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06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

@swasheck I don't run into that as much since I left Wand.
Anyone have any idea what he means?
@AaronBertrand In your blog you have the matching chart of the short and long forms. There is a mistake in it. — Hamlet Hakobyan 6 mins ago
The blog post is here and I assume he is talking about this chart:
Which was a quiz, not complete documentation
@AaronBertrand yeah ... i think this is a reading comprehension fail
Did SO and dba.se just go down?
For a brief moment?
Q: Why does this SQL server query produce a Collation Conflict

Craig BobchinI'm having a tough time figuring out why this query is producing a collation error in grouping. I've narrowed it down to a particular case statement. It works one way (with the result as a string) but when I try and substitute a field from another table (which displays just fine on its own mind y...

@AaronBertrand walk away from SO, walk away
Get in a BMW
@AaronBertrand or run-away...run far far away
@AaronBertrand SUCK IT UP AND DIVE IN!!!!
@AaronBertrand You should trademark that reaction
> Aaron Bertrand: OMG. ™
@AaronBertrand I do, I do!!. He thinks that since in the left part you have for instance SELECT DATEADD(mi,....) and on the same line on the right, you have SELECT DATEADD(MILISECOND....) then you are saying that one translates to the other. Which is stupid
@Lamak oh ok, so he looked at the chart, didn't read anything else, and shoved his foot in his mouth. While intentionally ignoring the whole reason for the post in the first place.
@AaronBertrand exactly
Did he do it on purpose?, is he on the joke?
> Updated: Thanks to @Lemark for pointing out number of diff = recordCount - 1
A: Get average time between record creation

KafThis approach should aslo work. Fiddle demo here: ;WITH CTE AS ( Select userId, createDate, row_number() over (partition by userid order by createdate) rn from Table1 ) select t1.userid, isnull(avg(datediff(second, t1.createdate, t2.createdate)*1.0/60),0) AvgTime fro...

