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@Cerberus yeah AFAIK we colonized it
same with the Falklands
@Jez Umm, actually, Spanish is spoken about as much as English, the culture is also hugely influenced by Spain, geography goes without saying, the politics are identical anyway, and the religion is Catholic, unlike the UK. So I don't see how you can support it.
@Cerberus Of course not.
@Jez what, did you think it was empty until you got there?
@terdon either that or the Moors had it? dont know
Rank Origin Proportion (%) of family names
on 1995 electoral register[5]
1 British 27%
2 Spanish (excluding Minorcan) 24%
3 Italian 19%
4 Portuguese 11%
5 Maltese 8%
6 Jewish 3%
7 Minorcan 2%
8 Other 4%
9 Unassigned 2%
speaking of the Moors, when are Spain gonna give back their land to the Muslims ;-)
@Jez Come on, people have been living there since long before the Moors came along. Then yes, it was the Moors, then the Spanish and then it was occupied by the British.
@terdon and now it's culturally, economically, politically, and linguistically british (bilingual but English is the main language)
I know Tony Blair just liked to give away territory, but I aint Blair :-)
> Most locals are bilingual, also speaking Spanish, due to Gibraltar's proximity to Spain. Most Gibraltarians converse in Llanito, their vernacular, which is mostly based on Andalusian Spanish, but greatly influenced by other Mediterranean languages.
it seems to me that giving Gibraltar away instead of defending it is just lazy, and a dereliction of duty to your citizens
Gibraltar clearly wants to remain British.
But what if it voted to joing Spain?
@Cerberus I read "Gibraltarians often converse in Llanito"
not "most Gibraltans"
This is from Wikipaedia.
@Cerberus well if it voted to join Spain, i would concede that there are less things tying it to Britain than there are with Scotland.
They speak Spanish, they share the Spanish religion, they share the Spanish peninsula. The only argument for keeping it British is that they want to be British. Which, as far as I'm concerned, is the only valid argument possible.
> Llanito (pronounced [ʎaˈnito]) is the main local vernacular, and is unique to Gibraltar. It consists of an eclectic mix of Andalusian Spanish and British English, as well as languages such as Maltese, Portuguese, Italian of the Genoese variety and Haketia.

