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03:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@Robusto The hive mind is only as sharp as its sexless workers' missing parts are small.
Never had 'em, never will.
1 hour later…
in Mathematics, 12 mins ago, by skill patrol
We lost a legend :'(
1 hour later…
@skillpatrol my condolences to Raider Nation.
Thank you my friend @StanShunpike
1 hour later…
Hi, which adjective fits better in this context "Gestapo officers came to Mszana Dolna and, as a punishment for not paying the whole/entire contribution, they killed 800 people on the spot "?
I would say "the entire contribution" is the better fit.
one more thing
"the older" describes one person who is "older" than the other right?
"The old" describes a group of people
Sentence please :-)
The older and the handicapped people transported from Skawina were buried there within a few days.
I would get rid of "people" in this sentence
We already know who are "The handicapped" so there is no need to write people after that.
I would rewrite it as, "The elderly and handicapped were transported from Skawina and buried there within a few days."
Where is "there"?
Replace "there" with the location.
"there" was mentioned in a previous sentence
"Germans transported those arrested people to the prison in Krzeszowice on 8th June July [1942], and then, in horse-drawn carts, to the woods near Skawina and shot them there. The grave had already been prepared.
"The woods near Skawnia" is the place of burial
This is getting kind of depressing.
Talking about mass executions.
We are not talking about mass executions.
We are talking about grammar and the proper use of words ;p
In the context of mass executions.
My translations are just instruments for dealing with this subject.
There is nothing depressing in talking about such things unless you are very emotional person.
If you talk about it long enough, it will wear you down.
I'm highly resistant to it
World War II has been my favorite subject in school
and still is.
"$2,000 Reward

The NYPD/New York City Police Foundation CRIME STOPPERS Program offers rewards of up to $2,000 for anonymous information that leads to the arrest and indictment of a violent felon." ; 0
Who does leav in NY here?
@skillpatrol Nice. Euler's identity is indeed beautiful.
@MattE.Эллен lol your horrible horibble English shows. I not is. I am.
Hi @RegDwigнt!
If you say so!
Agreed @DamkerngT.
I'm sort of surprised they didn't use E = mc^2
I am not. It would be wrong.
mc² gets you e, not E.
If you say so!
This is physics, man. Formulas, FFS. Even in plain soft language, "English" and "english" are not the same thing. And you think in hardcore mathematic formulas they somehow are?
Next up you'll tell me ∫ is the same as ſ or f.
∫ is the same as ſ or f.
See. I was right. As always. As always.
sixtysymbols.com a pretty useful tool when it comes to phisycs and astronomy
Hm. I am no Einstein, but something tells me 99% of these signs are not useful in physics or astronomy. Astrology, perhaps.
There are videos hidden in these signs
See. There are no videos hidden in physics or astronomy. Not a one.
No but people who did this site shot videos in which they describe each of the symbol
Lesson 101 on using this room: a regular would have instead used the retort "err, all videos from all TV stations are hidden in astronomy, forever".
We'll have to wait for someone the kin of @Robusto to provide Exhibit A.
Message to subcontinent: go pester Robusto so he seeks consolation here.
Where the rest of the lessons have gone?
Only lesson 101 is in room 101. The rest of the lessons went to the restrooms.
Cf the star wall.
Even lessons need a rest.
Apparently they thought they had nothing to do with language.
Should I have visited the room no.1?
Even rest needs a lesson.
Go visit the room 1/0.
Could you share a link to this site?
@RegDwigнt you am?
I just said I amed. You lost your spectacles?
@MattE.Эллен Hi pal wb
oic intl abbr day lol ftw #lifehacks #timesavers #yolo
@RegDwigнt what you amed at?
@skillpatrol thx
@MattE.Эллен that is a well-guarded Crete Sea.
Crete Seizure
@RegDwigнt I'm fresh out of Exhibits A. Will a B or a C serve?
That is terrible planning. See, this is exactly why one needs a five-year plan.
