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I wonder where bolbteppa is
@obe can you track him down pls
@obe wtf
How is that possible
@SirCumference help
are you good at excel
@0celo7 i guess
I'm not doing your hw
I need to make a table for data that already exists
how do I put the data into a table without having to put it in by hand
screenshot it first
screenshot what and why
so i can see what you're talking about
@0celo7 the excel document
sigh, i did this in 10th grade
hold on
We didn't have computers at my high school
how'd you learn how to program?
@0celo7 You mean a bordered table?
@SirCumference I do not know how to program
@SirCumference yeah
and bold around the titles for the columns
@0celo7 ok, first go here
in the red circle
never mind, I figured it out
thanks tho
The next question is how to past a table into word in landscape
@0celo7 Ok, select over the cells and copy them
Then paste them in the word doc
No, landscape
I've done a bajillion labs before
I know how to do this
But not in landscape
Uh, you mean word's landscape layout?
Should I make a new doc in landscape?
Then just put that page in the middle of this one when I print?
@0celo7 Wait, by "landscape", do you mean the landscape page layout in Word?
idk what that means
My table it too long to fit on one page
it runs off the edge
So I want to put it vertically
which is landscape
Ah, I understand
Go to File > Page Setup
@SirCumference woof
oh god that changed all of the pages in the document
@0celo7 Can't you print one of the pages separately?
I asked if that's what I should do
I can do that, yes
But I was wondering if there's a way to change the orientation of only one page in the document
Not that I know of, sorry
hey guys, anybody know what those deformable plastics are called?
Testing the notation $\bigvee\mathscr A$
testing the notation $\vee\mathscr A$
@obe So true, it all makes sense now
I am an infinite being
@Slereah what is transfinite induction?
induction for v. big ordinals
" This principle states that if A is a class of ordinal numbers with the property that every ordinal number included in A also belongs to A, then every ordinal number is in A. "
IIRC it's the ZFC theorem that induction on N is based on
I've heard of people proving the monotone class lemma using transfinite induction.
the somehow transfinitely construct a sigma algebra inductively
sounds nuts
This is so cringy
Oh, speaking of which, @Slereah quick question
If $a = 0$ then the observable universe is infinitely large, right?
Whoever made this should be required to take statistical mechanics until he passes the course
If $a = 0$ your metric isn't a metric
@Skyler It's spread like wildfire on the internet. Apparently a bunch of crackpots think they've "beaten the atheists"
@Slereah I'm stupid
Atheists are pretty cringy, yeah
Okay, which one of you smart alecs liked starred that >_>
@Slereah Anyway, as $a$ gets smaller the comoving distance to the cosmic event horizon increases, right?
@SirCumference Ugh, my internet disconnected so I couldn't delete this...
someone else starred it
It's plotting with you guys
not my alt account I promise
@0celo7 Pissed off layman? >_>
I'm not telling you
I'm not a layman
that much I can way
@0celo7 Pissed off geometer?
I'm an analyst
but no, you'd never guess what my alt account is
And geometer, I guess?
@0celo7 Have I spoken to it?
@0celo7 ಠ_ಠ
Maybe you're trolling me
And you don't have any alt
If you say so
I'm not allowed to troll anymore
rob would have my nuts if i did
even though I'm a girl
but you get the idea
But you're allowed to use an alt?
@0celo7 what
are you confused?
i dunno
quit messing with my head!
word crashed
last 20 minutes of my life erased
@0celo7 ouch
fucking AC is going nuts
@Slereah Where'd you get that?
I don't see it on xkcd
It is a parody
@JohnRennie: Morning :-)
Morning :-)
@Kaumudi.H @JohnRennie Howdy :)
@SirCumference Yello :-)
It's cold and dark in the UK right now, and I don't have any more new laptops to play with. Life is hard sometimes.
@JohnRennie :-( It might comfort you to acknowledge that you don't have any more exams to write--I have to write one in about 30 minutes. Fml.
Wow. A practice exam or a real one?
Aha. Well good luck. You've certainly been putting in the work for it.
But I haven't finished revising :'-(
...should probably stop talking and try to finish as much possible :-P
I think you should be relaxing right now.
Talk about food or (shudder) folk music :-)
Lol, no, I really do have much revision to do. Besides, I'm writing this exam at home and it's not scheduled or anything. I can write it at any time. It's just that my mom needs me to write it in half an hour and I haven't finished aaah!!!
