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@Sterno We're watching you.
Let's hope they don't ruin it even more.
Wow, if you try to install VS2k13 with IE 9 or less installed, it bitches at you during setup.
@thinlyveiledquestionmark well damn. Kinda glad I didn't get invested in it then
@Powerlord Apparently a lot of MS stuff secretly latches onto IE (looking at you GFWL).
Because dealing with IE long enough to download a real browser wasn't bad enough.
@Powerlord I don't recall that
...oh this PC came with 11. Er it wasn't supposed to
I thought win 7 always shipped with IE8
I still don't know why we're stuck with IE8 anyway
@BenBrocka I believe they updated IE in one of the service packs
A: How does stunning work?

Reginald S. TernoSome enemies, such as the robotic Andron, are immune to being stunned. However, the game's UI does not give you good feedback about this, as you'll see the "blue" damage occurring. However, no amount of hitting them with stun batons or gas grenades will knock them out. For enemies that are not i...

Now I just have to hope he gets enough rep to chat!
Community is not happy about this
@Sterno You're not even at 20k on your main account yet. Starting NG+ a bit early.
Does someone know the exact requirements for the Curious et al. badges? I'm wondering why I wasn't awarded Inquisitive.
@Sterno I'm surprised one of the mod's hasn't shot you yet.
...and I'm sure I really meant shot you down, not shot you.
@Powerlord Socks are only killed if they're used as sockpuppets, I believe.
Such as Mr. Santa and serial upvoting.
I'm pretty sure multiple accounts are only a problem if you engage in bad behavior with them.
@5pike no one is happy about this
Q: What's the SO policy about having multiple user accounts?

BalusCTake this example: all SO user accounts of user known as "icepax". I can imagine of any human reasons to create a new user account at SO, e.g. willing to restart with a clean (reputation) history. But particular this one is extreme. The user known as "icepax" currently already has 10 accounts, e...

to save you all time looking for it
I don't believe mods have the capability to merge users anymore.
@BenBrocka No kidding. The thread with ~3000 messages in a day is impressive, though.
@5pike Know what else is impressive? !
Well, if I get in trouble over that one, you'd better ding me for this one too:
@Sterno Mr. GrumpyFace.
@5pike it released on PS4 too. Will this be the first time console players suffer Perfect World?
@Sterno only 84?
@Powerlord Eh, that isn't that impressing.
@Krazer Well, it caps at 93 anyway, so what's the difference?
No one with a birthday prior to 1920 is allowed to use StackExchange.
@Sterno funny that you mention it.. I'm actually 94
How rude
@Sterno Don't upvote yourself and don't answer your own question with a different account.
I'm just waiting for you to get 20 rep on the sockpuppet and then talk to yourself on chat to set up your own one-liners.
I moved out.
A free man.
Apparently EA was ruled to have lied when it called its mobile Dungeon Keeper game free to play in the UK.
Do you have better internet now?
@OrigamiRobot Yes. Wanna race?
@GnomeSlice OK, I'll race you to my car. Ready?
I don't have a car. =[
I said my car.
where is it
In the parking lot.
The license plate says "I <3 Wipqozn"
Can't miss it
So I got an email from Squeenix about the first ever FF 14 convention.
@Wipqozn You get something like that?
It's pink
But whatever
Futon powers activate!
ignore the cat barf stain
also where the frig are my glasses
I can't see any stain
ugh deskfans
fans are the worst
It's really old and shitty
but it's super hot, so I need it
also this monitor he gave me is whack
I hate having air moving over me
making all my icons display funny on my main screen
@OrigamiRobot I hate not having air moving over me.
I have fans in every room of my house.
The only fan in my apartment is the bathroom fan
I hate noise, I rarely turn my AC on. Will be glad to get an HVAC
@StrixVaria shut up
@StrixVaria k then
@StrixVaria I hate you
wtf 900 mb/s
It's only at work, unfortunately.
You work at Google, the cable only has to go down the hall and it's at the internet.
@GnomeSlice 900 millibits isn't much
@StrixVaria You. Gimme your internet.
You can have mine.
@OrigamiRobot 900 millibits per second would really suck.
Hmm, my internet is slow today, only 76 Mbps down =[
1 min ago, by MBraedley
@StrixVaria I hate you
Q: Ingress linking when carrying multiple keys

RumblesSo I've found it's good to store key copies in containers to make it easy to drop before hacking, to get more keys, I'm just worried that if I'm carrying 2 keys and I create a link both with be used. I believe this used to happen and am unsure if it's still the case... Thanks

