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@JohanLarsson What was?
3 hours later…
what does this mean?
"Can I ask you this in case you should have done something inappropriate?"
2 hours later…
what is this shoudl>
Now that is a more specific question.
Should can be added in conditional clauses.
It makes the situation described in the clause slightly more tentative, the writers is slightly less convinced that it is true.
@JohanLarsson what is an "internet tough guy"?
There's no way to walk the walk on the internet, you can only talk the talk. But without the walk it means nothing :-)
Thus, it seems like an oxymoron.
2 hours later…
Wow, I have 7 stars on the wall, miracle.
Morning, Jasper.
Recently, I am bothered by the illegal thing I told you about again, lol. I think I will talk about it with my friend and see what he thinks.
fair enough
I could risk doing it and paying a fine or going to jail. But I am not sure if I can afford the time and money now.
On the one hand, I want to help certain people in society by doing it, on the other hand maybe I should just let them help themselves.
On the one hand, my conscience tells me to do something for them, on the other hand, I just want to take the easy way out.
To do what is illegal but morally right, this is a great dilemma indeed.
noöne will fault you for not breaking the law
Also, the obsession with doing it extends. If I were to do this thing for my country, should I try to do it for the world?
I have an obsession of changing the world. And maybe I don't mind spending my life doing it. But is that what I should be doing with my life?
I recently moved my desktop to the store room. Now I only have my laptop on the desk. Much more spacious.
I am eagerly awaiting Ubuntu Mate 14.10. It will be the first release of this new distro.
After that, they may go back and produce an Ubuntu Mate 14.04 LTS.
I suddenly have a craving for noodles, I should go out and have some.
sounds like a plan. I had noodles for dinner last night
@Mitch Thank you.
@Robusto When I said that maybe you can only say no on the internet.
@IceBoy a keyboard warrior.
@Arrowfar - still struggling with that pesky construction, I see. Keep at it! I started to answer your question, but Edwin Ashworth beat me to it.
@MattЭллен - I have a question if you have the time. Do you have a minute?
In the uncommon event that one strikes it rich on an answer, and exceeds 200 points per day,
the rep tops off at 200, but any downvotes are subtracted, even though the actual rep may far exceed that.
It is a disincentive to downvote bad questions for people working the queue.
I had a ton of rep from one simple answer, thT PUT ME AT 200 FOR FOUR DAYS.
(sorry about the caps, accident)
That's true, but you will still get the rep back if someone vote for you.
But in the end, at least two of those days, I fell under the 200 cap be...
huh? I don't understand
One day, I had 199 because of one downvote, another, 198.
While rep is no biggie, having 200 rep for (?) 200 days is kinda cool.
Whatever the frequency is for the gold badge.
Thus the disincentive if one hits 200.
the rep cap badge?
I would hope that would trigger even if you've been down voted. I don't know actually
um, I'd have to look. I think it's silver for 50, gold for 200 days with 200 rep.
No, it's happened to me with considerable frequency.
Anyway, just something to ask about. It would be nice if one didn't lose the 200 cap for being conscientious on the review queue.
Thanks. If you have any thoughts or insights, please ping me.
"Can I ask you this in case you should have done something inappropriate?"
what does this mean?
@medica apparently if you cap and thenend up less than 200, that day won't count towards the badges. that sucks.
A: Rep cap allows to cast free answer downvotes

Bo PerssonIt's a bit hard to abuse, because you have to get additional upvotes after spending rep on downvotes. If you don't, they are not free. From personal experience - if you hit the rep cap and then downvote, you might end up at 199 that day. And that means that the day is not counted towards certain...

