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putStr"|\_/|\n|-.-|" I don't think I got how this works ;)
@ColdGolf I'm not sure about "interestingly" but yes it's true... :)
@trichoplax I guess so.
top notch language ^
@Sp3000 Really? Do you think it would be better if, given a mathjax polynomial input, all you have to do is output the polynomial represented by the image?
@R.Kap that's hard
@R.Kap does SILOS beat python?
@Doorknob I've almost gotten my first monster working (cave fisher)
fairly sure this is shortest there is print("|\_/|\n|-.-|")
I've got a fairly large pool of monsters from the giant pile of DND books I have so I should be able to make some fairly interesting things
@DestructibleWatermelon Can't you omit the parenthesis?
Pretty sure that print"|\_/|\n|-.-|" is shorter
I use python 3
just cos
@R.Kap You mean like convert $x^2+x-1$ to x^2+x-1? Naw, that can't be it...
@Adnan Yeah, it is.
I would give a troll answer in HTML or plaintext but nahhh
@El'endiaStarman No, I mean given an image input of a Mathjax polynomial.
Or php from what I understnad
@El'endiaStarman I think he means as a png or so.
@ColdGolf Alright. Take in a 2-char printable ASCII string and make those his eyes. e.g. @U
@HelkaHomba can we assume only two chars of input?
@R.Kap Oh, I see now how it's not exactly the same as your original proposal.
@quartata The isaac avatar is really impressive actually.
@HelkaHomba Again VTC yet another compression challenge....
@HelkaHomba "|\\_/|\n|-.-|",
@ColdGolf It's just a mini challenge, don't take so seriously
@HelkaHomba can I take input as two cla?
@ColdGolf Weren't you defending challenges "just for fun" earlier...?
@RohanJhunjhunwala Hard? Well, that did not keep someone from answering this challenge...
@RohanJhunjhunwala sure
@Adnan What
Wow that one's really recognisable
@Adnan Woah, looks like a fractal!
@Adnan Trippy, but pretty recognizable
@El'endiaStarman So, what do you think?
It has dogs all over the place
And a car at the bottom
@R.Kap that is because there is a floodfilll solution
@Adnan I see moths.
@Doorknob Hey, do you think I should make cave fisher an s (centipede class), an a (ant/insect) or t (trapper)?
This is like the hardest part
@Adnan I shouldn't have zoomed in on that one. Especially not shortly before sleeping...
lambda x,y:"|\_/|\n|%s.%s|"%(x,y)
@R.Kap Well basically the term cancelling shouldn't need to be wrapped in an image manipulation task. It's especially bad for dupes if there's so many separate parts
@trichoplax Hahahaha
@isaacg Please make this your avatar
This one is really fascinating
Well, no pressure but
It's pretty cool
@Sp3000 I think he's basically suggesting DeTeXify.
@Adnan Thanks!
@Sp3000 All right. I see your point. Then it's more of a image recognition task than anything.
the funny thing is the second challenge is shorter and easier in BF than the first
speaking of which, lemme do BF now
@Sp3000 if you do decide to complete the chat mega challenge please post it on to the bf interpreter or compiler page repectively and ping me so I can give you an upvote
@HelkaHomba Retina, 19: retina.tryitonline.net/…
Wait, what's the chat mega challenge?
@RohanJhunjhunwala Timewise and language knowledge wise, I don't think I'll be able to sorry - I'd probably rather write a C interpreter for Stack Cats
@Sp3000 its ok
(also congrats on your 200 silver :))
@R.Kap write a BF interpreter in SILOS
FEel free to ask me about it in the SILOS room
200 silver, that's the dream
@Sp3000 Wow that's saying something...
@Sp3000 is SILOS really that bad of a language?
changed my mind about doing bf
@Sp3000 it doesn't seem that unreadable... But what features would you say would increase its power?
@RohanJhunjhunwala You made SILOS?