Andalusian Spanish is the main constituent of Llanito, but is also heavily influenced by British English. However, it borrows words and expressions of many other languages, with over 500 words of Genoese and Hebrew origin. It also typically involves code-switching to English.
@terdon they mainly speak English, they use English currency, the have English culture
so there are a few more things.
@Jez Defend your claim about "English Culture". Also note the interesting use of English rather than British which demolishes all of your previous points.
> While the primary language of Gibraltarians is a mix of Spanish and Andalusian known as Llanito or Yanito, Gibraltarian English is becoming more prominent, and there has been a theory proposed that this variety of English is becoming "nativized".
@terdon I meant British currency and British culture. slip of the tongue
as for the culture, well, i wouldnt be surprised if they like a good fry up for breakfast
sunday dinner?
common law?
Sunday dinner is not British! Good grief!
isnt it? hmm.
Not even close.
not even roast beef with gravy, veggies, potatoes, etc
It is common in every country I've ever lived in for example.
cooked breakfast
@terdon what do you think? that poem
but yeah, Gibraltar's an interesting one and i think an independence referendum there would be more defensible than a Scottish one.
i'm not really denying that.
Fair enough then.
i think it would be a shame if they wanted to join bloody Spain though.
@user08742 No idea whatsoever.
and, heh, they wouldnt get their independence back ever again after that. The spanish govt. won't allow independence for anywhere
not anywhere on their contiguous territory anyway
@Jez See bloody. Why bloody? What's wrong with Spain? How is it worse than the UK? Having lived in both countries for several years I certainly prefer Spain hands down over the UK.
@Jez Which is exactly what you espouse.
i see
@terdon Spain has a history of slaughtering massive numbers of American natives (even compared to Britain). AFAIK they have never really apologized for it.
somebody help me
i just think they're pretty arrogant for that
@Jez So does the UK. They also have a history of making the largest nation in the world into opium addicts to line their pockets.
@terdon yeah. im just noting that that may be one reason Gibraltar doesnt want a referendum on independence :-)
Let alone the hundreds of little wars and massacres the British have committed over the years.
@terdon we've been a lot more gracious in allowing independence for pretty much anyone who asks, even without a fight in most cases
and did we kill as many natives? i think not
@Jez Yes, that is true.
@Jez Are you kidding?
the Spanish extirpated many American civilizations
after disgusting slavery and torture
Umm, so did the brits in fact. But never mind that, look at Africa, India, Asia. You name it.
@Jez Please. The slave trade in the US started when the US was British.
the Africans we "extirpated" are still around.... so we didn't
Very few countries in the world, if indeed any, have killed more than the British.
that's why they are independent nations of Africans, and not white Europeans
on the other hand, south american nations are mostly of Spanish origin
@Jez So there were no Indians in the northern part of the continent?
and central american
@terdon as i said, we didnt kill as many
like the whole aztec civilization
@Jez Back up your claims.
but yeah it sucks that will did kill the ones we did
What happened to the Apache? Or the Navajo? Or the hundreds of others whose names I don't know?
there were just more natives living in central and south america, and their cultures were more advanced
Spain killed and looted them en masse. it's sickening to think about
Yes it is. But no more so than the many British atrocities.
really, the Brits got into the Americas colonization game quite late compared to the Spanish
British war crimes are acts that have breached the laws of war, committed by the armed forces of the United Kingdom, since the establishment of the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 to the present day, during armed conflict. Actions labeled as war crimes range from independent actions of individual soldiers, such as the abuse of prisoners during the Iraq War, to controversial and debated officially sanctioned actions such as the bombing of Dresden in 1945. War crimes in the modern sense are acts committed during an armed conflict that violates the laws and customs of war (established by the Hague...
> In 1664, England also took over the Dutch colony of New Netherland, (including the New Amsterdam settlement), which England renamed the Province of New York. With New Netherland, the English also came to control the former New Sweden (in what is now Delaware), which the Dutch had conquered earlier. This later became part of Pennsylvania after it was established in 1680.
anyway, why do you like Spain so much when they oppress these self-determination movements? shouldnt you think of them as evil imperialists?
the Basques, the Catalans
the Spanish strongly criticized the Scottish referendum's being held
@MattЭллен could you help me with this poem?
@Jez I never said I like the government much. In fact I always used the UK model as an example of how it should be done. I just don't refer to bloody England despite how uncomfortable I felt living there.
Excuse me, could somebody please tell me where the ELU chat room is?
And I actually get to have an opinion seeing as I've lived in both countries.
@terdon shrug
@tchrist Dunno, this one is for political discussion.
@Jez don't know if you've notice, but your room has been moved.
yeah, thanks
@user08742 I'm just heading out, sorry.
@terdon Era de esa porquería de que me quejaba.
@tchrist Ya, lo se. Pero no puedo parar, es como jugar con un diente que duele.
vous avez mal aux dents?
@terdon Se pudiera si ganas se tuviese.
O moscas.
Siempre las moscas.
Spanish language is --> that way
french is ok because i speak it ;-D
@tchrist Are they still going on about this?
It is a bit boring, to be quite honest.
Quien tiene la mosca, se mosquea.
@Cerberus Yes, and I believe my deadman timer just timed out.
Your deadman timer?
Fine, fine. Subtle hints intercepted, parsed and understood.
No, it's fine. You may have boring discussions.
We can't always talk about my favourite subjects.
I formally request and require that this pointless political diatribe perpetrated by Jez be moved elsewhither.
But I'm allowed offhand whining, right?
i was coming to the end of my interest in it too
i thought it was an interesting discussion, so there
@Cerberus Your magnanimity truly knows no bounds. :P
Q: On mutual tactical serial upvotes and unconstructive comments

Will HuntingI notice that there are some groups of users on this site that like to leave unconstructive comments on each other's posts. For example, A writes "Great answer, +1" on B's posts and B writes "Short and sweet, +1" on A's posts. Often there are a few of these comments each day, accompanied by the u...

