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@KitΘδς teething. three coming in at once, provoking a mild fever and lots of extra sleeping
Apple are such scum. I'm glad I went with an HTC Desire S.
@JSBᾶngs Yowzah. Our little one has another tooth coming on the heels of the last, but three at once...poor kiddo!
to paraphrase someone much smarter than
"if you can't patent mathematical formulae, why can you patent computer programmes?"
@KitΘδς now he's fallen asleep on the floor with his blanket. so cute
this deserves a link
Oh my sweetness. They look like twins!
And so much hair!
they were both born that way. with lots of hair, that is
That's incredible. Did your wife have a lot of heartburn, per the old wives' tale?
@KitΘδς My wife's heartburn did correlate with the babies' hair quantity, for both babies, if that proves anything.
Baby #1
First baby, lots and lots of heartburn
Second baby, not nearly as much
@KitΘδς my wife had a pregnancy that was truly horrific, but i don't remember heartburn being part of it. just nausea. lots and lots of nausea.
I had terrible heartburn too.
@MrShiny Your kids are about the same age as @JSB's and mine.
Hang on. I'll get a couple baby pics.
@KitΘδς 3y and 16mo
Mine are 3yrs and 14mo.
@KitΘδς So, how close are their birthdays? Mine are two days apart. And they might have been zero days apart if we hadn't meddled with the 2nd.
About 4 months. We planned it that way. Sort of.
@JSBᾶngs Yours look incredibly cute. Also, dangerous, in the destructo-baby sense. :)
Here's the oldest.
@KitΘδς awwww
Gah, baby pictures.
And the youngest.
mine are 3 yrs and 16 mo. all so close together
baby #1 was born three days after my birthday. baby #2 was born exactly one month before my birthday
We should have an EL&U playdate.
@GraceNote You misspelled "Yay".
@Marthaª Not until I become a parent will that be a misspelling.
Until then, it's totally "Gah!"
@GraceNote Being an auntie is nothing to sneeze at, either. I love being an auntie.
I don't have any married siblings.
And I don't think I'm consider an aunt if one of my cousins has kids.
@GraceNote No, then you're a first cousin, once removed. Or something counterintuitive like that.
@KitΘδς LOL!! Little imp!
The whole "removed" system is just too complex to figure out for me.
@Marthaª The relationships are symmetrical. Your parent's cousins are your second cousins. Your cousin's children are first cousins once removed. (so you're right)
@GraceNote Removed just means one generation down.
The ordinals mean generations up.
There are ordinals?!
Second cousins = your parent's cousins.
Third cousins = your grandparent's cousins.
I thought second cousin = child of your parent's cousin.
Oh. Ordinal means that numerical element.
(Also, major semantic satiation going on with "cousin".)
@Marthaª No, that would be second cousin once removed.
Pretty sure anyway.
Like 95% sure.
Q: Is there an accepted rule for naming all of our various distant relatives (Kinship Terms)?

Jon HadleyI'm going to the christening of my Cousin's first son soon. What is the proper name for his relation to me? 2nd Nephew? Nephew once removed? Nothing? Looking at the overall picture, whats the accepted rule for the naming of all of our various relations?

sorry to be briefly on-topic
Q: What is a "kinetic" military operation?

Urs ReupkeGeneral John Allen reports US soldiers killed a group of Taliban: "We dealt with them in a kinetic strike." What's the meaning of "kinetic" here? Timothy Noah says the word is used to designate actual warfare (guns fired etc.), not just countermeasures and deployment. Does Allen mean just that...