Will a four or three year plan serve?
You think Putin has a five-year plan?
I offer ten six-month plans instead.
Last time I checked the changed Constitution, he has a fifty-year plan.
He's just like Stalin, only with Put- instead of Stal-.
Meanwhile in the US every president gets exactly one four-year plan, and then some get a four-year lack of plan on top of that.
Yes. Your system is much better. yawns
I have nothing to say about that.
Yes. The results are too apparent. We don't need to import fries from France, and we have no Osamacare.
Argh! Except for that!
We also don't name our laws like we're some retarded parents.
Children Saving Love Patriot America America America Act of Love and Pride.
We just say, "law about this and that".
2 mins ago, by Robusto
Yes. Your system is much better. yawns
No yawn left behind.
Cover your mouth when you yawn!
Get off his yawn.
Pitch roll and yawn
In 'sensei' how do you pronounce the second syllable to be closer to Japanese? More like 'lay' or more like 'lie'?
It's closer to 'lay'.
Why would it be like lie?
@Mitch Like you were to say the names of the first and second vowels of English together quickly.
Also, why no IPA? "Lay" is pronounced "lie" in many Englishes.
sense + a + e.
Sensei is three four syllables.
Hence the three vowels.
Makes perfect sensei to me.
se + n + se + i
Oh, I didn't see Robusto. He sure knows how to pronounce sensei better than me.
Here are the four syllables in Japanese: せんせい
For those of you playing along at home, here's how it's written: 先生
Still stewing, eh?
No, watching The Room.
It's only a minute long. How many times did you watch it?
Thank you. I'm actually still a little confused. So closer to 'lay'
Closer to lay.
Im watching the room. Nothing changed yet
@Robusto はい、せんせい!
Ah... No I thought the cat was coming but that was my imagination
@Robusto the entire movie is 80 minutes. And it's the longest 80 months of your life.
Do things outside of the room count? How about outside of The Room?
Why I'm not watching it.
How about the The Road?
@Cerberus yes, it's Lagarde
Or The Town?
Hey if you watched things like Titanic, there is no excuse left for you to not skip them impostors and just watch the real worst movie evar.
I thought Troll 2 was the worst. Perhaps I was mistaken.
Nonono. Forget Troll 2. Forget Gigli. Forget Battlefield Earth. Forget Battleships. Forget Transformers VI through XII. The Room is where it's at.
Worse than Red Zone: Cuba?
Worse than Manos, Hands of Fate?
There is only one, exactly one movie in the entire history of mankind that comes somewhat closer to playing the same sport as The Room:
@RegDwigнt That's a bold statement.
Thankfully, after almost 40 years of watching crap, I am in the precise position to make it.
Manos gets a 1.9 on IMDB. Your Danel the Zauberer gets 2.0.
See how little you understand about movies?
Daniel der Zauberer was only, ever watched by fans of said Daniel. Whose only three achievements in life so far are 1) coming in third in the very first edition of German Idol, 2) being queer and ridiculously uneducated and 3) crashing into a truck loaded with pickled cucumbers at the age of 17, without a driver's license.
It goes without saying that if you're that kind of fan, you'll give a movie a 10 come hell or high water.
> A platoon of eagles and vultures attacks the residents of a small town. Many people die. It's not known what caused the flying menace to attack. Two people manage to fight back, but will they survive Birdemic?
@Robusto I think Gigli is something like 4 actually. These ratings don't mean shit.
Oh, and may I remind you of your favorite Shawshank Redemption.
No, they don't. According to IMDB, the best movie ever made was The Shawshank Redemption.
And it will stay that way forever and ever.
It already has stayed that way forever and ever.
[first lines]
Rod: Hi.
Nathalie: Hi.
Nathalie: Here's the menu.
Rod: Thank you.
See more »
Not even the five armies of paid reviewers could get the Dark Knight to crush it even for a day.
Still waiting for my Shawshank coke.