@MBraedley this is at home btw <3
Mind you it's my own damn fault for moving into a building that isn't wired for fibre.
At home I have 25Mbps down and 15Mbps up, not nearly as good.
Anyway, fans are the worst. The wind is also the worst.
@StrixVaria Yeah, mine's less than half that
I like fans when it's too humid.
@StrixVaria surprisingly close to parity
@StrixVaria 15 up? neat
where the fart are my farting glasses
I think I get ~40-50 down and ~6 up now, used to be 25 and 2. They, amazingly, did a free upgrade
Yeah, that's pretty damn close, I get like a 10:1 ratio -,-
The most I can possibly get is 5
@BenBrocka You must be in an at-risk area for Google Fiber.
I'd gladly trade half my download for more upload
@GnomeSlice grats for your newfound independence!
Only pirates upload. True fact.
@StrixVaria I am and they still upped my bill be $10 this month
@StrixVaria Doubt it, there's no competition. This is the ONLY cable internet provider here. It's them, DSL (I think which is ALSO one company), dial up or satellite. No fiber period
@badp Thanks, although I'm not sure how successful I'm going to be.
@GnomeSlice If I survived, you're going to be fine.
I didn't have a sign a lease, so if in like a month's time I'm not doing well I can just go home again
It takes more than a month to fail forever at housekeeping
@GnomeSlice Are you subletting a room or something?
@MBraedley do I need a doctor for that
Google image searching "Housekeeping fail" results in a surprising number of scantily clad women.
K so the guy rents this rowhouse apartment, and I'm renting a room from him.
@Sterno link pls
@GnomeSlice huh? Not usually.
@GnomeSlice renting from someone who is renting
I...didn't know that was possible
@KevinvanderVelden then yes
@GnomeSlice Which is effectively a sublet if he doesn't actually own the townhouse.
@BenBrocka I'm not sure I see it
was a real test
@badp 120MB less memory, less CPU usage from the look of it
@BenBrocka Is that just system idle?
I figured both would use at least 1GB minimum
@OrigamiRobot yes just the OS, to show memory usage absolutely required
I knew Windows 8 was better than 7 in RAM management but I didn't know that much better (or that 7 could fit in less than 1GB)
Well, I think Windows 8 has been slimmed down to fit into tablet hardware where RAM is at a premium
yeah, it definitely works much better in a tablet now. Amazing shutdown/startup times too
I think the Surface Pro 3 cold boots faster than my Kit Kat phone
My tablet takes a full minute to boot
My computer is up in about a tenth of the time
My tablet takes forever to boot
when I first got it, it was lightning fast, and after like teh first update it went to shit
it runs out of battery in like a day now whether I use it or not
A day is a fair amount of battery lifetime
@GnomeSlice How old is it?
What's the screen size?
@badp Most Windows 8 boots are hot boots now though
this new monitor is weird
that's steam maximized
@MBraedley uh, like 3 years or something
3 years is a fair bit of time for a battery. My laptop's...5 or 6 and it lasts 30 minutes now
@GnomeSlice 1397×1048 is a weird resolution to be using
1400 x 1050
for this monitor
and 1366 x 768 for the laptop
The picture is 1397×1048 though?
I manually screencapped it
close enough
ah okay
Q: What is the fastest way to get beads?

BatophobiaI am working towards getting the "You Win" badge which has the following requirement: Collect B180000000000T This means I need to get 180,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 beads. My best machine pumps out 128,000,000 beads every second. Given that I am starting around 150,000,000,000 beads, the...

it also makes my icons on my desktop display fnuny
is the DPI set to something other than normal?
there's like a gap on the right
@BenBrocka ¯(°_o)/¯
@GnomeSlice just not enough space for another column I guess
@BenBrocka I don't think so.
@BenBrocka doesn't look like that when it's just the laptop (that screen)
or when it's other second monitors
mirrored or extended? Extended shouldn't mess with anything
It probably adjusts the icon grid size to fit the external monitor and the laptop suffers as a result
Which of the two is set to be your primary monitor?
Okay, it's close enough to quitting time that I'm saying it's quitting time.
oooo The Sun at Night
@BenBrocka wtf
@badp the lappy
It's the new COD, they're riffing off the dog jaw thing from the xbox one reveal
nice background btw, I'm using this one at work
it cycles
I have hundreds
dozens, anyway
lol and none of them fit the new monitor
there are dozens of us
perfect fit
I should probably do the slideshow thing on the surface since I fonud all these matching minimalist wallpapers
I don't know if I can cycle sets with 1 per monitor on my desktop though
Wallbase is where it's at, nerd
Wallbase ftw
I hate cycling backgrounds
@OrigamiRobot Are you Francis?
omg skydrift wallpapers
@StrixVaria What?
remember when quake live was good?
I can't see that at work.
Alternatively you must be a smurf.
@Chippies Download Just Tactics
nsfw drawings
sort of
I tried a cycling background and I ended up always wanting a background that was in the pool, but not the current one.
@GnomeSlice I'll pass, we're going camping for 2 days when wife gets home from work, which should be any time now
@spugsley 5th of August will be better
@Chippies ಠ_ಠ
@spugsley Sacred 3?
not loading for me. Babypunching simulator?
Wasn't the first Sacred a buggy, broken mess of an open world game?

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