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[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: A word used to describe someone who loves to be photographed by dmeskam on english.stackexchange.com
3 hours later…
Finally made double Marshall!
4 hours later…
> Please intimate me if some one is added any new xml in release branch or in prod directly
Who the eff talks like that?
@Robusto Pineapples?
@terdon Ding!
Intimate does mean suggest.
But which pineapples?
Or is that not in English?
Intimate is not used that way.
No, this is a special sub-dialect of English, found in one special place in the world.
@Robusto Yes, India was my first thought as well. However, intimate does have that meaning. It just wouldn't be used that way. "He intimated that something had gone wrong" would be strange but OK
> verb (used with object), intimated, intimating.
to indicate or make known indirectly; hint; imply; suggest.
Archaic. to make known; announce.
1 min ago, by Robusto
Intimate is not used that way.
NO argument there.
Intimate doesn't take a complement like that.
@Robusto intimate me*? No, of course it doesn't.
Possibly one of the worst crimes Britain perpetrated on the world was to give English to the subcontinent.
@Robusto Umm. Considering the crimes perpetrated by the Brits in India, that is among the least heinous.
But yes. I also do the needful cringing when I read such.
@terdon Um, hyperbole.
Raining here today. Probably won't be able to ride. grrr
A: What is the meaning and etymology of the adjective "jammy", of Yorkshire English?

Sammy clemYeah that's extremely lucky being covered in jam in boiling hot conditions and covered in wasps and ants I'm going to have to try that,second thoughts I will ask the mother in law first,

Flagged as Not An Answer
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: Please intimate me if some one is added any new xml [crimes-against-english]
@terdon yes, it does, and both are intransitive: suggest / intimate to me
@MattE.Эллен Yes, I know.
oh, I see I'm late to party
Oh how much I love King Arthur
@Gigili I think that qualifies as a non sequitur.
@Robusto let me revert to you on that.
Well, I usually make statements like that.
and your timing is diabolical :P
Oh? I thought that was true about your timing
So you're making a random ID for users using your web app. If you create a new date, expressed in milliseconds since Epoch, and you append to that a random 17-digit number (all of these in base 10), what are the odds that two users will have the same ID? I would say virtually nonexistent.
For the purposes of this test, let's suppose that 1000 users could possibly have the same time prefix on the ID.
I suppose the odds would be 10,000,000,000,000:1?
i'm not smart enough to be diabolical
@Robusto Why not use the PID?
@terdon I need to hack this together on the client.
With available client tools.
Ah. So no access to the PIDs on the server then :(
Perhaps the user's IP+random umber+ date?
@terdon Well, if certain back-end devs would get off their dead butts and issue a proper session ID, I guess I wouldn't have to hack this, would I?
If wishes were horses...
As the saying goes, if you wish in one hand and shit in the other, which will fill up first?
metaphysics would be physics!
@MattE.Эллен Meta StackOverflow would be StackOverflow!
I wish... no, wait, I really don't
@MattE.Эллен You wish! Already registered with the Wish Police. The bill is already in the mail
If you feel like it can you reopen vote the following:
Q: How do I identify a British idiom from an American one?

PHPstI live outside the US and the UK. I just started reading a book titled "Speak English like an American". The book teaches numerous idioms but I don't know if these idioms are usable outside the the US. (The main question) How many British and American idioms are either very similar or identical...

