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Indeed! Not my idea, but still cool!
Another amazing idea.
indeed! very clever :)
I want one, for all those times when my house starts shaking like a thing unfirm.
looks quite turbulent at sea!
@Mahnax does this happen a lot?
@MattЭллен Yes. Should I see a doctor?
@Mahnax probably a house doctor
@MattЭллен Haha.
@matt Happy birthday!
@JasperLoy thanks :) good to see you!
@JasperLoy Nice to see you again! And with the proper username, to boot!
Yeah I was just ranting...
I am a Belieber after all.
Never say never...
Oops I had to answer the prophecy question.
@Cerberus: acracy/acrasy, apostacy/apostasy, buscy/bussy, dancy/dansy, doncy/donsy, eustacy/eustasy, gaucy/gausy, idiosyncracy/idiosyncrasy, isostacy/isostasy, pancy/pansy, prophecy/prophesy, purcy/pursy, rouncy/rounsy, soncy/sonsy, synracy/syncrasy, theocracy/theocrasy, tincy/tinsy, unsoncy/unsonsy, ycy/ysy.
@Cerberus ace :D
These are all the pairs my 500K+ word list returns. Most of those are either obsolete spellings or totally different words.
@Vitaly Oh! Haha, you have been hard at work!
@Cerberus my regexes have been that :P
Even so!
And the reverse—is that what you searched for?
Are your definitions marked up better?
@cerb You were showing some photos just now eh?
Did you show them my favourite one?
@Vitaly I mean, this is what I would use on a GD title line, unless the title words and alternative spellings were marked in some uniform way.
@JasperLoy I don't know, just a couple of better and worse ones...
GD title line?
@Cerberus You remember my favourite one?
The line that holds the headword in the file of a dictionary in Golden Dictionary.
Eh? I dumped all my headwords (from the DSLs) into a single plain text file.
Oh. I suppose you could do that. It may be faster?
I don't know about faster, but at least it would work. GD doesn't support regexes.
@Cerberus they were a treat. thank you :)
Oh, you mean like a string that doesn't start with a space character. Then yes, dumping all headwords would be a lot faster.
Hmm, I will be watching Back to the Future soon.
Especially since it can be done with a simple Perl script.
Bye everyone!
cya @Mahnax :)
@Vitaly Yes, although you should count the dumping itself as part of the calculation too.
@Mahnax Terrible show.
@MattЭллен Your purple/pink wig was quite a treat as well.
Bye Bob!
@Cerberus lol
@Cerberus Robusto is Bob.
Not to me!
Bob is Bob.
@Vitaly Or a simple AHK script!
In case you forgot @cerb my favourite photo of you is the one in white t-shirt sitting at the table.
So the conclusion is that c/s pairs exist only for those words in which writers were unsure or unaware of whether the Greek word had t or s.
Where they were sure, c or s, respectively, was chosen quite consistently, at some point in time.
@matt You not sleeoing yet?
@JasperLoy not yet!
@Mahnax Never say never is the title of one of JB's songs and also his movie.
@JasperLoy Not true.
@Robusto Anyway I know about nicknames, but why does it seem common that Roberts are called Bobs and Johns Jacks???
@Vit: Which one should I spend stam on?
@Robusto I am not sure myself. Reg has switched to JK, apparently.
@JasperLoy Well, you don't know everything about nicknames, clearly, because you said my nickname was Bob.
@Robusto Well obviously your nickname is Robusto.
No, that's my screen name.
Or robocop, or robustout.
FFS, rainbow, rainbow, rainbow, rainbow … They have nothing but rainbows.
you upset about unicorns, @Vitaly?
@Vitaly Think of it as unicorn poop.
no, about the game; decks that have Atlas or Lucina as commander and have multifaction cards are called rainbows
@Vitaly THanks you just taught me ffs.
I thought FFS=Firefox Shit.
@JasperLoy You are quite welcome!
@Vitaly Yes. I call those unicorn poops.
Q: This isn't a duplicate

JimI asked a question recently about synonyms that appear to be antonyms, and whether there is a specific name for such word pairs. It was closed as a duplicate of a question asking why such words are not opposites. My question does not address the same issue at all; in fact it is based on the fact ...