Yesterday's lunch :-)
I'm very curious about those items because I dunno about any of them but if I don't revise now, I'm gonna die.
I'll ask you after the test, sigh.
OK see you in a few hours ...
Balls, I have a server down this morning. Looks like a power supply problem - probably a faulty UPS.
Theorists of the site take note: asking about real life is not off topic.
@JohnRennie How dare you?! This is a chatroom for physics, not random fried foods.
Get your vulgar opinions about what should and shouldn't be fried out of here and let's stick to real physics, ok?
It was a junk food special :-)
That plate looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. How could you come here and advertise it like that? Do you realize that many of our users are stressed out and short-on-time students who might be tempted to adopt your horrible diet?
I, for one, wish that such topics weren't discussed here.
I haven't reviewed last night's log yet, but I gather there was some controversy about what is on topic here.
@JohnRennie You could say that ;-)
I should read the log before commenting, but if sex and politics are ruled off-topic that wouldn't have me crying into my breakfast cereal.
On a related note: eating in front of the keyboard? Tut tut.
@JohnRennie Ho boy, I'm going to get banned for this...
Recently, a collaborator of mine, the best I've worked with, has been pushed around in his career choices due to the changes in U.S. immigration policy.
Quite right actually. I do replace keyboards regularly as a result of gunk build up. But what the hell, keyboards are cheap and I like eating at the keyboard :-)
This affects my work very directly and I would like to discuss it. However, I'm not allowed to do so in hbar and I find that problematic.
@JohnRennie Fair enough. I never touch a keyboard without washing my hands first. I'm a little obsessive.
But because of that my three year old laptop looks almost new ;-)
Given how much I spend on laptops, most of which I subsequently give away, it seems silly not to buy myself new keyboards regularly.
@JohnRennie Fair enough.
I find it shortsighted(?) to ban an entire topic out of fear that it could cause degenerate chat. It would seem more reasonable to spend some time observing what topics actually lead to bad behavior and then describe those topics and the concerns about how they can cause problems in a clear meta post.
Spend a couple weeks aggressively moderating against poor behavior, and see what happens. If everything is still a mess, fine, ban "politics", but if it's possible to maintain discussion on some issues like "how to keep working with your Iranian collaborator", then we should do what we can to allow that.
Sex is an obvious no no given we have minors in the chat room. Politics is a harder decision given how important it is and how much it impacts science.
@JohnRennie Wait a sec... minors can't talk about sex?
Is this puritan-bar or h-bar?
@DanielSank I was debating with ACM on the same issue about 10 hours back. He seems reluctant. See his reply: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/35238051#35238051
10 hours ago, by ACuriousMind
@anonymous You're free to complain on meta or to the SE staff. But several users (the author of the pinned message, the ones who starred it, and Emilio by reposting it) have expressed a desire for this room to be free from politics and by pinning the message the moderators and room owners have decided that this is a reasonable request to make in times like these where political discussions have a tendency to blow up (and have done so, repeatedly, across the SE network, both in chat and on metas).
Conversations between grown men and 14 year old girls that relate to sex leave me very uneasy and I'd prefer they didn't happen here.
You know, it might be my American culture showing through here, but I guess I'm inclined to say "innocent until proven guilty" w.r.t. what we can discuss. We Americans have a strong love of free and open speech/press/etc.
We get very easily worried by censorship.
@JohnRennie Again, that's a subset of "sex", no?
Whoever starred my comment I'm going to cancel the star - sorry. I don't want that on the star board.
Woah, magic powers.
Thanks :-)
Oh, you didn't cancel it?
No I assume the original starer did
Good grief that's awful grammar :-)
Oh, John, this evening I ate two things that would interest you:
If that was you, Anonymous, thanks :-)
1) Bacon wrapped around dates stuffed with cheese.
I had starred it (and then removed it) and is something I agree with. @JohnRennie Welcome :)
2) Some seriously amazing brisket.
(1) Oooh
(2) Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohh!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
I guess "sex" is such a broad topic that I have trouble understanding how a blanket ban makes sense. Whatever.
@JohnRennie Yes. Quite right.
Well cooked brisket is a joy
My friend has a smoker and a love of meats.
It has such a wonderful flavour
It's often the meats that need serious cooking that have the best flavours. Have you ever eaten mutton i.e. mutton as opposed to lamb?
