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@Slereah Oddly enough, the reviewers came out with 2 'looks OK' and 4 'delete' decisions, but that seems to suffice for the system to consider the post as 'looking OK'. You might consider flagging again.
The two 'looks OK' decisions come from people who have not the slightest expertise in the realm of the question, so I am slightly puzzled why they hit 'looks OK' instead of 'Skip'
It has pretty diagrams
Yeah, perhaps
Also it references things
That's enough creds to go by
It makes me sad when a question that shows no research effort gets a lot of upvotes despite "no research effort" being the literal criterion for downvoting :-(
I can usually let it go by but Duffield trying to answer a cohomology question is quite unnerving
@ACuriousMind cc @Slereah I took care of it
given the sheer number of people who marked it as not an answer
@DavidZ HNQ at work again. I think that meta.SE post @ChrisWhite recently linked about not granting voting privileges merely for the association bonus really would be a good idea
Perhaps get rid of that silly bonus at all - if you have some kind of expertise in the area of a site, 100 rep isn't hard to get at all.
@ACuriousMind @DavidZ @Slereah prepare for the raged wrath of JD...you obscured the evidence about De Rham cohomology
Probably Einstein and Dirac, as well
::gets popcorn::
Cancels Netflix subscription
done with class for the week~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
time to read some more in the bible of SR
and the bible of quantum computing
and the...uh, video games
about the bible
speaking of bibles
there are so many people who walk around with bibles on this campus
did Dirac even know about cohomology
it'll update in a bit
oh shoot it has a black background on the main site
does anyone else see that too
Not me.
@0celo7 I'm screwed what chapters should I read?
@obe lol
how did the first class go
or was there no class
no class.
idk what's happening with you anymore
there will be in 3 days.
@ACuriousMind apparently twistors and algebraic geometry can be used to study PDEs?
please be aware.
classes begin in 3 days, 8 chapters of shankar left.
technically 5 because you told me not to read 3.
screwed is a bit of an understatement
I did?
what order should I read the last 5?
dude chap 3 is about the double slit experiment
I probably told you not to read that because I thought you knew some QM
you totally misrepresented how much you knew
@0celo7 skip path integral II, dirac equation, wkb.
no I read 3...
oh skip 3 chapters
ok, I see what you're saying
uh, read? I don't know what you want from me
I have to read hydrogen atom, spin, addition of angular momentum, and perturbation theories.
what order should I do this in?
why did you procrastinate
maybe you shouldn't be taking QFT
It's fine I know enough to understand it.
what is spin
Idk I didn't read that chapter.
@ACuriousMind do you need to know what spin is before taking a QFT class
dude I'll learn it.
technically though
I don't need perturbation theory for this class.
You kinda need spin yeah
so only 3 chapters left.
@ACuriousMind Is there anything interesting about topological Hausdorff spaces locally homeomorphic to $\mathbb{H}^n$?
i.e. manifolds which are locally quaternions
or...not manifolds
Isn't SO(3) unit quaternions
just manifolds with $\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{H}$
And SO(4) quaternions
And the Pauli matrices just imaginary units for quaternions
@0celo7 I have not the slightest idea about twistors, but given that algebraic geometry started as the study of solutions of polynomial equations, that's not surprising
wait crap I need perturbation theory.
better get reading.
@0celo7 I would say so.
QFT = perturbation theory + useless crap
@ACuriousMind :P
i don't get it
first you said qft = harmonic oscillator
ACM gets it
i feel left out
@Slereah SU(2) is the three-sphere, and hence the unit quaternions, i.e. SO(3) is double covered by the quaternions
@ACuriousMind I picked up a book on algebraic geometry and twistors from the library
So you can prolly do things with quaternions, I would say
Rotate shit around
I want to see how badly I fail at it
@obe Well, that's kinda the same thing, because you perturb around the point where it is just the harmonic oscillator (the free theory)
@0celo7 Never heard of that. Doesn't mean anything, though.
