I'm in the underground tunnels, but i don't have the key required to get to Vergen.
Where do I get the keys? I've already got the sword with Saskia.
Here is where I'm stuck: http://i.imgur.com/dLA9b.jpg
At time of writing, there are five starting outfits for Magicka. Since hats and robes have no effect and you'll drop your sword for a firearm early in the Magicka: Vietnam rescue mission, only the staff really matters. Which of these five is best for the Vietnam rescue mission?
Basic Staff (Def...
So I decided to be nice to Malena this time around and let her go from the guards even though she was clearly guilty. Unfortunately, in spite of my amazing generosity, she decided to send the Scoia'tel after me anyways. Even more regrettably, she ran off while I was busy keeping myself from dying...
I made the mistake of taking Newboy's talisman after getting him killed, only to find out that it actually was cursed and lowers my armor by 10%. Brutal! Normally I'd sell it but the game refuses to let me, saying it's a Quest Item. Is there any way for me to dispose of the talisman or lift the c...
When loading from a Quick Save, there is an animation of 3 slimes in the bottom right corner of the screen. Most of the time they're plain old blue slimes, but sometimes the middle one will be something else. What is the significance of non-blue slimes here?
In Fallout: New Vegas, you meet many ranger NPCs, among which is Ranger Andy in Novac who seems to suggest that it's possible for the Courier to become one. I came to the conclusion of a possibility from a question the Courier asks Andy:
How does one become a Ranger?
to which Andy replies ...
It seems that Chance has found the solution for his crash. I figured that this may be a good opportunity to make a general Fallout: New Vegas crash/bug troubleshooting list for everyone here. It's Community Wiki (notably because most of the content comes from The Vault, so I can hardly be credite...
Seems like a very interesting resource, but would it be better to put this under a generic "What to do when Fallout: New Vegas crashes" question?
I'm sometimes tempted to buy a cheap online game on Steam. For example not so long ago there was a discount on Quake Wars: Enemy Territory, I played alot of RTCW:ET and have played the demo of QW:ET, so naturally this offer was of interest to me. I haven't bought it, nor any other multiplayer gam...
When you buy a new weapon it replaces whatever you were currently carrying of the same type, but I cannot seem to find a way to switch back to previous weapons.
The shops just have previous items flagged as "already owned" (or purchased, can't remember the text at the moment) and the inventory o...
Quite fancy a game of Neverwinter Nights 2. Ages since I played that
Okay, this hasn't really worked out.
I've been running a ghetto CD drive alongside my computer for the last three months or so, mostly because I've been too lazy to remove the blanks and install a drive where it's actually supposed to go
Well Neverwinter Nights 2 is a DVD install, and Windows refuses to boot up with my ghetto DVD setup.
I've been trying to add a user to my friends list on League of Legends. I know his username and I know his summoner name, but the game stubbornly insist they do not exist. This isn't limited to friendship: even the profile page doesn't load.
What's going on? Is it failing because he's offline, o...
> We demand that you immediately (A) cease and desist your unlawful copying of Aperture Science Infinitely Configurable Panels and Crushers, (B) provide us with prompt written assurance within ten (10) minutes that you will cease and desist from further infringement of Aperture Science’s copyrighted works, and (C) finish work on Minecraft 1.7 so we can play with all the new stuff.
SO I gave up on the move controller for PS3 in TW12. Its fun, and it makes putting a lot less error prone (IMHO), but my drives and approaches are more accurate and more powerful without the move so I'm switching back.....
question : Which skills are good to max out if you're not using the move...
@badp I think a storm last night destroyed my router, I couldn't get it to turn on this morning. I wasn't aware so many people were dependent on my site
I am still pretty new to this awesome game, but I've got a ton of money from mining minerals and selling all sorts of stuff.
I've bought the miner's helmet, and some dynamite and a few other things but it seems like there should be more expensive items. Maybe I'm missing something? I have 4 NPCs...
Minecraft itself doesn't have any built-in way to toggle sneak on and off, but there are workarounds.
On Windows, for example, you can probably use StickyKeys to make your shift key a toggle instead of a modifier.
I wouldn't feel bad about this if it weren't the accepted answer.
I routinely disable JavaScript on google.com because on their idiotic "rewrite link URL on click" crap... makes it so I can't copy urls that are blocked while at work.
I’ve never touched upon the Assassin’s Creed series, in fact I know little about it other than a few friends have told me it’s “good”, although I’m not sure if they mean the series as a whole, or a single game, or what. To be honest, I’m not really sure why this one slipped entirely [...]
I have started playing premade 5v5's (low elo) and can safely say that, without a good team composition, you will get beaten. No matter how good individuals on that team are, you are going to have a seriously hard time playing competitively. It is a lot more important in 5v5 than in solo queue.
> * Again, if you weren’t ware, the “modding api” is the entire source code for Minecraft, uncensored and unobfuscated. You need to agree to certain terms to get access, though, but anyone can apply.
Ignition Entertainment, which is apparently a British company.
It's out in Japan already, didn't know if you'd heard anything about it at all. The demo for it is now on 360 and it's just... the art direction is gorgeous and I love the smooth flow of combat.
