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Q: I cant break blocks in minecraft but I can place them and do other things

NikkiMy little brother was fooling around with the keys and I cant get it to break blocks I can place blocks and do any other things I tried everything in settings but it just wont break If you guys have a solution to me not breaking blocks and/or if you have had this happen to you too before or is ha...

It does.
@GnomeSlice congrats.
@RavenDreamer For what?
Oh, the tweet thing?
22 hours ago, by GnomeSlice
Design Challenge #2: Build an asymmetrical plane. Winner of Design Challenge #1: @GnomeSlice
There are like 10 people playing the game
@GnomeSlice I believe he died.
24 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
@GnomeSlice wikipedia says he's still alive
I didn't think he did, but I guess I could be wrong
If he did, that's very sad. =[
@GnomeSlice I may be confusing a couple of people here then. I thought this was the kid who inspired "that dragon, cancer"
that appears to be someone else, so my bad.
@agent86 That was Joel Green
And that was very sad. =[
too much cancer. I stand corrected.
Articles like "Top 5 Yoshi Games" teach me that, apparently there are more than five Yoshi games.
@GnomeSlice well he's dumb. He took the wrong lesson! There are at least 5 Yoshi games.
@KevinvanderVelden You wouldn't do top 5 if there were only 5
@GnomeSlice you would if you're dumb! Never underestimate how dumb people are
@RedRiderX That picture has been shown here twice yetserday.
Yesterday some of you suggested that I build a castle of doom on top of a really tall mountain (in Minecraft), so here it is:
@KevinvanderVelden Any luck with that Lock n Roll AI?
@GnomeSlice naah haven't even started
@KevinvanderVelden The "Top 5 yoshi games" video I see mentions at least 6 of them
@TheGuywithTheHat Keep going!
Building games ^^
@KevinvanderVelden :P
@Arperum It reached the height limit.
So I can't :(
@TheGuywithTheHat nice! If you have the mod ExtraUtillities you should totally build a hangglider and glide from the top
@TheGuywithTheHat oh :(
@KevinvanderVelden Oooh, that sounds fun.
@TheGuywithTheHat Is that clouds or floating in the air?
@RavenDreamer It's on a really thin and tall mountainish thing
@GnomeSlice been to busy making games!
23 hours ago, by The Guy with The Hat
user image
Or rather... getting everything set up so I can build them =.=
@TheGuywithTheHat Whoa.
That standard worldgen?
No, amplified.
I actually spawned at the very top.
Q: Sword and up arrow symbol

GeeoA sword with an up arrow symbol is present under my stamina bar but I have no clue of what it's about. My guess is that I may have a better weapon in my inventory than the one equipped. What is that symbol for?

(The ARM is also in Experimentals already ;) )
Is "Tease the KSP playing Arqade people" a part of your job description? Because it should be :P
@Unionhawk Weeeeeell ... if you consider relaying KSP news "teasing them", then it sure is! :P
If I wanted to tease, I could do a lot more than that.
@TheGuywithTheHat that's nice
Good morning, Bridge
@Arperum to be expected
but the question stands
I thought I heard about this like a month ago
I just realized that there's at least a 75% chance that was intentional. DAMN YOU
@Unionhawk yeah, obvious starbait is obvious. And yet somehow you fell for it
@KevinvanderVelden Well... obvious... YOUR FACE... is... obvious... or something
Found another Blackthorne Chest piece. cc @SaintWacko
wait, how do you buy Airmech?
isn't it f2p?
Q: Why used forked lightning in diablo 3?

Jim ThioThe most popular build in diablo 3 for wizard is this: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/6246864939 It uses forked lightning and frozen orb But why? Does frozen orb synergy with cold blooded? Does it chill or froze enemies? Why forked lightning? Does it generate more arcane power? The ...

