1. Start server with IDEA->Run
2. Start node server with `npm run develop`
3. Go to `localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server` in Firefox
4. Choose Local host as server
5. Type user name `jacwah`
6. Press "Log in"
OK so I checked out the commit tagged 0.6 and built a dist package - but it failed
There is something magical about that dist... I also tried to make a dist from master (which supposedly the latest snapshot is based on). That failed to.
Alright, I think that I don't really understand how Cardshifter works: are different mods entirely different versions of the game? I say this because, as I am reading server logs from testing out both current mods, I am getting entirely different messages at different times.
I haven't looked entirely into the messages being sent, but Cyborg Chronicles sends me 18 messages, and Mythos sends me 31-32 messages upon the start of the game.
@jacwah Maybe different in general: is card information sent at different times? Are there different options for actions? Etc.
TBH I don't know anything about this, but browsing the code of the mods (specifically Game.groovy) I see that CC has ~60 LOC setup(), while Mythos has ~100 LOC
> This happens _only when not_ using http://www.cardshifter.com/releases/cardshifter-0.6.1-SNAPSHOT-20150729-0036.zip as far as I can tell.
These are the versions I've tried: - master - develop - 0.6 tag
These are the methods I've tried - IDEA->Run - `./gradlew dist && java -jar`
When a HTML client connects through WebSocket this is what is logged: ``` [2015-08-11 22:16:27,944] INFO ServerWeb [WebSocketWorker-11] ( ServerWeb.java: 46) - Connection opened: org.java_websoc
You test it. Git helps you check out commits to test. You specify a know good and know bad commit and it starts a binary search. First it checks out the commit in the middle. If it's good -> check out commit between middle and bad, if it's bad -> check out commit between middle and good.
@SirPython If you know the latest working commit then we know the commit that broke it. For the "good" commit specify any commit that works. Try something a few days ago or whenever you remember connecting to dwardtowers
The closer the good and bad commits are, the less you have to search, but don't spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect ones - that's what bisect will help you do
> I did a little of [bisect](file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Git/doc/git/html/git-bisect.html)ing and was brought back to [this commit](https://github.com/Cardshifter/HTML-Client/commit/6b885c8914698561a961fabb225980071fcb6664).
I can't see how this could've possibly broken the code: in fact, this commit was fixing a bug where the `.command` attribute of the message was not being sent.
However, that confuses me even more: how did the previous commit work when the `.command` attribute wa
@SirPython I prefer Web Client personally; the GWT client is technically a HTML client as well, although it is rather "shoehorned" into working for web, rather than being made for it
A user name...
is unique. Two clients can not connect with the same name simultaneously.
is at least 1 character and at most 20 characters long.
contains only ASCII letters, spaces, underscores and decimal numbers.
does not begin or end with whitespace.
It's just a starting point for discussion - feel free to comment on any of the points
@jacwah Why don't we go ahead and address that separately if you don't mind. I think there are other points related specifically to validation that I think would benefit from their own work thread
"MAX_HEALTH" : 10,
"MANA_COST" : 30,
"ATTACK" : 3,
"HEALTH" : 10,
"flavor" : "The Great Grandfather, Emperor of all Deities, Vanquisher of Evil.",
"name" : "JADE EMPEROR",
"description" : "Give creatures of type Chinese owned by you on Battlefield 3 HEALTH\nGive creatures on Battlefield -1 ATTACK\n",
"type" : "Chinese God"
What I need to be able to do is access those fields to display in the web client.
@SirPython I have a question; I saw in deck builder you used {{card.properties.name}} in one place, and {{card.max}} another place. How do you differentiate which properties are part of which set? I'd like to document that as I will need to be able to query these fields in several areas of the client
Well; I'm mostly wondering how I need to go about it