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Hey btw I think I never posted this in here - commit to Puzzling! All of you probably like puzzles in general and we only need 19 more commits before private beta :D
Oy people.
... anyone around?
Hi. You're back!
... so poll time: should I kick Doorknob?
How so?
in Charcoal HQ, 10 mins ago, by Doorknob
@hichris ^ Are you going to go join that room just to kick me now? :P
@TheDoctor Kicking == kick user out of the room.
Don't be mean! Doorknob == cool
More backstory:
in Charcoal HQ, Apr 27 at 21:20, by hichris123
Hmm... @Undo can you build a kick script that kicks @Doorknob whenever he mentions 'puzzles'?
@Doorknob where are you? :P
I kidnapped my friend
Which friend?
@door why?
because reasons
2 hours later…
I bet vzn would be happy to post on our blog
2 hours later…
Didn't we used to have more than one thing that wasn't Excellent? Fairly recently?
I don't remember what it was, but I seem to remember something else not being Excellent.
Now, everything is, with the exception of Questions Per Day at Needs Work
@undergroundmonorail The change happened with the introduction of
I'm pretty sure Code Trolling became a part of the site before I did.
So I guess I'm misremembering.
WOw. I thought you were a much older (join time) user.
At that time, there was something that wasn't excellent: users.
I think
Ugh I can't remember.
I just remember seeing something yellow.
I joined February 3rd and the first code trolling problem was December 27th of last year
I think I might be remembering a screenshot of that page that was posted to meta, now that I think about it
I first found out about the code-trolling after checking on this meta question:
Q: Remove Auto CW Limit

QuincunxThe auto CW limit of 60 answers should be removed. The good questions that have been around a while, such as Golf you a quine for great good! get a lot of different answers; good for code-golf. It doesn't make since to auto CW all the answers and it when 60 answers are reached. There have been o...

I looked at the related questions and found these comments:
I don't think that we should put a historical lock on the hottest network question. — Johannes Kuhn Dec 28 '13 at 1:42
In which other questions here in codegolf the auto-CW was a good thing? I looked to the other 10 questions whit >= 60 answers, and none of them should be CW IMHO. So I think that this is changing the rules that apply to ALL questions for the sake of ALL questions. BTW, it has 94 answers and 20,000+ views now and it still did not completed 24 hours since I posted it, so it is expected to still grow much more. — Victor Dec 28 '13 at 7:44
That was the first I found out about
I made it to 2048!
I made it the other day. I was super worried because I messed up right at the end. I had two 1024s on the board but I hit the wrong key and a two appeared between them.
It was pure luck that I still pulled it off.
In the new Mario Golf game, you play as your Mii in the "campaign". They give it a voice, which sort of weirded me out at first because I'm playing as me but the voice is nothing like my own. I warmed up to the idea when I realized that the noise I make when I miss a putt or screw up a swing sounds a lot like "Aw, fuck".
@undergroundmonorail Wait, no, I joined on January 12th. Still though
In other news, I figured out how to reply to myself
@undergroundmonorail I made it the other day too, but I only shared it now.
@Quincunx But you don't get the little arrow!
@undergroundmonorail I thought I knew how; apparently I don't.
@Quincunx Let's see...
@Quincunx !!!
@undergroundmonorail got it from the link address.
Yeah, that's how I did it
@undergroundmonorail I only just figured out that this is not about code-golfing. :-)
I was searching the site for a "Mario Golf" challenge.
@undergroundmonorail Every time I see your username with your picture, I think "underground monorail cat".
2 hours later…
The suspense of the Prisoner's Dilemma KOTH is kinda cool. Can't vote on any answers yet.
3 hours later…
@Doorknob you might want to finish your meta-post before someone "from the other camp" does ;)
2 hours later…
Okay this is the worst kind of code-trolling question. But 4 answers already... Can we close this one before it makes it into the hot network questions?
@m.buettner Heh, yeah I've been meaning to do that
@m.buettner Kill it with FIRE
@Doorknob I just had another look at your draft. Maybe it would be good if you really aimed the post for "finding a consensus on whether we want code-trolling or not". So answers could either be (justified) opinions on code-trolling - like "code-trolling is consistently bad because x, y and z" or "there are some good code-trolling questions, because x, y, and z - these things make a code-trolling challenge worthwhile", and then we'll just see who gets the upvotes.
Should be able to delvote now...
If the post is just another rant about code-trolling, it may gather a few comments and maybe an answers, but I think it's less likely that it'll end up as something "official" one can refer to when closing code-trolling questions (and I think that's what we currently really need)
@TheDoctor yes
@m.buettner That sounds good.
Anyone here that can cast a delete vote on this off-topic post?
It's from December and it's still not deleted.
@ProgramFOX done
Thanks, it needs one more vote now!
1 hour later…
@ProgramFOX Done.
Hi, I started a bounty on my question without realizing that it only lasts for seven days. I had intended to announce the winner of my question (Speed Clue AI) after May 15, when I will start running the contest. Is there any way to extend the seven day period or to revoke the bounty so I can start it properly one week before announcing the results?
I think that a moderator can revoke a bounty.
But I'm not sure.
I found this answer:
A: Ability to remove the bounty and get reputation back