This is. Erm. Something.
@Frank I'm up for a bit of murder after my current BoI run ends.
the first chapter of Mother 3 was something else. I'm not sure what that's got to do with Mother 2, however.
@Arperum I want to finish my current Ghom run, and then eat breakfast. Not sure when I'll be getting back to D3 today.
@Frank We'll see :)
General and random questions

Proposed Q&A site for this site would be for people who have general questions or ones that don't really belong on any other stack exchange site.

Closed before being launched.

Road Enthusiasts

Proposed Q&A site for individuals who are interested in roads, and especially going on road trips, as a hobby.

Currently in definition.

@LessPop_MoreFizz Lol at the two sample questions
Q: How can I resume the match when playing offline with bots?

3venticWhenever I enter offline with bots, the match starts paused: Using pause and unpause commands in the console apply a pause on top of the match pause. How can I resume the game?

Cheesecake gobble gobble cheesecake munching on a cheesecake. Cheesecake.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What are your thoughts on the Inkspots?
> My boyfriend calls me cheesecake.
Those are my thoughts.
@FEichinger The Claw....
I hate government websites. They are all terribly designed.\
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...wow.
Yeah, it was. He was silver and flashy and flying. And I ate him. — Ashley Nunn 7 mins ago
These make the best comments.
I feel like, if I get Yoshi's New Island, I'm going to be disappointed in general.
Because Yoshi's Old Island is so good
@Unionhawk No way it is amazing
@Unionhawk The SNES version?
@Frank Yup. Though I played it on the Game Boy Advance.
@Unionhawk Was that the same game as the SNES? I loved the SNES one.
@Frank Essentially, with some very small gameplay and sound changes, iirc
@FAE I have a very strong dislike for his 'body of work'.
I liked the original and the DS one as well
This one is pretty good - even the bits where you have to actually turn the system and stuff are incredibly well done
Like I said, it's not a fate I'd wish on anybody. But there's a difference between "good for you you didn't die" and "oh my god I am so happy you lived to produce something truly important and great."
Does it tell you to take frequent breaks?
@LessPop_MoreFizz True.
@Unionhawk It hasn't yet.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yes.
It does help you if you die a lot with a set of wings (and if you still die, a set of wings and a bubble that prevents enemies from hitting you)...not that I have died enough to figure that out ;)
Gratings all.
@badp what.
@DavidM cheese or something else?
@LessPop_MoreFizz yes.
@AshleyNunn On nerves, but yes, you caught my little joke.
File not found.
@DavidM :D although, sorry something is grating on you
> They have undermined that infrastructure with panicked decision-making that has mostly prioritized immediate winning and the fattening up of Creative Artists Agency clients at the expense of everything else. They are like a person who makes a lot of smart investment decisions, cashes out, and spends everything on delicious cookies.
@AshleyNunn I meant my presence grating on everyone else.
This is the best description of the NY Knicks that I have ever read.
@DavidM Never! You are my ELU awesomeness hookup!
@AshleyNunn I do have a few for you.
@DavidM Yay! That can be my entertainment while I wait far too long for the internet to cough up a tax form
Q: How can I practice pronouncing "Coke" so it is not mistaken for another word?

sergI always fear my conversation sounds like this: — What would you like to drink, sir? — I will take some cock, thanks. — ROFL. Any tips on how to pronounce Coke so it is not mistaken for anything? :)

@DavidM wat
@DavidM I.. what badp said
@DavidM snorts
My internet gets busted, and I get a crappier modem an a slower connection.
Clearly I must be wrong
Oh man, IPA AND a diagram. Love.
@MBraedley And a discount, I hope.
@Frank nope
@MBraedley Sounds like you need to do some yelling.
oh. I thought it was Coke the beverage vs coke short for cocaine.
Of course I was wrong.
If anyone is interested
@badp Nope . . . much funnier than that.
My brain autocorrected it I guess
@Unionhawk I just reports 'em, I don't writes 'em.
@Frank I might, but not today. Service call was free, and I was effectively grandfathered into the faster connection from when I had cable.
I think it's time to put pants on and get food (inb4 the paperbot appears randomly)
Q: When can you omit the possessive on an honorific?