@0celo7 Probably not, because homology was in its infancy at his time.
Especially as it relates to physics
Physicists didn't give a shit about group theory and topology
Until like
Why a "T", @0celo7
good, it updated
And Cartan maybe?
17 hours ago, by 0celo7
@ACuriousMind your ignorance of American...everything is priceless :D
gotta represent
@0celo7 Ah
How boring :P
our other logo is
that's a seal, not a logo
It's also the logo, just usually colored in red:
also that's way too much Christian symbolism for my tastes
that's as old as my village when I lived in Germany
I think we're est. 1796
which is pretty old for America
@ACuriousMind do you have a shirt with your school's logo on it
@0celo7 Well. Heidelberg is the oldest German university.
@0celo7 Nope
what is wrong with Germans
be proud of your school man
I have like 6
and two hoodies
We don't engage in the tribalism that seems so common among Americans :P
our seal is boring
but we can fit 110,000 people inside the stadium
so suck it
Agriculture and commerce? Truly, an institution of science :P
tomorrow is going to be insane
@ACuriousMind your seal looks like that of a monastery
well our business school is top 5 IIRC
and ag is also pretty great
@0celo7 That's because it depicts the founder, I think, and back then the lords of course were depicted as instated by god and the church.
how many people are at UH anyway
A bit more than 30000, I think
damn that's bigger than UT
but our stadium is bigger, so
time to get #rekt by...the klein correspondence
@ACuriousMind what's that
No idea
well this is going to be rough
ah, I know the Cauchy Riemann equations
@Slereah Est-ce que tu es encore à l'Univ. de Nantes?
I understand the first page all right
ouch, they don't even bother defining homeomorphism
even HE does that
::showing off::
:24035736 when it comes to old alma maters, it is difficult to beat mine:
define "beat"
to be the oldest
@yuggib ::bows in awe::
we do not have a strong football team...
@0celo7 ::bleurgghhh::
@Qmechanic - Just for my knowledge, since it may be helpful in the future, I am unable to make sense of the semi-concealment of the username here, particularly with this edit. I mean, OP has already listed the questions, so everyone can find out whom are we talking about!
@0celo7 You americans may know the meaning of edible food; but surely not of nice food...
@yuggib uh, I have not eaten that shit in 12 years
I'm just pointing out where you went
it seems I've never actually shown that a submanifold is a manifold
@0celo7 Well, we do not eat that "thing" there...
@yuggib tbh I don't know anyone who eats it here either
and we are quite offended that it takes that name actually
@yuggib the French are taking over
@0celo7 Who is French??
@yuggib you, apparently
Not at all...Bologna is far from France
@0celo7 You might want to check where Bologna is :P
eww, do I need the implicit function theorem for this
@ACuriousMind sounds French
You are just lucky that I actually live in France...but not for much longer
@0celo7 keh
italy $\cong$ france
what's the difference
@0celo7 Say that to a soccer buff :P
@0celo7 In which category?
if you look at the flag and are daltonic probably none
@ACuriousMind ::restrains vulgarity::
your mother's category
@ACuriousMind The category $\mathrm{AmericanGeography}$ is not even homomorphic to the usual one...
in English Language & Usage, 53 mins ago, by skill patrol
Yo mama jokes are soooo...last century
your mother is so last century
@yuggib It's probably the category with two objects called "'Murica" and "the rest" and one arrow labeled "invade" :P
@ACuriousMind :-D
have I given the impression that I'm an imperialist?
Yo team is goin down sucka
@0celo7 surely of poor geography skills
@yuggib nope
@0celo7 no, 'twas a joke not specifically about you
wonder if anyone saw that
::raises hand::
yes we did
I did.
@0celo7 I did :P
well then
I feel left out now :(
::half a dozen of offline users did::
uh, how does one prove a complex submanifold is a complex manifold
@yuggib huh?
@0celo7 Just to add someone...
@0celo7 How did you define "submanifold" in the first place that that is something to prove?