Jeff AtwoodNo. Bounty grants are irrevocable. That's why there's a JavaScript confirmation dialog, informing you of the permanence of the bounty, when you initiate the action.

But I'm not sure whether that also counts for moderators.
How do I contact a moderator?
You can flag your post for moderator attention, and wait until they read your flag and revoke the bounty.
@gamecoder: I asked in another room whether moderators can revoke it, and yes, they can:
Thanks for your help, @ProgramFOX.
You're welcome!
@luserdroog There's not much suspense if there are only 4 entrants so far. Are you coding one? :P
I am trying to work on an entry. Life has been busy. When I have had time, I've been working with others to help them with their entries.
I just completely rewrote the rules to avoid scaring people away with the previous wall of text orz
Rewrote the rules of Speed Clue or PD?
And working on an entry for PD or Speed Clue? I can't tell :P
@gamecoder I don't think moving the wall of text to another page is a good idea. a) it doesn't actually reduce the amount of text you need to read to participate b) questions should ideally be self-contained... everything you need to know (in particular, all relevant rules) should be in the problem statement, even if that makes it long. External links are fine for supplementary material for people who want to know more details/trivia/hints at clever algorithms.
it's probably waay too late to enter Create your Wolf
@Trimsty I believe Rusher said that if people kept submitting wolves, he'd occasionally re-run the tests.
@undergroundmonorail the other entries have had time to mature, though
@Trimsty That much is true, but if you really want to play then nothing is stopping you.
Heck, you might have a bit of an advantage in that many of them are probably done maturing and won't ever adapt to beat you! :P
@undergroundmonorail hehe :3 time to learn Java i see
done what?
so fast
@JoeZ. Meh, learning java :P Not downloading NetBeans just yet though
How's your PD entry coming, btw?
I assume you're working on one since you made comments in the question :P
@JoeZ. I've finished it, but, yeah, I've only tested it with manual command line input
well, you'll be happy to know that there's now a judging program available: github.com/joezeng/pdc2014
@JoeZ. I hope I actually remember the submission deadline xD
basically, May 8 is the last day
@JoeZ. Awesome :D Lemme download
@JoeZ. So I just copy Backstab into the src folder and run compile.py?
pretty much
although that only works if it's python atm
since all my plants are written in python
for any other language, you'll have to compile manually and place it in exe :\
@JoeZ. Doesn't sound too hard :P Backstab's in Python 3
make sure to save it as backstab.py3, then
otherwise it'll try and run it in python 2
and print statement differences are a bitch
@JoeZ. Yeah :P
@JoeZ. Modifying randgen to write to pd_rand, will that work?
in fact, that's what you're supposed to do
I forgot to put it in the README, I'm writing that now
@JoeZ. yay
@JoeZ. Does this for every round, IOError at end:

= Round 125 =
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 68, in <module>
output = play_round(x)
File "test.py", line 46, in play_round
fout = open("gamestate", "w")
IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('w') or filename: 'gamestate'
It's not doing that on my machine.
@JoeZ. Maybe because Python 3 isn't in my PATH?
I made it do /usr/bin/python...
What OS are you running?
@JoeZ. Win7. xD
Thaaaaaat would explain it.
These scripts are built to work on POSIX systems, specifically Ubuntu Linux
which Windows 7 isn't
might need to install a VM or something...
@JoeZ. I could modify your code a bit, or run it on my CentOS box
CentOS should work
@JoeZ. The problem is that the CentOS box isn't connected to the Internet and it doesn't have Python 3 on it
oh :S
Download the CentOS package to my PC and copy it over with an MP3 player?
That should work :P
aaand the box's power cord is gone
you could modify my code, yeah
although I couldn't tell you how
since I don't have a Windows box to test it on myself
@JoeZ. That glorious developer that doesn't own a copy of Windows. xD You're lucky
I've actually been trying to get it to run in a VM
since I do own a copy of it
but its display keeps acting up
@JoeZ. That's normal ;3
What's the protocol for improving an OP's question? I just stomped 2 lines of ABNF into this question because the constant parsing questions were unbearable. And the idea of a formal syntax is educational.
What do we do with this kind of question. From his comment on my (deleted) answer and his second update it's pretty obvious that he's just looking for an algorithm he can use in his own code. I close voted as off-topic --> StackOverflow. What I'm interested in is mostly what to do if the question still makes an interesting challenge. Are we cool with that?
Btw @m.buettner I'm about ready to post the code trolling meta thingy
@Doorknob awesome!
Maybe put all the "because" in the options in italics or bold to make clear that this post is not about "I hatez/lovez code-trollz!", but that you're looking for actual reasons/justifications for any possible action to be taken.
Yeah, good idea.
Gah Google docs is being annoying
Might as well pin that so more people see it
Hopefully this will finally resolve this tension that's been going on for so long... :/
Okay, need to get back to exam revision now. I'll have a look tonight if there are already some answers, and if I've still got something to add, maybe post an answer myself...
Alright, I have stuff to do also.
I just realized GolfScript has rational numbers. Is that documented somewhere?
Guys, can we please reopen this? codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/26549/… The first three close votes came in because it wasn't apparent that the OP actually wanted advice for golfing. Not sure why people closed it anyway after I made that clear. In any case, I think asking about how to golf something down is definitely on-topic here, and in fact, I'd love to see more of an active we-share-advice-golfing-community here.
Maybe we should make a tag for questions like that. I might post something about on meta later.
@Dennis ... it does?
@m.buettner Yep, I actually had that in a tab to reopen when it got closed. Yet another reason to get out of beta - increased rep requirements for privileges.
A: Tips for golfing in GolfScript

DennisRational numbers I've read so many times that GolfScript has only integers that I started to believe it. Well, it's not true. 2-1? # Raise 2 to the power of -1. Result: 0.5 4-1? # Raise 4 to the power of -1. Result: 0.25 + # Add. Result: 0.75 The output is 3/4 with the standard GolfScri...

oooh, this dithering question is interesting
@Doorknob is it really? Why not just look up an existing dithering algorithm and implement it? That would certainly give results closest to the input (which is currently the only criterion by which submissions are judged).
@m.buettner ... because [popularity-contest]? (This would be much better as a code-golf with a spec, but meh)
@Doorknob Yes but popularity-contest is pretty arbitrary without any incentive to actually be creative in writing the answers. Either it should be difficult to solve the problem (because of restrictions on code/size/runtime) or the inofficial judging criterion should be something that can't be done "best" - otherwise there's no incentive for people to think out of the box, right?
+1 for an interesting challenge, but I think this would be much better as a [code-golf] (with a spec) or some other completely objective criterion. — Doorknob 4 secs ago
waits for response
I think the comment I posted at pretty much the same time works as a response for your comment as well ^^
Oh nevermind, it isn't... I overlooked the "with a spec" in your comment... by which you probably mean the same thing as I hinted at in my comment.
damn it, why am I on SE again, I do really need to revise...
@Doorknob Would you mind if I edited in the title?
@hichris123 What do you mean?
Like that.
... is that okay?
Ah, yes that makes it more readable in the sidebar. Thanks
Just worked on a Java codebase for a few hours to get used to it Bl

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