron Paul is completely insane. He just doesn't appear so, because of how crazy the rest of his peers are.
@ewwhite when do you need this? there's a storage-specific SL coming soon
@ewwhite oh sorry, missed the MSA thing - yes they're fine
Next few weeks. This is personal... or at least for my consulting business.
how much do you need
doing the math, I'm seeing it'll be about $3600US to add 3 usable TB of storage
(raid 1+0)
and my Nexenta license limits me to that amount as well.
what's in the 380 and 2700?
@RebeccaChernoff we all do, my fault as much as anyones for being too busy chuckling at the idea to stop and say "yeah, but we shouldn't be that mean to them just because of the flagfests"
The DL380 is a Nexenta head... I modified it for 16 drive bays... so, X5690's and a lot of RAM. 3 x 72GB boot disks, a few HP 400GB MLC SSD's... The D2700 is 25 x 300GB 10k's
So my options were to add 8 SFF disks... or add a D2600 and do LFF disks
1TB 2.5 SAS disks are $1000 each
600GB SAS 10k are $450, 500GB SAS 7.2k are 375.
@voretaq7 I don't...
shit you're getting raped
I cuss at vendor stupidity, not dumb questions.
@ewwhite if you're not IOP bound then yeah I'd go MSA60 or P2612 and use the LFFs
@voretaq7 indeed, indeed.
Did I miss some context? Looked like one user suggested something jokingly in reference to Gaming's perchant for awful flags, and one other user went through with it. Certainly shouldn't be happening, but the fact that it attracted 5 moderators to this channel (2 SE employees included) seems a bit.. odd?
I'm always in here.
I <3 y'all so much! q:
@chopper3 why do you say that about prices?
@RebeccaChernoff that's only because we had them put that Borg implant in your brain.
@RebeccaChernoff I hear WesleyDavid might be coming to the midwest. Want me to give him your number for drinks? :)
@ewwhite there's quite a bit of margin in there
@ScottPack oh gawd. I'll have to move.
Anyone use a ticketing system that has remote sharing?
@RebeccaChernoff =D
@ShaneMadden yep
@Ethabelle once more but in English this time
@Ethabelle like screen sharing? No, but we've got something similar hacked into RT using VNC.
(it's AWFUL)
@Chopper3 A helpdesk software that has screen sharing*
@chopper3 is there any problem on the MSA60?
@Ethabelle ah
@Ethabelle We use Bomgar for remote support and it integrates with a lot of helpdesk apps. I haven't seen a single solution, though
@Ethabelle I don't know about integrated, but get a Bomgar
@Ethabelle Teleperformance used CA's product, forget what the name was...
@ewwhite no, bit old, no idea why they're still around really given the D26xx's around but they're fine - single domain iirc
I've heard good things about Bomgar.
@PeterGrace GAH! CA!
It can pull the live chat, share vids, computer config, etc all into tickets for iSupport and plenty of other systems
@PeterGrace mostly here? :)
@PeterGrace They give a pretty shitty magic show, though.
@voretaq7 not even mostly
Well, Kayako is a single solution but their Support -- well, it makes me want to stab myself in the arm.
I'm doing a trial and they don't know why their Live Chat isn't working and it's been 2 hours.
@Chopper3 I can do dual-domain on them. Being used with a pair of LSI SAS HBAs
@voretaq7 I do a window sweep
@RebeccaChernoff Yes indeed - and I'm saying that this is an issue that could have been handled by you alone, without the help of mods from The Great Outdoors beta and User Experience. (no offense guys)
@voretaq7 when I'm between projects.... I go through the list of rooms I'm in.
@ewwhite well I think you're on the right track, any will work fine
@Chopper3 but let's talk prices
@Ethabelle yeah... if they can't support their software I'd cross 'em off the list :)
@ShaneMadden when something gets flagged in chat, every 10k user and mod gets the ping, some come in directly, some just look at chat logs.
I get HP from a certain source... and pricing is WELL below normal vendors.
@ewwhite Grey market?
No... Just special deal pricing. Sometimes refurb from HP. Depends on the product.
@ewwhite bit spoiled, we buy direct and we're their 6th/7th biggest customers
@TylerShads Actually us 10ks don't get every flag; they're randomly doled out among us or something. But what I'm trying to say is that the moderation structure makes less and less sense as the SE network expands.
@Chopper3 We buy direct as well, but I don't know how much of a discount we get :\
But I'd take a unit like HP 633404-001
@ewwhite plus we have what's known as a portfolio, a few products that we only buy from, they drop their trousers on the prices of that kit and then rape us on 'off list' kit
@ShaneMadden I think they just showed up.