@ACuriousMind ugnnn that's so much text to type
5 mins ago, by skill patrol
in English Language & Usage, 53 mins ago, by skill patrol
Yo mama jokes are soooo...last century
Sep 3 at 15:15, by ACuriousMind
Please do not recurse
Yes master :(
$N$ is a complex submanifold of an $n$-dimensional manifold $M$ is closed subset $N$ with the property that near each point $p\in N$ there is a nbd $U$ of $p$ and $r$ holomorphic functions $\{f^j\}$ defined in $U$ so that
Nice avatar btw @ACuriousMind
(a) $N\cap U=\{ q\in U:f^i(q)=0\}$
@skillpatrol The bearer of the Circle of Zerthimon thanks you.
(b) in local coordinates $\{z^j\}$ near $q$ the matrix $\partial f^i/\partial z^j$ has maximal rank at $p$
Ew, why on earth would you define a submanifold by that :P
idk, I'm probably not going to do the exercises in this book
Implicitly, you always assume that a submanifold is a manifold
I'm not prepared for this
(usually also explicitly)
gonna skim, see if twistors are something I'm interested in at all
Hm, I think what that definition does is anticipate the result that preimages of regular points are embedded submanifolds, and then say an (immersed) submanifold is a set $N$ such that you locally have $f : M \to \mathbb{C}^r$ with $N = f^{-1}(0)$ with $0$ regular point of $f$.
I think that's a rather silly thing to do, it's much better to define submanifolds by immersions and embeddings and then show the theorem about regular points.
@ACuriousMind Anyways, after Italy and France, my european tour will take me close to you...in the capital of Baden-Württenberg
damn I will have to teach in German (of which I do not know almost a single word) :(
@yuggib When do you start?
The master strikes again: part 1 part 2
October 1st (but for the German I have time, like an year)
before I can teach in english
Ah, a year will be plenty if you already speak some languages, I think
Teaching maths or physics?
I am in the maths department
I will do the assistant on either analysis or math phys courses
don't know exactly
teach me analysis please
I just can't do it
the important thing (for me) is doing research :P
@0celo7 analysis is easy
I hate you
analysis is my math limit
well, it depends what you want to know
truly engineer tier
@TheDarkSide : Yeah, you are right, the concealment is not perfect. E.g. a click in the revision history gives access to previous versions. Generally speaking (i.e. not just for the case at hand), the reasons behind masking names are to not create halls of shame, privacy concerns, to calm the discussion; focus on the topic rather than on the person, etc.
you know what a function is; you know some element of topology
and home
you have to learn an $\varepsilon$-$\delta$ argument and convergence is covered
@Slereah ?
I am back home
from work
Via the bus and walking
we're still here
Dark Souls 1 75% off sale
Dark Souls 2 50% off
Quite a history lesson prompted by yesterday's chat log
@skillpatrol yeah...you prepared popcorn for is cohomological wrath
but never showed up
I am not sure if I am allowed to say their names out loud, however
do it
I will protect you
We will protect you.
Ok, here goes...
a dark wizard, student of Einstein and the evidence
what did he do
I have no idea, I am equally amazed when I first came across that Q and A in the meta
he has super nice answers
Maybe it is just a spite thing
I used to do that when I was a teen
Delete all my posts on a forum after being banned :V
As for how I know, because "Edit history" left trace of it
how I know all the names behind "insert who must not be named"*
How many of them are Duffield
There's a pretty damaging one in the past
E&E = Einstein & The Evidence @Slereah
Like PRETTY damaging:
that is the name of my band
I'm Einstein, and at the guitar is The Evidence
Prepare for some relativistic rock
The history lesson told me there are 4 users who are once branded "the user who must not be named"
ok what happened
who got deleted and why
and currently, only one guy is no longer "must not be named"
Dark wizards no doubt
I am not a mod, I know nothing about why, I only know it is "who" because edit history can be brwosed
sagittarius_a is no longer suspended as his profile can be read

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