@RohanJhunjhunwala Not that, it's just that I don't know it and don't intend to figure it out any time soon (not because it's bad or anything)
Stack Cats operates on an infinite tape of stacks. The tape has a tape head which can be moved and points at the "current" stack. Commands tend to operate locally on or near the tape head. The stacks store arbitrary-precision (signed) integers and contain an implicit, infinite amount of zeros at the bottom. Initially, all stacks but the one where the tape head starts are empty (apart from those zeros).
bends my mind
@Sp3000 oh ok, No offense taken, If it was bad I would like to be told that it is, so I can work on making it better
Stack Cats sounds like a Turing machine of Turing machines gone wrong lol
@HelkaHomba 18: retina.tryitonline.net/… (surprisingly nontrivial golf)
@MartinEnder I love that solution It's beautiful
(Although unreadable :) )
the only message in the silos room was removed...
@DJMcMayhem Not the same ASCII art for the eyes.
@DestructibleWatermelon yeah idk why
@DestructibleWatermelon if it makes you feel any better it says "yay"
@trichoplax Actually I'm serious here - it'd be more useful to me :)
@ColdGolf idk what you mean
@Sp3000 I meant more that it would be more challenging :)
@DJMcMayhem HelkaHomba Made a specific shape for the eyes I think, you used a different one.
Argh js-cookie is so confusing
Can anyone help me?
@ColdGolf I had a different input. Other than that it's the same
f(){printf("|\_/|\n|%c.%c|",getchar(),getchar());} (reversed order for gcc)
@DJMcMayhem yeah, but he demanded the same input, no?
@DJMcMayhem I've tested it with different input and it works fine :)
@RohanJhunjhunwala np
@ColdGolf Have you tested it with Helka's input?
@RohanJhunjhunwala A "flood fill solution"?...
Ugh, 18 bytes and pretty uninspired for Pip: pip.tryitonline.net/…
@ColdGolf It does work. That is the point ;)
@ColdGolf What was the point then? It works.
@R.Kap each character has a different size ( I think,) So you can identify a character by floodfilling for its size, YOu dont have to roll your own OCR library
> Expression error: Unrecognised word "sqrt".
@ColdGolf Why would anyone demand the same input? In that case there's no point to having any input
I officially give up.
@ColdGolf ... what are you even arguing right now
Huh, I wanted to make an engulf attack that was ranged but I don't think I can do that...
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ where?
@DJMcMayhem You don't get jokes, do you? haha
:31937681 The challenge was to take two characters and make them the eyes. The code needs to work for any two ASCII characters, and in that case it automatically works for the particular example Helka gave
@RohanJhunjhunwala All right. I assumed that's what you meant, but still asked just to be safe.
Well to be fair, no one got it.
Should I feature request a way to ignore user X and all replies (as an addition to the current ignoring feature)
Trying to do an {{#expr:...}}
@ColdGolf I really didn't get that you were joking either, just to let you know...
@ColdGolf No. @U was just an example. And there is no indication that you were joking so why should anyone think you are?
I give up... rip
Any CMCs for me to do?
@RohanJhunjhunwala I second this request
As well as pings
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ Did you try Helka's?
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ fix cheddar
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ write a BF interpreter in SILOS
@trichoplax Kind of not my fault.
@RohanJhunjhunwala If you need that, we're not doing a good enough job as room owners
@quartata hm, that sounds cool though
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ this
@RohanJhunjhunwala That's already been feature-requested, and while it wasn't explicitly rejected if I recall correctly, several reasons were given why that wouldn't necessarily be a good feature to have.
maybe it spawns other monsters that engulf? like a gremlin kinda, but as an attack instead of in water
@trichoplax it's not really your faul.
It's 13 keystrokes in vim: O|\_/|<C-o><cr>|<Right>.<Right>|
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ CMC: given a list L and a number K, find the lowest number N that would make the average of L with N in it = K
I got it figured out. Turns out I was misreading the monster manual...
The trap line is separate from the engulfing
@El'endiaStarman yeah I saw that post, but what I am pitching is that there would be two options when ignoring
@ConorO'Brien Lowest number of elements? Or what does N mean?
@ColdGolf Kinda is. You can't expect to make any sort of statement that others might take the wrong way and then retroactively claim you were joking in case they backfire. If you're joking, you have to make it crystal clear.
@ThreeFx lemme rephrase
@HelkaHomba In Bash, 23 bytes: printf "|\_/|\n|$1.$2|"
@ColdGolf Not your fault that we didn't get it initially, but dragging it out doesn't help
Instead of just "ignore this user (everwhere) there would also be right under it "ignore this user, and all replies (everwhere)" some similar wording
@ThreeFx fixed
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Now I know what ^^ should mean. I assumed it was the smiley.
