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I'm not sure what people's infatuation with Visual Studio (and its pricetag) is, but this seems to be a thing that's happening
I made a very small project in C# for university with it and it didn't leave me breathless
ooo. interesting
I write c# every day
It's fine. not mind blowing.
Yes, but why Visual Studio all the things?
@badp Death to IDEs, power to text editors
I'm not saying Visual Studio sucks or death to Visual Studio
I'm just neutrally asking why
@fredley go vim!
@KevinvanderVelden no! go emacs!
MonoDevelop (the one bundles with Unity anyway) seems way more clunky. Never tried anything else related to C#.
@badp I have no idea, I mostly just use it for debugging and some refactoring
@MattЭллен viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim
Most of the time I just use Eclipse though. At least I know the more important keybindings and I CBA to set up other IDEs to use the same.
Vim > Emacs
@fredley I'd edit your message but I couldn't find the right buttons to do it.
Vim runs everywhere, and every other text editor worth its salt has vim-mode (see: Emacs)
@MattЭллен It needs no editing
@MattЭллен did you try C-X M-c M-butterfly?
@KevinvanderVelden let me get out the foot pedals...
Q: Vim plugin that explains commands as you type them

badpIf you're running Linux, please go ahead and install atc because it explains perfectly what I would love Vim to do. As you can see from [the manpage][2] atc has a relatively simple command system, where you first name a plane, then a command for that plane, and that arguments. As such you tell p...

@badp 5.89824e37 - lol
@badp that would actually be a useful plugin
@KevinvanderVelden I don't even know if it can be a plugin
also the vim cheatsheet thing says that you can prefix some commands like "d" with a buffer where you can put what you delete into
I have to wonder if that doesn't create ambiguity
That's more a wrapper than a plugin though
@badp not necessarily, you can start typeing "a and it could show "With buffer a..."
@KevinvanderVelden yeah, but does that mean that "d" can't be a buffer?
@badp it can, you type " to specify that you are going to specify a buffer next, so deleting a line and storing it in buffer d would be "ddd (With buffer d, delete the line)
oh. So when there's ambiguity you need to prefix with " if you meant to use a buffer
No, there's a default buffer, saying " means to store it in a specific buffer
So if you don't specify "d but just dd it will delete the line and store it in the default buffer
Crap, I want to make this now
I've always wondered why Vim doesn't echo what you write, even at a basic level
It shows it in the status bar for me, that might be a config option, I don't remember
Oh, and you could dump the mappings with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/7642746/… for customized vim installations
Undefined behavior means the compiler can do damn near anything it wants (and the standard explicitly allows those consequences to act on things before the undefined behavior)
@KevinvanderVelden I checked C++ 1.3.24 and don't see the "before" part.
If a compiler does that due to optimisation, the optimisation step is buggy.
@KevinvanderVelden Yes but will real world compilers actively realize that you messed up, keep silent and antagonize you?
Nevermind that they are technically able to do so.
@MartinSojka cpp0x.centaur.ath.cx/intro.execution.html 1.9.5 does, but that's the working draft
soon your program is reduced to int main(){fuck_you_I_am_a_compiler();}
@badp they do some weird shit: blog.regehr.org/archives/767
@KevinvanderVelden all I know is that from now on I'm compiling with -O0 :P
@badp and/or -Wall -Werror -pedantic-error
That guy Max has some weird requirements for giving out boosts
@fredley wtf, why hit it at 2?
@KevinvanderVelden In games that make sense you want to hit it at GO
@badp because that's when you get max boost
No no no, you want to rev the engine, because I dunno
@badp Are you seriously looking for "sense" in a mario kart game?
Hold the brakes down and floor it, then take off with squealing tires!
Before 2:
After 2:
I guess their reasoning is that men, and especially male gamers, can be really misogynistic (see reactions to female game critics) so giving women a "safe space" is a good idea because that means they'll be more likely to stick around and enjoy games. I don't know
or there's so few women in the scene that making a women-only tourney may encourage them to join in?
Plausible, they're doing the same thing as chess is now though. A tournament open to all and a tournament specifically for women, their reasoning is to get more women to play the game at all
... nicely done
Q: place a wet sponge using setblock command

UserDoes someone know how to place a wet sponge? I tried to get the dataTag but it doesn't have a dataTag so i tried /setblock ~ ~ ~ wet_sponge and that also didn't work.