I have an answer waiting that involves the new (or newly found out) NGrams features.
@Mitch Did you try wishing?
Well, you must have, because my fingers acted on their own accord and voted to reopen.
Not fair!
@Robusto Wishing? That works? wishes for other stuff
Ow. I'm getting a headache.
@Robusto I know the answer, but I prefer not to say it out load so that other people can contribute
But it does seem to work. I got another wish.
Feel free to intimate me
That's a bit intimate, don't you think?
I do think but only just
Maybe he meant intimidate instead of intimate? Hmm . . .
who knows
who ears
who i's
who mouths?
Mine doesn't work.
That's why I type.
Ooooh, this is getting very interesting
@MattE.Эллен Vote to reopen the british idiom question. You (probably) won't be sorry.
@Mitch Do you want me to vote to reopen that question?
Then ask me to vote to reopen that question.
to vote to reopen that question
@Gigili Yes, please vote to reopen! That would be nice. It would make the time I'm coming up with an answer to be not wasted.
@Mitch Consider it done
Oops, I thought I was a +3k user on ELU... Sorry
@Mitch I can vote to reopen a question of your choice on math
@Gigili Thanks for the thought. I haven't spent much time on math lately, if by lately that means a few years. I found I don't have to think as much with English, and LaTeX is always a stumbling block. I've resorted to Wolfram Alpha for solving nasty equations.
@Mitch Just ask the question yourself and post your answer there. That really shouldn't be reopened as it is, it's way too broad.
@terdon But...!!
But I answered directly all his questions and so would fit better there.
Just two votes!!
@Mitch Ouch, yes, that's annoying. It is too broad though :(
And I'd love to read your answer.
I'm intimating you!!
Hang on, did you answer the percentage question?
@terdon Ha ha! curiosity will kill the cat! who has a few lives to blow on that.
@terdon Yes, but of course indirectly. I answer that you can't answer that. But I explain at least.
Of course there's no possibility of answering the percentage. We barely know how many words there are in English, much less its different varieties, much less the idioms. Each idiom has to be researched individually. (that's the TLDR of my answer) But if you leave it closed, you'll never see my exemplary and intimating answer.
I will not sacrifice my principles on the altar of my curiosity.
I already did that to loop up Mary Simpleton's skirt in the second grade. Never again.
@Mitch It rhymes Mitch, it rhymes
dances happily
@terdon loop or look?
@Robusto Loop. That's how terdon rolls.
I bet he types without looking at the keyboard
@terdon There's no sacrifice! I answer "no it's not possible, but you can check individual ones"
and I give links to check for the individual ones. I think it'll be a learning experience for everyone.
@terdon one more needed!!
@terdon opened and my answer added. You can judge if it was worth the trouble. (and maybe even vote to close again!)
@Mitch Damn, that's a fine answer!
I understand why you were so eager to reopen the post. You sure put a lot of effort into it.
I think it would be nice if @Mitch baked cookies for all those who voted to reopen that question.
@Robusto I voted to close it instead :)
No cookies for me.
What are thongs in the US?
hi guys
i'm currently hosting my blog, but i guess there are some grammatical errors in the articles(my mother tongue is not English). Feedback will be really appreciated. the link : scheenija.tistory.com
I have this thing with floor
@Gigili am sorry but what does that mean? :)
grammar question : 'the languages we are using in our daily life are called natural language.' is this sentence correct?
@ShinKim Skip it
@ShinKim "we use"
"is called"
The language we use in our daily life, is called natural language
the languages in our daily life are called natural language
Your website looks good, what font did you use?
How about "daily"? :-)
'Sorts Mill Goudy' is the main font.
thanks :))
And I think this sentence sounds informal:
“What is the definition of language? How you gonna define it?”
Yeah i intended to be informal
The language we use daily is called natural language.
Or, the language we use in real life is called natural language
but is 'the language' correct? we use many languages in daily life? americans use english, germans use german, and so on
Or, the language we use naturally is called natural language :D
Are you a web developer?
What language did you use to design your webpage? PHP?
HTML and CSS. and i'm not a web developer. i designed the blog by myself. i roughly learnt web designed
The languages people use in their daily lives are called natural languages.
i want subjects to be 'us'
How about "we"?
the languages we use in our daily lives are called natural languages. ?
How do you like the sound of that^
that sounds good enough i think
> At first, one might think about the meaning of the term "definition" itself and on what conditions we call something "well-defined". [...]