@ewwhite we rarely buy DLs
that's a unit that goes for $8500 from typical CDW..
my normal Tech-Data cost would be $7700
and I get them for ~$5400
@ewwhite I'm a bit NDA'ed up but we buy bare C7000 enclosures without interconnects but with full PSUs/fans and OAs for <$1k
@ShaneMadden the real problem is we have a disproportionate number of 10K users in this room
I mean seriously, look at the rep of everyone in this room right now
@ShaneMadden all they see is the flag, they don't know I'm in here necessarily.
Flag weren't even in this room.
So I sell the units somewhere in between..
Least, not the instigating one.
Maybe the second flag. But then that'd be a different scenario that others came in, then, neh?
Guys, all the blues are here, because we're the best looking group of chatters on the network. Stop jumping to ridiculous conclusions and let's look at the obvious.
@Chopper3 blade Well, it's an interesting space. ANy deals on that big MDS unit?
@RebeccaChernoff @GraceNote Right - the structure of presenting every flag to every moderator seems to turn every incident into a moderator pile-on. At least from my perspective (having missed the last one a few months back, and not watching chat until blue names started filling the roster this time around).
@ewwhite BL460c G7, dual x5675, 12 x 16, 2 x 300 (i.e. standard ESXi box) for about $5k
@ewwhite rarely buy them, just like them
@ShaneMadden what's the problem if people enter the room? big f'ing whoop shrugs
$2.5k for the base machine. need to add disks and RAM.
(just did a similar spec on blades here... but we don't have the RAM requirement)
16GB modules... gah!
@MDMarra basically let's all just admit it, we all just wanna fuck each other right, right? guys...
@RebeccaChernoff Fair point, but in the mess a few months ago it was a lot more than that
@Chopper3 if we have to <3
@ewwhite they're our price/size sweetspot right now
(Sorry, I got distracted by the 1.2 Minecraft update).
As the instigator, it's more the point that any flag can be auctioned by in-chat users that don't necessarily know the room culture - and the fact the The Bridge will, and does, flag anything even minorly offensive.
@tombull89 what's in it
@Chopper3 Sometimes I think it's really great that you're in here. And other times when you post that and say (standard ESXi box) right after, I want to punch you in the kneecap.
@Chopper3 Double height limit, and jungle biomes.
@ShaneMadden I don't think mods popping in is good or bad in and of itself -- and in defense of everyone who popped in I was gonna start growling and insisting we return to our angry swiss diplomacy until the chat flagging system can be made not-sucky
@tombull89 so they'll flag anything, so it's ok for you to antagonize? yeah, no.
@MDMarra haha
@tombull89 They... don't, actually.
@Chopper3 I'd be interested in your arrangement with VMWare
@tombull89 oh nice
Yep, definitely are not going to use Kayako. Told them to eff off, they can't even support their own sottware, and to have a fantastic day failing at supporting a help desk software.
Except meaner.
@ewwhite it's a running-battle at the moment
@Ethabelle So you emailed them quotes from yelling bird?
@Ethabelle If you want remote support stuff that works well, get bomgar and then shop for a ticketing system that has integration with it. There are plenty of big names (and little names too)
@voretaq7 It keeps getting posted
@MDMarra The thing is we have remote support stuff (logmein) and there are a few help desk tools that integrate with that, but...
Was just lookin' for an all in one solution.
@voretaq7 Yup, I agree completely.
Got ya. Logmein...gross
I actually have a buddy that works for logmein
he's gross
@MDMarra That's a lot of gross :(
better than teemviewer?
Hello everyone
he used to run around naked waving his dick is a circle yelling things about his "helicopter"
@LucasKauffman well with @Chopper3's suggestion I figure we'll need supplies. I'm looking for a shipping container sized thing of condoms but amazon doesn't seem to sell those in that kind of bulk
Now he works for logmein
(which is PROBABLY why we have STD epidemics!)
@voretaq7 remember who introduced you all to the drum of lube
@voretaq7 If you want a friend of mine ordered about 3k condoms with a company as a promotonial stunt of a party of his
@PeterGrace my son's band were called Roflcopter for a while, they suck though
in The Bridge, Feb 22 at 23:25, by Thomas McDonald
Has Gnome just been suspended for saying 'shut up'? In that context?
in The Bridge, Feb 22 at 23:26, by Oli
@ThomasMcDonald It was flagged. If somebody actioned the flag, yeah there's an automatic 30minute ban IIRC.
in The Bridge, Feb 22 at 23:27, by Mana
One, it was directed at me so I'm pretty sure that I can be the judge of whether or not it was offensive
@Chopper3 Son, Let's be real here, Son you suck.
in The Bridge, Feb 22 at 23:27, by Mana
it was obviously a joke.
@tombull89 Isolated incident which actually highlighted a larger issue, that Gnome is under stupidly-severe scrutiny for little plausible explanation.