@Lamak @Lemark
@Lamak Do you get notifications for the various misspellings of your name?
Lamark you mean
@ypercube nope, but still. Got a notification for a previous comment and noticed that
now, that's just mean
@ypercube double l would make it Yamak
Le' big mak
Well, it's a good thing that I don't get a notification for the misspellings, I see
I love the concept of missspelling someones name in a text conversation with them.
@Zane I love the concept of ignorant people
@FreshPrinceOfSO That would give false information about his whereabouts. (Yak->Tibet)
Jim-- there you go I hope that helps
SOUser-- Yeah thanks a bunch John.
Jim-- My name is Jim
SOUser-- Yeah whatever man thanks for being a free consultant.
@Zane did you misspelled "misspelling" on purpose?, if so, that's genius
@Lamak It was originally a typo but I left it because I thought it would be funny.'
Twist: @Zane is too embarrassed to admit the mistake.
Although I was expecting @swasheck to pick up on it first. He's usually all over my poor typing/improper grammar.
@Zane sorry. i'm distracted with real work right now
@swasheck may ask you for some very easy help later in the week.
@AaronBertrand absolutely. use the ofiglobal email
@swasheck Always check the favor first.
@Zane meh.
"favor"? Is that form used?
@ypercube yes, I've been conditioned to drop the u in 'merka
For a long time I didn't and it was a source of great ridicule.
I like British spellings for a lot of words but yes you open yourself to criticism here
Grey/gray, favor/favour
I never see anyone use programme here though
I see that it isn't an American invention though: grammarist.com/spelling/favor-favour
Pro-ject and pro-cess with long O instead of praw
@AaronBertrand do you say aboot or about?
@bluefeet no, that was one of the first Canadianisms I grew out of. Out & about, not oot and a-boot.
@JNK beer/beeur?
Do you say zee or zed?
I was going to end that question with eh? but I forgot
@MikeFal zed
That's the 'nuck in him I think
@JNK eh?
It makes the song not rhyme though
oot and aboot with a moose in a hoose
someone reading this transcript will think we are all crazy
Does anyone else has problems with sqlfiddle?, can't create a new schema
@bluefeet we're not?
@Lamak sql server... then yes
@swasheck well i'm not :)
Not sure what I'm going to do when I have to start teaching her the whole song
I was at dinner on Friday with a couple Canadians. They were telling us about the WXYZ Lounge. Two of them said it at the same time, but one said "WXYZee" and the other "WXYZed". It was very surreal.
@bluefeet but you voluntarily spend time with us
so yeah
you are
@MikeFal can depend on geographic location (east / west) and proximity to the border, not just Canada: on/off
@AaronBertrand Actually, that discussion then lead to the fact that I think it's only in the US where we say "Zee". I think everywhere else it's "Zed"
@swasheck then yes I probably am
@bluefeet what did you think of your time in denver
@bluefeet yup
@AaronBertrand As a person with a Z in their name I find that offensive :)
@swasheck cold
@bluefeet psh. that's all you've got? did you go somewhere good for dinner (on the company, of course)?
@swasheck nope, they took me to thai basil which was not very good
@bluefeet ew ... no.
who's/re "they?"
yeah it was kinda gross
@bluefeet That makes one of us then.
My team in denver
@bluefeet fools. you had to spend time with them?
I actually had to wok most nights after training so I was in the hotel
@swasheck they took me to dinner one night
I was by myself most nights but I had to work so I didn't really do much while I was in Denver
@bluefeet so that was your only dinner "out?"
Reminds me of the Metric System world map...
@swasheck if chipotle doesn't count on my first night, then yes
@bluefeet screw that ... Del Frisco's with a laptop that you never open counts as a working dinner
@Phil well, it's not entirely accurate. In Canada we still measure ourselves in pounds and feet, not kilograms and centimeters.
@swasheck haha
@Phil It's a big country man it requires a lot to transfer.
We use pints and gallons for beer, and stone for the weight of people
@bluefeet next time you're in denver you should come on the third thursday and the @MikeFal and i can take you around
I was going to say, stone isn't metric either
@swasheck I don't think I will be going again. It was shocking they sent me for training
Though we had to have a massive fight with the EU about the beer/pints thing. Bloody Eurocrats messing with our booze! Leave us alone!
but that would be great for the next time
@Phil How exactly does stone work? It always seems like a way to make an accurate guess about wieght.
The stone (abbreviation st) is an informal unit of measure equal to 14 pounds avoirdupois (about 6.35 kg) used in Great Britain and Ireland for measuring human body weight. In many North-West European countries the stone was formerly used for purposes of trade, although its value ranged from about 5 to 40 local pounds (3 to 15 kg), but with the advent of metrication from the mid-19th century onwards, it was superseded by the kilogram. It remained in limited use for trade in the United Kingdom and in Ireland until prohibited by the Weights and Measures Act 1985. (major unit s...
