Deleting thank-yous can seem unduly aggressive and make us seem like a very cold community...
@M.A.Ramezani I unfortunately do not. I don't get television at my house and I've never been a big follower of volleyball not that I'm opposed to watching the women play or anything ;)
Okay, here's a fun one: You are offered $10 million dollars but you are now forbidden to ever wear shoes/sandals/boots/etc. of any kind for the rest of your life. Socks are okay.
commercial Do you have rampant poltergeists floating around your palace? eating your popcorn, giving you wedgies when entertaining royalty? Yes? Well, run like hell, cause they are coming to get you, Barbara... end commercial
@M.A.Ramezani I would say once the "Thank you" gets stale (so after it's long been seen), they are fair game, but pouncing on them 5 minutes later is probably unreasonable