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12:00 AM
I should write a Japt-golfing tool for ETHbot
#teach golf a.replace(/\s/g,"")
<ETHbot> I learned #golf!
#golf "var hello=\"Hello!\";alert(hello)"
<ETHbot> SyntaxError: unterminated string literal
#teach golf a.replace(/\s/g,"")
<ETHbot> I learned #golf!
#golf "var hello=\"Hello!\";alert(hello)"
<ETHbot> TypeError: a is undefined
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
#golf "var hello=\"Hello!\";alert(hello)"
/wolfram 3 + 3
@Downgoat Downgoat is thinking...
#golf "var hello=\"Hello!\";alert(hello)"
<ETHbot> TypeError: a is undefined
12:03 AM
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
#teach golf a.replace(/\s/g,"")
/wolfram 3 + 3
<ETHbot> I learned #golf!
@Downgoat Downgoat is thinking...
#golf "var hello=\"Hello!\";alert(hello)"
<ETHbot> "var
12:04 AM
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
#teach golf a.replace(/\s/g,"")
/wolfram 3 + 3
@Downgoat Downgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> I learned #golf!
#golf "var hello=\"Hello!\";alert(hello)"
<ETHbot> "varhello="Hello!";alert(hello)"
#teach golf a.replace(/\s+/g," ").replace(/var /g,"")
<ETHbot> I learned #golf!
#golf "var hello=\"Hello!\";alert(hello)"
<ETHbot> "hello="Hello!";alert(hello)"
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
12:05 AM
/wolfram 3 + 3
@Downgoat Downgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/wolfram 3 + 3
@Downgoat Downgoat is thinking...
it worked :D
Woohoo! How did you do it?
12:08 AM
It was actually pretty simple: `function WolframQuery(search,callback){var x=new XMLHttpRequest();x.onreadystatechange=function(){if(x.readyState===4){if(x.status===200){callback(x.responseXML)}}};x.open("GET","https://crossorigin.me/http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?input="+encodeURIComponent(search)+"&appid=API_CODE");x.send();}` and then: `WolframQuery(m.textContent.trim().replace(/^(\/|@\w+\s+)([A-Za-z]+)/,"").trim(),function(r){
//$("#upload-url-input > input[name=upload-url]").val($(r).find("pod[title=Result] img").attr('src'));$("#upload-url-input ~ input[value=upload]").click();
/wolfram Why are firetrucks red?
@Downgoat Downgoat is thinking...
Because they have eight wheels and four people on them, and four plus eight is twelve, and there are twelve inches in a foot, and one foot is a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was also a ship, and the ship sailed the seas, and in the seas are fish, and fish have fins, and the Finns fought the Russians, and the Russians are red, and fire trucks are always "russian" around.
(according to the Monty Pythonesque application of the principles of logic and etymology)
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: Because they have eight wheels and four people on them, and four plus eight ('Because they have eight wheels and four people on them, and four plus eight')
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/wolfram pi to 1000 digits
@Downgoat Downgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
12:18 AM
/wolfram pi to 1000 digits
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram>3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317
/wolfram next solar eclipse
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram>

Alternativly:8:57 pm EST | Tuesday, March 8, 2016 (87.07 days from now)
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/wolfram what is 3 + four
<ETHbot> I don't know what "four" means.
12:20 AM
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
Best Guess:
26126307 <Chatgoat / Wolfram>7

2nd-best guest:
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/wolfram pi to 20 digits
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:

2nd-best guest:
dang it I wrote guest instead of guess
/wolfram carbon
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:

2nd-best guest:
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/what is 3 to the power of 14
12:25 AM
<ETHbot> I don't know what "of" means.
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:

2nd-best guess:
4 million 782 thousand 969
/wolfram What is the next term in 1,2,3,4,5
@ETHproductions Chatgoat is thinking...
What is the next term in 1,2,3,4,5
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:

2nd-best guess:
12:26 AM
What is the next term in 1,2,3,4,5?
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions The next term is 6.
/wolfram next term of [1,2,3,4,5]
@ETHproductions Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:

2nd-best guess:
What is the next term in 1,2,3,4,5?
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions The next term is 6.
12:26 AM
<Chatgoat> /what: (n/a)runs a wolfram alpha query (be nice I'm limited to 2000 per month)
<Chatgoat> /wolfram: runs a *w*olf*r*am *a*lpha query (be nice I'm limited to 2000 per month)
<Chatgoat> /help: shows help
<Chatgoat> /talk: talking animals
<Chatgoat> /gist: where does chatgoat come from? (source code)
<Chatgoat> /hi: chatgoat will say hi
<Chatgoat> /goat: Random goat gif/pic, what could possibly go wrong?
<Chatgoat> /carrot: ^
<Chatgoat> /kill: Kills chatgoat, why would you do this ;-;
<Chatgoat> /shutup: Shuts chatgoat up
/wolfram what is 3 + 4
@ETHproductions Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> 3 + 4 is 7.
/what is George Washington
<ETHbot> I don't know what "washington" means.
12:27 AM
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:

2nd-best guess:
George Washington (politician)full name | George Washington
date of birth | Friday, February 11, 1732 (Julian calendar) (283 years ago)
place of birth | Westmoreland County, Virginia
date of death | Saturday, December 14, 1799 (Gregorian calendar) (age: 67 years)
(215 years ago)
place of death | Mount Vernon, Virginiaofficial position | country | start date | end date
Senior Officer (Department of Defense) | United States | July 13, 1798 | December 14, 1799
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:

2nd-best guess:
@Upgoat Finally! That took about 100x longer than ETHbot.
@ETHproductions <Chatgoat> I can't be that good! means, I'm only a goat
Hahaha, nice edit ;)
/what is 3+4
<ETHbot> 3+4 is 7.
12:29 AM
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:

2nd-best guess:
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
I've already used 5% of my api in 25 minutes :p
/wolfram 3+4
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:

