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@OrigamiRobot It's really hard to start, even for a pianist.
@GraceNote I have yet to find any quests with that high of a quota.
Highest I've gotten is...30s? I think?
I didn't do much on it until I started to get a lot of items that boosted the Performer skill (and at that point I had three digit Charisma too), and if Loyter was around I'd still get my face smashed in with a rock.
less than an hour until payday 2
@fbueckert The available ones for you are based on Fame, until your fame builds up you won't see the higher ones.
When I get home, I need to sleep so I can play MtG at midnight. Then the next event is at 11am.
@GraceNote Can't you just zap him with Teleport, and then play to your heart's content?
"apparently" November 22nd for GTA5 PC
@fbueckert If I see him before I start playing, yes.
@kalina Seems way too early
which I find hilarious, since it's obviously not true
@BenBrocka yeah, it will be sometime next year if it happens at all
although I do think it will happen eventually
Now he's not even a threat and at this point I'm even forgoing my Performer equipment just to stay light, but I have a motorcycle and also Ensemble so it's one of those kinda escalating things.
Oh, right. How do I upgrade my cart?
@kalina I'm sure they'll bring it to PC, they have for all the big ones
I might be wanting to make some cargo runs.
@BenBrocka statistically, it's normally about 9 months between console release and PC release of a GTA title
@kalina sounds about right
I could write a big answer about some strategies to prep for Party Time quests ultimately.
@fbueckert The small medal place, but you use platinum coins instead of medals.
They'd have way more fanfare leading up to the release, no way they'd start announcing it less than 2 months before release
@OrigamiRobot Eh? Where's that?
@fbueckert Miral and Garokk's workshop, a small house over on the far east near the lake, south of Noyel.
@BenBrocka it's not very rockstar to release a game without hype, that's for sure
@GraceNote Ah, ok. That, I know where it is.
You can trade platinum coins there for extra cart space, starting at 10 and increasing by such each upgrade.
I don't even know what cart space is.
Do note that the dialog will say "small medals" first because it originally cost small medals and they didn't change the English.
@GraceNote Ahh. Good to know.
But, damn, more stuff that requires platinum coins?
@BenBrocka talking April or May next year, late spring/early summer release
I barely have the requisite skills I wanted!
And I want Investing/Performer, too, to train up charisma.
I just got a job offer from Google.
@OrigamiRobot Cargo space is used to carry items marked Cargo - this includes Traveler's Food you can buy at any Inn and most general/goods stores (this is a food stuff that fills you up very much and is automatically eaten when you hit Starving in the world map, but it also increases in buying price as time passes), and anything sold by a "Trader".
I never use my coins.
@StrixVaria :O
I can barely stay sitting.
For serious or spam?
For serious.
The latter is where cargo is mostly for - you buy trade goods from one town, go to another and sell it there for a profit. Each town has different prices so for example, Noyel's far from the coast so the fish goods from Port Kapul are worth more there. Lumiest is the home of artists so art stuffs are cheap there.
I just want to talk about it with everyone but I'm at work right now (the one I'll be quitting shortly) and I want to wait until everything's finalized.
@Strix :D
Regardless of whether it's food or trade goods, cargo means bandits will likely want to attack you, so until one is ready to handle those with regularity I don't recommend doing much for cargo runs.
@StrixVaria Grats. I wish I was as fancy as you.
@OrigamiRobot Thanks.
@StrixVaria Congratulations
Is this what it's like to feel giddy?
@StrixVaria :O
@GraceNote I've managed to drop a bandit. Wasn't too bad, although they killed my Mad Scientist.
@StrixVaria Grats, dude!
Hope it comes with a hefty pay raise, too!
@StrixVaria Holy snap crackle and pop. Congrats!
@fbueckert I will just say that I was BLOWN AWAY by their offer.
That will make you the second person I've known to work at Google.
@StrixVaria So, tons more money. Always awesome.
@fbueckert Scales in accordance to your Fame, just to warn you. Expect them to be at levels of about 1/1000 of your fame.
@fbueckert And I just got promoted here :P
@GraceNote So, about level 3 for me, then. :P
@StrixVaria Damn.
@Wipqozn This will make me the 3rd person I've known to work at Google.
@StrixVaria WHAT?! So jealous
@StrixVaria You'll soon know a whole lot more, then. ♪
I think we can all agree we are envious of @StrixVaria.
@GraceNote Yes!
I am going to take all the credit for @StrixVaria good fortune.
Well, I'm just about at my two year mark, which is at the point where I start looking for something else.
@OrigamiRobot Even though you didn't even know I was interviewing, it is still probably mostly your inspirational presence that did it.
No need to thank me. Just buying me some MtG cards will do.
@StrixVaria So you're going to get us all hooked up with the newest Nexus products, right?
And Google Glass?
I, too, think @StrixVaria should thank @OrigamiRobot by buying him some MtG cards.
@StrixVaria "OrigamiRobot will be so proud of me. I must succeed."
Maybe you can convince Google is build a giant underground Tunnel connecting all of the The Bridge members houses.
@Wipqozn Maybe I can convince them to put Google Fiber in Halifax and suburban New Jersey and wherever it is in NC that @OrigamiRobot and @spugsley live.
@Wipqozn He'll need my new address.
@StrixVaria Don't forget Tulsa
@StrixVaria This is a better gift.
@Wipqozn Don't forget the Hyperloop!
@fbueckert This too
@StrixVaria If you did that I'd love you forever.
@StrixVaria Doing what?
@Powerlord DPE for the Ads API.
@Powerlord I bet he'llbe in charging of identifying which things are stupid.
@StrixVaria, Cheif Stupid Identification Officer.
Who unpinned my message? I bet it was @LessPop, that monster.
@OrigamiRobot What message?
@Wipqozn tag:ಠ_ಠ (Or however you make that work.)
Q: When is it appropriate to close a lore question as " not addressed directly through in-universe sources"?

