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Aaand they no longer line up now that I've posted that. :P
100 points on
Q: Condense these page numbers!

CyoceDisclaimer: while I have been on this site for entertainment purposes for a little while now, this is my first question, so please forgive any minor errors. Background When assigning us homework, my teacher is really annoying and writes out all the problems we have to do individually. As such, ...

is still up for grabs! The shortest solution is in Ruby, and I'm sure there's at least one golfing language that can do better.
So is 200 points on
Q: ¿xu ti te gismytermorna? (Is it a valid gismu?)

Thomas Kwa(Literally: "Does this follow/realize the gismu-form?") Premise The language Lojban is a constructed language, meaning in part that all of its words have been created rather than allowed to develop naturally. The semantic base of Lojban are its gismu, or root words, which were synthesized by co...

@El'endiaStarman and @phase : Have either of you played Sonic Dreams Collection?
@ThomasKwa there was something about that challenge that made me think s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/70/63/00/…
@AlexA. I've seen it -_-
C++ people: Say I have an "abstract" base class that doesn't define any member anything, e.g. class Whatever {};. Then I have some stuff like class Stuff : Whatever { /*actual things*/ }; and class Dude : Whatever { ... };, where the stuff defined in Stuff and Dude is entirely unrelated.
Is this an example of extremely poor C++ usage?
@phase Pretty horrifying, right?
No, if you find a really good use for Whatever
That's basically how Serializable currently works in Java
@Pietu1998 Well, say I want to make std::vector<Whatever>. Then the stuff in the vector could be instances of Stuff and Dude, right?
Yes. I have no idea why you'd want them in the same vector, but sure.
I have my reasons.
Anyway, thanks for your help, @Pietu, I appreciate it.
@AlexA. I have not.
@El'endiaStarman Don't
I've played surprisingly few of the games for a Sonic fan.
Oh, that.
@phase ...no.
@FlagAsSpam yassss
Those games were horrifying.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerVerify a game of Morpion Solitaire code-golfgamegridgraphs Morpion Solitaire is an interesting, unsolved "single-player game" (more like a mathematical puzzle). It has been proven that solving or even approximating it is NP-hard. But we're going to do something simpler here: your challenge will...

I'm doing a programming challenge and my code is strangely throwing an error. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for boundary cases for input so I could attempt to reproduce errors. I tried multiple @s and straight up empty mazes, as well as others. Don't know what my error is...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J AtkinPlay Antichess! king-of-the-hill https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Losing_chess This is basically Chess Tournament, but for antichess ;) Antichess is one of the many chess variants that have been invented. The goal is to lose all your pieces (this may seem a little odd, but it's called antichess ...