2nd-best guess:
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/what is 3 + 2
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> 3 + 2 is 5.
12:33 AM
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: 5
2nd-best guess:
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
<Chatgoat> /what, /why: runs a wolfram alpha query, ignores first word. Usage: /what is 3+2
<Chatgoat> /wolfram: runs a wolfram alpha query
<Chatgoat> /help: shows help
<Chatgoat> /talk: talking animals
<Chatgoat> /gist: where does chatgoat come from? (source code)
<Chatgoat> /hi: chatgoat will say hi
<Chatgoat> /goat: Random goat gif/pic, what could possibly go wrong?
<Chatgoat> /carrot: ^
<Chatgoat> /kill: Kills chatgoat, why would you do this ;-;
<Chatgoat> /shutup: Shuts chatgoat up
<Chatgoat> /say: talks english. You may add what you want Chatgoat to say. Chatgoat will always say what
/what is an apple
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> I don't know what "apple" means.
12:35 AM
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:
2nd-best guess: 'apuhl (IPA: \:02c8æp\:0259l)
/what is 2x^2 - 3xy + 4y^2 + 6x - 3y - 4 = 0
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:
2nd-best guess: 2 x^2-3 x y+4 y^2+6 x-3 y-4 = 0ellipse2 x^2+4 y^2 = 3 x (y-2)+3 y+42 x^2+x (6-3 y)+4 y^2-3 y = 4-3 (x+1) y+2 (x (x+3)-2)+4 y^2 = 0x~~-4.15515, y~~-1.18318x~~0.76385, y~~0.661444x = -3, y = -2y = 1/8 (-sqrt(-23 x^2-78 x+73)+3 x+3)y = 1/8 (sqrt(-23 x^2-78 x+73)+3 x+3)(dx(y))/(dy) = (3+3 x-8 y)/(6+4 x-3 y)(dy(x))/(dx) = (6+4 x-3 y)/(3+3 x-8 y)
12:38 AM
@DanTheMan i.stack.imgur.com/<broken goat/no items>
That's not good
uh oh
huh,weird fixed the problem
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
12:42 AM
/wolfram carbon
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:
2nd-best guess:
carbon (chemical element)symbol | C
atomic number | 6
atomic mass | 12.0107 u (unified atomic mass units)phase at STP | solid |
melting point | [5,6]-fullerene-C70 | 280 °C
| buckminsterfullerene | 280 °C
| activated charcoal | 3550 °C
| graphite | 3675 °C
boiling point | activated charcoal | 4027 °C
(properties at standard conditions)density | buckminsterfullerene | 1.65 g/cm^3
| activated charcoal | 2.26 g/cm^3
| diamond | 3.5 g/cm^3
Mohs hardness | 0.5 (between talc and gypsum) |
/what is code
<ETHbot> I don't know what "code" means.
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/what is code
12:43 AM
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> I don't know what "code" means.
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: 1 | noun | a set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones)
2 | noun | a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecy
3 | noun | (computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions
4 | verb | attach a code to
5 | verb | convert ordinary language into code
(5 meanings)k'ohd (IPA: k\:02c8o\:028ad)code (no hyphenation) (4 letters | 1 syllable)1303 (High Middle ages) (712 years ago)Old French | Latinwritten: 1891st most common (1 in 17857 wor
12:59 AM
/what is a goat
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> I don't know what "goat" means.
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: Capra hircusgoat (feral)kingdom | Animalia (animals)
phylum | Chordata (chordates)
class | Mammalia (mammals)
order | Artiodactyla (antelope, giraffe, camels, pigs, hippos...)
family | Bovidae (antelopes, buffalo, bison, cattle, gazelles, goats, sheep...)
genus | Capra
species | Capra hircus (domestic goat)maximum recorded lifespan | 20 years (in captivity)
weight | 130 lb (pounds)number of tastebuds | 15000 (human: 9000)single hemisphere brain surface area | 120 cm^2 (square centimeters) (human: 1100 cm^2)
Nothing is 0.
<ETHbot> Learned these words: Nothing (0)
Goat is nothing.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: Goat ('Goat')
Goat is 0.
<ETHbot> Learned these words: Goat (0)
What is the next term in 1,3,6,10,15?
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions The sequence is a little vague, but it's probably 21.
What is the next term in 1,7,19,37,61?
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions The sequence is a little vague, but it's probably 91.
What is the next term in 1,10,100,1000,10000?
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions My calculations are inconclusive, but it may be 40951.
What is the next term in 1,2,3,6,12,24,48?
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions My calculations are inconclusive, but it may be 92.
Ah-hah! So chat goat does support continuation...
/what is 2,4,6,8,10,12,...
1:09 AM
<ETHbot> 2,4,6,8,10,12,... is 'SyntaxError: expected rest argument name, got end of script'.
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: a_n = 2 n (for all terms given)2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, ...6 items
2nd-best guess: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, ...
LOL @ ETHbot's guess
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/what is 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,...
<ETHbot> 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,... is 'SyntaxError: expected rest argument name, got end of script'.
1:11 AM
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, ...
2nd-best guess: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, ...
I'm going to fix that error...
/what is -1,1,-2,2,-3,3,...