SternoThis is the text for one of our off-topic close reasons. However, I feel we've got a pretty serious problem with this close reason. This is popularly interpreted as "If the game (or series) doesn't tell you the answer, then the the question is off-topic." This is problematic, in my opinion, a...

Sep 16 at 20:27, by OrigamiRobot
@MichaelDunfield When you mouse over , it gets more disapproving.
Oh, right. That one wasn't me.
Although I unpin things often.
I should probably pin @StrixVaria's news.
Unpinning is the best because no one can tell who did it.
This is the second time a major life event of @StrixVaria has been pinned.
Your engagement was the first.
My wedding is in 15 days too.
He's like a celebrity now or something.
This is a pretty good month for me.
Oh snap. I knew it was getting close!
@Strix congratulations dude!
@StrixVaria You should live stream it so we can all participate
@Mana Thanks!
Remember when @GnomeSlice thought I was engaged/married?
@OrigamiRobot That was fantastic.
Did he ever realize the truth?
We make such a good team. You didn't miss a beat when I said that.
Q: When is it appropriate to close a lore question as "not addressed directly through in-universe sources"?

SternoThis is the text for one of our off-topic close reasons. However, I feel we've got a pretty serious problem with this close reason. This is popularly interpreted as "If the game (or series) doesn't tell you the answer, then the the question is off-topic." This is problematic, in my opinion, a...