English units are the historical units of measurement used in England up to 1824, which evolved as a combination of the Anglo-Saxon and Roman systems of units. They were redefined in the United Kingdom in 1824 by a Weights and Measures Act, which retained many but not all of the unit names and redefined some of the definitions. In modern UK usage, the term is considered ambiguous, as it could refer either to the imperial system used in the UK, or to the US customary system of unit. The common term used in the UK for the non-metric system is imperial units or imperial measurements, since t...
I had no idea the poppyseed and barleycorn were official units of measurement
let's push over a 2000 lb rock
"Shaftment: Width of the hand and outstretched thumb, 6 1⁄2 inches before 1066, 6 inches thereafter" - did penises get smaller after 1066?
about 1⁄4 of a barleycorn
@Zane poppyseed the killer of bluefeet
@Zane i'm serious
Oooh, lots of them are in powers of two [tablespoons]
@Zane very
Tomatoes are the killer of @Phil.
<---- Alergic to raw ones
@Phil penicillin as well
In my birth country, people don't have allergies
@bluefeet Oh. That sucks.
@Zane no opium for me
@bluefeet Oh no! I was just thinking you couldn't eat Chuckwaggons I didn't even think of all the hard drugs you're missing out on.
@bluefeet Is it pretty easy to avoid them?
@Zane mostly
@Phil Cooked is fine?
@bluefeet what about morphine?
I like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Roman_units_of_measurement
The English *foot* is not much different than the Roman *pes* or the Greek *pous*.
Backwards compatibility is the enemy.
@swasheck they try to avoid opiates for me
@Zane Yup
@bluefeet yeah.
so you have to get other sorts of painkillers
percocet makes you nauseous, though
and oxy is addictive
@swasheck percocet = oxy with tylenol
google says they're the same thing
@swasheck I have taken that and it made me hallucinate. I will never take that again
@FreshPrinceOfSO just saw that. odd
it's a schedule 2 drug
vicodin = schedule 3
lower the schedule the more potential for abuse/addiction
neato mosquito
sudafed (behind the counter) is 4
@FreshPrinceOfSO and what is a 1?
@Lamak cocaine
@bluefeet All pain killers make me sick an lazy. Therefore I do not take them.
@swasheck obviously :-)
I'm technically still supposed to be on them.
@Zane when I have had surgery or been prescribed pain pills I don't take them either
@swasheck so, cocaine is a 2
@bluefeet I love the stuff they put me on at the hospital though.
@Lamak it's not so habit-forming because so many people die on first try, i guess
(actually, it looks like schedule 1 just has no medicinal value)
surprised to see that marijuana is schedule 1 and cocaine 2
@Lamak MJ may get moved to 2 ... for my cataracts
(again kidding ... of course)
@bluefeet Last time that I had a lymph node biopsy when I woke up apparently I was trying to run around and take my pants off.
of course
@Lamak marijuana
but I'm confused. Don't you guys have medical marijuana on some states?
@Zane haha
> Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.
@Lamak colorado and california
@FreshPrinceOfSO Arizona...sort of
they are still fighting it
So @lamak, it's a tricky beast. States have legalized it. However, Federal law still prohibits it.
@bluefeet Yeah the poor nurse was laughing her ass off and struggling to get me to lay down.
@MikeFal Oh, yeah, I read about it. You guys are really complicated
and nuts, you're nuts
@Zane the first time I had anesthesia I woke up hysterically crying and they couldn't figure out if I was in pain or what. It was just my reaction to it
@Lamak No more or less nuts than the rest of the world
@MikeFal that's true. We are nuts too
but since we are a small contry, it doesn't show ;-)
@MikeFal nah. we're more retarded
@Lamak Our drug policy is absolutely nuts.
@Zane not to mention the prison policy
and health system
and transportation system
and education system
otherwise, we're good at fast food
@FreshPrinceOfSO and getting fat
@bluefeet lost to mexico
@FreshPrinceOfSO Hey man, if it's that bad, no one's making you stay.
@bluefeet I looked at it and it is one of the craziest table designs I have ever seen.
@MikaelEriksson I guess I will look at it again.
@MikeFal family
@MikeFal was strongly considering moving to germany
@FreshPrinceOfSO you and your family can come to chile
I left some questions in comments. I will do nothing before I get some confirmation that I understand what is going on @bluefeet
@FreshPrinceOfSO A good portion of that gets better or worse from state to state.
@Lamak thank you!
@FreshPrinceOfSO The part they have nuts is tax policy.
@FreshPrinceOfSO I.....it doesn't mean that I'm letting you stay at my place though
@Lamak what?!? :)
@Zane and people are happy paying them. they actually see the benefit of their taxes
@Lamak well then screw you!