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> -1,1,-2,2,-3,3,... is 'SyntaxError: expected rest argument name, got end of script'.
1:13 AM
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -5, 5, -6, 6, -7, 7, -8, 8, -9, 9, -10, 10, -11, 11, ...
2nd-best guess: -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -5, 5, -6, 6, -7, 7, -8, 8, -9, 9, -10, 10, -11, 11, ...
woah, awesome
/what is 2,4,6,8...
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions It's a little hard to tell, but I believe it is 8.
@ETHproductions Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: {2, 4, 6, product_(n=1)^infinity 8}
2nd-best guess: {2, 4, 6, 8×...}{2, 4, 6, product_(n=1)^infinity 8}
/what is 2,4,6,8,10,12...
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions The next term is NaN.
@ETHproductions Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, product_(n=1)^infinity 12}
2nd-best guess: {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12×...}{2, 4, 6, 8, 10, product_(n=1)^infinity 12}
1:17 AM
/what is 2,4,6,8,10,12,...
@ETHproductions Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions The next term is 14.
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, ...
2nd-best guess: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, ...
What is 28,33,38,43,48,53...
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions My calculations are inconclusive, but it may be -230.
What is the next term in 28,33,38,43,48,53?
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions The next term is 58.
What is 28,33,38,43,48,53...
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions My calculations are inconclusive, but it may be -230.
What is 28,33,38,43,48,53,...
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions The next term is 58.
What is 28,33,38,43,48,53...
<ETHbot> @ETHproductions The next term is 58.
/what is 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ...
1:19 AM
<ETHbot> 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ... is 'SyntaxError: expected rest argument name, got end of script'.
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: By the geometric series test, the series converges.
2nd-best guess: By the geometric series test, the series converges.
/wolfram thank you
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
Now I need that too...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:
2nd-best guess:
Thank you.You're welcome!
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
1:20 AM
/wolfram thank you
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:
2nd-best guess:
Thank you.You're welcome!
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/wolfram thank you
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess:
2nd-best guess:
Thank you.You're welcome!
/what is thank you
<ETHbot> I don't know what "you" means.
1:24 AM
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/what is thank you
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> I don't know what "you" means.
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: You're welcome!
2nd-best guess: Thank you.You're welcome!
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/what is carbon
1:26 AM
<ETHbot> I don't know what "carbon" means.
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: symbol | C
atomic number | 6
atomic mass | 12.0107 u (unified atomic mass units)
2nd-best guess: symbol | C
atomic number | 6
atomic mass | 12.0107 u (unified atomic mass units)
Carbon is 12.0107.
<ETHbot> Learned these words: Carbon (12)
What is Carbon + 4
<ETHbot> Carbon + 4 is 16.
Thank you is 10000000.
<ETHbot> Learned these words: Thank you (10000000)
/what is thank you
<ETHbot> Thank you is 10000000.
@ETHproductions Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: You're welcome!
2nd-best guess: Thank you.You're welcome!
1:31 AM
/what is a joke
@ETHproductions Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> I don't know what "joke" means.
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: 1 | noun | a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter
2 | noun | activity characterized by good humor
3 | noun | a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
4 | noun | a triviality not to be taken seriously
5 | verb | tell a joke; speak humorously
6 | verb | act in a funny or teasing way
(6 meanings)
2nd-best guess: j'ohk (IPA: d\:0292\:02c8o\:028ak)
/wolfram Tell me a joke.
@ETHproductions Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: Rrrrrring. Operator: I'm sorry, the number you have dialed is imaginary. Please multiply by i and dial again.
(according to what passes for mathematical humor (my favorite sub-genre), drawn from several sources but primarily from P. Renteln and A. Dundes in their paper "Sampling of Mathematical Folk Humor" in Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 52, pp. 24-34, 2005)
2nd-best guess:
Tell me a joke.Rrrrrring. Operator: I'm sorry, the number you have dialed is imaginary. Please multiply by i and dial again.
1:32 AM
@Upgoat pfft
@quartata <Chatgoat> I don't know what pfft means, I'm only a goat
/wolfram Do you want your possessions identified?
@quartata Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> Best Guess: prompt returned upon death, ascension, escaping the dungeon, or quitting in the classic NetHack video game
(Typing "y" usually reveals that you had an amulet of life saving that you weren't wearing, you had three potions of extra healing you didn't take, and that the mysterious ring you didn't wear for fear of cursedness was actually a blessed ring of slow digestion, which is especially irking if you just starved to death.)