@username901345 am I allowed to ask you this in the case that you have done something inappropriate?
should is in this case like
it is natural that you should have done that
thank you
Is this correct? This is about a political debate..."The man in the middle of the panel---his voice was being drowned out, sandwiched by the other two's ever such strident, spittle-spraying voices."
@MattЭллен Hence the question. :-) Should it be fixed? I've thought about posting it in meta, but I thought someone would actually know why it's set up that way.
@MattЭллен Hmm. Read it and it still looks like a bug to me.
@medica I don't rep cap often enough to think it's a bug :D There probably is a feature request or bug report for it, though. seems like something people would want sorted out.
Hmm. I can't see a question about it. Could be worth asking, @medica.
@username901345 yes, it's fine
thank you
The term "bench" is also used as a metonym to mean all the judges of a certain court or members of a judiciary.
memebers is modified by "all the?"
mean all the (judges) and (members)...
all the (judges of a certain court) or (members of a judiciary)
so yes
members is modified by "all the"
1 hour later…
@MattЭллен My noodles cost about 6 USD, very expensive. Think I should eat elsewhere in future. My usual dinner cost only 3 USD.
that is expensive
The all-seeing eye is ever behind you.
I had very cheap noodles that I boiled in a pan
but I didn't get any meat or veg with them!
Try a ramen stall or something.
China Town
Well, I usually don't eat expensive food, but sometimes I just want to eat something different.
@MattЭллен It's sold in the most expensive building in the world, lol.
Music is the food of our clayey urgings.
you know...
Dont ya think so?
2 hours later…
Hey, since I don't really want to search either of these terms, what's the difference between a corpse and a cadaver?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword detected, Phone number detected: +91-9950211818 kala jadu ~@2014~specialist baba ji on english.stackexchange.com
@BetaDecay There's an EL&U question about it: english.stackexchange.com/q/126546
@ProgramFOX That's great, thanks!
@BetaDecay You're welcome!
What's the SmokeDetector?
@BetaDecay It's a chat bot that posts spam questions so users can flag to make sure it's deleted very quickly.
Damn you, I was just typing the same thing!
stamps foot for emphasis
@ProgramFOX TTL: 66 seconds for the last one :)
Ahh who set it up?
@BetaDecay The bot is maintained by the Charcoal team, including Undo, ManishEarth, hichris123 and me.
@ProgramFOX Hmm.. Interesting :)
@ProgramFOX haha. I thought it was -actual- spam.
I thought you were —actual— spam.
I'm not going to cllick on a link like that! guilt by association!
@Cerberus em-dash lover!
not me
Oh. I forgot to say "Damn you to hell".
I bet you avoid the Oxford comma, too.
I do not!!
I have just learned the origin on hyphen.
From hupo "under" + hen "one".
You didn't already know it was Greek?
I assumed it to be Greek.
An unknown known?
To know that it is Greek is not to know its exact origin.
γνώθι τις υποθέσεις
from hoopo, meaning hoop and hen meaning hen. hoophens were a unit of currency in the byzantium era. hens in a hoop, because they're easier to carry that way.
@Cerberus underone - that makes no sense.
That's a pretty Byzantine explanation.
Looking for a programming word if Metres is the unit what is Millimetres?
I'll consant your noples
Well, there are two words that fall under one super-word?
Creating a datastructure where each base unit has a list of subunits|conversions
@JohanLarsson sub-unit? division? fractional unit
@Mitch Hmm what is that supposed to mean?
Know someone hypotheses?
@MattЭллен ok I'll go with SubUnit ty sir
no worries :D
Do you make nuget packages at work?
no. I tried to use one once, but it didn't work out
use as in install from nuget?
Try again imo, it is nice
We have started to publish packages to a local nuget at work. Think it will be nicer than project references.
Forces us to create versions and updates become explicit.
Convenient to update in large solutions, manage > update and have all projects update the ref.
@JohanLarsson hmmm. that's just what happens with Hg.
@Cerberus Oh. That makes sense. I was thinking more physically.
@MattЭллен how do you mean? Explicit pull?
@Cerberus ha ha google translate doesn't do what I want!
You're always saying "Know yourself" and I was trying to say "Know your assumptions"
@JohanLarsson if I clone from a version tag, then the sub projects are all at the right version, too.