@R.Kap how does that take input?
Huh, I still don't know how to do this actually
@El'endiaStarman would you say that the reasons for not wanting that as a feature still apply? IS it too similar of a question?
@ThreeFx yeah, some people use that for it. I prefer ^_^ for the smiley
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ In markdown bullets?
@trichoplax no, bash inputs
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Put this into a .sh file, and then execute it with space separated inputs.
@ConorO'Brien f k l=(length l+1)*k-sum l, 26
@ConorO'Brien I'm uneasy at being so blatant about it.
@ThreeFx How many bytes is this?
@El'endiaStarman I am too :/ should I delete?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ So, something like bash ./A.sh @ * for a file named A.sh.
Just look at the general sentiments of everyone in here.
ATTK(AT_BREA, AD_STCK is close to what I want but not quite
@ConorO'Brien Probably for the best to do so.
I know, I just like numbers
@quartata what's that do?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ In theory it's like the large mimic's sticking attack but ranged
I think the starboard does a good job of indicating support for specific statements. I'd rather that than holding a popularity contest for a user, rather than statements
@R.Kap yeah, i know. also sh a.sh words, ba is generally not needed
@El'endiaStarman delete what, again? :P
@quartata sticking attack?
@ConorO'Brien Hmm, yeah, good question. ;)
AT_BREA is breath weapon
@ConorO'Brien Updated
I think it's close enough. I'll try it.
@ConorO'Brien Wait, what did you say? I looked away dammit
@ConorO'Brien Mathematica, 19 bytes: #2Length@#+#2-Tr@#&
@DJMcMayhem you need the fastest eyes in the west
@quartata lel, glue breath
@DJMcMayhem T'was a strawpoll link. Not worth recreating.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ That's literally what it is. Quoting my CnC Classic Monsters book:
(Or reposting, for that matter.)
Still curious, but that's fine. Thx
> As creatures walk below the cave fisher, it will silently yet very quickly descend a string of sticky fluid from its proboscis
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ Here's another CMC: Given an int print a arrow with chars <-> that represents the magnitude. e.g. 0: -, 1: ->, -1: <-, 2: -->, -2: <--
So yeah. Glue breath.
@quartata oh, cool
15: --------------->, -9: <---------
@quartata cnc?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Castles and Crusades. It's a fork of 3rd edition DND
@HelkaHomba That's gonna be really hard in V since it doesn't have negative numbers. Should be fun!
@ConorO'Brien \k->(-).(*k).(+1).length<*>sum looks better but is longer :/
@quartata so kinda like a rock piercer's drop attack thing?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Cave fishers are similar to piercers in that they hide in the ceiling yes
two different spelling :P
They draw the creature in with the string (takes them a round) and then start battering it with its claws
@ConorO'Brien what were you saying?
@quartata that sounds pretty cool
I'm actually surprised it's not in Nethack.
It's a common creature in modules taking place in the underdark
user image
flawr the hippie?
@Adnan Oh, I like this one.
That one is really cool :D
@Adnan @flawr what have you done to yourself
@ConorO'Brien Could also be what you get from fusing flawr and Gaia.
that fits really well
We should all change our avatars to trippy lsd images
Your Flawr has evolved into Flowr!
@Adnan how did you generate them?
MON("cave fisher", S_TRAPPER, LVL(3, 4, 17, 0, 0), G_GENO,
        A(ATTK(AT_BREA, AD_STCK, 0, 0),
          ATTK(AT_CLAW, AD_PHYS, 2, 4), ATTK(AT_CLAW, AD_PHYS, 2, 4),
        SIZ(WT_HUMAN, 400, MS_HISS, MZ_LARGE), 0, 0,
        M2_HOSTILE | M2_STRONG, 0)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Time to see if it compiles....
And I used Deep Style
@HelkaHomba 22 bytes in Pip: pip.tryitonline.net/…
Nethack's internal monster system is pretty cool.