But yeah, they can be vexing.
There is sth going on there between martha and FF.
I need to give both of them a Kit Kat.
no, FF is quite antagonistic
Still, they both need a KK now.
I, unlike Cerberus, do not always agree with him either
@Vit: 10 ahead of Joe Kings atm.
I don't need KK, I am a Belieber.
Yeah, I have just spent a bar, too. Won only half the games.
FF? Foot Fetish? Frederic Forrest? Franz Ferdinand?
@MattЭллен He "touchéd" me today and changed his down-vote into an up-vote, so apparently it's mutual!
@Cerberus heh that's nice for you :)
@Cerberus He touched you, where???
But I usually agree with his common-sensical approach, not necessarily with his snarkiness.
@JasperLoy An accent can make a world of difference.
It was about the notwithstanding/withal/therewith (or whatever it was) question.
Oh that FF. The "get off my lawn" FF.
@Cerberus One can also touch another's heart.
@Robusto Slow.
@JasperLoy That's very ... touching.
Still not with an accent.
FF only means two thing here. Firefox or fumblefingers.
@Cerberus Yeah, that's probably what rubs me up the wrong way. I disagree with some of his conclusions too, but more vehemently because of how he phrases them.
100 ahead.
@JasperLoy I know. Hence my elaborate avoidance of those in an effort to tell jokes to pineapples.
@MattЭллен As long as it's up!
Let me write it down: Tell no jokes to a pineapple; it wastes your time and it annoys the pineapple.
@Cerberus you wouldn't want a rub down?
@MattЭллен Cerb is capable of rubbing his own, I think.
@Robusto aye, I asked what he wants ;)
No more rubbing in chat!
no comment
Prepositions are important. Big difference between rub down, rub up, rub against, rub out, etc.
very true. didn't write something to that effect in an answer recently? Or a comment?
@Robusto Well, there was a time when I couldn't tell you Downton jokes, only a few months ago; but patience paid off.
Q: Where can i find the pronunciation of `Veronika`?

Aaron LewisTried a few sites of name pronunciations , i didn't find the one about Veronika , could anyone help ?

