deb oldstable main deb-src oldstable main For Debian 7, use this one (below) instead:
deb stable main deb-src stable main I put both in the sources file (in my /etc/apt/sources.list) because I was uncertain of which Debian version Ubuntu 10.04 has.
Seriously, I've found too many answers (contradictory or being exactly the same or just link-only answers) about this and none seems to be 100% precise in what needs to be done to complete the task.
Has anyone actually done this and have experience? I'm afraid to upvote an answer about this in f...
I spent all day figuring this out, but without success, so hopefully I can get some help here:
I have Ubuntu 13.10 VPS server with nginx, PHP 5 and MariaDB installed.
I created custom system user (for example "myuser") which I use for connecting through SFTP to my server. In my user home directo...
I'm on Ubuntu on an E1 Vision AMD (64 bit) processor.
The available binaries for Unetbootin do not work on this architecture.
Is there any way that I can get Unetbootin working on this system?
@Mateo babaji is a hindi word which is from india. if you find babaji's phone number then call him while adding +91 in that. you may also give this number to police
Mahavatar Babaji is the name given to an Indian saint by Lahiri Mahasaya and several of his disciples who met Mahavatar Babaji between 1861 and 1935. Some of these meetings were described by Paramahansa Yogananda in his book Autobiography of a yogi, including a first hand telling of Yogananda’s own meeting with Mahavatar Babaji. Another first hand account was given by Yukteswar Giri in his book The Holy Science. All of these accounts, along with additional meetings with Mahavatar Babaji, are described in various biographies of those mentioned by Yogananda.
Mahavatar Babaji’s given name i...
I use a program called Greenshot on Windows systems. I've aways wondrred what the past participle is for having used Greenshot? As in I just 'greenshat' it?
@blade19899 i was 10 when i installed it and by mistake i downloaded it from any other site than the official and it deleted all my data! (formatted my PC)
@Seth I have been on and off on Stack Exchange sites... Have been a bit active for the last couple of days.. Don't know when I would disappear once again :)
i have a Windows XP PC that has been totally blocked with a virus.
It does boot, but once fully started it gets blocked and nothing can be done.
I tried to start antivirus and other rescue programs from disks, but none would work.
Now i was wondering, is it possible to install Linux as a seco...
Anyone able to provide any input on this one? I thought one could use ClamAV to scan the Windows partition, but apparently you can't modify system files from Ubuntu...
Ask Ubuntu is a community driven question and answer website for the Ubuntu operating system. It is part of the Stack Exchange Network, running the same software as Stack Overflow.
Members gain reputation based on the community's response (through voting) to their questions and answers. Reputation signifies trust for users in the answers they give. Privileges are given based on reputation levels, with users with the highest reputation having similar privileges to moderators.
The site came out of public beta on 10 October 2010, launching alongside Ubuntu 10.10.
As of May 2013, Ask Ubuntu...
Updated the screen-shots of AU on wikipedia
> Ask Ubuntu has two sub-sites: a "meta" where users can ask and answer questions about the site itself, and a set of real time chat rooms as part of the Stack Exchange network of sites.[15]
@blade19899 I don't think they do... Some may also be SE staff (and get paid for that) but as far as I know all the community moderators are volunteers.
I was a community member since a while and decided to delete my account once. Then I came back with the same email but I lost all my reputations even that my Q/A and comments are still available under the user : user61928
Can I recover my old account and merge it my new one? (recover my Q/A,repu...
I've got 2 computers on my LAN (computer A and computer B), and I want to access computer B from computer A.
I should be able to see a desktop.
How do I go about doing this?
What I don't want to do is make either of these computers accessible from a WAN, this must remain in the LAN.
Ideally, ...
As of July 25, the following PPA offers the Release version of LibreOffice:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
That will leave you with LibreOffice 4.1.
A PPA is now available for 4.1.0. To add it, just press Ctrl+A...
I really don't know. But I think that my answer was merged to Jorge's answer, and since it had more votes, and was the accepted answer it removed mine.
According to this question and the link in the answer from Jacob Edwards closed duplicates that have no answers will redirect the user automatically to the main post after the dupe is closed.
This gets us to a point where we all wanted to be, its a nice implemented feature that should be conside...
First, if you’ve contributed something worthwhile to the site, you should keep the reputation for that even if it eventually gets deleted. “Worthwhile” here is defined as, A score of 3 or greater **Visible on the site for at least 60 days**
@Braiam So I'm writing an answer to that Java problem, but for some reason if I try to set the timeout of the notification manually with myNotification.setTimeout(15000); it still times out after about 10 seconds :S