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@aditsu really hoping that some day there will be a CJam release dedicated to making working with multidimensional arrays easier. pretty much everything that can't be done with a single nesting of :, . and f is really cumbersome at the moment. getting elements, changing them, finding their indices, ...
I never learn...
thanks Martin
Well, my next esolang's reference implementation is complete enough that I was able to test the first program: io.writln nil
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Alexandre HalmFind my way I wanted to propose a challenge that is code golf (shortest answer wins), but with more programming challenge than parsing and printing funky text. Let's see if it sticks. You are given a maze map, such as this: ################################################# ########## ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DoᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛTokenize a Stack-Based language I've been working on another stack-based golfing language called Stackgoat. In this challenge you'll be writing a Tokenizer for Stackgoat (or really a general stack-based languages). [insert absurd rationale] Examples "PPCG"23+ ['"PPCG"', '23', '+'] 'a "bc" +...

golfing your code is always a good excuse to skip commenting
Comments are for polyglots and requirements.
Looks like Jelly needs some shocolate.
Thank you @NewSandboxedPosts.
One thank you for two posts? Petty.
I did think about it, but @Doorknob would probably delete it. :P
Thank you @StarGivers.
@RikerW I'm currently fighting the urge to delete all your thank you posts.
@Dennis we could split up the work, then you'd only have to delete half of them.
If I join in, a third.
Hooray for team work!
That always makes me think of Kirby's taunt in Super Smash Bros Melee.
.... becomes El'endia
You'll need this: ♦
< ♦
Anyone finished Making a Murderer (series, not book) yet?
Why @Dennis Why????
They deserve to be thanked.
For what? Being slow?
Slow, emotionless feeds?
For everything.
I am about to post my sandbox challenge on the main site. Any suggestions before I do? meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/7994/36670
@GamrCorps minus wan, stupid justification.
What Riker said.
Hey, a challenge about a game I have actually played. \o/
@MartinBüttner i had an idea for a challenge about you.
I'm kinda dreading what comes next.
@RikerW I disagree, but let the majority decide.
← Star this if you want @RikerW to stop thanking bots.
Called 'I can't believe it's not Büttner!'
@GamrCorps not a fan of bonuses, but otherwise it's a nice challenge
It returns that string if an inputted image is closer to your profile picture than an image of margarine.
@RikerW Thanks to US television, I know what you're talking about.
@MartinBüttner thanks! Not a fan of those bonuses or bonuses in general?
@MartinBüttner what do you think?
@Dennis lol
@GamrCorps in general. those aren't particularly bad as far as bonuses go.
Ok, just checking. Thanks for looking it over!
@GamrCorps I think it's good to go.
@GamrCorps For me, it's bonuses in general. You essentially have to solve the challenge multiple times to see which option gives you the lowest score, and you get to do it all over again if you manage to golf something.
Yeah I see what you are saying.
@Calvin'sHobbies I don't think there's an equivalent sound in English but it's neither of your suggestions...
I think I linked to a German news report where the name appeared once
I've always pronounced it as "boot-nair"
Aug 31 '15 at 20:19, by Martin Büttner
the first spoken sentence contains the name Werner Büttner
The vowel ü is pronounced like the the u in lure (British English).
yeah, sort of. but I figured most people here would be more familiar with AE than BE.
Q: "You must construct additional pylons!"

GamrCorpsIntroduction In the strategy game Starcraft 2, there are three "races" to choose from: Terran, Zerg, and Protoss. In this challenge we will be focusing on the Protoss and the iconic phrase "You must construct additional pylons!" This message is stated when you run out of supply to build your arm...