1 min ago, by RegDwigнt
And it will stay that way forever and ever.
> Most of the time strings are efficiently represented as primitive values . . .
Hmm, here's a case where punctuation would have helped.
@Robusto if you want an awesum movie along those exact lines, see Sharknado I, Sharknado II, or Ghost Shark. If you want a worse movie along those exact lines, see Snakes on a Plane, Sand Shark, or Two-Headed Shark Attack.
How about a checksum movie?
Oh, and what was the name of that movie again that had no sharks but a giant alligator and starred fucking Michael Madsen?
That was the most terrifying thing about it.
@Robusto see Cube II or Cube III: Hypercube.
Ah there we go. Croc was the name.
> [Birdemic] outshines "Troll 2" in every respect. It puts "Plan 9 From Outer Space" and "The Room" to shame.
Image not found.
Reg not found.
> If you want to explain blocking, editing, framing, sound markers, continuity, reverse shots, and other film terms to your friends, this is the film to use. None of it is done correctly.
@RegDwigнt That's a crock.
What a stupid idea to swim in a river along with crocodiles.
Also a stupid idea to go into the haunted house in the woods, but that's what people do in movies.
@Robusto yeah see, and that is precisely the thing. People will always compare stuff to Plan 9 and The Room. That says it all. They are the true milestones. Everything else, everything else pales in comparison. Who uses Birdemic as the standard? Nobody, that's who. Just like for Gigli or Snakes on the Plane. They can be as terrible as they want. But they are no Plan 9 or The room.
That is an elitist point of view.
Reactionary, too. You discount Birdemic just because it's new.
Were I to choose I would choose a haunted manor
@Robusto the way I recall it, and I have no idea why I even recall any of it, the croc was somehow genetically modified. By an arrow shot from an AK47 crossbow or something. By some chick. Then Michael Madsen, a revered scientist, wanders around the woods for 90 minutes, getting caught by terrorists. The end.
Sounds like a waste of Michael Madsen.
@Robusto not really no. I fell in love with Sharknado the second I tuned in.
@Robusto that is what I've been trying to say, yes.
Oh, by the way. Croc is also the name of his character.
You can't make that stuff up.
You'd think he could get better roles than that.
It must be a true story.
@Robusto four years after Kill Bill, mind you.
How the mighty have fallen.
This is Tarantino's fault. If he'd have found a role for Madsen in Ingluorious Basterds maybe he wouldn't have had to be in Croc.
You never know. That's like saying if Christopher Nolan let David Carradine play the Joker, he wouldn't have strangled himself to death in Bangkok.
Some people are just into things.
@RegDwigнt Weird. I thought it was a Thai movie.
One day you eat the bear, the other day the bear eats you.
@RegDwigнt Oh, that was very sad news.
@RegDwigнt Is that some kind of Eastern thing?
One day it's Synecdoche: New York, the other: death.
@Robusto Far from it.
I like your style.
Thank you. Just one thing: do you have to use so many cuss words?
What the fuck you talkin' about?
The physical act of love. Coitus. Do you like it?
Is there another word for "enter forcibly" but not "break into"? another synonym?
To enter forcibly and simultaneously in great hurry.
Burst into.
Force your way in.
Muscle in.
Jim Carrey in.
Thank you.
Now that that's settled, how bout them Mexicans?
On a different story I heard Taco Bell is coming out with pizza.
"I just saw the word X being used as a noun. Can the word X be used as a noun? Because I just saw the word X being used as a noun."
I saw a word being used as a noun too.
I thought X was proposition.
The same word?
X is a constant, not a variable.
Variables can be constant.
Just ask the subcontinent.
if your acceleration is constant your velocity varies constantly
Especially if it's the velocity of New Jersey.
Do you Deutschbags call India the ubootcontinent?
The u-what-conti-who?
Gettin’ to ya, eh?
U-Boot, motherfucker. Do you speak it?
That would be a yes.
You seem to be on U-Booty call.