I think I'll just say something like "S/he's my cousin's daughter/son", depending on which gremlin I'm talking about.
^ voting to close as "too localized"
uh-oh, baby is waking up
@RegDwightѬſ道 If I'm reading the chart correctly, I'm right: the child of my parent's cousin is my second cousin. What's confusing is that both said parent's cousin, and my cousin's children, are my first cousins once removed.
Great. Now I'm lost again and I thought I was finally getting the hang of it.
@Marthaª You have the right interpretation. "removed" indicates the size of the generational gap. So your first cousins are the same generation as you, their children are one generation away.
I find the chart exceptionally confusing.
I have no idea who set up this moronic system and why on Earth it hasn't been replaced with something more human after all these centuries.
@Marthaª Wow I am glad we don't have that stuff in Dutch.
We should develop a better system, then.
We could just have separate words for all relationships, like in Chinese.
@RegDwightѬſ道 More humane indeed. This is torture.
Then we'd know if our uncles were older or younger than our parents, for instance.
@KitΘδς Okay never mind! I have said nothing.
@Cerberus Well, we certainly don't have it in Hungarian, either; but in most ways, the Hungarian system is even more confusing, because there simply aren't words for most of these relationships.
Except I can't even remember what I call my cousins in Chinese.
@Cerberus This is voluntary self-torture. FTFY.
I remember what everyone calls everyone else, but I don't remember what the actual direct cousin relationship is.
@Marthaª We don't have any of those green boxes.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh, look at that hair!
@Cerberus You just call everyone ananases.
@RegDwightѬſ道 What's up with all the French pineapples?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Aww adorable... I didn't know you had kids too! Everybody has young children in this room, it seems (not I).
@MrShinyandNew安宇 those are adorable
@KitΘδς She gets a lot of compliments about the colour. It's a mix of Chinese and 3rd-generation redhead
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I thought they were Dutch
@RegDwightѬſ道 Hey I forgot, can German distinguish between male and female cousins?
@GraceNote tangxiong
@MrShinyandNew安宇 right, you weren't around, were you?
Aug 1 at 20:20, by Cerberus
@simchona Hmm... I know ananas (the only word in Dutch), but I never got it, not after hearing it several times.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Your daughter looks particularly, um, edible in that picture. As in, she's so cute, I could just eat her right up.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I got it once it was explained to me.
@Cerberus sure, Cousin und Cousine.
@GraceNote Or biaoxiong, etc and variants depending on the actual relationship.
gah, the 3 year old just put all of our shoes in the toilet. this is somewhat less adorable
@Marthaª I literally felt like that when she was a baby. I wanted to just shove her right into my mouth. Now I tease her and say "I'm going to eat you! Om nom nom!" and she says "No! Don't eat me! Then you wouldn't have me anymore!"
Except that "cousin" is a false friend in pretty much any pair of languages.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Ah OK. Dutch has nephew = male cousin, niece = female cousin.
@JSBᾶngs maybe not adorable, but funny as heck (from here)
@JSBᾶngs Oh God! That is terrible. No leather shoes, I hope?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Tell her she'll grow back.
@Marthaª I'll do that next time :)
@Marthaª or that you can buy another one. edible little girls are on sale this week!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It's the conclusion we've come to regarding my niece: the reason there's any of her left for me to nibble on the weekend is that she grows back from the various parental nibblings.
My uncle once said to my grandmother, when he was mad: "If I don't get my way, I will crawl back into your tummy and keep my shoes on!".
@JSBᾶngs Reminds me of a Tim Minchin joke, from his comedy routine. He tells a story about how he adopted his daughter from an orphanage in Romania and so now he tells her how if she's bad, he'll just send her back. He says "she's very well behaved now", but when an audience member says "you're mean!" he replied, "you think that's mean? She's not even adopted!"
dalton made another account and asks typical questions
@MrShinyandNew安宇 LOL
@Reg i want to abolish
i should start a meta thread on this
Q: This figure blows my mind