Thank you @NewMainPosts!
It's contagious.
As is the "[Insert Markov chain], so your code must be as short as possible."
This is code golf, so your code must be as short as possible.
Since your code must be as short as possible, you must make a stupid excuse.
@Dennis I did consider putting "Your code must be as short as possible, because that's what it says right here." into my latest challenge, but managed to stop myself just in time.
Thank you @Adnan!!!!
And thank you @NewMainPosts.
stares at Riker... "Get out."
set a "Hello, World!"
io.writeln a
Yay!! The room reached 3 rows!
Oh no! The room reached 2 rows!
So I'm at a model rocket and drone convention, and this dude is trying to land a drone on my head. Wtf?
@zyabin101 You must have a small resolution.
I see 3 rows as well, at 1920x1080.
same for me
Or is 1920x1080 small already?
I guess I overestimated how big full HD is :P
it's less than 1.5 rows at 1440p
(2560x1440 that is)
It's at three rows here
is it trivial to write a double iterator?
i like the new "laurels" logo
oooo, now we're getting an ellipsis
@NathanMerrill An iterator iterator?
I've searched and searched and searched, but 1080p is the best resolution I can get here.
nah, just prints every possible double from smallest to largest
For monitors that is. UHD phones are everywhere.
@NathanMerrill isn't IEEE 754 designed such that you can compare binary representations (apart from NaN and Infinity)?
anyway, some languages like Julia actually have built-ins for getting the current epsilon, and probably also for getting the next smaller or larger float
I don't know how doubles are represented exactly
How do you transpile C to Python?
I know that there is an exponent side and a integer side
@NathanMerrill Oh, an iterator for doubles.
@NathanMerrill it's essentially binary scientific notation with an implied leading 1
What is the functional equivalent of a comment? is it just the K combinator?
where are the NaNs?
aka, if printing infinity and NaN wasn't allowed, would it be harder?
not sure. one tricky thing might be the fact that there are two zeroes in the representation.
@MartinBüttner It sort of works, depending on how your compare works. Because the sign bit is the highest bit, comparing them liked unsigned ints will make negatives larger than positives, and because it isn't two's complement, comparing them like signed 2's-complement ints will also miscompare negatives. However, you can straight compare positive IEEE-754 numbers as ints.
(positive or positive-zero)
Q: Fairy chess "leaper" movement patterns

PhiNotPiA leaper is a category of fairy chess piece which moves by "jumping." A normal knight is a (1,2)-leaper, meaning each move involves moving a distance of 1 square in an orthogonal direction and 2 squares in the perpendicular direction. .o.o. o...o ..N.. o...o .o.o. There are many different lea...