@Jez Good.
I posted this on math meta, but what do you think of it @MattЭллен? ^
@terdon No, but seriously, chances are that there will always be a few people who are not interested in the discussion on hand.
That's fine.
It has now gone on for seven hours.
Seven, really?
That is not offhand whining.
Too bad I had to miss most of it.
That is hijacking.
No, the whining was mine.
I really need a power nap now.
7 hours ago, by Jez
@IceBoy damn straight I'm happy :-D
3 hours ago, by Jez
@Robusto May the Union survive and prosper for another 300 years (albeit under a much more devolved structure for all its constituent parts)
59 mins ago, by Jez
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 by being part of a larger nation, and having devolution, you're pretty much losing nothing. certainly nothing as significant as your paid-for property
10 mins ago, by Jez
anyway, why do you like Spain so much when they oppress these self-determination movements? shouldnt you think of them as evil imperialists?
@tchrist you think that's a long debate? In Britain it's been going on for several years.
Please get a room.
this is a room
18 mins ago, by user08742
somebody help me
Wrong paste.
I am fine with the discussion being held in this room. We don't just talk about English here. And it is not hurting anyone.
And we can always start a different discussion at the same time.
And hijack enough debaters to kill it.
Let's talk about your boyfriend, lol.
We played 30 Seconds yesterday with his friends.
We were a good team.
So do you think this will be a long term relationship?
It already is!
He is now in Zeeland.
It is interesting to think of team in the dual.
I see. Well, let me know when you get married.
It is perfectly fine, of course.
But interesting.
The only alternative is pair.
You can use that in competitions.
So, can I ask who else likes men in this chat? :) I like girls only btw
Normally team is used for a group. If you use pair, this has different connotations than team has.
Oh crap, I had no idea this was a girls-only room!
I’ll get my coat now.
@Arrowfar Maybe that is a little private for some people, so you might not get answers.
If people don’t like men in this chat, then I guess the men must go.
@Cerberus Ah, I see
Pity, that.
@Arrowfar The way it goes is that people usually volunteer the information when it suits them.
@Cerberus But you don't mind that, right?
@tchrist yet, we make a good team is very often used when 2 people are talking.
@Arrowfar I am straight, but sometimes I find men attractive enough to think about them.
@Arrowfar Well, you already know about me.
@WillHunting haha
@Cerberus Yes I do :-)
@terdon Indeed so: it is historically commonplace to refer to a tightly bonded pair as a team when both partners work well in tandem.
I am actually considering buying a copy of CGEL...
But the word team is not generally used in Bridge, I think.
Or is it?
I probably wouldn't.
You know, I think it just might be.
But couple is more common.
Somehow, it's not a traditional word.
A team of horses is traditional.
Feb 9 at 1:47, by Cerberus
By the way, speaking of Pullum, have you read Language Log's acrimonious misinterpretation and bashing of Orwell, a better writer than they all?
May 16 '11 at 17:38, by RegDwight
The day Pullum signs up I will put a big huge fat-ass "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" on my profile and retire.
Why did you quote that?
@Cerberus Is there a shorter and cheaper alternative to CGEL that is still accurate. I know that Huddleston thinks badly of CGE, lol.
Aug 8 '13 at 20:08, by tchrist
Trust me, I have prepared all my life for my epic battle with Geoffrey Pullum. Songs shall be written of our conflict.
I’m manning the CGEL warships now.
By the way, I hope you know what CGE is.
I’m zeroing in on the quote I’m seeking.
CGE is written by Carter and McCarthy. CGEL is by Huddleston and Pullum.
Sep 16 at 10:53, by Will Hunting
Rodney Huddleston
Cambridge University Press

This groundbreaking undergraduate textbook on modern Standard English grammar is the first to be based on the revolutionary advances of the authors' previous work, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language (2002). The text is intended for students in colleges or universities who have little or no previous background in grammar, and presupposes no linguistics. It contains exercises, and will provide a basis for introductions to grammar and courses on the structure of English, not only in linguistics departments but also in English language and literature departments and schools of education.
Sep 16 at 11:16, by tchrist
@Robusto The first was dim, the second dimmer: I will not read their silly primer!
’Twas that which I sought.
@tchrist Ah yes, but unfortunately, it does not cover one important thing: punctuation.
Why would a book about grammar mention punctuation?
For that, you need a book about orthographic rectitude.
Well, lots of grammar books do include something on punctuation, either a chapter or an appendix.
OK, can you recommend me a book on punctuation then @tchrist?
It should of course treat both Br and Am variants.
@WillHunting I really don't know.
@tchrist Grammar is at least connected with punctuation.
@WillHunting As you like it.
@Cerberus Those who cannot write yet grammar have.
And those who have no grammar yet write.
Any opinions on this?
Ach en wee.
A: Why are Leicester & co pronounced as they are?

Blessed GeekI would consider my answer personal observation due to a software project. I believe it is a general trend. It would be helpful, if people offer corrections to my observation. Human attention span seems to constrain a concept to be pronounced no longer than 3 syllables. This human tendency is du...