I am about ready to post this ^^. Does anyone have last minute additions/notes?
@Doorknob冰 Today I used V> to indent.
@AlexA. ^.^
Next time skip the visual mode if you can and get used to using motions by themselves
For example, I frequently use >ip in code golf submissions
I don't know what that means
I just tried it and it indents a block of stuff
ip is a text object
Why all of the stuff rather than a single line?
i stands for "in(side)" and p stands for "paragraph"
Text objects are amazingly powerful
daw -> delete a word (no matter where your cursor is inside of it)
What does "inside" refer to in this case?
In this case i and a are identical
brb making gif
@Doorknob冰 ಠ_ಠ
@Doorknob冰 ಠ_ಠ
I don't why we're disapproving of this. I appreciate it.
A few examples
See also: :h text-object
Why wwdi instead of daw like you mentioned a minute ago?
ww is just to get inside the parens
f( would do it just as well
or t)
or $ even
Is f( like "find ( and move the cursor to it"?
It's a motion too, so it can be used with any "verb"
What's the dollar sign do?
Oh, okay
Demonstration of how the surround plugin is amazingly useful with various motions
yst;) -> "surround with parens 'til ;"
user image
@grc this is awesome, kudos :D
I saw that. It's the most flawless integration of a hat with an avatar I've seen yet.
@Doorknob冰 So that's a separately installed plugin?
Yes. tpope/vim-surround on Github
It's one of the few plugins I actually have, and it's indispensable
You don't have julia-vim?
<disapproval look>
I do have rust.vim though ;)
llama@llama:~$ ls .vim/bundle
a.vim     ultisnips             vim-fugitive  vim-repeat
rust.vim  vim-colors-solarized  Vim-LaTeX     vim-surround
I've been meaning to install some more useful ones, but this is all I have right now
Syntastic has been annoying me. I think I'm going to disable it.
I used to use Syntastic. I don't anymore.
What was your reasoning for abandoning it?
I think it was just because I wanted vim to be more like my IDE, but then I realized it was useless because compilers exist
And then I mapped <Leader>m to :make<cr> and all was well
So rather than checking things as you go, you compile often to see what errors?
Pretty much, I guess
Also, this is in my .vimrc and I have no idea what it does: autocmd FileType ruby setlocal re=1 nornu nu
Syntax highlighting helps too, of course
I think I copied that from your .vimrc
I need that to make vim not slow to a crawl when editing Ruby files
setlocal is like :set but local
re=1 does some black magic with the regex engine; no idea what it is but it helps with performance
nornu == norelativenumber because Ruby syntax highlighting hates relativenumber
and nu turns regular line numbers on
What is it that makes Ruby editing slow without that stuff?
You might try removing it and see if your vim isn't as weird as my vim
Is there a language-aware way to comment out a line in vim?
Or do I have to know the comment character ahead of time?
There's a plugin
It's probably near the top of vim-awesome
What is vim-awesome?
(btw, vim-awesome is pretty... well, awesome: vimawesome.com)
er, that
Oh, tpope has commentary.vim
Generally, any tpope plugin is a really good plugin
Did he make Pathogen?
Then why does he keep recommending installing things with Vundle?
When does he do that?
> If you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend installing pathogen.vim
He says that on, like, all of his github readmes
Why do Indian desserts have to sound so delicious but contain dairy?
are you vegan?
Yes, but also lactose intolerant.
oh indeed
Google, what is wrong with you
"Antonym" is a synonym for "synonym."
I get no such "including results for..." message.
Clearly, Google thinks you're stupid.
It's almost as if Google thinks I'm a doorknob.
Now why would it think that, I wonder?
No idea
I wonder what Google would give @quartata...
Unrelated: Good idea/bad idea: Make a quick Bash script that I can run to cd to each ~/.vim/bundle folder and git pull to update mah stuffs?
> including results for dork noob
@Dennis D:
> including results for beloved moderator and door hardware accessory
@AlexA. Sure, something like find . -maxdepth 1 | xargs -I{} git -C {} pull should do it
Q: Is a single Zalgo character considered a single character?

FlagAsSpamI saw this question recently, and I was wondering the title of my question. Essentially is stuff like this: H̠̹͖ A single character in reference to questions that count characters? If so, I could theoretically create a language that does any challenge in a single "character" by programming it i...