Q: why is camping considered bad gameplay?

user16973why is camping generally looked down on in fps/tps games games? some classes come equipped with long range guns that are nearly impossible to aim without stopping and aiming into a spot the enemy can run into.(i.e. you would have a sniper class blindly running and shooting)

@badp That's exactly what it is.
There are other female only eSports tournaments for the same reason.
So clearly the men should be insulted by the segregation instead of the women!
@Sterno Both groups can be insulted at first glance if they want.
You can actually capture an alien in Xenonauts before you get the tech for it if you throw enough flashbangs at one.
@Sterno You're so awesome.
@KevinvanderVelden They are interacting with eachother! Man the gunships!
@Arperum s/gunships/LAZERS
@KevinvanderVelden How do you even man LAZERS? The Gunship shoots LAZERS. The LAZERS don't shoot gunships...
@fredley This is why I use nano
@Arperum with LAZERS, anything is possible
17 hours ago, by StrixVaria
I'm just waiting for you to get 20 rep on the sockpuppet and then talk to yourself on chat to set up your own one-liners.
Four bars of energy, FTL?
So, I'm fairly sure there are some Kerbal Spaceprogram players here: forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/…
WHAT HAPPENED TO MY EXTENSIONS!? If this were my personal computer, I'd have wiped and reloaded by now. My problems with this computer are definitely approaching the OS level.
@badp Which ship are you playing, the Cerenkov?
@MBraedley That is an insanely compact state diagram for any reasonably capable program
@PrivatePansy The default
but I had the great idea of picking a nebula sector which knocked off 4/8 bars
Aah nebulas, fun times
Two to shield, one to Artemis missile and one to engine, perhaps?
I am so ready to go to bed
I was running out of oxygen and had to heal people who suffered choking damage
I have no idea how I made it out of that
Oh, yeah, with almost no hull :P
can I do anything about those rooms? beyond reaching a store for repairs
Repair the hull breaches with the engi?
uh. yeah.
Should be fine. The engi would be able to repair fast enough before he suffocates
And hull hitpoints have nothing to do with room breaches
and you could always send 2 people in to repair faster
You should vent the side and back compartments, by the way
@PrivatePansy you mean for intrusions?
@badp should be fine, just send 2 people to repair it and swap them out when they're nearly dead
Yeah. The bottom most breach is almost completely harmless too
I repaired them anyway
wat. Now there's exclamation points on the map.
IeSF got their heads out of their arses about the gender-divided e-sports tournaments ... somewhat. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 remains women-only. Well, it's a start.
People who still complain about campers in this day and age need to learn how to teamwork.
That question should not have been mod opened.
If it truly is good subjective, the community could've reopened it in short order.
3 mods reviewed it and found it good subjective; that's good enough
@badp No, it's not.
It's not five comminity members.
@Frank in your eyes
@Frank Why not?
@Jutschge Yes. And you had voted to reopen, I'd have no issue with it.
@Frank ...or one moderator.
i would've voted to reopen actually didn't see it though
I'm talking specifically about overriding community decisions.
@badp And you guys are exception handlers.
Not override the community on questions you want.
Yeah, the community making wrong calls is thankfully exceptional
I'm going to chalk this "community decision" up to not quite remembering the "Good Subjective" guidelines. That's why it's re-linked in the comments.
@StrixVaria I'd appreciate you not strawmanning my decision, thank you.
@Frank It fits all of the good subjective.
still the question can be answered by "experts" and it can be a good answer
@AshleyNunn And I disagree.
Ah wait, IeSF actually added TTT2 open-for-all too. Well, all's good then. The female-only variants are a bit superfluous in my eyes, but as long as nobody forces me to watch them or care about the results ...
@Frank And I disagree with you!
3 mins ago, by Frank
If it truly is good subjective, the community could've reopened it in short order.
Seriously; that's the whole point of the community.
@Frank I really dislike saying this kind of stuff, but that's a huge strawman
@badp Would that be the rebel fleet advancing on the beacons?
What good is it for us to be able to make decisions if they're not honored?
@PrivatePansy No, that's two exclamation marks
@Frank Please provide specific details about which of the 6 points it doesn't meet, and why.
Otherwise your argument is a waste of time.
@Frank Don't forget that mods are intended to be exception handlers, and are given the ability to override community open/close votes as part of that exception handling.
@Frank That's a little dramatic. It was one decision.
@Wipqozn A question closed for ten minutes isn't an exception by any metric whatsoever.
@Frank It was exceptional in that it was closed erroneously.
@AshleyNunn And I will continue to fight against mod fiat.
@StrixVaria In your, single, opinion.