David MI was considering honorifics and I realized that sometimes we include and sometimes we omit a possessive in front of them. I was wondering if their was a formal rule for such? For example: Your highness, the French delegation has arrived. vs. Highness, the French delegation has arrive...

That one is mine.
if their was a formal rule
if their was a formal
@Unionhawk You keep trying to inb4 everything. it makes it kinda meaningless.
@Arperum I guess, but a lot of the time that actually happens!
@badp Thanks! Stupid typo.
I've only gone from 10Mbps to 7Mbps, and when I move, I'll probably switch to fibre
   m    #               "
 mm#mm  # mm    mmm   mmm     m mm
   #    #"  #  #"  #    #     #"  "
   #    #   #  #""""    #     #
   "mm  #   #  "#mm"  mm#mm   #
I got it right in the 2 other instances. So, CLEARLY I know the rule.
I'll give you an idea the depths I've sunk to in my boredom. I'm watching NORBERT on TBS!!!
@badp Their = possessive There = preposition, etc.
that's a rule?
@badp Yes?
@badp Why not?
They're just different words
@badp People are dumb and mix up homophones?
Their usage is still governed by the rules of English language and grammar.
Mixing up your/you're, but same concept
I need food. sudo make me brunch
I figured you'd like my answer to that one.
I hate the cache invalidation issues I have with my iPad when browsing stack exchange
People should learn to quit their jobs without causing drama or else this might happen: blog.relationshipsurgery.com/…
@chippies people should learn to recognize absurd fake shit on the internet too: techcrunch.com/2010/08/11/elyse-porterfield
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know it's fake, but it doesn't make it any less... real? lol
@Chippies That shit was actually funny, though.
@LessPop_MoreFizz my thinking as well. I though I saw her in a similar set of pics before
it was funny and I can totally see that happening somewhere, sometime
even if this particular one was fake
She is a hot piece of ass, too.
Season finale of Arrow watched.
@Frank Season 1 or season 2?
@Fluttershy Season 1.
I should download season 2, I guess.
@Unionhawk still waiting on my brunch
It's coming, your new connection is just sending it more slowly than normal.
Hmm, should I go out and get an a/b/g/n/ac access point? I had problems with the wifi on a past modem of the same model.
@LessPop_MoreFizz "You must sign in to--" DON'T CARE ENOUGH
@Unionhawk I started signing in, and then they asked me to enter a password. I just wanted to read the answers!
I logged in to quora with Facebook at some point years ago by accident and wouldn't do it again, but I guess I'm logged in now, so whatever?
Ha! Stable orbit! And even fual left to get myself back to Kerbin when I want!
I'm sufficiently logged in to be banned
@badp Banned from Quora? That's impressive.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not really. They still enforce their real name policy.
@badp Oh, that.
@badp you mean what you entered in Google+ isn't real? So disappointed
I feel yah, bro. (cough windows cough) — pacificfils 12 hours ago
Joel's reached bro-status.
@TimStone next up: dudedom
Are there any star citizen backers here?
Nuclear Weapons Testing in Nevada
We should form an organization so I don't get more invitations
> and remember kids, if you wouldn't tell Stalin, don't tell anyone!
@MBraedley Think there's a few other people in here who backed it too. I haven't been paying much attention to the emails as of late, but I suppose I should given that I gave them money and what not >_>
Q: 8 GB DDR5 or 500gb RAM for the PS4?

EZcheezso I'm a little confused. So there is a 500gb PS4, and a 8 GB DDR5 PS4. I was wondering which is better? (P.S the price doesn't matter).

