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That way, they could marry and not go to the army.
However, when the emperor found out, he was furious.
@SonicTheHedgehog believed
He ordered St.Valentine to be hanged, the next day.
@SonicTheHedgehog to make
@SonicTheHedgehog emperor
on his last day of his life, he sat down, and began writing a letter.
@SonicTheHedgehog St. Valentine
He wrote the letter to the little girl who had helped him on his plan.
@Mahnax OK. ABC.
@JasperLoy Better.
It was about how he was thankful that the girl was helping out, and all that stuff.
@SonicTheHedgehog had helped
And that's how the tradition started.
@SonicTheHedgehog was
@SonicTheHedgehog that's, the, tradition
He died on the 14th of Feburary.
@sonic How is your test?
to this day, we celebrate the all the good things he have done, and February officially became the month of love.
@SonicTheHedgehog ordered
@Vitaly kicked out Dredge and Predator in favor of two Captors, almost lost, because the enemy commander has Weaken, so the Vigils were eating the Captors alive. I only won because BoD was played last.
The End.
@Jasper well.
@SonicTheHedgehog Nice story!
@SonicTheHedgehog So you got into the school of your choice?
@Jasper school.
@Jasper well...
I don't know until April.
Mid-April, I believe.
@SonicTheHedgehog Now you are also correcting my spelling, very good.
@RegDwightѬſ道 oh, Captors are supposed to Mimic Vigils and be rallied by a Rally 1 commander
Then I get letter, telling me whether I was rejected or not.
@Jasper Thanks.
and they lose to a first-played Hierophant because there's no Rally to Mimic
@Vitaly @Reg come on, how was my story?
Well I didn't want to change my entire deck.
@SonicTheHedgehog Good.
In fact I didn't want to change anything.
Of course it's possible to come up with the perfect counter if there's only one enemy to counter.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I just made a new one, with 4 Captors and Duncan. Lost to first-played Hierophant 2 times. Otherwise, a piece of cake.
@mahnax Work soon?
@JasperLoy Nope!
@SonicTheHedgehog There was a story?
Don't worry, if it's in the transcript, I will read it eventually.
@sonic What do you think of my avatar?
@RegDwightѬſ道 That could be 9000 years later.
Sure. In fact it could be <puts on sunglasses> OVER 9000 years later. But it won't be.
Owls live over 9000 years and wear sunglasses. ABC.
@Jasper it needs more blue.
Don't ask.
@SonicTheHedgehog Thank you.
Anyhow folks, I'm out for today.
@sonic The colour is called steel blue, my favourite.
@MetaEd I know that one.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Night.
@Vitaly Goodnight!
Oh dear.
@JasperLoy What?
@Mahnax I said goodnight to the wrong person. It happens.
@JasperLoy Teehee.
When someone says bye you don't know whether he is leaving or saying bye to someone leaving.
Cease please.
Cereal? Sure!
hands him a bowl of cereal
@Vitaly Hey, what was this about?
You know I just approved this funny edit.
At first I thought he removed "thanks" but later I realized he added "thanks" just to make the edit more than six characters for submission!
@Cerberus lotta people leave their CPanel passwords in the open
Have to come back because someone actually managed to post a dupe of two questions.
Q: Is it a good idea to begin a sentence with a number or a variable name?

MohsenIs it acceptable to have the following sentences in formal writing? 2.5 years have already been completed. or n shows the number of something.

Ah OK, I didn't know that thing was a password. Silly.
@Cerberus look for UserName and PassWord in the search results
@RegDwightѬſ道 No need to, you are too hardworking.
Q: Why do English writers avoid explicit numerals?

Pavel Radzivilovsky The junction has a stop sign on each of the four entrances. The junction has a stop sign on each of the 4 entrances. The first is preferred, for some reason, by many English texts. Why? I haven't seen this phenomenon in other languages.

@Vitaly Yeah I understand now.
Just because.
Q: Capitalising a sentence whose first word is explicitly lowercase

Hui Possible Duplicate: Capitalization of names that begin lowercased, at the beginning of a sentence Let's say that you have a word that should be typed with leading lowercase letter. Perhaps it's a computer command. Perhaps it's an Internet nickname. I can't find any more serious example...

@RegDwightѬſ道 Typing the answer took two minutes; looking it up would cost me at least ten!
Q: Should I change the structure of a sentence/add filler words to make sure that the sentence always starts with a capital letter?

JobHere is a quote from a book on C++ ("for", "while" and "do" are keywords in many languages, and in most languages they have to be in lower case. The C++ language is one of those.): Simply put, algorithm names suggest what they do. "for", "while", and "do" don't. One cannot write "For" inste...