Your constants can be variable. Just unspecified
You're unspecified.
In other news, it seems the sc (short for subcontinent) sincerely believes not only in doing the wrong things, but also doing them for the wrong reasons. It has a kind of symmetry, I guess.
Eat fresh.
Someone just put CSS in a style declaration in markup (violation of domains) to indicate that an element should be clickable when clicking it will do nothing (no event handler attached, nor should there be).
I'm getting too old for this shit. Seriously.
You know, if that meant more to me, it might bother be.
Try putting HTML in your database and business logic in your forms.
Oh, don't think I haven't seen that before.
JSTL is all about putting business logic in forms.
Even better, try sending fricking HTML email that actually looks like you want it to in the face of outrageous mailers that rewrite the whole thing for you.
Wait, business has logic? (@_@)
Forget CSS.
So far I have avoided anything involving email.
Forget <style>.
I just flat refuse. I tell them they're paying me way too much to be working on email.
You have to put the styling on every single element, every single time, over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Email is still a thing?
Not for me it ain't.
Some people want receipts when they pay for their annual taxes. I don't know why.
To hang them on christmas trees.
That would be the Leninist view of Christmas, yes.
Hey hey, I saved the world today. Everybody's happy now.
Are there wrong things for the right reasons
Are there things?
23 hours ago, by Mitch
There is nothing that isn't my imagination
Call up a bowling alley and ask them if they have 20 lb balls.
Life is worth living because of the little things
Also worth it because of Nutella.
Life is worth living because of the little things
Nutella is no little thing.
They can only make it better by adding vitamins. Also replacing the Palm oil with something that won't kill you.
Other than that it would be gilding the lily
@Mitch It's funny because it's true.
new book idea: songs about architecture
random unrepeatable statement
new biz plan: lily gilding
@RegDwigнt my imagination of reality is so creative, even I would not have expected most of what pops up.
Like the whole Ukraine thing. I had no idea.
And.... meeting
another unrepeated thing
Q: A word for a scrawny, ghastly but wise and academic or studious person

RokI'm looking for a word, not necessarily a direct “reverse dictionary” sort of word that has the definition above, but even a creative word that can describe, label, or represent that sort of person with just the one word. Having a slightly negative connotation is an added bonus, and a balance bet...

Wow, that's . . . specific.
I can give you scrawny, ghastly but wise, possibly academic—but not studious. Fail.
Ugh. A creative word that can describe.
Nonono. Off-topic.
Gsaböljguoz is a creative word that can describe.
A word doesn't necessarily exist just because you can describe some characteristics. Anyway, what is the point? Are you trying to write a ten-word book? — Robusto 9 secs ago
@terdon Don't you think that is a strange spelling?
> we need some clearifications —the sc
Hmm hmm?
And isn't it a spelling, don't you think?
Yet stubbornly persistent:
> basically this is existing issue and we need some clearifications for implimentations also
Answer: basically this is a non-issue and nobody thinks it is.
Welcome to the monkey house.
Seven billion people don't give a flying shit about your "existing issue".
People who have issues should go see a psychiatrist.
I really love your hairdo, I'm glad you like mine too.
See, we're looking pretty cool.
And I like you.
Wait, who's that guy?
I think he pays the too damn high rent.
Even has to sleep on the couch.
While we're on the subject:
Jagged little horse pills.
-Mother to her son , have you been a good boy Tommy? did ya play football with them boys in the neiberhood ?
-Tommy Mumm, we were exploring our brains by dint of hard drugs Mr Timothy said that is the only way to meet oneself. - ohh poor boy do not listen to this man, you'd better do your homework. - You know nothing bout LSD !!! get lost mum I want to be somebody!
RIP Omar Sharif.
Why do you expect Spanish and English to be the same? — Peter Shor 9 mins ago
More or less, yes — Doeser 2 mins ago
O ELU, you funny funny creepy site.