I am having difficulty getting the hang of the Round weapon in Space Invaders Infinity Gene. While the "bullet eating" effect is handy, I'm not sure how best to use it in general because of the way the bullets shoot from behind the ship. If I want to shoot an enemy coming from the upper left of t...
My records are 0/21/6 0/12/0 1/7/4 3/11/7 1/11/0 0/12/2 0/13/0 3/27/3 0/13/5 0/9/0
I'm always last to level up, my attacks barely ever deal more than 70, I get flanked whatever I do, I can't tell when I should push and when I should retreat ... ugh.
I buy items with gold mostly at random, I can't use runes to help myself because apparently the lesser ones are a waste of IP
I guess the problem is the guys I'm playing with are all level 30 and I play vs similarly ranked opponents.
@GraceNote At one point I stopped caring and started hyper aggressive to level up; apparently when you start getting killed a lot you give off very little money so I was like whatever.
All I know is that at any time completely at random one guy in red will get behind me make big letters fly above my champion, then deal triple-digit damage to me and then everything goes gray
The more you practice with a single champion, the better a feel you should get for their abilities.
From what you mentioned, it sounds like you're having better luck with mages -- have you played Annie before? She's considered an all-around mage and easy to play, and she's pretty cheap in terms of IP as well.
Annie's actually good for learning, too, what with her passive and her Q and her ult all focusing on many different key aspects (timing, lasthitting, pets)
Two of her spells are area-of-effect (so they stun everyone), and her shield also counts as ticking it (but will not consume it, so you can safely shield even when you're at 5 spells)
@badp I ponder whether this is pronounced with an abbreviated stop so strong you don't pronounce the M, or that it extends the M sound so hard it extends longer.
You'll be like "Cake or death?" and they'll be like "lol still alive aperture science do what we must because lemons" and then you feel like punching babies.
Just finished chapter 4 of The Witcher (the original). It was a pretty big let-down after what I thought was a very well orchestrated chapter 2. Hopefully things don't continue downhill.
In Terraria, how much space is required for a fire imp to spawn/teleport? So far, I've kept my hellstone mine restrited to either 3 tiles high or 2 tiles wide, and I haven't had any trouble until I attempt to mine a large patch of hellstone. So what is the minimum required space for an imp? It mu...
I've changed it from using a for loop to reverse-iterate the users to remove, to casting the group as an IEnumerable and iterating forwards. It has absolutely no reason to work differently. No reason at all.
I literally have a point in the code where I run a while(true) loop inside of a try-catch to determine, by catching an error, that an item has finished deleting itself.
I've been seeing the statistics for gaming blog this evening. It seems that all visitors come from chat rooms. (And some blogoverflow.com today since Rebecca has been announcing it all day :D)
Would it be possible to use the @StackGaming twitter account to promote new posts on the blog?
Or woul...
@Powerlord Our first game in our Game Development 1 class was "Apollo 13: The Reckoning", wherein you play the restructured Apollo 13 on a mission to the moon, fighting off Space MIGs and Space Zeppelins until you discover that the man on the moon is Stalin himself.
Who is Stalin wearing a Diving Helmet. In space. With his hat on top of the helmet.
The prequel was a platformer in which you play as Space Stalin taking over the moon from the Capitalist Pigs, who have transformed it into a cheese factory. You must fight your way through space rats, violent space cows, and angry goats with rocket launchers.
@Mana Because we had an Easter Egg where if you pressed the C key 6 times at the title screen, it'd display the Communist Party image and play the Ducktales theme. Also because we drove our teacher nuts.
@Mana Our final game (a party game) consisted of Space Stalin, Jabberjaw, and a ROFLWaffle chasing down the emailbox of our teacher and flooding it with junkmail to see who could stuff the most in there. I think that might figure into it.
@Mana All of them were joint efforts. I blame myself for inspiring the platformer, and for weaponizing our dummy code as the motivation for the finale.
Our third game wasn't too bad, it was just a racer with a steampunk car. Nevertheless, our teacher could do nothing but sigh after seeing the "SPACE STALIN FOR '08!" bumper sticker.
@Mana If you're interested in Game Development, whether or not you plan to pursue a career in it, I recommend it if your academic institution has a program for it. It's a great way not just to practice some elements of it, but also you can see what all of your classmates create.
@Mana It helps when your classmates decide that the first practical application of a thermite reaction (after learning of its existence) is "Cook bacon".
@Mana Every year, seniors sleep over at the school for one night of crazy awesome. Then they pull a prank on the juniors. Usually something like "Put bibs/pacifiers/baby bottles on their chairs for morning assembly" or "Move the junior cubbies to a different room"
Four of the boys worked with the school's maintenance crew to plan that out for nights in advance until they finally erected it on the night of the sleepover.
Naturally, the thing you should do after such an accomplishment is just chant "Wall! Wall! Wall!" at various points in time during the next 96 hours.
Unfortunately, this tradition has probably been permanently squelched on account of the campus being torn to shreds by last week's tornado.
The GitHub events timeline is really impractical, one half of the events in it are commits or issues on node.js, the other half is commits or issues on rails, and the rest of the events are on the 70 other repositories & 7 users I follow.