@Cerberus which is why I looked it up for you.
The point is, it would take you zero minutes not to type the answer.
So that argument cuts both ways.
But typing answers is fun! And the OP likes it when we do!
All the OP cares about is getting an answer.
If the answer already exists, all the better.
Why did I get two youtube messages in my spam?
@Cerberus What about voice recognition software? You speak and it types for you.
@RegDwightѬſ道 No, he definitely likes it better if it is tailored specially to his question, both for the attention, and for containing only information that is relevant for him.
@JasperLoy Eh, sure!
@Cerberus What's your point, again? You got your answer in, so chill.
Every time I try to save us work, you are all up in arms for no reason that I can see.
And anyhow, I am not here anyway.
I'm in bed and sleeping.
I have no point! I was just replying to your thingie.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Who's not here?
I just woke up!
@Cerberus Good morning!
Trying to gain ground on the sleep cycle thing.
@Mahnax Thanks!!
Quick, drink something.
But it's morning!
@Cerberus Anytime.
You are too sober for 2 in the morning.
Tell me about it.
I will. In my sleep.
But what's a dog to do?
The dog's to do seven.
@RegDwightѬſ道 How fascinating.
Are you going to record your sleep-talking live for us?
Yeah, those fasci are like that.
Will your sleep-talk include your password?
Will you start making sense?
@Cerberus *fascae's
I know it's fuse-ya.
@JasperLoy Well yes, that's where fascist comes from.
But in Dutch it is fook-si-ah.
The flower.
Fascio, plural -sci is an Italian word literally meaning "a bundle" or "a sheaf", and figuratively league, and which was used in the late 19th century to refer to political groups of many different (and sometimes opposing) orientations. A number of nationalist fasci later evolved into the 20th century movement known as fascism. During the 19th century, the bundle of rods, in Latin called fasces and in Italian fascio, came to symbolize strength through unity, the point being that whilst each independent rod was fragile, as a bundle they were strong. By extension, the word fascio came in...
So as you can see I was using the correct Italian plural.
It's not Latin! Ahhh!
Unlike you, talking in a dead language, pfft.
shields off eyes
Latin is alive! It is spoken!
And yeah, of course it's fuxia, cause it's named after a guy whose name was Fuchs.
People saying fyusha are like I dunno.
Fuchsia (, ) is a vivid reddish or pinkish purple color named after the flower of the fuchsia plant, itself named after the German scientist Leonhart Fuchs. Fuchsia is a synonym for magenta. There is also a somewhat redder and slightly less saturated hue termed fashion fuchsia (see below) that is used in women's fashion (it is also called Hollywood cerise). The first recorded use of fuchsia as a color name in English was in 1892. The color fuchsia There are a number of colors in the fuchsia/magenta range. Some of them are indicated below and color bands displaying the various shade...
Leonhart Fuchs (17 January 1501 – 10 May 1566), sometimes spelled Leonhard Fuchs,See for example : and : was a German physician and one of the three founding fathers of botany, along with Otto Brunfels and Hieronymus Bock (also called Hieronymus Tragus). Biography Fuchs was born in Wemding in the Duchy of Bavaria. After visiting a school in Heilbronn, Fuchs went to the Marienschule in Erfurt, Thuringia at the age of twelve, and graduated as Baccalaureus artium. In 1524 he became Magister Artium in Ingolstadt, and was received doctor of medicine in the same year. From 1524-1526 h...
Gee, you're right.
Funny. Makes sense.
For I don't think chs exists in Greek.
Yeah those Medieval scientists were like that. Making sense day in, day out.
But enough talking in my sleep.
Why did I not know this?
CU tomorrow.
Yeah, sleep well!
@Cerberus Because you do not read questions on our site.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Guilty.
I like talking, not listening.
A: Descriptivism and widespread misspelling

RegDwight Ѭſ道Personally, I feel that am not in a position to decide such things, so I gladly leave the decision to people whose whole job it is to make such decisions. When a respected authority known for its descriptivism (say, Merriam-Webster) starts listing "fuschia" as a legitimate alternative spelling, I...