@Zane first bachelors is free. practically guaranteed a job after school. free quality healthcare
@FreshPrinceOfSO sorry man, I live in a small apartment, no place for anyone other than the wife and me
@Lamak oh well then. come live with me. got 2 extra rooms
@FreshPrinceOfSO don't have a visa.....that's why I didn't go to SQL PASS. But, I guess I can start trying to get one
@Lamak can you go to Colombia and get smuggled in?
@FreshPrinceOfSO guess I can try
@FreshPrinceOfSO Not to get into a political argument. I would just suggest that it's debateable that people are happy paying them. The reason all the Europeans I work with left was taxes.
@Zane I'm referring to Germans; and I haven't met one that isn't enjoying their social benefits.
@FreshPrinceOfSO Like I said not to make blanket statements but I know some Finns and some Germans who came over here to get away from the Taxes.
@Zane i like my blanket
I've got one of those blankets thats super soft on one side it's pretty great.
someone must really like violins
by the time i get this stupid powershell script done i could have written 5 C# applets and 12 python scripts
@swasheck Bah
Invoke-Sqlcmd : The WriteObject and WriteError methods cannot be called from outside the overrides of the BeginProcessi
ng, ProcessRecord, and EndProcessing methods, and only from that same thread. Validate that the cmdlet makes these call
s correctly, or please contact Microsoft Support Services.
PowerShell doesn't solve every problem.
Just saying. :-)
@AaronBertrand no joke
@AaronBertrand Just almost every problem. ;)
Truth be told, though, I hardly ever use Invoke-SQLCmd. Only for very simple, discrete things.
Otherwise, I make ADO connections and treat it as if it were a .NET app.
It is just me or isn't this a valid question?
Don't you want count distinct in the event the eggs or toast are duplicated instead of one of each? — bluefeet 2 mins ago
"The trick to this is I am trying to do this in a single query." Lol OP you so funny
@MikeFal well that seems ... meh.
@swasheck How so?
@MikeFal if i wanted to do all of that i'd just create a c# utility
@swasheck For many of us, a C# utility is more effort that it's worth for many of these tasks.
@MikeFal i'm just saying that it seems like the same amount of effort ... well ... you dont have to compile it so i guess there's that
@swasheck Powershell is primarily a tool for administrators. For whom C# applets and OO coding is not a skill set. Scripting is.
Personally, I'm FAR more comfortable using scripts than compiling C# code. Plus, PoSH runs natively in the shell.
that's fair. i'm just bumping up against some scenarios where most of the paradigms that make sense to me just simply dont work in powershell and it's frustrating. so i'll move along and skin the cat another way
@MikeFal Yeah I can't write C# at all. I can read it but that's about it. However if I need to I can crank out the occasional Papapapa Powah Shell script.
it's just odd to me that the "helper functions" arent really all that helpful. invoke-sqlcmd seems to depend on the wind speed and direction
can't use it in a loop
Eeegads. This proc updates the a table 3 times with the exact same update statement.
Lets say you have three type ID's in a table and you insert into a temp table where typeID =1 then =2 then =3 after each you run the same update statment on the table.
Well then what was the point!?
Just do it at once.
People have a real hard time not thinking procedurally. To me, it's like going to the grocery store and buying the milk, putting it in the car, going back in and buying the bread, putting it in the car...
Ugh he's doing it this way so he can do an @@ROWCOUNT after each UPDATE.
@Zane If there are update triggers, it may matter.
@AaronBertrand LOL yes. That is this entire process.
@ypercube why? The trigger - if written properly - can tell which rows were affected in which way - it has the before and after version of every row affected.
Except its even worse. He has a table for each stage of bringing it home
@AaronBertrand I don't support it. Just wondering why they have done it this way.
insert into cart Select Milk from Cooler
Ok folks, need to go get my daughter. Chat later
Delete Milk from Cooler
Insert into Car SELECT Milk FROM Cart
@Zane truncate table cart
@bluefeet Exactly and each time these changes take place they have a brief detour in #table Hands.
It's gettinbg harder to look through.
can anyone help delete this answer?
A: Banned from a forum. How do I sign out so that I can sign in again as a different user?

Kernel PanicIf you are banned from a forum, there must be a reason. -- I would ban you from Stackoverflow for asking this question :).

User @Jacob was banned for this post? — Zane 12 secs ago
@bluefeet that's a trainwreck waiting to happen
@bluefeet good thing they don't know how to clear cookies.
@MaxVernon Or you get your entire IP block hellbanned (where it's not actually blocked, just artificially slowed down so every request takes a minute-plus)
06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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