I'm tired of being a pronunciation monkey for pineapples.
@MattЭллен I suppose those are worth more!
@Cerberus That's only an illusion. If you wait long enough, patience goes unrewarded.
@Robusto Monkeys only eat bananas.
@JasperLoy They eat pineapples too.
@Robusto good comment.
@Robusto True, because we all die anyway.
@Robusto I'll take the short-term rewards, here and now.
Memento vivere!
@Cerberus well, perhaps you could get one for half price
How does a monkey cut a pineapple open?
memento is commonly misspelled as momento
@Cerberus Whoa, since when did you start going all "show me the money" on our asses?
I mean, it would depend on who you asked for one
Hello Dave!
@DavidWallace Not sure. By the way pineapple in this room also refers to a non-native speaker.
Really? Any particular etymology?
@DavidWallace I give up. How?
@Robusto I would have been more polite had I been a Robin Hood.
@Cerberus David=Dave. QED.
perhaps you know people who would rub you down for free
@DavidWallace non-native speaker = NNS=ananas=pineapple
@MattЭллен D'oh, walk into a bar...
@Cerberus :D
interesting bars you have
Sorry, @Robusto, I realised after I typed it that it sounded like the first half of a joke. It's actually a serious question; after you said that monkeys eat pineapples, I was having trouble picturing it.
Jun 18 '11 at 21:35, by Robusto
Non-native speakers => NNS => ennenness [sounds like] => ananas [funny French association] => pineapple
@Jasper - that's really clever.
@DavidWallace A figurative usage.
@DavidWallace See more detailed explanation above.
You're welcome.
@MattЭллен All bars work like that, especially if you stay till the end on a Saturday night. And, okay, if it's sleazy.
May 4 '11 at 12:44, by Robusto
In your case, the species is "Ananas comatosus"
@Cerberus they've never worked like that for me.
That's probably because you have some self-respect.
oh :D maybe so
But you could get whatever you wanted if you just let go of that.
Replace "self-respect" with "irrational taboos" if you like.
@Cerberus So confident?
I don't think I could get what I wanted
I'm partial to those taboos too, alas.
@MattЭллен Good thinking!
but anyway
Well, a rub-down anyway.
time for bed
My favourite pub closed down.
@JasperLoy It's not that hard, I see it all the time!
@Cerberus Rubdown Abbey?
Night Matt!
@MattЭллен Goodnight!
Night Cerb :)
Happy-birdthay dreams!
night @JasperLoy
thanks :)
Okay, spelling corrector turns that into happy-go-lucky, so I'm too lazy to fix it by hand.
@Robusto More like Rubdown Alley.
That's right. Light up a room and leave. I should have thought of that.
Apr 18 '11 at 20:56, by Robusto
So now that you've lowered expectations, what's your question?
That was all.
I bet you would have wanted to be the Turkish emissary, though.
Or whatever he was.
I mean, in the Abbey! Unthinkable.
@robusto You know, your talk of fine boobs that day made me dream of them that night.
Ah I know that one.
@JasperLoy Right, blame it on me.
That's a very odd video.
@DavidWallace You've never encountered They Might Be Giants until now?
I've lived a sheltered life.
Math will do that to you.
Only if you let it.
Next in our travelogue series.
Seriously, though — what the fuck is Miley Cyrus doing in the suggestions next to that song? And she's doing "Smells Like Teen Spirit"? Someone get me the smelling salts and a fainting couch.
Is nothing sacred profane?
@DavidWallace If you don't know TMBG, this is their best song:
I've never met anyone who didn't like it.
Oops now I've created expectations. Which are always too high. Such is life.
I just needed to obliterate Miley Cyrus. Sorry.
@Cerberus At least in the top five.
For me it's 1.
@Cerberus Quick, name four other TMBG songs. You have 15 seconds.
Time's up.
I know only P-man anyway.
Seriously, though, where the fuck does Miley Cyrus get off doing Nirvana covers? Makes me want to slap the taste right out of her mouth.
And you think this makes me click her?
@Cerberus Then while it's mathematically correct to say it's the TMBG song you like the best, the set of TMBG songs you know contains only one member.
Yes; so?
In fact I have listened to many other songs of theirs, but I forgot their titles, and I didn't like any of them nearly as much.
@Cerberus So broaden your horizons. And your musical repertoire.
Broaden my horizons? What if I should fall off the edge of the earth? shudders
No, the old ways are best.
Try this one.
Now you have two.
Okay that one's pretty good too.
I like the "Stop Rock Video" boards.
And "Say I'm the only b in your bunny? Bonnet? Body?": what is he singing?
BTW, people, I just voted to delete that "ignorance from apathy" question.
@Cerberus "Not the only bee in your bonnet."
Oh, is it closed already?
To "have a bee in one's bonnet" means to be excited about something.
Ahh yes.
I heard "bunny" before I really listened to the first part, then it stuck.
So "say I'm the only bee in your bonnet" means "only be excited about (i.e. in love with) me."
Yeah I got that.
I'm not sure you did.
Well, I did, as soon as I realized it was "bee in your bonnet", which you just told me.
But use your 20K powers and vote to delete that question too.
Joke question and joke answer. We don't need it. So don't be apathetic. Just get up off your dead butt and do it.
All right.
Forgot I have 20k now.
Good job. Now we just need one more.
I remember when I pushed Kosmo over 10k.
Yes, that honour was mine.
@Cerberus I don't think I was on the site then. I didn't show up until three months after ELU was open.
When did it open?
I think I joined in December.
But it was well after that.
Quiz, don't look it up: when was the yo-yo patented?
@Cerberus the yo-yo's been around for centuries, when you are talking about patents you are most likely to be talking about U.S. patent law, U.S. patent law was introduced in the late 18th century but a lot of patents were destroyed, so my guess is somewhere around the mid-1800s.