@Mitch You are always thinking physically with people, cut it out!
@JohanLarsson It's just before lunch for me so I thought that was some sort of food thing. "Why yes, I make nuget -all- the time. good for a snack or for a meal!"
@MattЭллен yeah
@Mitch pun, now you have to feel terrible for five minutes while we judge you.
@Mitch Ah, I see. Tis does not mean "your" in any way. That would have to be sas or sou or seautou in this context: gnôthi seautou hupotheseis.
ok the five minutes are over let's put it behind us.
Oh. I was all ready to be ashamed.
@Mitch I modern Greek, it's the.
@Cerberus I don't want facts to get in the way of my opinions
τις υποθέσεις == the assumptions
@Mitch but opinions are facts. it's a fact that you have opinions
@terdon google translate gives "γνωρίζουν τις υποθέσεις σας" for "know your assumptions". Is that plausible?
@terdon Oh, really? That is weird!
@MattЭллен Nice! Will treat all opinions as facts from now on.
@Mitch Nope. That's they know your assumptions but to further complicate things, the word can also mean business so that's more like big brother: they know your business.
@Mitch excellent. I am the best.
If anything, tis is indeterminate in Ancient Greek.
Business/things you're involved with
@MattЭллен Wait.. that's your opinion. That's not in my set of facts.
@Cerberus In modern Greek, it's the plural female form of the.
@Mitch So you used Ancient Greek the first time, right?
@Mitch in your opinion I am the best.
@Cerberus Nope, I mishmashed the scorates quote from the web with parts of things from google translate.
@terdon Tis anthropos = "a certain man, one man or another, a man".
@Cerberus Really? Not tois?
Or something?
Tois(i)(n) is the dative plural m/n article.
What's the imperative for "Know your hypotheses" then? (in modren greek)
don't throw your tois out the pram
@Mitch Oh...and in Google Translate, did you pick Ancient Greek or New Greek?
@MattЭллен In my opinion your reasoning is problematic.
@Mitch my problem is your opinion is reasonable
I quote the Odyssey:
êsthion. autar ho toisin apheileto nostimon êmar
@Cerberus Oh..I don't think there's an ancient Greek. I looked. I presume Latin is not Vulgar Latin or Church Latin, but just 100 BC literary Latin.
he did not just say that!
@MattЭллен You got some big problems then.
@terdon How well do you know the Odyssey?
@Cerberus You would say that.
@Mitch Ah, okay. I wouldn't trust Google to know Ciceronian Latin, or even to be precise about its choices.
@Cerberus Not as well as you probably. I've read the whole thing though, yes.
In Greek?
Ancient Greek.
@Cerberus The original comic book, the movie made from the comic book, or the comic book inspired by the movie?
I don't know the Odyssey well, I have only read some books of it in Greek.
@Mitch Γνώριζε τις υποθέσεις σου.
Bless you.
But I do know the first couple of lines of book 1, because I memorize and recall them as a sleeping aid.
@Mitch The original Youtube video, d'oh.
I would think that would keep you up. All the killing and stuff.
I only know a few decades of lines! No fighting yet.
Action right from the start.
This video is not available in your country. Sorry about that.
To all ye Europeans, if you want to halt corruption, you are advised to sign the grand petition against TTIP and CETA, which has already gathered 615,000 signatures:
The problem is explained on the same site, in a 3-minute read: stop-ttip.org/what-is-the-problem-ttip-ceta
This is the most important effort against corruption of the decade, and of this century so far, in the West.
It took one week to collect 600,000 signatures...
How about this one?
This video is not available in your country.
Sorry about that.
@Mitch hi, "he would kill me and, he warned, my girl."
Is this the same as "he warned me that he would kill me and my girl?"
Yes, more or less.
he warned is modifying only "my girl" or the whole sentence...
both possibilities are possible?
Only "my girl", in theory.
However, in context the first clause is also a warning, and he is presumably threatening both people at the same time, so in the end there is no semantic difference.
Why can't pineapple devs ever answer a simple question without responding with 400 sutras about the peripheral issues?
Why can't [any] [person] do that?
I can.
But can you say no irl?
Maybe if we nag and wrath++ enough.
The three heads looks more like rats than dogs imo.
!fun :)
How dare you!!
You you...monocephalous monstrosity!
can't tell if it is an insult.
posted on October 15, 2014 by sgdi

