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come on, circle
@SmokeDetector tp-
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 91b8bc1 (ArtOfCode: +cardvdonline) (running on Raspberry Pi)
Restart: API quota is 3160.
^^ has a link to his sites in all his cross site posts
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: How to enable anonymous access to page in sharepoint 2010? by BeingDinu on sharepoint.stackexchange.com
aye, feels spammy anyway
sd 2k
yep and I edited it out of two of the users other posts
turned out had self promotion in every post across the site.
@Undo ^ might be worth pinging him a mod message - undisclosed self promotion
@Yvette Can you leave another comment on them, I suspect the English.SE would be declined if a mod saw it now.
@ArtOfCode that'd be one approach
@Undo destroy being the other?
Although some of these seem like they want to be decent answers
Great minds...
and fools
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in body: asd asdasd asd asd asd asd by DesignByDeath on workplace.stackexchange.com
@PeterJ ok
@SmokeDetector tp-
@SmokeDetector tp-
some folks tend to lean towards destroying, some lean toward messaging
I tend to message
much the same here
still can't tell if great minds or fools though :)
bit of both I think
fools are the ones who spend more then three seconds deciding between destroying and messaging :P
Which includes me
Only on SO. Us smaller sites have the time to spend deciding ;)
you guys are funny
Yeah, there's some truth there
@Undo Wait what??? You only got my vote in the election because I was sure you'd be like a Dalek and exterminate everything.
@Yvette Can't be a mod without some sense of humour, you'd go insane.
I voted for Undo, cos of the avatar, too cute
Well, SO mods are insane anyway, but we don't talk about that
@PeterJ I've only destroyed just under 300 users.
@ArtOfCode you seem to be intoning that we're not insane anyway
@Undo cough
@Undo think I've done what, 10?
hey any of us who tirelessly volunteer here, and tend to the site like it's a beloved rose garden are all a bit nutty :)
There is that.
Handling a big pile of flags, then refreshing the page to see the blue number go up adds to the insanity meter just a little bit.
get mor mod
@Undo what do I have to do to convince you to change smokie's avatar to beautiful unicorn across all the sites?
Sometimes I'll sit down and handle 90% of the disputed LQ review flags. That's, like, 100ish flags. It's back at 100 within about twelve hours.
@ArtOfCode please help me nag upon this matter (re SD avatar)
Smokey's had this one for a loooooooooong time
@Yvette hm. I'd probably be more tempted to get a proper logo.
pretty sure it's actually the default one.
@Undo it's a gravatar, yeah
of course it is! (pretty sure.. heavens above!)
pst Art, he did mention something about insanity
@ArtOfCode If you can come up with something that works at small scales... sure why not
double pst I hope Undo is a male
@Undo picks up graphics pen
Statistically, that'd be a fairly safe assumption
@Undo a UNICORN!!!! please please please
true, but you never know
ok I will draw one
Smokey's messages would look so weird for a day or two if we changed that
@ArtOfCode I really wouldn't mind having a few more around
I hardly ever step on toes. Only time that really happens is on spam flags.
It's... kinda like Big Sky Theory. So much space that you're prolly not going to encounter anyone else.
eh, worth blacklisting?
serial self-promoter... probably, yeah
@Undo just 300? :P
I guess that's actually a lot for such a short time ;)
I wonder if it'd make sense to have blacklisted users only count for posts made after the blacklisting
ok new SD avatar
^^ chat needs downvotes lol
oh c'mon it's professional
Now I officially have contributed to smoke detector Bahahahahaha
next minute Yvette disappears, Undo exterminates LOL
@Seth I have 113 helpful flags on Ask Ubuntu, I don't even know what a buntu is, a type of camel?
@Yvette a linux distribution.
ok now I've cleared the room with bad humour, I'm going to go back to bed and try to sleep again. Night
@Seth it was a joke :/ LOL (a buntu?) I think it's really funny
I went and asked a buntu the other day?
Oh yeh, what did it say?
Nuthin' it was too busy chewing grass
oh. I'm terribly bad a jokes.
me too, my kids run to leave the room.
it's hard to tell when someone is joking when the jokes just not funny
:29293011 f just crazy anime person
@Yvette It's pronounced 'you bun too', no matter what the purists tell you :P
@Undo now that could be the format of a lot richer jokes
If you really want to see some fireworks, post a question with a title like this: "Help installing youbuntue on computer"
what do you think of SDs new avatar ^^^
or ... would you prefer the unicorn ...
your arguments for the unicorn are uncannily compelling
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, phone number detected in title: 0..800..112..0028...... WINDOWS... 7.....CUSTOMeR ...SERVICE ....N^UMBER by smithj on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector k
we jinxed you bun too
ok my dear, I am going, nice to chat
@Undo ^
that might actually work
this is that show with the man eating plant and the dentist isn't it?
it looks like the plant from Little Shop of Horrors
it's just plain ole fire
@ArtOfCode done, clear your cache
It's not square, though, so it gets a little cut off at the edges
don't even need to :)
want me to make it square?
65 pixels on the top and bottom, and it'll be square
it's 646x512
that's a lot of pixels :P
Yep, I can never tell how big things are going to save until I save them with this tablet.
infinite canvas and all that
I still find it amusing how many chat suspensions smokey has.
If you didn't know who it was, you'd think it was a serious problem user.