@Sterno I have yet to open it but I'm going to downvote it because of age discrimination.
@Wipqozn I support that reasoning.
Ban lore questions! — StrixVaria 45 secs ago
@fbueckert To celebrate this, you should make a revolver spacecraft that shoots out smaller revolver spacecraft in KSP.
@StrixVaria for mod!
I like non-stupid lore questions.
@StrixVaria Uhh. I can give it a shot. It might be incredibly massive, though.
@fbueckert As long as you put enough rocket engines on it'll still fly.
@StrixVaria Oh, that it will. It'll probably melt my computer in the process, too.
We haven't gotten a lot of spam anonymous edits lately. I take it you have something to do with that, @GraceNote?
Don't thank me, thank Tim Post.
I need to go get lunch
Where should I go?
@SepiaLazers I have so many odd feelings about this, considering the original discussion I posted came entirely from a question that asked "Does the canon address this thing?", which is perpendicular to the policy interpretation that is as presented.
@GraceNote I suspected that was the case.
It is, however, what is pointed to.
@Unionhawk On the bright side, Balmer is retiring next year
We'll see if whomever runs MS after that can dig themselves out of the hole that is Windows 8.x/RT among other things.
@GraceNote Did he make a meta post about it somewhere?
Building a touchscreen interface for a smartphone is smart, since 100% of your audience uses touchscreens. Building a touchscreen interface for desktops/laptops is not just stupid, it's farking stupid since like 5% or less of your audience uses touchscreens.
@Sterno In fact "I feel that more importantly, we shouldn't simply allow a question and disregard the context just because we can answer it." is the very last point in my answer wargh.
(Which is another way of saying, as another answer put it, "answers shouldn't determine whether the question is OK")
@GraceNote Sounds like you will have some valuable input to this meta!
@GraceNote I remember reading about that. There's no real details about what's going on into that, though.
@Powerlord THis. This. This.
@Powerlord That was my main complaint with Windows 8.
"Why you give us mobile desktop? I'm on a PC here."
@Sterno I kinda more want to grab Matthew Read to comment on it if I could.
@StrixVaria Yeah, that's my favourite part. I feel so sneaky.
I hope it's something relevant for people with real PCs, not a steambox
Q: Xbox 360 doesn't recognize preconfigured USB stick

KaleVI bought a 16GB USB flash drive for GTA V and configuring and installing works as expected. But everytime I turn off my console and the next day turn it on it goes wrong. My xbox says he needs to configure the usb stick and I have to reinstall GTA V again. (like if it is a empty USB stick) The w...

Big picture that wasn't a pain in the ass would be lovely
@Sterno So far a lot of what I have to say is very deep and meaningful but utterly worthless at providing a conclusion to the discussion.
The problem is anything that is not a cut and clear method with no thought needed will not be accepted.
Nobody wants rules that require thought.
@GraceNote Say it anyways. We command you!
"But how do i know blah blah blah?"
Use your brain.
If you still don't know, don't vote.
Recommended game of the week: Way to Go! Nice little logic pathing game.
Hey, and Matthew Read writes up a comment that almost entirely does what my whole post could do.
@GraceNote I don't get the Wheel of Fortune
@OrigamiRobot It's a headgear item that gives you 50 PV, some tiny measure of lightning resistance, and then plummets your Luck and Control Magic stats. Seems pretty straightforward.
What about the Wheel of Fate?
@GraceNote Why would anyone want it?
At the moment? You rather don't want it much unless you felt like having Ehekatl around somewhere and also figured that you were following her and had enough faith.
-_- I just tried to git clone a mercurial repo. Twice.
@GraceNote I mean why is it even a gift if there's no reason to use it?
@GraceNote Yeah. I don't even have an opinion on the "all lore is okay!" vs "ban all lore!" possible debate, but I just feel like our current approach is not workable.
Woooo you can play Omegalodon on Steam now!
@Sterno Problem is, that's what it's going to have to boil down to.
It probably trades for a lot with other adventurers but I dunno as I don't have it. I do have this little fella that's about equally worthless.