2nd-best guess:
Do you want your possessions identified?prompt returned upon death, ascension, escaping the dungeon, or quitting in the
What is a joke?
<ETHbot> I don't know what "a joke" means.
A joke is funny.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: A joke ('A joke')
A joke is funny.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: A joke ('A joke')
A joke is funny.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: A joke ('A joke')
A joke is funny.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: A joke ('ERROR')
A joke is funny.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: A joke ('a joke')
A joke is no longer funny.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: A joke ('A joke')
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
1:43 AM
/wolfram 3+3
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
A joke is funny.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: A joke ('funny')
/what is carbon
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
1:44 AM
<ETHbot> I don't know what "carbon" means.
/what is this
<ETHbot> I don't know what "this" means.
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
This is your name.
<ETHbot> Learned these words: This ('ETHbot')
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
1:46 AM
/what is carbon
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> **Best Guess:** <broken goat/no result>
**2nd-best guess:**
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> **Best Guess** <broken goat/no result>
**2nd-best guess**
What is carbon?
<ETHbot> I don't know what "carbon" means.
/what is 3+3
1:48 AM
<ETHbot> 3_3 is 'SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal'.
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/what is 4+3
<ETHbot> 4+3 is 7.
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> **Best Guess:** <broken goat/no result>
**2nd-best guess:**
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/what is 4+7
1:49 AM
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> 4+7 is 11.
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> **Best Guess:** <broken goat/no result>
**2nd-best guess:**
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/what is carbon
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> I don't know what "carbon" means.
1:51 AM
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> **Best Guess:** symbol | C
atomic number | 6
atomic mass | 12.0107 u (unified atomic mass units)
**2nd-best guess:** symbol | C
atomic number | 6
atomic mass | 12.0107 u (unified atomic mass units)
/what is 3+2
<ETHbot> 3+2 is 5.
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> **Best Guess:** 5
**2nd-best guess:** 5
Best Guess:
Zero is 0. Foo is 1. Bar is foo.
<ETHbot> Learned these words: Zero (0), Foo (1)
But I didn't understand these: Bar ('foo')
Bar is foo.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: Bar ('foo')
What is foor?
<ETHbot> I don't know what "foor" means.
1:53 AM
Bar is Foo.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: Bar ('foo')
Just a sec, I fixy
π—•π—²π˜€π˜ π—₯π—²π˜€π˜‚π—Ήπ˜:
Foo is 0. Bar is foo.
<ETHbot> Learned these words: Foo (0)
But I didn't understand these: Bar ('foo')
^ Does that show up properly for everyone
Foo is 0. Bar is foo.
<ETHbot> Learned these words: Foo (0)
But I didn't understand these: Bar ('foo')
Foo is 1. Bar is foo.
<ETHbot> Learned these words: Foo (1), Bar (1)
See, the problem is that 0 is falsy, so foo is falsy, so my program fails.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: See, the problem ('that 0 is falsy, so foo is falsy, so my program fails')
1:56 AM
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
/what is George Washington
<ETHbot> I don't know what "george washington" means.
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> π—•π—²π˜€π˜ π—₯π—²π˜€π˜‚π—Ήπ˜: full name | George Washington
date of birth | Friday, February 11, 1732 (Julian calendar) (283 years ago)
place of birth | Westmoreland County, Virginia
date of death | Saturday, December 14, 1799 (Gregorian calendar) (age: 67 years)
(215 years ago)
place of death | Mount Vernon, Virginia
𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 π—•π—²π˜€π˜: full name | George Washington
date of birth | Friday, February 11, 1732 (Julian calendar) (283 years ago)
place of birth | Westmoreland County, Virginia
Foo is 0. Bar is foo.
<ETHbot> Learned these words: Foo (0), Bar (0)
Foo is 0. Bar is foo. Baz is 1. Foo is baz.
<ETHbot> Learned these words: Foo (0), Bar (0), Baz (1)
But I didn't understand these: Foo ('baz')
Foo is baz.
<Chatgoat> Chatgoat has been called. Need help? Use /help
1:59 AM
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: Foo ('baz')
/what is George Washington
What is baz?
@Downgoat Chatgoat is thinking...
<ETHbot> Baz is 1.
<Chatgoat / Wolfram> π—•π—²π˜€π˜ π—₯π—²π˜€π˜‚π—Ήπ˜: full name | George Washington
date of birth | Friday, February 11, 1732 (Julian calendar) (283 years ago)
place of birth | Westmoreland County, Virginia
date of death | Saturday, December 14, 1799 (Gregorian calendar) (age: 67 years)
(215 years ago)
place of death | Mount Vernon, Virginia
1:59 AM
Foo is baz.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: Foo ('baz')
This is baz.
<ETHbot> I didn't understand these words: This ('baz')

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