Here's a question: can I ask other users questions about the political system in their countries?
Can I ask about how funding for science works in the U.K.?
@ACuriousMind @rob @DavidZ @dmckee
Have the mods considered the incredibly far reach of "politics" and how it could affect the chat?
Probing for exactly where a line can be dawn is a well know rhetorical tactic and not really worthy of you. I'm not comfortable with a ban on politics, but I don't think poking the moderators helps.
Politicsis such a part of life that it clearly can't be banned outright without stifling the room.
@JohnRennie I fail to see how that question is not "worthy" of me or a useful discussion and I'm irked that you'd say that.
Why not ban "discussions about US immigration law"?
But at the same time there are limits. We have to try and be sensible about where to place those limits.
How about even "US politics"?
@JohnRennie Yes and I think the current rule implied by the star board is so vague and overreaching that it's not worthy of this room or its users.
The rule is basically not to offend other chat room members, and banning politics is an attempt to regulate that
Like any rule it can't help but be rather ill targetted
@JohnRennie Ok, you're doing something that happens here often and it's a real problem. You have a notion of what the rule means. You accept it because in your mind, there are shades of meaning and unwritten details that you find acceptable.
This is not an acceptable way to write policy for an online community.
That's the way life is
Blasted human beings!
Why can't they be more consistent?
@JohnRennie That's a common rhetorical tactic and not worthy of you.
I wouldn't say it was a rhetorical tactic. I freely admit I am an arch-compromiser but I'm not sure that's a bad thing to be.
@JohnRennie It is a tactic. You see that you lost ground in the debate and fell back to "life's not fair".
I think compromise is something of a British institution and I think it generally works pretty well for us.
Total bollocks and you know it
Now you have me grinning :-)
@JohnRennie Oh give me a fucking break. I'm arguing in favor of a compromise! I'm suggesting banning the stuff that's problematic and leaving the rest alone.
@DanielSank I don't think anything can happen unless you convince the mods. Better write a Meta SE post asking for clarification. Yesterday Kyle simply mentioning the US immigration law led his message to be trashed.
@anonymous Yes, indeed the meta is the right field. I am enjoying sharpening the axe with John though.
It's nice to hash out some ideas with smart people ahead of time.
@DanielSank and I agree. I'm not sure why you seem to be shouting at me. I don't think we differ (much).
@JohnRennie I'm "shouting" because you started to drop some kind of moral superiority about the British liking compromise instead of actually debating the points at hand.
I didn't intend to come over as morally superior. I genuinely think a spirit of compromise is a good thing.
@BernardoMeurer please read the discussion above before posting that meta post we were working on.
@JohnRennie That's so obviously true that I can't help thinking that you see me and my countrymen as six year olds.
Please do correct me.
I see you as impassioned (right now).
that makes me a little uneasy because I associate passion in politics with idealogues.
@JohnRennie Oh, er, for what it's worth I'm sitting on my couch enjoying a rainstorm and an online Russian lesson.
NB I'm not accusing you of being an idelaogue.
@JohnRennie Uh, if anything I'm passionate about open conversation and not banning huge swaths of conversation-space because a tiny part of it is problematic.
But the people who scream their views at me from the TV are generally people I don't rate highly.
@JohnRennie So, ok, I'm puzzled. You think I'm shouting because of the f-word, or what?
I think life is nuanced and there aren't clear and easy solutions to any problems.
@JohnRennie That is a most useless comment, sir.
So I absolutely agree with you that the clear and easy solution of banning political discussion here is wrong.
Just like the clear and easy solution of banning immigration based on nationality
@Kaumudi.H Uh, one of those is french fries
@JohnRennie I'd star that because it's hilarious and clever, but I'd hate for you to get banned for talking about politics.
@SirCumference SACRILEGE!!!! They are CHIPS not FRENCH FRIES!!!
@DanielSank :-)
Now who's the shouting ideologue?
@JohnRennie So then what are these ?
@SirCumference Crisps
@JohnRennie do I get UK citizenship yet?
Potato chips in my book
@DanielSank absolutely :-)
@SirCumference just one of the many differences between UK and US dialects (that probably isn't the correct linguistic term)
My instinct is to give it 24 hours to let things cool then revisit the discussion.
@SirCumference When a Brit tells you that their word usage is more authoritative than yours because they invented the language, counter that while they are right to say they invented the language, your word choice is more correct because Americans invented the object being described by the word.