@fbueckert Probably, yeah.
@Sterno I'd toss an answer with my practicality approach on there, but I already know it is unpopular.
There's one for each god and they're all called God Jewels, so maybe there will be something down the line but for now it's just a thing you can do.
@OrigamiRobot I think to most people that would be the same as "ban all lore"
@GraceNote It occasionally stops time.
That sounds fun.
@Sterno In practice, it would be. Just with the footnote "don't forget there can be exceptions"
@Sterno This is a thing I wrote, it isn't an answer so I'm not posting it as an answer unless y'all really bug me to, but it's a thing I wrote.
@fbueckert As it were, both my melee and my ranged stop time equally efficiently, but without having -460 damage.
@GraceNote I wants your weapons.
@fbueckert My halberd is actually a fixed and guaranteed item in the main quest, and to boot it's light enough for riding. The throwing knife is a special drop occasionally left by <Knight> enemies.
@StrixVaria Grats!
...hum. Isca only has 12 DV and 14 PV. I should... fix that.
@GraceNote I agree with the thing you wrote, except that while I think you probably didn't intend that this be the basis of the current policy, it is my belief that it is at the core of it, whether due to people misreading it or whatever.
@Sterno I don't mind that being a basis for current policy as long as it actually is a basis for current policy. As it stands I'm straining myself further and further to see how the current thing even came up from it.
Maybe I'm crazy and that's not where it came from. I'm actually not one of the people who have ever voted to close for that reason or who worked on the wording of that off-topic reason, so maybe I'm off-base where it came from.
@GraceNote The example did it.
Lore in general has been a very contentious topic, as it is. It gets rather heated every time we run into something borderline.
@GraceNote It's this line that stands out to me:
> We allow plot questions because we have canon to address it. We don't accept extracanonical questions because we have no material to use
Right so
Payday 2 anybody?
I think looking at just that line and ignoring or misreading context surrounding it is the basis for it.
@fbueckert And I honestly can't see how because whether you're talking about the example in the question that led me to ask it, versus the example I gave in my answer, in both cases "The answer is or is not in the canon" is the actual answer sought out and so the presence of that answer is completely orthogonal to the validity of that question.
SubLight seems like it could be interesting when completed.
@GraceNote How do I get a god?
I know I need to pray at an altar.
I'm curious why the anti-lore people hate the lore questions.
Are the altars randomized?
(except for poke the plot hole games... I totally get hating those)
@Sterno I have explained my position.
@OrigamiRobot Is it on meta or somewhere I can read?
@OrigamiRobot North of Palmia is a place called the Truce Ground that has one of each god's altar. It looks like a rock.
(I seriously have no opinion on this topic right now)
@Sterno I think it's something like "not an actual problem you're having while playing a game"
@Sterno Summary: they provide zero benefit to actually playing the game.
@kalina Ah, okay.
Aug 26 at 15:10, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert Practical problems have practical uses for their solutions. If it's not a practical problem, don't allow it.
@OrigamiRobot There's a lot more I can say to answer this but it'd be really big.
Aug 26 at 15:11, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert There could be a practical lore question. I don't have any examples, but for a game like Morrowind where you are left to figure out things mostly on your own, there could be one.
Aug 26 at 15:12, by OrigamiRobot
Or like if a game had lore based riddles. That's a practical lore question.
The robot and I think along the same lines.
A pretty simple position.
At least, when it comes to lore questions.
Aug 26 at 15:16, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert I say questions that aren't practical shouldn't be on topic. It's a simple metric and I don't often go further than that.
Like this question, that I think sparked my dislike of lore:
Q: Why does Harbinger have only 4 claws?