DaltonWhat does the speaker mean by that ? This figure blows my mind

@JSBᾶngs You should
^ close as gen ref
I'd close it as NaRQ. No context, no anything.
Another theory we've come up with: the reason for those 3:00 a.m. wake-up-screaming-and-inconsolable sessions is to keep her parents from melting into piles of adoring-but-useless goo.
@Marthaª I think you might have the two characteristics backwards with regards to cause. The cuteness is to prevent strangulation during 3am tantrums.
@Marthaª Good theory. That would explain why both of my children are occasionally horrible monsters.
yes, children have to occasionally make their parents contemplate the ethical implications of infanticide. otherwise we would all die of glucose overdose
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That's the competing theory, yes: cuteness is a survival trait. But I think the other direction has something going for it, too.
@Martha good on your for your comment to Dalton. But srsly, wtf is with the comment above yours? could that commenter possibly be any more wrong?
Ah, yes, children.
@JSBᾶngs Yeah, I see what you mean. I've flagged it for deletion. However, it does point to the fact that maybe this isn't a gen-ref question, because looking up the individual words isn't likely to fully explain the phrase. However, we do need lots more context to even attempt to answer it.
googling "what does 'blow my mind' mean" gives some decent answers
not great answers, though... we could possibly improve on what's already out there
the ones i'm seeing have either buried the answer, or give crappy incomplete definitions
baby boy is falling asleep in my arms again
@JSBᾶngs Aw. It does make typing harder, though.
@Marthaª I once managed to play a first-person shooter game on the computer with a 2month-old baby sleeping on a pillow on my lap.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Geek.
(This from the auntie of a certified Geekling, mind you.)
Those are the binary dad, mom, and kid t-shirts I got them.
(Picture is going away shortly.)
@Marthaª cute :)
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I like such acts of defiance. Did you win?
@Marthaª Oww I missed it, could you post again? Pleeeease?
dalton strikes again....now called Sutton...pesky guy
@Cerberus It was a single-player game. And I never did it again... she got too big for the pillow. But at the time, I was like "wee! parenting is easy!"
Sutton who? Sutton Hoo!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Haha yeah, and I bet you soon regretted your hubris?
[so now you know more or less what I look like, too]
Going away in 3... 2... 1...
(I don't have my sister's walleye, and I have more of a double-chin, but we are identical twins, after all.)
@Marthaª Ooh shoot! I was called away, now I missed it again!
i missed it, too, but i won't oblige you to post pics if you don't want to
Is there anything that could induce you to post it a third time? Candy?
@Cerberus Sort of. I guess I've been pretty lucky as far as parenting goes, my kids are pretty good and easy to care for. some people have it much harder than I do.
Are you both ready?
See, JSB is more polite but means the same thing.
@Marthaª Yes!
[Picture removed]
@Marthaª Aww cute!
They look happy.
@JSBᾶngs Are you here?
yep, i'm here. all is well
The binary t-shirts are indeed utterly geeky.
:1597985 I think I'm ok with that. As long as it's not right there, front and center, to anyone who happens by.
Ah OK.
Though I might flag it for removal... I'll ask my sister.
I thought you didn't know.
@Cerberus I didn't, actually. So thanks for the explanation.
@Cerberus Speaking of which, is there an explanation somewhere for the mechanics of editing, and transcripts, etc?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hmm I have no idea. Anything specific you want to know?
It took me six months to find out that you can immediately edit your previous line if you press Up from the empty typing box.
well, timeouts, limitations on edits, what does and doesn't show up in the transcripts or the edit history, etc
Oh. All I know is that there's a 2-minute time-out for editing/deleting.
Did you know that?
@Cerberus the timeout? or the up key? neither, actually.
You probably always know that direct image links get thumbnailed and that a certain number of specific sites get info boxes, like Wiki and Youtube.
Actually it'd be nice to know that A) you can edit posts (I learned from observation, but it's not obvious that a chat room would have that feature) and B) you can delete posts, but C) sometimes you can't (and why), but also D) some of this stuff will be in the transcript forever.
@Cerberus yeah, I've seen that in action.
I agree that they should post an overview of how chat works somewhere. The FAQ is too vague.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Do you want the skimmy on chat mechanics or on site mechanics?
You can create a tag-like thingy by using [tag:made-up-tag] .
Start a quote by starting a line with > .
Most things that work in answers work in chat as well.
A) Normal users can edit their most recent chat posts as long as it has been under 2 minutes since then. Moderators can edit any chat post at any time.
B) You can delete your own posts within 2 minutes. Moderators can delete at any time. There is no undelete.
C) Covered by the above.
5 minutes, really!
I had no idea.
Not true, doesn't work.
D) Everything is in the transcript. Deleted posts cannot be seen in the browsed transcript, but they still exist on the server and can be viewed by moderators through the chat UI.
@Cerberus I might be wrong on that point
Lemmeh just recheck on that.
It is also 2 minutes.
I cannot delete my line above @ 3.
2 it is
There's also a userscript that adds extra functions to chat.
But I think I stopped using it because it didn't always work well.
@GraceNote great, that covers it, I guess.
No problem. ♪
I think the transcript and the editability should be more prominently noted somewhere so that people don't unwittingly reveal more than they think is easily accessible.
I think this question is based on incorrect assumptions:
Q: The more complete 'Poor you'

AkinIn sentences like "Go home," the 'You' is implied, as in 'You go home.' What would be the implied words/full form of the sentence "Poor you"? It certainly isn't "You are poor." ** I am editing this question to clarify what I'm looking for - I know what the meaning of this sentence is (both mea...