@Doorknob冰 I have absolutely no idea what that does
Well, I know what it does
I have no idea how it works
find .: run find on the current directory
-maxdepth 1: max depth of 1 (duh)
| xargs: pipe to xargs...
-I{}: replace the {} in the following command with the arguments from stdin
git: git
-C {}: run on that directory
pull: pull -_-
@Doorknob冰 What are these "xargs"?
man xargs :P
Ugly hack to avoid -exec.
man rtfm
@Dennis ... ohh, yeah, I always forget that -exec on find is a thing
> No manual entry for rtfm
llama@llama:~$ wtf is rtfm
RTFM: read the fine/fucking manual
Anyway, find . -maxdepth 1 -exec 'git -C {} pull' should probably do it
@Doorknob冰 THANK YOU!!
> The program 'wtf' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing
It's in bsdgames iirc
on Debian distros anyway
> -bash: wtf: command not found
llama@llama:~$ dpkg -S wtf
bsdgames: /usr/share/man/man6/wtf.6.gz
bash-completion: /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/wtf
bsdgames: /usr/games/wtf
No idea what that second one is...
... oh, it's just completions for wtf
TIL man uses vim commands. I scrolled with jk. :O
@NewMetaPosts: No
@Doorknob冰 Shouldn't that be find . -maxdepth 1 -exec git -C {} pull \; ?
@Dennis Probably. I really need to improve my Bash-fu.
But seriously, who thought it was a good idea to make () [] {} (()) $() $(()) $[] [[]] ${} ALL different things? -___-
I don't know what half of those mean, and I'm not even sure that's all the weird bracket combinations
Is it possible to pipe the results of a command into a variable in Bash?
And are variables by default local to the script they're in?
Unless you export them
Is var = "$(command)" okay? (Note the spacing)
So it's like Windows Batch in that regard
[] isn't Bash syntax. $[] is a shorthand for $(()).
Bash hates you if you misplace even a single space
@Dennis It isn't? I thought it was a builtin, just like test.
@AlexA. That cannot possibly work. If it did, there would be no way to pass the argument = to a script.
@Dennis Okay
Can someone sticky "okay seriously stop abusing stars"
> sticky
Reminds me of forums
@Dennis Never mind, just tried it. Builtin in zsh, external binary in bash. -_-
Same for test.
@BlockCoder1392 ...wasn't that already done?
@Doorknob冰 It's a built-in, but not syntax. [ 1 > 2 ] pipes output to 2, for example.
@Dennis Oh, right. has a sudden insight as to why it's -gt and not >
$ ls -il $(which test [)
2360672 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 39464 Mär 14 2015 /usr/bin/[
2360647 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 35368 Mär 14 2015 /usr/bin/test
for shells not havin this a sbuiltins
dennis-home:~$ type [
[ is a shell builtin
dennis-home:~$ type test
test is a shell builtin
llama@llama:~$ which [
[: shell built-in command
llama@llama:~$ bash
llama@llama:~$ which [
@El'endiaStarman what? i didn't see it if someoe did do it
(the first which is run from zsh)
which shows the full path of (shell) commands; it doesn't identify builtins.
@BlockCoder1392 Ah, you may not have been here when it happened. That message was pinned. That's why it has so many stars.
# Figure out where we are

# Update Homebrew formulas and installations
brew update
brew upgrade

# Update vim plugins
cd ~/.vim/bundle
find . -maxdepth 1 -exec git -C {} pull \;

# Return from whence we came
cd $location
(I'm assuming you mean the original, not the recently-linked one.)
@Dennis Ohhh. I guess the reason it's different in zsh is because of a change in which rather than a change in test, then.
dennis@dennis-home:~> which which
which: shell built-in command
@AlexA. first and last lines are useless
@AlexA. Before I run this and destroy all my files, can anyone tell me whether this is obviously wrong?
@AlexA. It's obviously wrong.
Not properly golfed.
find ~/.vim/bundle -maxdepth 1 -exec git -C {} pull \;
(Disclaimer: I know nothing.)
llama@llama:~$ cat > asdf.sh
cd /
llama@llama:~$ chmod +x asdf.sh
llama@llama:~$ ./asdf.sh
llama@llama:~$ echo hi, still in $(pwd)
hi, still in /home/llama
@Doorknob冰 Does cd within a script not actually cd you?
@Dennis Oh good call
@AlexA. It does, but only "during" the script
@AlexA. It changes directories in the script's subshell. Your parent shell isn't affected.
... yeah, I said what Dennis said in a less sophisticated and correct way. :P
# Update Homebrew formulas and installations
brew update
brew upgrade

# Update vim plugins
find ~/.vim/bundle -maxdepth 1 -exec git -C {} pull \;
Now it's short and sweet
Q: Play Antichess!

J Atkinhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Losing_chess This is basically Chess Tournament, but for antichess ;) Antichess is one of the many chess variants that have been invented. The goal is to lose all your pieces (this may seem a little odd, but it's called antichess for a reason). The rules The rul...