Lucas PrimoMost of you who played Mass Effect 3 must have realized that the Harbinger does not have 5 claws. It only has 4: Other Sovereign class Reapers have 5: So why does Harbinger not have 5 claws? Did it lose in a battle or is it just its design?

This is about as useless as you can get.
Aug 22 at 15:07, by OrigamiRobot
@galacticninja I don't just "hate lore questions" I hate impractical questions. Not all lore questions are impractical.
@fbueckert I generally don't have a problem with lore questions. If they can be answered definitively. The problem is that the lion's share of lore questions tend to be speculative or just plain unanswerable.
@GraceNote I will go there as soon as I can.
@Yuki And that's, unfortunately, a crappy way to set site policy.
We shouldn't have to know the answer to know whether or not it's on-topic.
@OrigamiRobot Note that if you want Mani of Machine there's a closer altar at the Cyber Dome that's down-left from Vernis.
@GraceNote I want the luck duder.
I could write a cool answer on the subject.
The bow duder is good too, but her bow is made of ether.
I still have not eaten lunch yet.
It's a pretty swag bow all the same. You might consider starting with Ehekatl and switching to Lulwy afterwards. You'll probably really like the speed boosts, as a thief.
The other half of the problem with lore questions is that accepted answers tend to have the odd problem of not answering the question at all.
@GraceNote Isn't ether super-duper-bad?
I mean, look at the accepted answer for the question you posted. Nowhere does the answerer address the specific point of why Harbinger has 4 claws.
@OrigamiRobot Two things to consider - allies have no problems using Ether equipment and in my first character I actually had a Yerles Self Propelled Gun I called "Ether Cannon" as I outfit him entirely with Ether equipment for super-speed.
@Yuki Well, it can be deduced that he's different because he was first.
> having only four main legs
Or are legs not claws? Haven't played the game.
@GraceNote I don't know how to give my allies equipment.
But Leviathans have more than four legs/claws/appendages/doodads, so the whole "made them in the image of the Leviathans" doesn't really work.
The other is that Ether corruption from equipment is indeed a problem but only for prolonged usage. Provided you have the capacity, it can be a thing you carry and switch to when the situation calls for it. I used a particularly powerful Ether laser rifle in that same character in order to take down a specific boss once, for example.
I didn't even know I could give other people equipment.
@OrigamiRobot i to interact with them gives a list of options including their inventory. You can also G to give things with an ally, which is a shortcut to inventory (you can also take in this fashion)
I don't use the keyboard so I don't know about any of these.
Gamepad doesn't have options for those.
@OrigamiRobot You...play a roguelike...with a gamepad.
@fbueckert It's the only way I could make sense of the controls.
@fbueckert I play Rogue Legacy with a gamepad.
@fbueckert I play Crayon Chronicles with a gamepad, what's your point?
prepares to be fired upon
yawn Evening.
@OrigamiRobot You do have a key for the radial menu thing that can pop up in the bottom left, yes (z on the keyboard)?
@Yuki That one is understandable.
@FEichinger Afternoon.
Classic roguelikes, though. You need all the keyboard buttons.
@GraceNote Yes, but I have to switch to the numpad to select the diagonals
@OrigamiRobot Interact should be amongst those, I think.
@fbueckert Well tell them to have sensical controls.
So, you know how my bank account was seized? Well, finally got rid of that. Just to find the next warrant for the same shit in the letterbox.
YAY There are so many people playing Omegalodon now that it's on Steam!
@OrigamiRobot G for Give isn't sensical?
@FEichinger Damn. What the hell, man?
@fbueckert Too many controls is the situation, I think.
@fbueckert Messed. Up. Family. Matters.
MUFM, for short.
@GraceNote This.
@FEichinger Easily resolved.
@fbueckert Yeh, I guess then at least the warrant will read differently. :P
Remember, Origami doesn't like it when there's more buttons than he has fingers.
@FEichinger Which can be resolved with MORE
I find solves most problems except the increasing lack of space in my trunk
Making a key correspond to the action it does is all well and good except that then you get controls all over the place.
@GraceNote Note to self: Don't give @OrigamiRobot a piano for his birthday.
@fbueckert Kiiinda doubt that.
@BenBrocka That's what quicklime is for.
@BenBrocka "I fund " - Out-of-context @BenBrocka.
Q: Edit custom made number plate in GTA 5?

RenderI created a custom plate using the iFruit app and I would like to change it to something else. How can I do that ? I try pressing on the number plate in the app but I cannot edit it anymore !

Q: What loadout is best for damage per second without factoring in range and accuracy?

The UglyWhat loadout is best for damage? Which primary, secondary, and melee has the most damage per second, not considering accuracy or range? Do war frames have any influence on that, do any of the actual warframe powers affect it, and which mods are best for damage increase versus their modification c...