@Lazers ... I think they've misunderstood something
@Lazers 500GB RAM, huh >.>
@FEichinger Those next gen graphics require a lot of memory, apparently
@Unionhawk It's not the graphics, it's the audio.
@FEichinger Same thing, apparently
@FEichinger Only if you're making Titanfall apparently
@BenBrocka But obviously everything has to ship uncompressed for every language!
@FEichinger Apparently
@RedRiderX The world needs more funny font/brightly coloured propaganda signs.
@FEichinger I didn't even get the game and I'm pissed about that. Not even lossless compression, uncompressed. All languages, not an option. That better not become standard
@BenBrocka You know full well it will become a standard because people will downplay it. "It's not that bad, our Internet connection is good enough, blah blah blah"
And the revenue is still going to be massive.
Gaming press has been downplaying EVERYTHING technical lately
Unless it comes to Wii U of course
@BenBrocka You tricked me into playing a rhythm death simulator
Well done.
@TimStone yes quite
@badp ?
@BenBrocka Mother "thump-thump-thump-thamp" 3
Oh, completely ignore the rhythm mechanics they're pretty unnecessary
I figured that attacking 16 times per 1 enemy attack would be better than one attack per turn
doesn't it add like 1 extra damage?
(the first boss was kinda though.)
@BenBrocka I'm too busy spamming A to see how much extra damage it does.
I mostly played on speedup though and timing is impossible like that, so it's totally possible to play and win without rhythm. And I never found the beat reliably even when I tried at normal speed
It's a problem I'm having too, although the different controller might be to blame there
mostly I don't understand if the A button press that starts your attack should also be in sync with the hidden rhythm.
playing with a controller? I figured touchscreen was my main problem
@badp I doubt it
@BenBrocka yes, exactly: not playing with a controller.
you can put enemies to sleep to hear their heartbeat, that's their rhythm
have I mentioned I hate typing the word rhythm a whole lot
The little birdie toll me.
The r t h and y letters are all close by!
You get like a counter-italic phi on the keyboard!
phi's are cool!
Q: How can I level up in Dark Souls 2?

Jeff GohlkeI've been to several bonfires, and I can't seem to level up. Now I'm too afraid to go anywhere and die, because I have 2,500 souls and don't want to lose them. I'm assuming there's some new mechanic in Dark Souls II where you can't just level up at any bonfire. Help!

@Braiam Probably.
That's more of a "how to install mods", which should be fine, I guess.
> put on hold as primarily opinion-based
I voted OT...
You are excused
one of the reasons why we have audits
On what planet is that opinion based
And can we IP ban planets for that?
@Braiam why is it OT for you anyway?
please don't tell me "because it's on topic for Arqade"
please don't tell me "because it's on topic for Arqade"
please don't tell me "because it's on topic for Arqade"
please don't tell me "because it's on topic for Arqade"
please don't tell me "because it's on topic for Arqade"
please don't tell me "because it's on topic for Arqade"
@Yuki pls
@Unionhawk pweez
@badp playonlinux installs stuff in an virtual environment which is independent (most of the time) of the host OS, also, because it's on topic for Arqade :P
Q: Does Soul Memory Affect Co-op or Only Invasions?

zero298If I'm understanding correctly, Soul Memory, the collective accumulation of all souls ever obtained, ensures that the players that you meet in multiplayer are of a similar experience level compared to you. In Dark Souls, connectability was determined purely through character Soul Level. Does So...

@Braiam casts reopen vote
is about how to apply mods on a game, it's in theory the same if you are using Windows, OSX or Linux
PlayOnLinux runs on Windows or OS X?
Beware the Ides of March
and the answer doesn't help that it would be on topic there
A topic of one site has no consequence on the topics of other sites, ever, period, fin.
@badp AFAIC PoL runs wherever wine does, so OSX
@Yuki Tiz was just murdered by a single-target attack with my Knight standing idly by twiddling its thumbs, not protecting him. I guess you were wrong about how reliable that ability was :(
@Braiam You do realize that understanding how PoL works to understand how to access the Skyrim-specific Steam interface - if any - is a question that's kinda more about PoL than it is about Skyrim.
We probably would not close it, but not because Ask Ubuntu is a site that exists.
(Specifically the question is about the specific PoL script that handles Skyrim install I suppose)
Q: In loot 2.0 do drop geared depend on our gear quality?