I've asked 5 of the last 15 questions.... is that good or bad?
@PhiNotPi Are you trying to get us to 10 questions per day all by yourself?
Go Phi!
Why have I never come across a bitwise conditional ternary operator? The equivalent of a ? b : c would be (b & a) | (c & ~a)
@PhiNotPi because?
@MartinBüttner because there aren't many uses for it?
He's trying to respect Calvin
@quintopia It seems useful for working with bitmasks.
@MartinBüttner i guess
but it only allows you to combine two parts, and frequently you want to combine several
wouldn't that work the same way as nesting/chaining ?:
would it? i'd have to think about it
say the syntax was ?^ then you could do stuff like a ? b ^ c ? d ^ e or a ? b ? c ^ d ^ e
@PhiNotPi i was going to do that challenge!!!
> an uppercase number
seems legit
@MartinBüttner well, maybe it's an idea whose time has come
I will not thank new main posts for @Dennis's sake.
it's probably going into the language I'm working on. it's probably going to contain quite a lot of ternary operators and this one seems actually useful.
@MartinBüttner Rats, my meme has been spotted.
> ternary operators
> triangles
...alrighty then
coincidence? I THINK NOT!
i gotta go run errands now. while i'm gone, you folks look at my sandboxed challenge so's I can post it asap.
Speaking of the sandbox, didn't you forget something, @GamrCorps? ;)
@RikerW Did I actually steal anything? I did a search but didn't see anything.
He's waiting another year or two for proper feedback
@MartinBüttner oops, thanks for reminding me.
@PhiNotPi, no, i was going sandbox it later when i get home.
@Dennis You mean Mathematica should be standard loophole?
You're fine.
^^ agreed
@quintopia sweet, I hadn't seen that until now
@PhiNotPi If you can just double your question rate you'll be able to graduate without us
@trichoplax did he post them all within 24 hours?
^ apparently that means "farewell"
@Optimizer I don't think so.
@MartinBüttner Good point - only 4 of them were today. I'm no longer impressed ;)
@Doorknob phi is beating your new year s resolution to shreds. :p
We have loopholes for things that are no longer funny in answers. Should we have something similar for things that are no longer funny in questions?
like penalizing golfing languages
@Optimizer there's whole communities and sites for your fetish
@Optimizer PPCGSM: Programming Puzzle & Code Golf & S&M
SE frowns upon using 3 ampersands in a site title
@orlp S&M
@trichoplax Programming Puzzles and Code Golf + S&M
Some people would already describe CG as M
Golfing in Java is M
wow, you guys are real classic.
I like it when I'm right.
2 hours ago, by Martin Büttner
@Dennis haha, beats Pyth ... "this has to be golfable"
Golfed off 4 bytes!
Give us mortals a chance, and stick to Java.
There are a few verbose languages I occasionally golf in, but Java is not one of them.
@Dennis What's the syntactical benefit of using two delimiter characters for strings?
any real java programmers here?
@MartinBüttner “foo“bar” yields ['foo', 'bar'].
(coz you know... golf is not a real (sport))
@Dennis nice :)
does unmatched do anything?
@Optimizer yep
used disruptor ever?
no sorry
@MartinBüttner Not yet. I'm planning to use it for character literals.
ah okay
ugh, this language I'm working on... this one component is subject to so much feature creep I could extract it into a completely separate language at this point. but if I do, the entire overarching concept of the current language falls apart.
Actually, I want to use is for multi-character literals. 0-127 have their usual meaning, 128-255 are like their counterparts, but end the literal.
0-31 would be used for Unicode escapes.
I have real hopes that Jelly will be the golfing language to end all golfing languages.
Don't let me down. ;)
Haha. That is the design goal and I'll do my best, but the APL approach won't always beat imperative or stack-based.
There should be some kind of leaderboard showing which golfing language is doing the best right now.
@Doorknob has a script
return "Jelly"
before Jelly happened it was Pyth by a fair margin... should be Jelly now.
@MartinBüttner it doesn't count characters
That would be impossible.
How would you distinguish Python 3 from Python, 3 bytes?
most people use commas these days
I still see people who don't
ignore them
but I'm pretty sure you posted a comparison of pyth, cjam and golfscript once
Just take the last integer of the header.
@MartinBüttner Right, and that's easy because CJam 42 doesn't exist (except Pyth 5 or something is becoming a thing soon...)
I wonder if this would be fun: a code golf with a larger problem that requires 3 or 4 distinct stages of fairly different nature (some string processing, some arithmetic, whatever). answers can consist of multiple programs (in different languages) and you get pipes between those programs for free.
I think this could be my fifth challenge of the day: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/8003/2867
intermediate I/O formats for those pipes are completely up to the participant.
@PhiNotPi Fifth?! Wow, you are just cranking out challenges today O_O
Keep doing that and you'll singlehandedly graduate the site
@MartinBüttner I have another idea for a triangular grid challenge. We should make it a new tag.
I don't think we should.
Q: How many ways are there to achieve a winning score in Football?

Joshua[I decided to salvage Ben Reich's question How many unique ways are there to achieve a score in Football? but it ended up being so different that it's only suitable as its own question not spliced into his.] Challenge: Given a number, calculate how many order-independent ways there are to score ...

Reads football, then touchdown... Always takes me a moment.
Waiting for RikerW
@MartinBüttner I'll take that as a veto then
@quintopia How else could you take it.
@mınxomaτ swap the e and the o
@quintopia for any given problem, it's a matter of point of view whether you treat the data as being on the vertices, with cells connected along edges, or data on the faces, with cells connected across edges. neither viewpoint is more right than the other, so any challenge on a hexgrid can be viewed as a challenge on a trigrid and vice versa.
@quintopia That's ambiguous.
@MartinBüttner disagree, but okay.
@MartinBüttner how about something in the titles to indicate there is somewhat of a theme going on
should be a meta tag.
(I was about to do that :P)
How do you do meta tags?
@FryAmTheEggman, @wizzwizz4: got your time capsule entries
@wizzwizz4 [meta-tag:graduation-irrelevant]
@wizzwizz4 fail
it was bound to fail, given the content
@Doorknob yep
@quintopia if you want to make a series of challenges about triangular grids, by all means go ahead. :)
@wizzwizz4 lies
Seriously though, these aren't meta tags, they're tags on the meta site!
@wizzwizz4 do you want tags for tags?
A meta tag is a tag that only makes sense when combined with other tags.
@wizzwizz4 All tags are meta tags by the very definition.
oh that kind of meta tag
well we don't like that
this site has many meta tags
@PhiNotPi re latest challenge: ಠ_ಠ
just press Ctrl + U
@MartinBüttner I was going to say something long and boring about them being useless and stupid, but you've summed it up well.
@Optimizer On IE11, that brings up the Debugger.
What's it meant to do?
@MartinBüttner I do, but I want yours to be the first in it :P
Q: Inject Textual Rickrolls