Americans have invented a lot of stuff, so some times, as a bonus, the talking point is even true.
Anyway, back to work. I have to see what I can do about my dead server - though fixing a broken UPS remotely is beyond even my powers.
@DanielSank Woah
@JohnRennie Mail it to me. I'll fix it.
There is no right and wrong in dialects. I love both the US and American dialects and would only ever comment on them if I'm attempting to tease.
Nine times out of ten it's some dumb problem with the battery.
@JohnRennie I hope it's clear that we're pretty deep into Teaslandia.
Probably - but it's 200 miles away and our engineers are still in bed ...
@DanielSank Well, most Americans aren't native to the land and mostly immigrants from all over the world of first,second, third or fourth generation. Only about 1.7 percent of the whole population consists of natives. So that's not a very good argument in my opinion :).
@JohnRennie To be fair, "French fries" don't even come from France, so....
@SirCumference Ow! I didn't know that :D
Good fact.
@JohnR: Halp! (No, I haven't started writing yet :-P)
@anonymous At least, they probably didn't come from France. British soldiers who thought they were in France discovered them, but they might've been in Belgium
@Kaumudi.H What's up?
@JohnRennie It's not an urgent question but it's certainly pressing. Dyou like revising for exams in the few weeks/days leading up to them?
I think you should revuise your socks off in the month before an exam then rest on the day before.
The key thing with an exam is to go in feeling relaxed and confident.
No, no, I'm not asking what one needs to do--of course that is important.
Last minute revision rarely helps with this.
I'm asking if u like going over things you've learned over and over again, if u like that process.
@Kaumudi.H I have to revise the whole syllabus a week before exams or I forget everything :P I rest on the last 1 or 2 days.
Lol, that edit x'D
It can be nice to discover that you understand things better than you thought.
Surely there have been moments in the last few weeks when you've suddenly realised you do really understand something, and that's a great feeling.
@anonymous I have tried and failed to understand how that comment is related to anything said previously in the chat log.
@JohnRennie ...alright, I don't think u know what I mean.
I think I've witnessed a few of those occasions.
@Kaumudi.H I have my mock tests coming up in 2 weeks. I am revising the whole syllabus from my notes now :'D.
What has being "native" to do with anything?
If you're a citizen you're a citizen.
@JohnRennie What I'm doing right now and what I will be doing for many more weeks, for certain is not revision.
I've always wondered why u refer to it as "revision".
Revision is going over what you've already studied before, yes?
@Kaumudi.H You didn't study the chapters before ?
@Kaumudi.H Yes.
Surely there are more constructive ways to spend your time than discussing the metaphilosophy of revision? By, eg, actually revising/reading?
@BalarkaSen I have a point and I'm leading up to it.
I was under the impression you had done this stuff at school and were going back over it. Is it all new to you?
You did say:
2 hours ago, by Kaumudi. H
But I haven't finished revising :'-(
@JohnRennie Well, that was for today's test!
To go through what I have learned in the past few months, not everything!
Aha. I've been labouring under a misapprehension.
@JohnRennie I had done some of this at school but most of it is completely new stuff.
@obe I'm reading from this guy's Wikipedia page
Wow, in that case I take my hat off to you - you've been doing amazingly well.
So no, I have been studying, not revising all along.
> Chopra has likened the universe to a "reality sandwich" which has three layers: the "material" world, a "quantum" zone of matter and energy, and a "virtual" zone outside of time and space, which is the domain of God, and from which God can direct the other layers.
@JohnRennie :-) Thanks so much--most of it is you when you're teaching me. It's fairly easy to grasp when u're able to break it down for me this well.
Eg: Mechanics. I had done close to nothing in school.
@Kaumudi.H My high school didn't teach us anything past kinematics :/
Anyway, as a general rule I don't like revising because I'd sooner spend my time learning exciting new stuff. But revising does have its moments when you realise you really do understand something.
If u know the syllabus of the CBSE, u'd call me out and say I'm lying because you see, we do have Mechanics but as to why I didn't do it at school, that's another story entirely.
So back to why I brought up revision...
OK ...?
I. Hate. Revision.
In school, I have lost close to 4-5 marks just because I didn't want to revise those bits on the day before.
(Not in my finals :-P)
And I have no clue what to do about this.

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