@ShinKim I like it, simple and pretty
As they put it; keep it simple, keep it chic
really nice to hear that @Gigili :)))
you made my day :DD
But, there are grammatical errors everywhere
The following sentence doesn't make sense:
> However, ironically, meanings that people might have could be vary.
that one, i expected. how should i fix it?
Depends on your meaning
> Word-meanings vary from person to person
is it [could be 'noun' ]?
could vary
meanings that people might have could vary
Ironically, meanings that people might have could vary.
how's that?
Sounds off to me
Ask @Rob
or @Mr.S
What is the question?
hey @Robusto, is the sentence "
Ironically, meanings that people might have could vary." seems correct?
Well, yeah. Kind of an odd sentence, though. Seems like you're stating the obvious.
And I don't get what's ironic about it.
hmm you should check the article : scheenija.tistory.com/entry/M110
the last paragraph
However, ironically, meanings that people might have could be vary.
Looks like a c&p error.
waht's c&p error?
Copy & Paste
@Robusto The oven is preheating now. Tollhouse cookies (are there any other kind of cookie?) ready around snacktime. I'll have tea ready too.
@ShinKim Someone deleted something and typed over it, and forgot to delete all the words from before. Happens all the time.
@Mitch Yeah, ginger cookie... which is the worst kind
@terdon Nothing to do with cookies. Just like the UK.
google images for it.
@ShinKim Better would be to say: "Ironically, however, people may (indeed, probably will) form different interpretations." Or something like that.
Is that your site?
@Gigili I mean you can eat those other things they call 'cookie' but really, why bother.
ah, it wasn't a c&p error. was my grammatical error and Gigili pointed that out as well. and yes. it's my site
@Gigili how did your proposal go?
@Gigili I say that all the time. It's poor grammar every time, but I still mean it.
@ShinKim Mathematics are a language?
@crl Yeah.
@crl it 'is' a language. :)
@Robusto are you a pessimist if you say it's only half full?
The language of mathematics is the system used by mathematicians to communicate mathematical ideas among themselves. This language consists of a substrate of some natural language (for example English) using technical terms and grammatical conventions that are peculiar to mathematical discourse (see Mathematical jargon), supplemented by a highly specialized symbolic notation for mathematical formulas. Like natural languages in general, discourse using the language of mathematics can employ a scala of registers. Research articles in academic journals use a more formal tone than oral exchanges over...
@crl You found that right. mathematics is a language, but has to be clear and unambiguous.
@Mitch Pretty good. Thanks for asking.
@Mitch Please, don't do that to me!
@Gigili You must admit that it is very ironic (for a particular definition of ironic) that replaced with word salad. also syntax.
mmm... word salad. oil and vinegar is enough.
Yes, and they rhyme
@Mitch no replacement in this chat
@terdon Thanks. It was really just another chance to get out links to all these tools that sort of answer exactly what everybody wants to know.
They don't answer them perfectly but it's better than my usual "I'm american and I say so" which isn't necessarily wrong but you know kinda unsupportable.
Bring back the Boston Rag.
@Robusto murine snarf 'n barf.
The Boston Ragnarok, that's where it's at.
2 hours later…
@MattE.Эллен Ah, no, both are transitive, if not bitransitive.
Ugh, I'm chatting with someone who thinks that Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series is, and I quote, "great prose".
@Mitch While your answer is good the question is still to broad!
I hope this edit gets approved
@curiousdannii It's a good edit but it invalidates all the answers posted and, more importantly, removes the OP's main question. A question that can't be answered, of course, but still...
@terdon Arguably it was Mari-Lou who invalidated the other answers when she changed the title. I'm making the question consistent and tightening the question
@curiousdannii Oh, your edit makes it a far better question, no argument there.
It may well invalidate some, but if the community wants it to stay open then something needs to change
Personally, I don't want to keep it open. I think it's a horrible question. The one you've edited it into is a fine question but, given the answers already posted, probably a bad idea.
And actually I'm not sure if it doesn't completely invalidate them. David's answer for example explains that there are many US baseball idioms.
@terdon Well I'd prefer it closed too, and I flagged it as too broad :) Let's see what the others think.
It is a shame. David's answer is good fun and interesting and Mitch's is really good.
I have to agree with everything Terdon is saying.

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