@Vitaly Yeah, like Russians believe in patent law. <snort>
@Vitaly Very close:
But I didn't know it had been around for centuries!
@Cerberus Very close? How could he get any closer?
By naming something like a year or a decade.
@Cerberus Mid-1800s and 1856 are equivalent, in my book.
it says 1866
I read that as 1866 too.
Looks like a 5 to me..
But it doesn't matter.
I would have guessed 1966.
But I suppose it's a 6.
@Cerberus No way,
But I would have.
yo-yo ORIGIN early 20th cent.: of unknown origin.
I suppose it depends on whether you take the actual name or just the patent for the concept.
@Cerberus i'm pretty sure some BBC series mentioned the yo-yo in the context of British history, more specifically the Victorian era
you gotta watch some more BBC documentaries ^^
I watch Yes Minister!
But documentaries usually have such a low information:duration ratio.
I was a Duncan Yo-Yo champ in my subdivision. I could do all the tricks: over-the-waterfall, around-the-world, walk-the-dog, even rock-the-cradle.
The series about the solar system was all the rage here last summer.
@Cerberus learning puggle was worth the whole 59 minutes of that one natural history episode
Was it?
It is it worth it to you, then I guess it's worth it to you.
glances at 23.8 GB free space again
yesterday, by Robusto
@RegDwightѬſ道 You are easily amused.
@Cerberus Now this here is some philosophy!
If ever there was a fine tautology...
I dunno, I still think you can't get much finer than a = a, as far as tautologies go. It's a classic.
You gotta expand that into 20-odd pages and submit that paper to some philosophy journal
I'm sure you'll get a ton of citations in no time
Right, it shouldn't be a comparative.
Long live citation-based funding!
That's actually a funny contamination.
What's the other ingredient?
No, not ingredient...I need a better fit for the metaphor.
Ack, this metaphor is unwieldy.
you might as well noun that adjective
We're going to lose against Joe Kings.
Concoctive? I don't quite see it...
I suppose there should be no "other": one thing should always be the germ.
whatever makes up a concoction?
And, in this case, the other thing must be the germ, so "what's the germ?" would have been correct.
Anything. That's the beauty of concoctions. They can contain anything.
i'm not sure what you intend to say either
Well, spent and out. Night all.
Oh, you're thinking of contaminating food?
No, I think a germ and a body is better.
Because it happens spontaneously.
At least I've always pictures a contamination as such. But I suppose I have no arguments.
You immediately bred one?
You bred a puggly as soon as you learned the word and are now showing us your baby?
I must admit it is cute.
And it resembles a platypus more than when it's grown up.
you know nothing about cute
this is cute:
What would you do if you found that sitting in your bathroom?
i'd try and buy some speckled feeder roaches
You wouldn't kill it?
are you crazy?
i'd call a vet just in case the spider ate anything toxic, like regular city insects
pet spiders are supposed to feed on specially bred roaches etc
i don't know how i would put him into a terrarium without disturbing him a lot though...
they can become sick and lose their urticating hairs if they are disturbed
Ah, urticating hairs.
Don't big spiders scare and revolt you?
If it got as far as your bathroom, it's probably eaten loads of regular insects.
@Cerberus i wanted to buy a spider for a pet, but decided not to because of all the mess with breeding roaches to feed it
@DavidWallace not if it escaped from my neighbours, and i live in Moscow, there are a precious few insects here, i rarely if ever see a butterfly
That's really sad.
@Vitaly So do they not scare and revolt you? Or is that part of the fun?
@Cerberus no, they are fascinating
Just fascinating?
For most people, they are fascinating because they are frightening.
@Cerberus and cute :P
28 mins ago, by Vitaly
this is cute:
You're probably using a strange definition of "cute".
But, @Vitaly, if others didn't find them frightening, would you still find them cute?
Your rebellious mind is more than capable of that.
@DavidWallace absolutely. there's nothing to even be frightened about if you know how venomous a particular spider is, how docile the particular species is, etc, etc. i understand that most humans have that evolutionary adaptation that tells them spider = BAD, though.
And you don't?
Or have you "conquered" it?
apparently not, i found spiders fascinating as a kid
even before i knew about evolution
when i was about 10, there was a rather large Araneus living at our dacha, and i used to catch butterflies and flies to feed her
Fascinating ≠ unfrightening.
Many children find insects fascinating. I did too.
But not at all frightening or revolting in the least, that is rare, if it exists at all.
And "cute" like a kitten is very strange on its own.
Hey, on topic, I found a closed question on ELU that I think should not have been closed, and I'm thinking of posting on meta. Just wondered if I'm likely to get laughed at.
The question was "meaning of “oz holds the nerve thrill”?"
Sorry, I don't know how to do that "embed the question into the chat message" thing.
just copy the link from the address bar and paste it here as a separate line. it inlines images, questions, youtube videos, and xkcds automatically
Umm, and I have it from a reliable source that being bitten by a Huntsman spider really hurts. So I would avoid this particular species even if it didn't look so damned scary, just because I'm fundamentally chicken. And I know that it's not venomous enough to hurt anyone.
@DavidWallace It was mod-closed. I don't think it deserves to be open, frankly.
Yeah, why not?
It doesn't help other people, it's vague...
Q: meaning of "oz holds the nerve thrill"?