Again, it's all right here.
Every question you can possibly think of has been answered on this site already.
Which is why I am so keen on closing dupes.
Don't you ever feel like just letting go?
I feel that constantly, as you know.
Careful what you wish for.
I didn't say it was a wish.
I was just wondering whether you were completely immune to these feelings.
The day I feel like letting go, I let go.
I am exceptionally excellent in letting go.
Really? Like a piraña?
I have helped jump-start Reddit, Wikipedia, and a couple Wiktionaries. Those people haven't seen me in years.
Once I move on, I move on for good.
So is it more like all-or-nothing?
@RegDwightѬſ道 I just discovered Reddit.
You don't just stay at a reduced ehm presence?
@Cerberus It's more like whatever-doesn't-bore-me-to-death. Du jour.
@Cerberus I always try. It never works.
And boredom sets in in an instant, never to dissolve?
I can't have a reduced presence on every site ever. Nobody has that much time.
No, but on a few?
But every site wants to be one of the few.
Like a nest of owl's young?
Owl youngs?
So which Wiki were you with from the beginning? DE?
I used to be quite active on NL.
Even checking blocks of anonymous edits and such.
Mar 7 '11 at 21:56, by RegDwight
Anyhow, just checking the master list of my contributions, I see af, arz, be, bg, cv, de, el, en, es, fr, gu, he, hu, hy, id, io, is, it, ja, ko, lt, ml, nah, nl, no, pl, ro, ru, simple, sl, sr, tet, tr, uk, vi, zh, zh-min-nan, commons and meta.
Again, every question you can think of has been answered already. :P
I'm also wondering whether Wiki will ever implement some kind of "approved version".
@RegDwightѬſ道 Yeah, but I meant the ones where you have seriously contributed lost of articles.
@Cerberus the German and the English ones have had it for years now.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Really??
Is there a button I missed?
Actually it should be "peer reviewed" by several people to get "approved" status.
Om de kwaliteit van artikelen op de Nederlandse Wikipedia doorlopend te verzekeren wordt ernaar gestreefd dat alle artikelen uiteindelijk een nagelopen versie hebben. Hoewel alle versies van een artikel op te vragen zijn, ziet de lezer normaal gesproken de laatste nagelopen versie. Dit voorkomt dat meteen zichtbaar wordt. De lezer moet er echter rekening mee houden dat ook voor een nagelopen versie geldt dat Wikipedia geen garantie biedt dat de gegeven informatie juist is. De status van een artikel kan in de rechterbovenhoek worden aangegeven met de volgende symbolen: : Geeft aan dat he...
@RegDwightѬſ道 Interesting...but I don't see any of those icons!
I have no idea how far NL is. I don't see any hints in article histories, for example.
I don't see any on English Wiki either?
I've tried it logged in and logged out.
I don't remember ever seeing those icons.
Could it be Noscript?
I don't see it in IE either.
@Cerberus nah, the icons are in the articles proper.
I am talking about revision history.
No icons there, but written notes.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I checked the article proper too: no icons.
@RegDwightѬſ道 And gesichted means it is an approved version?
Well the icon only appears if the current version is not safe, IIRC.
"Automatisch", even?
Otherwise it would just confuse everyone.
@Cerberus Well that's a bot.
Don't you guys ever sleep?
So what does "gesichted" entail, then?
To gain bot status you have to jump through all kinds of hoops, so once it's up and running it's assumed to be safe.
But what does it mean?
@Cerberus right now not much. I think right now it's just one wikipedian in good standing reviewing the edit and saying that it's fine.
For real quality assurance, you've got Good Articles and Excellent Articles.
Or whatever they are called.
Well, that is something; but it is hardly the same thing, and edits have been checked by experienced users since forever.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I'm trying, but this other guy right here is a cheater. He's had his share of sleep and prevents me from having mine.
@RegDwightѬſ道 The point is rather that someones one might like to just browse the encyclopaedia and just view pages that have actually gone through some process that ensures they do not contain (m)any mistakes and are generally of good quality. They don't need to be extensive or contain pictures, as the featured articles. I bet there are different criteria for those.
hey, the Russian Wiki has that инкубатор thing. does the English Wiki have something similar, but specifically tailored for pineapples? so that a pineapple could translate something into English and then get it reviewed by native speakers before it's posted into the main article space
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Trying to move my sleep cycle forward to synch with normal people.
@Vitaly you can always just create an article in your personal folder and then invite people to review it.
@Cerberus What you need is a time machine
People do that a lot.
meh, that's still a workaround.
If you will build me one, I will happily take place in the cabin.
They create articles in User:Cerberus/Latin_Wasn't_Even_A_Language and then post it for review.
you would think a Wiki as large as the English Wiki would have a streamlined process
Who knows. they might.
@Cerberus If you read HP:MoR you'd get the joke
It seemed pretty clear?
I didn't even know about the Russian thing until you mentioned it a minute ago.
Since you're never going to read it, I'll spoil it if you want