Why would smokey even get a chat suspension in the first place?
for science
oh, and the AU room offensive-flagged a bunch of its stuff a while back
how long did it get suspended for?
1184050 days, that's right
Probably 30 minutes, as thats the max ban length
@Ferrybig not... not even close
@Undo they did?
I do not remember this.
@Ferrybig You're off by a factor of at least 5.683×10^7
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, Oct 9 '15 at 19:57, by Nathan Osman
PSA: Please do not flag messages from the smoke detector. Thank you.
oh yes. I remember that now.
I wonder what the maximum suspension is.
I wasn't there at the time though..
Time for Science.
@ArtOfCode Blaze has a handy account sitting around somewhere
that's a good Science platform
or just look at Undo's account.
@ArtOfCode That puts it pretty solidly in the mid-53rd century.
he had a maximum suspension once.
Smokey's offspring will have eliminated terrestrial spammers by then
wait, did you get the history cleared somehow @Undo? o_O
Doesn't like 9999999999...
@ArtOfCode POST it ;)
there is a hard limit, but it's bigger than what the box lets you do.
@Seth Just remove the length limiter from the input field, same thing
By default you can do max 9999
@ArtOfCode oh hah, I forgot it was that easy xD
28417200 hours is what Smokey got
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Node.js version of Apache's Rewrite Rule by MarshalBanana on stackoverflow.com
but you can go up from there
@Seth no, it just doesn't show annotations on diamonds accounts or something
yeah it does..
look at mine.
That the url has 2 times / after each other?
@Undo maybe it got lost when the annotation view was added.
Huh. So the server accepts 99999999, but still takes it down to 1184050 days. That must be the limit.
@Undo So, what I'm seeing is that you hacked in the database and removed your suspensions but forgot to remove the unsuspensions.
Sloppy work, man
I've always wanted to see what the effect of anonymizing messages is...
@ArtOfCode I think it just anonymizes the messages :P
Aye, but I've never seen it done
@ArtOfCode so the server accepts more than the box lets you even without the blocking HTML? Or had you just not tested that far yet?
Who wants to try if it accepts Bobby Tables?
@Seth eh? The box lets you submit 9999. Without the length restriction, you can submit up to 99999999, but that gets rounded down to 28417200.
@Andy Somehow, I think SE are a little more intelligent than that.
@ArtOfCode that's what I wanted to know. Thanks.
The server returns 500 ISE for anything over 99999999.
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: How to shutdown android phone from PC by Hemant Kumar Arya on android.stackexchange.com (@AndrewT.)
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: How can I get a shock from a circuit when the breaker is off? by faggot on diy.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector k
@SmokeDetector fpu-
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer: What is the "superlative" way of expressing "thank you" by tony on english.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector n
Eeek what happened to Smokey's pretty gravatar? :(
it got, eh... improved, I guess?
@hichris123 They moved the cheese on us.
probably just me looking for an excuse to log in as Smokey and stare at the giant red number.
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in body: fix "page trying to load scripts from unauthenticated source" by Subham Sb on stackoverflow.com
woah there mate
Sorry for not replying to SD messages, I am trying to recover my phone before I am on a holiday
Backoff received of 10 seconds.
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: Do a Google Images search, have it play a full-screen slideshow of the results by zio on softwarerecs.stackexchange.com
sd k
^ nicked the recommendation from the answer above
added a link to his own website
Human spam rather than bot spam, but spam.
Backoff received of 10 seconds.
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer: How many commas is too many? by Lol on writers.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector k
@Andy I actually picked that book up a little while ago. Never got to reading it though...
API quota rolled over with 1104 requests remaining. Current quota: 9999.
stackoverflow: 1622
askubuntu: 604
superuser: 495
unix: 405
drupal: 247
electronics: 205
english: 186
math: 184
salesforce: 152
gis: 139
travel: 137
gaming: 124
mathoverflow.net: 123
dba: 120
apple: 119
magento: 118
scifi: 116
security: 116
mathematica: 116
sharepoint: 111
money: 101
crypto: 101
programmers: 96
academia: 89
wordpress: 86
physics: 85
tex: 81
stats: 77
ru.stackoverflow: 76
android: 76
puzzling: 67
gamedev: 66
ell: 61
codegolf: 60
raspberrypi: 59
webapps: 59
cs: 56
movies: 55
chemistry: 54
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer: How do you melt metals with super high melting points? by llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll on chemistry.stackexchange.com (@PhMgBr)
sd k
Forgot !!/report?
Well, maybe that too. But what happened to oneboxing?
Oh, 3dprinting has no mods. That explains how that post is from April 24.
3D printing has been going for 106 days?! I distinctly remember it launching like last week
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer: Using different wallpapers on multiple monitors (Gnome 2 + Compiz) by mr.P on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector n
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Is there any way to shrink 3mm filaments down to 2.85? by volodia koxmat on 3dprinting.stackexchange.com
Looks like 3Dprinting posts do not onebox in chat. I blame 3.
always fun when you write a gaping security hole into a web app
well done me
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Can I transfer HSA into my spouse's account? by Reputable Hacker on money.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector k
@SmokeDetector k and reported to his website host
Restart: API quota is 9475.
@SmokeDetector f
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in body: AOSP Permission denied when creating file on /data by nick1212 on stackoverflow.com
sd k
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