@Adnan If only I had a cool avatar... sigh
@HelkaHomba Mathematica, 51 bytes: If[a="-"&~Array~Abs@#;#>0,a<>">","<"<>a]/."<"->"-"&
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ Are you sure, that's the correct challenge? :D
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ Finally. One thing that Mathematica doesn't have a bultin for :P
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ Oh just nvm me I am too slow on the uptake
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ ouch
@DestructibleWatermelon Is that you?
no, it is truncated octahedra
@HelkaHomba This is horrible but 28 bytes: v.tryitonline.net/…
Chat Mini Challenge - Re implement googles deep painting bot in the language of your choice
@DestructibleWatermelon Can you do this to a rhombic triacontahedron? :D
@RohanJhunjhunwala s/Mini/MegaHumongousImpossible/
@ThreeFx You have two... :P
I'm going to find a better image to put in deep dream
@quartata yeah
@trichoplax But none of them are as cool as custom ones :D
This one is pretty recognizable:
@HelkaHomba -5 bytes: v.tryitonline.net/…
@Adnan Trichoplax?
@ThreeFx I wonder if setting a custom image will solve your split avatar problem?
@Adnan Recognizable? I don't know anyone- wait, LegionMammal?
No haha
There is a hidden message :p
Going on a wild guess. Is it threefx?
Heh, I'm currently hoping for a nice deep dream image to test that :D
@trichoplax I have the same gravatar issue lol
@Adnan Is it that I should be going to bed?
I just gave up hope at this point
@Syxer Yes
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Aye, correct
The big -1 just stands in there haha
It took me so long...
<scoobydoo>g- gg- ggGOAT</scoobydoo>
This one is pretty easy:
I think it might be EasterlyIrk
@Adnan Oh, inverted. Clever. I saw a screaming face, though.
@El'endiaStarman you have dark thoughts
@Syxer somebody make one for me please
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Is this a hint
i can't, it freeze my browser
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Already did
that looks kinda creepy
What would it look like for my profile picture?
That is incredible
A Song of Ice and Fire: The Internet version (feat. catz)
Beautiful picture
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ that would actually be pretty interesting
;-; I never get any good
Can someone do me?
Relavent to our problems in TNB:
I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it's not literally illegal to express.
A deap learning gravatar
@ColdGolf oh dear god please no
that looks really really creepy
@Adnan Due to the way the eyes are offset i almost thought that was handdrawn for a second
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ TBH I kinda like it better that your current avatar
@ColdGolf hello I have come to become the SUBJECT OF YOUR NIGHTMARES
^^^^^ It should be tried on that
@El'endiaStarman o-o
-1 no me
Can someone post a google deep modification on my gravatar plox?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Guess who this DeepDream is?
@ConorO'Brien I also made one for you
@RohanJhunjhunwala You can do it yourself at deepdreamgenerator.com/generator
Mine probably wouldn't look great
@Adnan oh? :D
user image
oo I look beautiful
@Adnan that's amazing
@Adnan Oh I like this one too.
I'm curious what it looks like on mine
@ColdGolf it's obviously adnan
@Adnan that's epic
@Adnan If this message I am responding to reaches 15 stars, I'll change my avatar to it.
Spread the stars!
@ConorO'Brien brb getting out socks
@quartata It kinda struggles on b/w images sadly :/
@ConorO'Brien boooo, not again!
There was one that was a bit messed up haha
@ConorO'Brien Dangit, I already starred it.
that looks like a horror movie
@Adnan This is the reason one does not simply outgolf Dennis.
Dennis..... the menace
The rhymes
@Adnan What the heck was that
@ColdGolf Dennis when you outgolf him
Wow. This is creepy.
@Adnan I'll give you 5 bytes if you do it for mine?
martin's face is waiting in the queue apparently
@DJMcMayhem Okay, it will take about ~15-20 though
@DJMcMayhem 5 KB
@El'endiaStarman unless your name is Johnathan Allan
@Adnan Is that Dennis3000?
@RohanJhunjhunwala Key word: simply. :P
@Adnan how do you churn these out so fast
@Adnan Looks like a bad allergic reaction, haha.
> Jobs in queue: 45
@Adnan @MartinEnder the stone troll!
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I did 10 at the same time :p
I made a bad one of mine without trying much
@DestructibleWatermelon My experience
I'm thinking of making a Minecraft language
called Minecode
Let me download some of the identicons, mash them into a single picture, then use that as a the style
See no difference...
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ That's weird, I get this for you:
must be the guide image
Just because I was curious:
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ haha, that's terrible
I'll be here in ~15 minutes with my deep dream
too many people generating, but I can't complain; I am too

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