@GraceNote I go into paroxysms of joy when I realize there are several keys required outside of the standard. That means it's a complicated game, and I love those.
@fbueckert Complicated games don't need complicated controls.
@fbueckert Note to self: Get @fbueckert a piano for his birthday.
@OrigamiRobot I'm also used to the days of DOS, where UI at all was a luxury.
@OrigamiRobot they do if you want to do it quickly
@fbueckert Those also don't need complicated controls.
@BenBrocka murder results in thousands of bags all over the place where civilians used to be
Aaaaand, weekend. Finally.
Sure you can use every option if you take 5 buttons for one action, but if you use the keyboard it's a lot easier
@OrigamiRobot I think your insistence on simple interfaces is going to clash horribly with my opinions.
@OrigamiRobot Rogue-likes don't tend have complicated controls so much as they have a lot of controls. And an alot of controls.
@KevinvanderVelden What are you even talking about?
So I think I'm done with this one.
The controls themselves tend to be simplistic enough to use.
@fbueckert No, not interface. Controls.
@OrigamiRobot And interfaces is how you access those controls.
@fbueckert ... no.
calling all crew mates
@kalina Ay ay, cap'n.
except @OrigamiRobot because he made me cry
Oh wait, that was yesterday.
so can die in a fire
@OrigamiRobot By definition, yes.
@kalina Huh, what did I miss?
@FEichinger Not at all.
@FEichinger daily drama #20130920
@OrigamiRobot "complicated games don't need complicated controls"
@kalina payday? payday! :o
@kalina What haaaappened! Tell meeeee!
@KevinvanderVelden What does that have to do with using 5 buttons and then something about the keyboard and I have no idea what you're getting at.
@OrigamiRobot We're going to get into differing defintions here.
@FEichinger he kept asking if he could join payday 2 yesterday, at a time he shouldn't have been able to play
and then he guilt tripped me because I had a full team
and the moment I asked if he wanted to play he went to work
like the bastard he is
Dammit fraps, why do you insist on getting my root login every time you start up. It's annoying. Stop it.
I wonder how you can distill all of Elona's controls into something simple on a gamepad.
@fbueckert The interface is what gives the controls context. The controls exist not matter what.
@OrigamiRobot And those interfaces is how most of the control is going to be accessed, if you're going for simple.
@kalina ... Hm ... The way you tell it, that actually sounds reasonable. Now I can't say you deserved it ... Dammit!
@FEichinger Er? What am I missing?
@fbueckert This is what the z, x, and c quick menus were designed for.
@fbueckert That my reply was mucked up.
@fbueckert A complicated interface allows for more than a single button per action. I would call that the opposite of Elona.
And I was too tired to notice, too.
Elona has a very simple interface IMO, it's just that the controls are all over the place.
@GraceNote I can see the z menu. Those are shortcuts for other commands.
The z menu is great, it just doesn't map properly to gamepad for some reason.
Diagonals don't work.
I also can't use the D-pad for some reason.
@OrigamiRobot Which is weird and unfortunate.
I could do everything if I had access to the D-pad.
@OrigamiRobot ...that's just weird.
It's probably more a problem with the Xbox controller rather than Elona
I believe I could fly.
But that's all I gots.
@OrigamiRobot The numpad doesn't work for you?
@fbueckert Numpad isn't on my controller. That's the point.
@fbueckert Unless he invested in that weird split-PS2 controller that you can hold just one hand and use the other hand for the numpad, it'd be awkward to do both.
@GraceNote Well, yeah.
But that's the point; the original control scheme is the keyboard.
Elona already makes the numpad awkward to use.
Movement keys should never do anything other than that.
@OrigamiRobot Thanks for making me look at my Numpad. I just realized I actually have proper page controls there with the new replacement keyboard.
@OrigamiRobot What about in menus?
@fbueckert Movement of the cursor.
@FEichinger I have page controls there too, which I will never use.
The numpad is for numbers.
@OrigamiRobot Which...is exactly what it does.
@OrigamiRobot I used to. The original keyboard for the laptop didn't have them, so I stopped.
@fbueckert Except the diagonals.
Oh. You're insisting on not using the numpad.
Well, can't help you there.
@fbueckert No, I'm talking about outside of games.
I miss you, @user3389
There's no such thing as outside of games
posted on September 20, 2013 by Micheal Stone

On one game there is lots of player but it gone decrease day by day. And on another one few players are playing. Suggest me some site where could i promote my game...

@OrigamiRobot Where else will you get diagonals with a single keypress?
@OrigamiRobot What? Now that doesn't even make sense anymore.
@RavenDreamer Thanks!
@fbueckert Do not confuse my discussion with @FEichinger as relevant to my discussion with you. They are two completely different contexts.
Or at least i thought they were.
They are.
@OrigamiRobot Bwuh? I'm not following.
But ... what @fbueckert said.
The numpad is the primary movement controls for Elona.
3 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
The numpad is for numbers.
^ This has nothing to do with ELona
@OrigamiRobot It does. Because the numpad supports diagonals in Elona.
@OrigamiRobot Okay. Good to know.

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