Jim ThioI have a well made wizard with 330k damage. Most drop gears would lower the DPS of course. However, not by much. I also have a demon hunter lvl 60 with a mere 25k DPS. It's amazing how most drop gears do not improve her attack. What's wrong? I suppose if drop gear does not depend on current ge...

@badp I'm seeing it from the aspect of "how to mod X game" not "how do I apply mods to games installed using PoL"
@Braiam "How to mod a game" is a wholly different beast - and on-topic for GameDev.
@MartinSojka mm... let me rephrase it "how to apply X mod to Y game"
But that question is not about how to mod Skyrim anyway.
@Powerlord What's that stuff in the middle? I don't recognise the brand (mostly because I care little about them, I guess).
@MartinSojka Chocolate.
@StrixVaria Hmm... That's weird. How much BP did the Knight have?
(Assuming you're talking about Hershey's and Reese's.) Well, technically the Reese's stuff is peanut butter cups.
Gravatar has become GravatarD
@Ben with 16-combos I'm dealing 41 where I'd normally deal 19
okay 1.5 damage instead of 1 per hit then
If you don't like it just don't do it though, like I said it's not necessary, worst case you might have to grind if there's a very hard fight
I'm basically hitting quick save before an attack and quick load if I don't nail the first few beats
once I have those, the rest are cakewalk
(the notes circle the enemy with the beat, too, but you need to have the notes on screen first)
@badp that sounds like hell
@BenBrocka Right now hypnotize works every time, so it's much easier.
dunno about later in the game
I guess that, later in the game, I have more than one person in my party.
Will be a fair while though
what hapter are you in?
IIRC it's chapter 4 or 5 before you have a steady, multi-person party
BTW, if you care about that stuff, NPC's dialog changes a LOT after story events occur
Q: Far Cry 3 Killing More Than Three Civilians and not Dieing from the Penalty

JaffaMooseSo I was playing Far Cry 3 and I began to kill some civilians BUT I hit the 3 civilian limit and did not die later though I did the same thing and died from the 3 civilian death limit? Is this a bug or just a slight glitch? Other info:The first time (When I killed more than 3) I used an RPG and ...

Q: In Skyrim, "In my time of need" mission doesn't start

xibalbanIn the beginning of the game there were two Alik'r soldiers in Whiterun inquiring about a redguard woman (who is Saadia in the Bannered Mane), but I didn't pursue the mission. Today, after many days of playing a exploring, I wanted to play that mission but the soldiers were gone from Whiterun. H...

Not super amazing revealing, but it's nice attention to detail
This means that in the next chapters I won't have ready sources of hypnotism, and I might want to get some practice in now that it's in easy mode
okay, for some enemies it's really hard to get to 3 combo, let alone 16
@Lazers Who the hell calls RPG quests "missions"?
Other than this guy?
@Unionhawk Skyrim is an RPG?
@Powerlord Whatever, you know what I mean
It's a roguelike RPG, while I'm apparently misusing words
Q: Can`t find bin folder in .minecraft folder. what do I do

TaviaI looked in my .minecraft folder but there was no bin folder and I looked in my versions folder in my .minecraft folder and it wasn`t there either. PLEASE HELP ME.

The point still stands, it's a quest, not a mission. Mission sounds dumb in the context of skyrim
technically speaking, is there a difference between a "quest" and a "mission" ?
it actually seems that mission is in fact more appropriate than a quest merriam-webster.com/dictionary/quest
quest noun \ˈkwest\
: a journey made in search of something
: a long and difficult effort to find or do something

mis·sion noun \ˈmi-shən\
: a task or job that someone is given to do
@Chippies Yes. You've nailed it.
Plus quest comes with a connotation of being harder to accomplish

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