There once was a man in a shop Who paid for his food with a hop The clerk was impressed The hop was the best But he still wanted cash for the mop

@JohanLarsson That is so typical of monocephalics.
How are things my friend?
you, you ... tricephalic canine :-)
from the underworld
Hello @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I am now Superman, lol.
@JasperLoy yes I saw you wearing that on Tuesday
oh, that was yesterday
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Don't tell anyone. They are not supposed to know I am Superman, lol.
I'm so confused ever since my monitor developed a bright green stuck-on line of pixels
One litre of milk in BrE right?
Look it up.
@JasperLoy I'm Gunga Din
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Vertical or horizontal?
Resolved: Kiss-asses who post politically correct ass-polishing emails to everyone in the company should be forced to eat library paste.
If one has only PC to say one should say something else.
at least PC is not offensive
in fact, it is intentionally defensive :-)
@IceBoy It's offensive to me and all right-thinking people.
ass-kissing will always be apart of politics
@Robusto Yes clearly offensive. they should have their tongues removed by cats.
Q: Is there an actual "pity" or "sympathy" upvote problem?

Jeff AtwoodThere have been a number of discussions about "pity" or "sympathy" upvotes. http://meta.stackexchange.com/search?q=pity+sympathy+upvote That is, the idea that once a post is voted down to -1, some kind-hearted user will come by and upvote the post, no matter how terrible or wrong it may be, to ...

Q: Do we have a problem of "pity upvotes"?

Sam SaffronI know, this may sound like it is off-topic, but hear me out. At Stack Overflow and here we get votes on posts, this is all stored in a tabular form. E.g.: post id voter id vote type datetime ------- -------- --------- -------- 10 1 2 2000...

@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh. You should have chosen horizontal. The outcome would have been less terrible.
@Robusto Mmmm.... library paste. Comfort food. just the right level of sweet and salt.
@JohanLarsson "Cat got your tongue? You ass-kisser."
I'm rarely accused of that
In Sweden there is a saying 'Sparka nedåt och slicka uppåt'
Because the cat got their tongue.
(kick down and lick up)
My friends say I kick up.
haha...I think. WHat does it mean though?
lick up would be brown nosing
and kicking down?
kick down would be to be an asshole to the people you are manager for
Ohhh... duh.
You came back strong after the suspension, I starred you, felt good.
GramsPerCubicMillimetre(s) plural here?
I think not but dunno
yeah feels like def singular now
@JohanLarsson Yes: it is the number of grams you have for each millimetre.
yep ty
do you have visual studio?
I think I got it for free once, though.
But I wouldn't know what to do with it.
@Cerberus Woof! Are you sleeping?
Nope just got home.
How about you?
> She might have been being possibly supposed to have been being able to have been managing to have been going to have been surviving this sentence.
Nope. They seem to be blocking more and more sites here, lol. I should use my VPN.
Please rate my sentence. :P
@DamkerngT. Incomprehensible, lol.
@JasperLoy That sucks! Like which sites?
At least I am glad they are not yet blocking your VPN.
@Cerberus I think they block about 100 porn sites here.
You blokes live next to each other.
@Cerberus Well, I don't think they can do that.
Only a thousand km of jungle between you!
@JasperLoy Such a low number?
@Cerberus Yes, it is meant to be "representative of societal values", since they cannot block the whole internet.
@JasperLoy There are ways to try...
@JasperLoy Right, that sucks.
@Cerberus Well, I don't think they will go to that extreme in my lifetime.
They do block VPNs in some countries.
@Cerberus OMG. So how do they access blocked sites? No way?
Well, they can't block all VPNs.
Let alone all exit points. And I don't think they block all encrypted traffic (yet).
Anyway, there is a site I discovered that became unblocked, lol. I was surprised. I wonder what happened. Maybe they only want to block 100 and not 101, lol.
Which one is it?
I should not write it here. It is, of course, a porn site, lol.
Amazing that people want to ban porn but not cigarettes, when the latter is more harmful.
Why not write it here?
Yeah, it's silly, puritanism.
Because this is a SE chat and I could get flagged? Also, maybe inappropriate too.
I have seen a porn site before. You can delete it afterwards.
Unless you think it will be shocking to the uninitiated.
Nah, my OCD tells me not to write it here, lol.

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