@WillHunting I am suspecting that you want a style guide.
@terdon I commented.
I don't buy this idea that "Human attention span seems to constrain a concept to be pronounced no longer than 3 syllables. "
@tchrist I basicaly want to learn some proper grammar and punctuation rules. But I find books like The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation not meaty enough.
@tchrist I know, I meant on that answer.
Besides, Leicester has only two.
macbook# oed -A '^\p{upper}.*(?:ch?e|ca)st(?:rian|er)$'
Border Leicester ← border
› Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster ← chancellor
Colchester [n.]
Gloucester [n.]
† Graecaster [n.]
× Grecaster → Graecaster
Ilchester [n.]
Lancaster [n.1]
Lancaster [n.2]
Lancastrian [adj.]
Leicester [n.]
Madchester [n. and adj.]
Manchester [n.]
Novocastrian [n.]
Red Leicester ← red [adj. and n.]
ˈSenecaster [n.]
› Steward of Blackburn Hundred, the Duchy of Lancaster ← steward
Winchester [n.]
† Winˈchestrian [adj.] ← Winchester
I am actually considering switching to Am spelling, lol.
@terdon Gee willickers!
I can never understand the BG’s posts.
JBJ has the right answer IM!HO. It mirrors my own understanding, at least.
@tchrist Yeah, there's a surprise, JJB being correct! I know, I'm just waiting for a while before accepting.
Maybe I will just read CGE after all, even though it is inaccurate.
Hiya folks.
@WillHunting Tain’t no such thing, pardner! You just mean switching from one idioᵗsetting in Microsoft™ Office® to another. Both lead to silliness.
Hiya :-)
In general, I recommend LANG=en_CA.UTF-8.
I have not been studying the rules on this site, so I would like to ask. Are reference requests off topic? Can I ask for a book on some specific topic here?
@Mahnax Hey, Matty.
@WillHunting Why! You shouldn't.
I am thinking of asking a question on what are the good punctuation guides. Should I?
The site doesn't seem to have it already...
@WillHunting Probably not.
@Cerberus You mean to the first or second question? lol
:17760744 Tsk. Made me laugh.
I don't know what happened, but I can't see some avatars, on both ELU and ELL.
@WillHunting The second.
@DamkerngT. Which ones?
Anyone have the same problem?
@Cerberus Ah, why is that so?
@terdon What did he post?
@DamkerngT. Hi!
@WillHunting I don't know.
@Cerberus Ask him :)
For example, in english.stackexchange.com/questions/196985/…, I can't see the OP's avatar.
@Cerberus Hello!
@DamkerngT. what do you see?
@DamkerngT. I see it.
I see this:
@Cerberus That's weird.
All I can see is blank!
(And I just restarted my browser.)
That's hosted on gravatar so perhaps there is a problem connecting to that particular gravatar server in your location.
Oh, that makes sense.
@Cerberus I think I will go ahead and ask anyway...
I need a nap!
@WillHunting How's it going?
@terdon Then my work here is done. :)
@Mahnax I just bought something to learn French from by myself, and also for German.
@Mahnax I guess that you use gravatar for your avatar, perhaps. (Btw, hello!)
@DamkerngT. Hiya.
@WillHunting Oh, wow!
We can speak in French then!
on parle en francais?
@Mahnax I don't know how long I will take to learn, but I am trying to learn the basics of each in a month.
@Mahnax Oh, I can see your avatar now!
@WillHunting Lofty. Bonne chance!
At the risk of getting deleted, I just posted this question.
Q: Books on punctuation

Will HuntingWhat are some good books on punctuation? Ideally, such a book should treat punctuation in both American English and British English. I have seen so many different rules in different books that I am confused what really is correct when it comes to punctuation.

@Mahnax It is off topic?
@WillHunting Sure. It's a reference request. Opinion-based, very broad.
@Mahnax There are other questions like it that are not closed.
Q: What are some of the better English reference grammars?

Alan HogueWhat is your favorite English reference grammar, particularly in terms of accuracy and completeness? Please note I am not asking for usage guides. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the best ones?

Q: Are requests for reference material completely prohibited?

RLHSpecifically, if I am looking for a very specific type of book, if one even exists, is that prohibited and if yes, why? I ask because I would much rather ask the community for a good reference rather than reading through reader reviews on Amazon.com (which are not always valuable.) Also, some b...