:D :D
I like chess variants. :P
Atomic is next :)
@JAtkin Is that the one where pieces blow up when captured?
And every other non-pawn in a 1-square radius
I made a challenge about it
...wut, pawns escape unscathed?
Yep, unless they're the capturer or capture-ee
capture-ee, eh?
It makes the game more interesting.
@Dennis I was hoping nobody would comment on that :P
@El'endiaStarman Yep
Hey, at least you didn't fall for the mate-in-3 opening. :D
So what happens to suspended users after the suspension wears off?
They get unsuspended?
Suspensions are always temporary.
Though, in some cases, that "temporary" isn't much different from "permanent".
I ask because I noticed that molar guy got unsuspended but now has 1 rep
If he gets unsuspended, he gets all his rep back.
Who am I playing atomic with? @JAtkin? :P
Still waiting for the rep recalc, I suppose.
Atomic chess?
@Doorknob冰 That is some weird "chess".
Or atomic code golf?
What's everyone's favorite nationality of food? For example, mine is Thai.
@Dennis Variants are fun. There's a bunch more.
@quartata I see 1,581 rep.
blame caching
2 mins ago, by Dennis
Still waiting for the rep recalc, I suppose.
possible duplicate of Q: Play Antichess!
The spec for the Spacewar! KotH is probably finished. I welcome any feedback and requests for clarification.
@NewMainPosts haha
No takers for food nationality?
I don't eat ethnic food. Of any nationality.
Aug 4 at 3:41, by Dennis
Thai was good, but no match for Sri Lankan.
@El'endiaStarman What do you eat? "American" is an acceptable answer to the nationality question.
@Dennis So Sri Lankan is your favorite?
@AlexA. Non-canadian
Vietnamese food is delicious
@Doorknob冰 Truth
@Calvin'sHobbies So no maple syrup?
I don't think I have a clear favorite. Sri Lankan, Japanese and whatever pizza, shawarma and hamburgers are... all good.
That's fair :)
@AlexA. Hmm. maybe. I was thinking about icky polenta
@Calvin'sHobbies I'm fairly certain that polenta is not a distinctly Canadian food.
^ Also, polenta is pretty good.
> # Challenge template

Given an input of [...INPUT...], [...OUTPUT/ACTION...].

Define any necessary terms. Also show any necessary diagrams, tables, formulas, etc. here.

Describe the process of transformating the input to the output or of performing the action on the input.

Give any constraints on the input / output. Make sure there is no ambiguity in what input / output is allowed (this can mean granting extra permissions / liberties on what constitues acceptable input / output).

Cover any extra rules or restrictions that haven't already been mentioned. This section is optional and,
Feedback on a template for "flat" challenge specs?
(i.e. without all the headers and such)
@Doorknob冰 Is this for a meta post?
No, this is just a thing I came up with while throwing together a bunch of half-written challenges
I found that often it's easier to skip the headers and just write in paragraph format
The right half hurts my eyes.
@Dennis How goes Jelly?
@Dennis adds eye-hurt friendly option
Text / background contrast for the black on dark grey could be improved
@Calvin'sHobbies Progress is slow, but steady. I'm currently trying to decide how I want it to behave for strings.
@AlexA. Well, I consider "ethnic food" to mean any sort of food that comes from or is especially popular within a particular culture. So hamburgers and pizzas, for example, don't really count in my view. Aside from that, I eat near-exclusively very simple dishes. I can't smell, so texture matters a lot more to me than to most, and I don't mind eating the same things over and over again.
@Doorknob冰 yeah, true
Does anyone have a good quality bluetooth speaker? Is it normal for the sound to jitter and fade when your phone is 20 or so feet away? (possibly with a wall between)
Also, considering that the USA's states are basically the size of European countries, there isn't an overall "American ethnic food", but rather regional ethnic foods.
@Calvin'sHobbies 6.096 meters indoors? Yeah, that's pretty normal.
@Dennis Ok. (I'm trying to figure out if my generic brand one has bad range or is more or less average.)
It's not just the speaker, but whatever device you're connecting to it.
My phone seems to cover longer distances than my wife's.
The biggest difference between low- and high-end speakers seems to be the sounds quality. My wife's Bose is simply amazing.
Hmm, ok. Mediocre sound quality is not a dealbreaker for me.
what cant regex do? — Petey B Jul 17 '09 at 18:18
winces why are you on SO any not know of the might of regex?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ....I couldn't parse this in a meaningful way.
@El'endiaStarman sorry, misread it :P
Q: Self documenting Code

Rohan JhunjhunwalaDon't you hate having to write documentation. My challenge is for you to write a program which should not be a quine, but outputs its own source with doucumentation comments saying whatever you like. This is code golf with a few interesting exceptions. Every method you write gets a 10 byte disco...

Alright people, g'night
You're annoying, git.

# Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,
# especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.
# Lines starting with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts
# the commit.
@El'endiaStarman Surprisingly hard indeed
I didn't even bother trying to shoot missiles or teleport through hyperspace. :P
Just got 8-3. That's the best I've done. My past two games: 6-5 and 5-6.
@Dennis How did you git that? Merging into a topic branch never asks me for a message.
> How did you git that
@feersum git pull, possibly with some mistakes before that.
Oh, well, scorched Earth approach.
I've been searching for the hardest bug I've probably ever dealt with for the past 30 minutes, and it was all caused by having 10 instead of 0x10. Literally every function of my program was throwing an error.
don't use git pull
@phase Haha, wow.
@feersum What should I use instead?
Fetch and merge, I assume?
But that is what git pull does, isn't it?
Q: In what cases could `git pull` be harmful?

Richard HansenI have a colleague who claims that git pull is harmful, and gets upset whenever someone uses it. The git pull command seems to be the canonical way to update your local repository. Does using git pull create problems? What problems does it create? Is there a better way to update a git repository?

git pull appears golfier on the surface, but it will fuck you up and take an hour to fix
An hour? Meh.
tryitonline:opt# rm -r jelly-testing/
tryitonline:opt# mkdir jelly-testing
tryitonline:opt# cd jelly-testing/
tryitonline:jelly-testing# git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/jelly-testing/.git/
tryitonline:jelly-testing# git remote add -t testing -f origin github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly
Updating origin
remote: Counting objects: 160, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (30/30), done.
remote: Total 160 (delta 14), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 130
Receiving objects: 100% (160/160), 30.36 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Disclaimer: I do not understand 90% of those links and all I know how to do is use Google
I have deleted my git folders more times than I can count. I should probably learn to do things properly...
How on earth is someone this bad at Git?
Just work on one branch on one computer
@yeti we've all seen that
@El'endiaStarman @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ^^^
@phase So I should pay for a second server to host my Jelly testing branch?
Is there a way to modify find ~/.vim/bundle -maxdepth 1 -exec git -C {} pull \; to echo the folder it's in before it git pulls? I'm getting fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git and I have absolutely no idea why.
@Dennis, @Doorknob冰 ^
@Doorknob冰 Looks like there's a massive FGITW issue here. First answer has ~2.5x the upvotes of the second answer, but the second one is a year newer. Second one does make a bit more sense to me.
@phase Looks like you haven't replaced all of the sprites yet. :P But it looks cool!
@Dennis Why do you have a testing branch? Just don't push to your servers when you're "testing".
@AlexA. Try find ~/.vim/bundle -maxdepth 1 -print -exec git -C {} pull \;
@El'endiaStarman s/older/newer/?
@Doorknob冰 Fix'd.
@phase That would make it considerably more difficult to get feedback here. It would also mean I can only tets new stuff on one computer.
Wait a minute...that's a self-answer!
@El'endiaStarman If I did that, I'd have nightmares for weeks. Plus I have to find the offsets for the rest of the animations.
Just popping in and back out to say Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, 'Tis the Season, or whatever is appropriate this time of year. See ya later! :D
@Dennis Oh this is perfect, thank you! It looks like the problem I'm having is that it runs in the base directory before it goes into the subdirectories.
@Geobits Hello I miss you please have good holidays or whatever <#
Not sure if on purpose.
Less than hash
# is capital 3
> capital 3
Uppercase 3, if you please
@AlexA. Add -mindepth 1. Or just use a for loop.
for d in ~/.vim/bundle/*; do
    git -C "$d" pull
Why "$d"? Specifically, why the quotes?
@AlexA. Spaces in filenames and other shenanigans
Probably not a problem with git repos, but a good habit.
It's always a good idea to use "$var" instead of $var when you expect one argument every time
@Dennis yes this
@Doorknob冰 Which is also why vanilla find | xargs usually isn't a good idea.
@Dennis Will this not try to get into . and ..?
@Dennis >.<
I never did get the hang of -print0 etc.
@AlexA. No, those are hidden (begin with .)
@AlexA. Nope, glob expansion ignores hidden directory entries.
Thank you both so much for all of your Bash help this evening. :)
Glad to help!
No problem. That's pretty much the only language I use in real life. :)

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