Note: I understand this is very long, but be sure to read and understanding everything in this post.
Alright! Day 6 into the beta, and we're about to introduce a new addition to the scope!
The issue of neutrality has been big since the definition phase of this site. Conflicts and arguments over...
Humans love to categorise things, and we normally think of categories as dividing things up with borders between the categories. But that isn't actually how we normally do conceptualise our categories - instead we categorise things according to their likeness to archetypes or prototypes, the cent...
We have no doubt whatsoever about the archetypal scope of our site, only the difficult edge cases, which will always be the case
> This leaves some things that are harder to classify, but that always happens when you classify according to prototypes rather than borders. There's a trade off: prototypical classifications are easy to define but it's harder to classify the cases which fall between prototypes, whereas border classification systems are hard to define, but it's easy to classify things once you have come up with a definition.
We can't and shouldn't expect to settle all the border disputes during private beta, just to demonstrate that our central archetypal scope is stable
If that is the case, why for example the close votes for the Wikipedia-question (as off-topic), because Wikipedia clearly follows the idea of open source
Recently, How can I trust Wikipedia, if everyone can change it? was asked. I feel questions like this pertaining to open knowledge should be in the scope of this site (even if it isn't necessarily now).
Should open knowledge questions be in scope for this site?
As I see here, most people are preferring the inclusive variant, it is less understandable why there is so much oppsition to broadening the definition as Zizouz suggested in the OPenInfo proposal
@curiousdannii @Mnementh I disagree. They needed to be in the same post: The objective of that post was to make a single solution to the neutrality issues that the site is facing, and we're facing the results - We've had three highly respected users of the site have their accounts deleted. The title wasn't likely the best, but it addressed all the issues that we had, and a common solution to them.
Saying that the scope isn't defined is incorrect, most questions that I see as on hold are closed, for too many reasons. I was proposing a drastic change - It would change all the logistics that we had e.g. Site name, advertising, scope, domain names. The idea that I had in that post was to create a baseline on which to continue our site on, because our current system isn't working.
I tried to do all the work - the new scope boundaries, a new name, example questions to help us get started, but I got no feedback that was solid and clear, just a whole bunch of votes, agrees and disagrees. I doubt the community is settled with what we have right now. When you say the type of work doesn't matter, only its licensing, then your essentially saying that we don't need two of the three points that made this site in the first place.
I'm not trying to say "look at me! I'm the right one here", but rather let's work together and figure this entire thing out
Note: I understand this is very long, but be sure to read and understanding everything in this post.
Alright! Day 6 into the beta, and we're about to introduce a new addition to the scope!
The issue of neutrality has been big since the definition phase of this site. Conflicts and arguments ove...
@curiousdannii @Mnementh I disagree. They needed to be in the same post: The objective of that post was to make a single solution to the neutrality issues that the site is facing, and we're facing the results - We've had three highly respected users of the site have their accounts deleted. The title wasn't likely the best, but it addressed all the issues that we had, and a common solution to them.
@All: Our current scope is stable. Maybe not optimal, but it's stable. I think we should leave it like it is until next week, when we can get the CM's in to help.
Ideally Moderators are elected by the community, but until this site reaches a critical mass to hold an election, we will be appointing some provisional Moderators to fill that role.
We need your help. Please nominate some folks you might like to see become the provisional moderators for this si...
"On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog" is an adage which began as a cartoon caption by Peter Steiner and published by The New Yorker on July 5, 1993. The cartoon features two dogs: one sitting on a chair in front of a computer, speaking the caption to a second dog sitting on the floor. As of 2011, the panel was the most reproduced cartoon from The New Yorker, and Steiner has earned over US $50,000 from its reprinting.
== History ==
Peter Steiner, a cartoonist and contributor to The New Yorker since 1979, said the cartoon initially did not get a lot of attention, but later took on a life of...
And in my email, I think I'm like 30 or something... :P
@Zizouz212 Age doesn't usually matter for moderating if you act mature. I'll admit that I've seen some people say stuff about me being a moderator on Health (granted I did make a few mistakes saying stuff earlier in the site's beta), but it's never been an actual problem
People hardly get my age right either. I'm 15, but someone recently sent me an email asking to join a job position, based on my contributions on GitHub. They probably thought I was a lot older.
My Meta Profile!
I’m Zizouz212, and I would love to be a moderator pro tempore for this site. Coming from Toronto, I’m an enthusiastic young man who is eager about open source in his creative works as well as software. I usually check on at random points on a typical day between 07:...
Ideally Moderators are elected by the community, but until this site reaches a critical mass to hold an election, we will be appointing some provisional Moderators to fill that role.
We need your help. Please nominate some folks you might like to see become the provisional moderators for this si...
The only other thing I can think of is that there's a list of other rooms you're in - a few rooms on there pushes things off the bottom of the starboard
For officials and experts involved with the planning and structure of cities and towns, transport networks, green spaces and infrastructure, and those interested in urban environments.
For officials and experts involved with urban environments, particularly the planning and structure of cities and towns, transport networks, green spaces and infrastructure.
Proposed Q&A site for officials and experts involved with urban environments, particularly the planning and structure of cities and towns, transport networks, green spaces and infrastructure.
Most licenses available do not seem to carry any legal weight. Are there any Open Source licenses that do? The old copyright laws used to impose a monetary fine for infringement, but then how do the newer licenses deal with infringement? What resources do I have available if the terms of the "new...
Update: I spoke to my new friend Susan Kaye Quinn a little earlier and posed her this question. She was kind enough to provide some additional detail about Dharian political life; in short, Dharia practices a form of female-preference primogeniture. If a female heir is born, they take precedence ...