Namely, I don't believe that "You go home" is the full form of "Go home".
Imperatives are full forms on their own, they don't need to be/can't be expanded.
I agree.
And "poor you" is just a clauseless sentence.
so do answer it Martha
I have trouble thinking of a plausible ellipsis for it.
@Marthaª — Get out!
I don't have time to answer it. It needs someone who knows all the grammatical terms without having to look them up. And more time.
@Robusto Thwack.
@Marthaª — And as we all know, the full form of "Go home" is "Sudo go home."
@Robusto Also, I liked your answer on the Mark Twain question.
@Martha is right, but i don't have time to do it either right now
@Marthaª — Thank you. Twain is my favorite American author, and Huckleberry Finn is, I believe, the finest novel ever written by an American.
Kiam's answer looks good enough.
@Cerberus Eh. He doesn't come right out and say that "you go home" has little to do with "go home", and he really doesn't explain the mechanics of "poor you".
I suppose not. I'm just not the mood; I'd like to say "don't ask such evidently wrong questions, bye!".
Alenanno's comment comes closest to explaining things.
@Cerberus I totally sympathize.
Dammit, I have to go. TTYL.
Quick show of hands - who actually thinks they can commit to regularly posting on an English Language and Usage blog, if you had one?
Not I, alas.
And you had better check the transcripts about our discussion on procrastination and who did and did not identify with the article I posted.
I just need some sign that we'll have sufficient people who will be writing regularly.
You have seen the meta-thread, no doubt?
As it stands, I've got... nohat as "regular", and Mr. Shiny as "tentative" moreso than "regular". There's speech of people voicing their conviction months ago, but I'm not seeing any names today.
Yeah recent developments may have made things a bit unclear.
@GraceNote what is the frequency required for "regularly"? i could do probably 1 post/month
@JSBᾶngs I'm mostly shooting for "Will post more than just one set of posts". You need a flux of writing.
Ideally, you want a few posts a week, and the resources to keep that up.
Maybe a post a week if you want to start slow, but you still will need 4 people running 1 per month for that.
well, i can't do "frequent", but i can do "regular" as in, i could do monthly or maybe biweekly posts
Twice a month can be good if you can squeeze it, monthly can be even better as long as you have enough people to cover.
ideally there would be a schedule, so that i could know that i always have to post something on, say, the 1st and 3rd fridays of the month
Yes, ideally the blog writers should have a schedule worked out.
That's noted in your Meta post, though, you guys do plan to work that out.
@GraceNote s/skimmy/skinny/gi
@MattEllenД Skinny would be a common term
or are you just out ruining my language again?!
To wit, you should get used to that.
I suppose
but you should be used to people correcting you :D
Nah Grace's writing is fine...
Hi all
Q: Shameful vs Shameless

HalfLessI have seen Shameful and Shameless being used interchangeably, but it is surprising that they would mean the same. Is there a difference?

General Reference
hello everyone, by the way.
hi to everyone saying hi
or hello
I noticed that Penelov...I mean Dalton was suspended
Thanks for including me lol
Is it the same user?
@Alenanno Yes. Changed his name yesterday. And then asked bad questions.
@Alenanno yes, I saw a name change from penelov to dalton on a question I answered
I see... Well, when it was "penelov", he got tons of downvotes on his questions.
A: A word for “inner protected world”

Matt Ellen ДFrom your comment to Penelov I think the word you are looking for is cocoon. Cocoon noun 2. any of various similar protective coverings in nature, as the silky case in which certain spiders enclose their eggs. You can use it metaphorically in your sentence: A guy in his cocoon It woul...