And everyone knows simchona has the last word on every—oh, wait. She's what?
@Mahnax That is just a mod's opinion.
@Robusto She is on her way to losing modship.
To my knowledge, open-ended requests for books have usually not been allowed here. Feel free to disagree. I am but one person.
I seconded the close vote.
No problem.
On the other hand, the fact that there is no such authoritative reference on punctuation may be useful information. Punctuation is a part of orthography, and one of those areas where everybody believes that there is a definite correct standard, and usually that it is in fact the one that they use themselves. However, since they all use different and incompatible systems, with completely different logical, metaphorical, and occasionally linguistic rules for punctuating. English punctuation is not standardized, and probly never will be. — John Lawler 55 secs ago
Great comment by JL
Also, there are 62 other questions tagged "resources", so how is it off topic?
I have actually read Trask's Guide to Punctuation, and I thought it was authoritative, but then later realised it disagreed with many other books.
@Mahnax hi! Mahnax. How are your studies going?
@Mahnax Aha! But there is one above there still open. My above link...
@WillHunting Over half of the questions in are closed or migrated. That's my point here.
@Mahnax Yes, I know.
Given that there is such disagreement, the question arises how we define "useful" information. This site militates against questions that do not have definitive answers, and requests that are as broad as "what are some good sources for X" tend to get the bum's rush, and in my opinion deservedly so. This is not to say that good sources will not be useful, only that this venue may not be organized to recommend them. — Robusto 57 secs ago
@Arrowfar They're going well enough, thank you.
@Robusto Yes, I saw that.
Well, I will just leave the question there until it is closed. Feel free to cast your votes.
Man, I am so tempted to post Strunk and White as an answer there and just watch the downvotes accumulate.
@terdon I give all my answerers an upvote.
Nevertheless, an answer recommending S&W on ELU will get burned to a crisp very quickly.
Yes, I think so too, lol.
Anyhow, class is almost over, so I'm out of here. TTYL folks.
See ya
@Arrowfar hi pal :-)
@IceBoy hi :-)
@terdon Why?
Hello @AndrewLeach do you have an answer to my punctuation book question? =)
I've been away. Which question?
goes off to look...
@IceBoy Because there are many words with more than 3 syllables. Synchronicity to name one.
@terdon I just realised you are a mod, lol
You lost me there.
@WillHunting Not here!
hello everyone
@WillHunting No: no answer. I'm not convinced it's on topic; it should be on Meta (example) but I'll let nature take its course.
I think i need to complain my internet provider for slow internet, now a days
@WillHunting Although, there, are, things, that, pretty, much, everyone, would, agree, are, strange,,,
Places almost no one, would put commas these days
We, can probably figure out what some of these are and make some rules
Q: Congratulations, Will Hunting

Ice BoyCongratulations on achieving $1,005$ reputation points. Please try your best to not delete this achievement. We have faith in you this time.

Just to share some drama. ^
@WillHunting You know, the funny thing is I don't even know how can I delete my account on SE.
@Arrowfar You must ask the expert in deletion then, lol.
@WillHunting The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language has a chapter on punctuation from a descriptive perspective co-authored by Geoffrey Nunberg, author of The Linguistics of Punctuation. It's about 40 pages long.
in Mathematics, 2 mins ago, by Ice Boy
I can't believe 3 people downvoted this^ let the trolls downvote their lives away
@snailboat Yes, I know, thanks.
@snailboat So you have a book to recommend me on punctuation alone? Feel free to post an answer to my question before it gets closed and I promise to upvote it.
I don't like posting answers to questions I think will be closed
OK, it's up to you. But I think the site needs this question, though it is not what others think.
@Jez your complete and utter lack of humour never ceases to amaze me. Are you sure you are actually a Brit? You keep proving time and again that you're a German.
Sure, I think resource questions are on-topic.
There are people on various SE sites who think they shouldn't exist or should only be on meta or should only be on the main site or . . .
Punctuation, imo, cannot be treated alone, anymore than numbers can be treated alone in math.
@WillHunting There's also an interesting book on the history of punctuation, Pause and Effect: Punctuation in the West by M. B. Parkes
But it's unfortunately out of print and not easy to come by
@snailboat You sure you don't wanna post? =)
@Jez I never compared India to anything. I never so much as brought India up in the first place. I am not invested in any of this the tiniest bit and I couldn't care less either way. It is none of my business. Or yours, for that matter. You might wish to try and ease up, take some reading comprehension classes, then ease up some more.
@WillHunting have you checked the library?
World Cat
It's cats all the way down.
@IceBoy I have looked in various bookstores and online. The problem is the very brief treatment in many places and the different rules in different places.
Commas can also be used to draw baby snails: o,
Commas are the most confusing punctuation, yes.

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