But now I'm out. Seriously.
@RegDwightѬſ道 No freehand lines.
Night all!
Haha. And for your information, the Russian Wiki, too, has approved articles. They are called отпатрулированные. :PPP
@RegDwightѬſ道 By the way, I don't see anything like gesichted on EN.
@Vitaly that is one hideous term.
What does it mean, you little prescriptivist?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 There was a user called time machine.
This proposal is for the introduction of a system whereby users who are not logged in may be presented with a different version of an article than users who are. Articles are validated that they are presentable and free from . The approved versions are known as Sighted versions. All logged-in users will continue to see and edit the most recent version of a page. Users who are not logged in will initially see the most recent sighted version, if there is one. If no version is sighted, they see the most recent one, as happens now. Users looking at a sighted version can still choose to v...
> This is a failed proposal. Consensus in its favor was not established within a reasonable period of time. If you want to revive discussion, please use the talk page or initiate a thread at the village pump.
So looks like the Germans implemented it, but on en: it failed.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I am SO surprised that the Germans implemented this.
They just love having their things organized and secured!
Wow, really.
Excellent. No more of that “fanfiction” in the URL. Makes trapping unwary labradoodles even easier. Like this:
@Cerberus hpmor.com/chapter/1 :P
> * Trigger warnings page (warnings about possible traumatic associations for some readers; to avoid spoilers for most readers, there are no warnings inside the main story);
Huh, what?
> But please keep in mind that, beyond the realm of science, the views of the characters may not be those of the author. Not everything the protagonist does is a lesson in wisdom, and advice offered by darker characters may be untrustworthy or dangerously double-edged.
@Vitaly Probably a warning in case a reader has had a particularly traumatic deconversion from irrational thinking to rational thinking, like what H did to D at one point.
@Vitaly 's On your page.
@Vitaly What does it mean, a mirror?
In computing, a mirror is an exact copy of a data set. On the Internet, a mirror site is an exact copy of another Internet site. Mirror sites are most commonly used to provide multiple sources of the same information, and are of particular value as a way of providing reliable access to large downloads. Mirroring is a type of file synchronization. A live mirror is automatically updated as soon as the original is changed. Reasons Mirroring of sites occurs for a variety of reasons. * To preserve a website or page, especially when it is closed or is about to be closed. * To allow faster ...
I was hoping there had been an update.
<--drinks Dutch beer
Which beer?
from Enschede
it's good
Grolsch is pretty-boy beer. Give me Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA any day.
Grolsch is good.
My family is originally from that region.
> He says that in multi-national meetings, Anglo-Saxons stand out as strange because they cling to their original language instead of using the elementary English adopted by colleagues from other countries. Their florid phraseology and grammatical complexities are often incomprehensible, said Nerriere, who added: "One thing you never do in Globish is tell a joke."
Seemed like a good opportunity to post a picture of the little cottage we still have there.
@Vitaly What kinds of meetings are those?
@Vitaly I know. I post it whenever I can.
It's on my Facebook so it's always within easy reach.
@Cerberus business meetings, i presume. i googled how the english wikipedia deals with pineapples and went down a bunch of rabbit trails, as it happens
@Vitaly Well, I am very glad I will never, ever have to attend such horrible meetings.
Those non-native speakers should just learn a bit of English. Understanding jokes is much easier than making them, and you don't need to get it right every time to use language creatively.
yeah, well, i hope i am not speaking globish! so it's 7 AM—time for breakfast—gotta go to the room where you cook food. or was that the kitchen? AFK, anyway.
@Reg, @Vit, @Cer, @Vit: New war.
@Vitaly How very poetic! So do you actually consider your meals breakfast, lunch, etc. just because you eat them at conventional times, but disregarding their actual position in your daily rhythm? I never know what to call 'em. And, no, you're certainly not speaking Globish, or, rather, Simple English. Or Newspeak: that resembles it quite a bit.
@Robusto I will lose anyway.
@Cerberus Don't be a defeatist.
Easier said than done.
Well, I attacked destroying birds. I'm spent. We need more firepower. Do the math.
@Cerberus If you like a weak lager in a pretty bottle, it's just fine.
I just don't like sweet beers.
All of the darker beers I know are too sweet.
@Robusto Okay, I quit after three losses.
I really hate everything about it.
@Cerberus No problem.
It was different before Refresh.
I have just tallied up my Homeworld rares. It appears I spent 2220K gold on Homeworld packs alone. And yet, I use none of those cards. Sheesh.
That is a lot of money.
Ancient Fusion 4 gives 413 gold for 25 energy. At an almost 100% winrate.
Ugh, internet problems.
I was disconnected for about 1-15 minutes.
But it's working again.
Hello everyone!

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