@Alenanno True. He also had...bad questions
Now that we have a lot more people here - blog writers? ♪
@GraceNote what content are we looking for?
@GraceNote How often? What's the time commitment?
I would like to contribute, but I don't feellike I know enough
I'm trying to figure how often people can write.
I can write one a fortnight
Ideally you want at least one post per week, but a few per week is nice. You don't have to write every week, though. Twice a month or even once a month is enough as long as there are enough people writing.
but Like I say, I don't know what level the blog is aiming at
What about the content?
so I could write a ton of crap twice a month
I'm not sure how much time I'll have when school starts up. I already write weekly for an established blog, and I'm not sure how long it'll take me to write stuff for this
Q: Call for blog participation

nohatThe Powers That Be have bestowed upon us a new feature: Stack Exchange community blogs. There's also a Stack Exchange blog post about it. I think a blog for the English Language & Usage site is a great idea. We could use it to: Provide hints and tips to users on how to write better answer...

would we want some sort of "ESL corner" type of thing?
You can review what's been said about topics to write and such here, you'll know it better than I haha
@Martha -- so that this doesn't show up as a comment on the question, your advice was great. Unfortunately we gave that user advice before and he never took it.
@simchona are you referring to me? lol :D
@Alenanno Nope. To Daltonlov.
Unless you too gave him advice?
@Alenanno You never listen, and look what trouble it gets you into!
I was referring to the fact that Martha advised me to post a comment as an answer :)
@MattEllen what? :D lol Anyway, gotta go for a while, catch y'all later
@Alenanno Then you should!
@simchona I did! It's the "poor you" question
@Alenanno just joking around :D cya!
@MattEllen Yes I got it, but I didn't really get the joke lol :D cya guys (and girls if present)
Does anyone understand this?
A: What does "The Quality of Mercy is not Strained" mean?

Sonic-Q-TipThe question of "...what do people mean, when they quote this figure-of-speech by itself" is hard to answer w/o context ('by itself', indicates an unprovoked declarative statement as opposed to a response of some sort). I equate the term 'strained' with 'compromised', meaning mercy, as a concept...

@simchona I saw that a while ago. my mind blanked on the wall of text
@MattEllenД I want to downvote. I really do. Or say it's not an answer, because I think it skirts the actual question.
Robusto's answer is excellent, it's not like anything more needed to be said
Exactly. This user is trying to be witty in other answers, too
@simchona I will edit it to make it readable. If you still want to down vote it then, be my guest :)
@MattEllenД I just dv'ed. If you make it better, I'll take it back :p
yos. I changed my avatar!
@simchona I won't make it better, just readable!
Is that sarcasm?
@simchona ?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Clearly not.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū yellow Sonic! Has he gone Super Saiyan?
@MattEllenД I saw that wall of text and my brain died. There are also long sentences
@GraceNote Hi Grace Note, I'd like to re-iterate my tentative commitment (woo! oxymoron!). Since it's not clear (to me) what is needed for this blog, I can't say for sure how often I can contribute. But depending on the topics needed and the required research/post-length I would like to help.
Nah, Its only whne he collects all 7.
Its Super Sonic, not SSGOKU.
Well, could you make once or twice a month?
@GraceNote I prob could
@simchona I'm a bit hesitant about pressuring you if you already have a blog commitment, but I won't stop you. The more writers the merrier. ♪
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū The real question is: is it over 9000?
@GraceNote I'll be like an extra, but as long as you understand that this isn't my first priority we'd be good
Sounds good to me.
@MattEllen what over 9000?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū oh come ON! you have to know that meme
Anyways, can't talk long. Got things to do.
@GraceNote I could do once per month if writing each article isn't tooo hard. I have no problem writing when I have something to say, but EL&U is a bit outside my normal subject area (in terms of authoritative blog posts) so I expect good blog posts will be a bit harder.
@MattEllen what meme?
also, prepare for cuteness. when you see it you'll - etc.
wait, did I just say that?
god... I'm going soft...
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Might want to see a doctor about that
@simchona Or heck, there's a million people on the internet selling solutions for that problem through email.
Anyone want to explain that to him?
@MattEllen the only anime that I am fan of is Yu-Gi-Oh series.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 And they always add extra @s, !s, or $s to make the words go through the filters
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū but the meme was over the WHOLE internets!
Ok, I'll watch, but I gotta go. see ya all.
cya @Chaos!
@MattEllenД That ain't everyone, not even everyone on the internet.
@MattEllenД I don't know my memes. But luckily there's a site for that knowyourmeme.com/memes/its-over-9000#.TkQWW4K73RY
Memes. There's a site for that.
@GraceNote pesky internet being bigger than the whole internets
@GraceNote: I guess when it comes to blogging for this site, I'm personally not sure what topics I'd write about. I don't have something in mind (or else I'd probably have already blogged about it). So I'm volunteering to take on assignments. I think we need someone to not only assign schedules but also topics.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū also this
That would be wise

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