@chopper3 3G versus 6G disks? (scouring eBay)
@Chopper3 :)
Something which, admittedly, your demonstration actually helped reinforce acknowledging the double standard, given how no one even batted an eyelash at Adrian's statement until I said something out loud about it.
Guys, I think we're approaching this whole "Bridge flag thing" the wrong way. First, we declined everything from there on principle. Then, one of our peeps went in there and posted something offensive just because. Neither are really solving the problem. I say that we always accept any flag from there. After about 8 minutes, there should only be one person left in the room.
@ewwhite need it?
This doesn't make the act of posting summat with the sole purpose of getting it flagged is acceptable, because that's deliberately creating material that people are explicitly noting they do not want.
Probably not... Everything else is 6G, but I'm just trying to keep the price low
@GraceNote odd coincidence - someone gets banned for saying very little yet my comment to you 20 minutes, much ruder, went uncommented :)
@GraceNote Thank you.
@ewwhite wouldn't worry about it myself
@GraceNote Apologies, however.
@Chopper3 That's because this is the SF room where tolerance is a lot higher.
@Chopper3 I assume your culture is a lot different so I'm not going to tackle the flag habits of in here.
whats' the bridge anyway?
@Chopper3 gaming.se chat
@Chopper3 gaming.se chat room.
@Chopper3 Gaming.SE's main chat room.
I mentioned it in The Bridge (the Gaming chat room), because they actually have the second highest curse instance of the entire chat network, second only to this very room.
Bunch-o-kids beatin it
I wish we had gotten the mod pile when that Evan Carroll guy was making the rounds earlier this week.
@ShaneMadden he got a 1yr ban from SF. I'm happy with how it went
@GraceNote yeah, you're right about SF, though I for one always watch my language, the images I post and my subject matter - I'm very sensitive
@MDMarra Yeah I saw that a couple days back
Plus, he deliberately didnt say anything offensive.
He just trolled long and hard
(that's what she said)
@MDMarra And chat. Although chat is a few days instead of a year.
@ShaneMadden believe me, I wanted to.
I guess it's because there are a lot of people that give support around here
But the fact is, on Gaming, people don't bat as much of an eye if anyone other than GnomeSlice curses. So I actually pointed out Adrian's comment because I was focusing on that. It was only until someone told me that it was because someone in SF dared him to do it that I came in here.
@GraceNote do you have a curse-o-meter? if so do you have a language-of-sexual-violence-meter too?
@Chopper3 I just did searches for the number of instances of the F-word, and grouped it by room. You guys account for a ton, while Gaming accounts for more than everywhere else than here and the Bridge combined.
@GraceNote well fuck me. never would have guess that
Well fuck
Did you check for all derivitives of the F word as well?
What the fuck is going on ?
Ah Fuck.
@GraceNote they also memestorm as much as we do but it's only gnomeslice and one other guy whose name I can't recall who seem to get flagged to oblivion for it
@MDMarra Chat search includes things like conjugation.
like fucking :p ?
@GraceNote I was envisioning a curse-o-meter on the wall of monitors in SE headquarters. I am disappointed.
@LucasKauffman Yes, like so.
@GraceNote (also, please - dear god - don't encourage them! We really do have the collective maturity of a 12-year old in here...)
how about shitting ?
@GraceNote what about the N-word, the C-word and the S-word? what about the word 'pony'?
because it might not be meant offensive
like brb guys Im taking a shit
oooo ponies!
I guarantee that our pony ratio is higher than anyone. I'll bet my box of sparkles on it.
@Chopper3 You guys talk about ponies more than the Bridge.
forking hell...I'm gonna leave you kids to it - there's a Minecraft forest that needs torching.
btw I now call me son my 'BeerPony' - I even make him gallop to the beer-fridge
Damn, that was Fucking 15 stars in 10 second, more than Ponies or boobs
The combination between you and the Bridge is greater than all other instances on this chat network.
@GraceNote we talk about ponies more than is probably healthy…
@voretaq7 i.e. at all?
@Holocryptic mmm...sexy
@voretaq7 If badp were here, he'd probably say something like "At least you guys don't have a bunch of people with pony gravatars"
@voretaq7, please pin this
@GraceNote Are you running seperate searches on chat.stackoverflow, and chat.meta.stackoverflow? I didn't think you could search everything at once.
@Zoredache I'm specifically looking at the chat.stackexchange chat network.
@GraceNote U play league ?
We do have @RobMoir - he's got a ponytar.
@LucasKauffman League of Legends? Yes, I do.
League of anything else? Not so much.
@GraceNote :o
what servers ?
EU or US ?
@GraceNote do you find any one chat room is more racist, sexist, homophobic etc?

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