PhiNotPiBecause rickrolling is the greatest meme on Earth, you [know the rules and so do I] are to write the shortest code that can textually rickroll the unsuspecting reader. Let [you down] there be an input text which contains letters, punctuation, and spaces. Anytime a [lie and hurt you] phrase from...

@quintopia oh right. I'm not sure there is a great benefit from making them a series unless there's an overall leaderboard as we have for Random Golf/ASCII Art of the Day.
In a way, NewMainPosts just rickrolled the chat.
@NewMainPosts I never thought I would type vim rickroll.rb, but here I am...
@MartinBüttner so i see you don't put much stock in "coolness factor" or "thematicity"
@quintopia you can always insert a link to the most recent challenge about trigrids. then they'd appear in each other's sidebars and people could follow the chain backwards.
@quintopia well I kinda do (at some point last year I posted three or so challenges about diamond tilings... but it was pretty obvious that they were about the same concept from the titles anyway)
@MartinBüttner Could you at least preface the title of yours with Triangular Grids: ?
"Triangular Grids: Alignment on Triangular Grids" ... really? ;)
"Triangular Grids, Alignment on" :P
FINE leave it
How longs until triangles language is releasable?
6-8 weeks
not a bad turnaround time.
A: The Many Memes of Meta

Robert CartainoMeme: 6 to 8 Weeks Originator: Jeff Atwood First Heard: May 13th, 2008 Cultural Height: In about 6 to 8 weeks Definition: The time estimate given "off the top of my head" when the Stack Overflow team has only a vague idea of how long a task will take because they have little-to-no formal sche...

well good thing you were using it as an actual estimate rather than a meme eh. I'll be sure to wait 2 months before hassling you about it.
honestly, I really hope to get it done faster than that, but I'm not sure I will be. this whole idea turned out to be more ambitious than I thought originally.
currently all of my esolang ideas fall into one of two categories... either a) way too ambitious, this is gonna take forever or b) way too minimalistic to be sure that this is remotely Turing-complete.
the latter category is a lot of fun. have you published any of those ideas?
has it been 24 hours yet?
@quintopia nope.
@MartinBüttner aw too bad. a lot of the #esoteric folks have much more interest in doing TC reductions than coming up with languages in the first place.
(for tarpits anyway)
Take for instance, Oerjan's incredible BCT-to-ResPairate-2 compiler
What if two matches overlap? That is, should how I'm thinking become how I'm [feeling] thinking or how I'm thinking [of]? (Or can you choose either one?) — Doorknob ♦ 4 mins ago
(or alex smith's as-yet-unpublished BCT-to-Three-Star-Programmer reduction)
^ @Doorknob any preference? I'm thinking of just saying either one.
@PhiNotPi My current solution(-idea) relies on either one, so... :P
@Doorknob be proud, i resisted the urge to thank the feed bot.
I don't exactly think that's something to be proud about
I've got a magic trick to show you!
I can make text that turns grey over time.
@wizzwizz4 by writing it on a sheet of paper?
No. Like this:
Wait for it...
I don't see it.
It's turned grey!
@Doorknob Did I answer your question?
Your code must be as short as possible, because that's how you win the challenge.
On my phone, the trick doesn't work: what is black, remains black.
Because it's important that rickrolls be as stealthy as possible, your program should be as short as possible.
I [feeling] don't know wha [of]t I [feeling]'m doi [feeling]ng wi [feeling]th my li [feeling]fe.
Alright, well I messed something up real badly there...
@Doorknob It's lucky it used the word ...
After almost 3 years I have finally beaten Find Mii for the first time
I don't take my 3DS outside very often
@quartata 3DS?!? I thought it was a Wii game!
There's apparently two games called "Find Mii"
@PhiNotPi Your challenge is waaaay harder than it seems to be at first.
I [just wanna [tell you [cry] [down] [up] how I'm feeling] tell [you how I'm feeling] [a lie and hurt you] [you how I'm feeling] you [cry] [down] [up] [how I'm feeling] [understand] how I'm [feeling] feeling] don't know [the rules [and so do I] and [so do I] so [do I] do [I] I] what [I'm thinking of] I'm [thinking of] doing with my life.
... whoops.
@PhiNotPi This is the Streetpass Plaza thingy
@quartata I'm not sure that there's a Find Mii on that. Do you mean Quest, Quest II or Puzzle Quest
me + one upvote + 3 downvotes = 8888
@flawr 8888 * 10001 = 88888888.
@PhiNotPi We've got another challenge over here!
Minimum number of upvotes / downvotes to get from A to B.
That's been done, hasn't it?
I remember answering it in Rust
Q: Reaching one's lucky numbers in reputation