@RegDwigнt Well, we often say "To your health" when we drink with someone, don't we? I don't see the problem. And let's not forget that beer goggles can be an invaluable beauty aid.
Vodka goggles are probably even better.
Interesting, this little chart doesn't bother to include India in the English category.
It's official, folks.Nobody in India speaks English.
@FaheemMitha given that it's about native speakers, how many native speakers of English live in India?
@MattE.Эллен Define native speaker.
@FaheemMitha someone who learns the language from their family and peers, not in a taught setting, as a child.
@FaheemMitha What's more interesting is that Thai and Laotian didn't even make it to the chart.
the chart specifically uses the term "mother tongue", so they could be being restricting it to parents, but probably not.
Wikipedia will give different stats, I think.
@MattE.Эллен Then at least 1. And probably a lot more.
Oh, that's interesting! Wikipedia divided Thai dialects into languages!
It'd be like saying that American is not the same language as English.
I speak American?
> countries whose figures in each language is too small to be represented have been put into a single group marked with the symbol "*".
maybe India is covered in that?
@MattE.Эллен Dunno. Maybe. I don't know how they would calculate such a number, anyway. There is no mechanism I know of for English speakers in India to self-identify as "native" speakers.
I think it depends on how the infographic maker draws the lines.
@FaheemMitha ah. that could be the problem then
I remember that I've read somewhere that there are about 2 million native speakers of Indian English.
@DamkerngT. That sounds like a number someone made up.
nods -- I think it's another case of where they draw the line.
How about other countries? How do they determine these numbers in general?
Very fuzzy area.
@FaheemMitha It's from something called "Ethnologue-Languages of the World"
@MattE.Эллен You are talking specifically about that chart I posted?
@FaheemMitha yes
@MattE.Эллен ok
Judging by the comments below the chart, there are many other potential problems with it besides the lack of India in the English category. So, maybe just ignore it?
But it's possible that Indian "native speakers" of English don't get counted because they have another native language that they get classified under instead.
weirdly, "Ethnologue-Languages of the World" states that India has 350K English speakers (I assume that's native), so I don't know why it didn't get its own spot. ethnologue.com/country/IN/languages
also, 200,000,000 English learners
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 agreed, it seems the maker wasn't paying enough attention to the data
@MattE.Эллен I wonder how it came up with that number.
Also, assuming extensive and precise data (which I'm sure is not available) you'd still need a good definition of "native" speaker.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, that goes back to the definition of "native". Is it possible to have multiple native languages?
@FaheemMitha It says it's from something by David Crystal, written in 2003.
@FaheemMitha yes.
> Crystal, D. 2003. English as a global language. 2nd edition. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ok. Using what definition? "someone who learns the language from their family and peers, not in a taught setting, as a child."?
@FaheemMitha Yeah, essentially. If you grow up in a bilingual area you could be natively bilingual. But I have to run, ttyl.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ok, thank you.
No idea why they insist on calling India developing. Who are they kidding?
Later pal
@MattE.Эллен by that definition natively trilingual, quardralingual etc. are possible?
As long as you're not taught the language formally in school.
As a child, of course :)
As a child, I think I mostly learned English by reading.
At the time, the net wasn't available.
When I later lived in the UK, there was merriment over the fact that I didn't know how to pronounce certain words, because I had never heard them spoken.
I think "native-ness" requires a large spoken "command."
Hence the merriment :-)
You should not sound foreign
To be clear, these are words that I had only seen written, not spoken.
@skillpatrol That's more debatable. What is "foreign"?
Foreign would be that which does not sound native. ;-)
@skillpatrol yes
@skillpatrol That sounds a bit circular.
So if I speak English like an Australian, do I sound "foreign" or not?
Hence the ;-) @FaheemMitha
@skillpatrol ok
You would sound native in Australia
Or you could say you have an Australian accent, right?
@FaheemMitha I'm inclined to agree.
4 hours later…
@Robusto Not a fan of Indian English, apparently.
03:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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