Krishna Chandra Tiwarithe day before yesterday when i was reading newspaper then i saw a title Oz(Australia) holds the nerve thrill. in this match Australia beats Sri-lanka in the last movements.so that is why the title i got in news paper what the mean of that.please help me.

I don't think EL&U should be explaining random newspaper headlines. Especially if the OP can't be bothered to punctuate or capitalize
Umm, I see a whole lot of badly worded headlines like that. It could well be helpful, especially to foreigners, to have some guidance on how to understand them.
Of course, I understand that this site is for language enthusiasts; not an "ESL Help" site.
> The headline in the Times of India was actually "Oz hold nerve in thriller", meaning that Oz (the Australian cricket team) held their nerve (managed to stay calm and not choke) in (a match which was) a thriller. It is impossible to answer questions that quote sentences incorrectly and ask for their meaning. – ShreevatsaR 6 mins ago
EL&U is not ESL
@Cerberus Oh. And that.
I would either just keep it closed, or change the title to the correct wording.
I think the OP needs to learn to ask better questions before any of his questions are reopened.
The correct title would make it OK.
Is it presumptuous of me to assume that the OP is not a native speaker, just because they are from India?
Q: meaning of "pescetarian"?

Krishna Chandra Tiwariwhat is the meaning of the word "pescetarian" . i read this on an article that was about Steave jobs . and there was written as "Steave jobs was pescetarian"? and what is the root of this word?

@DavidWallace Not at all.
In any case, his English is bad.
@DavidWallace That doesn't mean the OP can't capitalize, or do a Google search
But his misquoting the essential part of his question shows that he is also very sloppy.
Yeah, I think that is justification for closure.
@DavidWallace I know I'm sounding really mean right now, but the fact that this user had three really poor questions in a row doesn't make me super inclined to help him
But the two sentences in the mod-close message weren't really accurate.
True, but the close itself was valid. The OP also just edited the title.
The mod said "Please provide more context, as this question cannot be reasonably answered without it", and the OP then provided more context.
To a still incorrect title.
Oh, I've just realised that the "more context" was provided after the question was already closed.
Questions can be reopened, but I still don't think it's a good question. If the OP can't edit his title to the correct quote, he's not really improving
I mean, he posted this too:
Q: meaning of "chase a Crooked Shadow"?

Krishna Chandra Tiwariwhat is the meaning of chasing a crooked shadow? i read it on Times of India news paper, but could not understand it. please someone help me.

OK, but if the question had been worded grammatically, and had quoted the headline correctly, I don't think closure would have been justified.
I'm on the fence. I really dislike all his questions, but, if he corrects them properly, I suppose they are legit.
The pescetarian one isn't legitimate at all
Yeah OK.
But the other two.
Yeah, the other two would be fine--if he could ask good questions
Even the free-form section of his bio is poorly spelt and hard to parse. I guess that paints him as sloppy. Why should we careful people take the time to help someone who won't take the time to help himself?
The thing is, begging him to change them or changing them myself is tedious and unfun. Closing them is just less of an effort; and I don't feel like making an effort if he won't.

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