If you seriously think that we reopened the question in spite of measly worthless community member peons, I am not interested in this discussion.
Which gives you one vote.
@Frank So we aren't supposed to do the things we are diamonded to do?
@Frank Not really commenting in this specific case. I'm just saying that mods are able to reopen questions by design. It's not abuse.
@Frank No. You voted us to have five votes and we are going to use our five votes. Period.
@frank actually I think we are 5 people here right now that have the same opinion as @StrixVaria
@badp Actually, I didn't.
@Frank You can't use that word "single" since there are multiple. You still haven't explained what makes it bad subjective. And my one MOD vote, which was a privilege given to me by the community for trusting my judgment.
You the community.
@Frank Well, a lot of other people did.
Then let them use their votes!
What you did just took that decision right out of their hands!
That is specifically what I'm challenging, and will always do so.
@Frank They did, by choosing representatives to vote on their behalf.
@Frank Instead of yelling at the mods for using their community-granted privileges, why don't you focus your efforts on explaining why this is actually a bad question.
I am not interested in "us poor disempowered users vs them nazi modraters" debates, especially from long standing communtiy members
@StrixVaria Because I believe the focus is primarily opinion based. And I voted accordingly.
@Frank Why is it opinion based?
@Frank Which of the 6 "good subjective" guidelines does it violate?
Without explaining that, your argument is irrelevant.
i think the mod-reopen just sped up the whole reopen process...
@Frank So did we, you know.
It's not like I didn't have clashes with mods before - and I'll likely continue doing so - but at some point, you can voice your disagreement and make sure to vote accordingly come next mod elections, and get on with your life.
@Frank Mods pretty much rule over the site, normal community members really only "help", but mod is final. Kind of meh and counter-intuitive to "community owned" but whatever. I do strongly think this is an opinion question as 'camper' has no solid definition — Rapitor 3 mins ago
That seems to be a pretty good one.
@Frank so you want to say an expert can't answer this question well?
@Frank Are you not familiar with the 6 points? Which point does that violate?
Seriously, if you keep just saying "opinion based" without saying what good subjective guideline it violates, you are not contributing meaningfully to the chat.
Hmm, did Gmail just get a new favicon?
@Frank Camping has a pretty solid definition. It even has a wikipedia page about the entire topic:
In video gaming, camping is a tactic where a player obtains a static strategic position of advantage. This behaviour manifests in different ways depending on the underlying nature of the game (online text adventure, graphical MMO, first-person shooter, etc.), but invariably involves a player waiting in one location for the game (or other players of the game) to do something which they can take advantage of, often repeatedly. That camping is often seen as a method for circumventing much of the effort usually required to acquire a desired reward makes the activity contentious. Among many...
@StrixVaria And you're not helping by going, "point, or GTFO"
@Wipqozn You got there faster than me!
> This behaviour manifests in different ways depending on the underlying nature of the game (online text adventure, graphical MMO, first-person shooter, etc.), but invariably involves a player waiting in one location for the game (or other players of the game) to do something which they can take advantage of, often repeatedly.
Damn it, caffeine jittery fingers
@Frank Because you're the one trying to prove a point, but you're doing it without actually making any points.
@Frank No, that is your problem. What is your point? We have brought forward an argument and your rebuttal so far is "YOU don't get to make that point"
Nowhere is my choice given any weight in any meaningful point, all because mods are, "Good question! Must keep!"
That is an ad hominem if I've ever seen one.
@Frank Because you aren't making any argument other than "I am mad you made a decision"
@AshleyNunn Which is my entire point!
@Frank This is not the information I'm trying to get out of you right now. You voted to close a question. WHY?
@Frank And that is a strawman, also known as something that holds no weight whatsoever.
@Frank But you haven't given us any indication about WHY the decision was incorrect, giving us no avenue to even consider a change.
@Frank I think the intention behind asking why you think it violates it is to see if you can both come to an understanding, not to tell you to "GTFO."
rolls eyes
yawn What did I wake up to?
@OrigamiRobot The usual Bridge happy fun times
By the way, that's how we Vanu do camping. It's happy fun times in spandex, and lots of dead flyboys crying sweet, sweet tears. ;)
@PrivatePansy I'ts just you
Speaking of which, Hossin (the fourth continent) opened up this week. Looking forward to some jungle fighting.

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