randomraA new code-golfer, Joe, just registered to the site. He has 1 reputation but determined to reach all his lucky numbers in reputation exactly. Joe believes in higher powers which will help him to achieve his goal with minimal amount of (his or others) actions. As a new user he also believes that n...

I'm thinking of making a "compress a string into Zalgo" challenge.
Input a string, output a single zalgo character. Input the zalgo character, output the original string.
What does Kappa mean?
@wizzwizz4 Kappa is an emote on Twitch that generally means sarcasm or trolling
Darn, I forgot the links!
<http://twitch.tv/> <http://twitchemotes.com/emote/_Kappa_>
@zyabin101 </>
@PhiNotPi sounds good
@wizzwizz4 That's a joke, right?
Just checking.
@AlexA. :)
@quartata No...
Why does this completely ungolfed solution have +3/-0 while the majority of the other solutions are at 0?
This is Mini-markdown :-(
> this webpage is not available
> How do you do that? (Oh, I've just done it.)
@Calvin'sHobbies Any ninja upvote you may have gotten for your most recent challenge wasn't me.
@AlexA. Because people have ascended beyond language bigotry into "higher byte count needs more upvotes"
The Pyth solution had 0 upvotes what
Someone just upvoted that C# answer again
@quartata Hmm...
Nobody counter-downvote. Seriously. If you want to downvote because it was edited by @Downgoat, then fine. But not because the vote count is too high.
Oh seriously?
People should vote how they please. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Q: Format a list of words

KSFTYour challenge is to format a list of words across multiple lines that are no longer than a given number of characters, so that each line contains as many words as possible and no words are unnecessarily cut off. Because...uh...there are letters in words, your code needs to be as short as possibl...

@AlexA. But your vote should not be affected by what other people have done.
That's just a general fact of voting.
s/fact/guiding principle/
@AlexA. They should vote how I please.
Yes, everyone listen to flawr and vote how he commands us to vote!
prepare for mind control
All glory to the Hypnotoad.
For those of you who know how to write SEDE queries, is there a certain language or tutorial or something that I should learn?
@GamrCorps Transact-SQL
No problem.
Also, and perhaps more commonly, known as T-SQL
You can also browse existing queries, which should be instructive.
Thats a good idea.
@NewMainPosts I'm about 80% sure this is a duplicate
@GamrCorps SEDE also has a Help Center which is pretty useful for getting started.
@GamrCorps I'm adding something nice to Glava but it needs Apache Commons. Will you accept the pull request when I make it or do you not want Apache Commons in yur codez
@quartata I have never used Apache Commons, but sure go ahead.
I am Superman.
Here me OUCH!
What is your superpower?
Turning avatar images into toilets?
Holy crap, when did SciFi get that site art?
@GamrCorps When they got that site art. Duh.
Thanks! [Insert Sarcasm]
I'm trying to think of a way of being really rude and offensive without anybody noticing.
Wait did I say that out loud? It was all a joke!
A better idea is to not be rude or offensive.
@AlexA. It was all a joke. Honestly!
Apparently my SO UID is 1122232

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